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Literatuurlijst SGML
Laatst bijgewerkt: 18 maart 1997
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The prospects of publishing using advanced database concepts
ElectronicPublishing, Vol. 6 pag. 469-80.
- Adler, S. (1992)
The birth of a standard
J Am Soc Inf Science, Vol.
43 pag. 556-8.
- Alexander, G., Walter, M. (1990)
A fresh look at SGML: the conventional wisdom changes
Seybold Rep Publ Sys, Vol. 20 pag. (7) 3-16.
- Alschuler, L. (1995)
ABCD... SGML: a user's guide to structured information
Int Thomson Comp Pr.
- André, J. (1989)
Can structured formatters prevent train crashes? - LaTeX ou SGML
pouvaient-il faire éviter l'accident de la gare de Lyon?
ElectronicPublishing, Vol. 2 pag. 169-73.
- Appelt, W. (1989)
Normen im Bereich der Dokumentverarbeitung
Informatik-Spektrum, Vol. 12 pag. 321-30.
- Arbortext (1992)
SGML.Editor User Guide, Equations and Tables, Advanced User,
ArborText, Inc..
- Arrabito, R., Jürgensen, H. (1988)
Computerized braille typesetting: another view of markup
ElectronicPublishing, Vol. 1 pag. 117-31.
- Aspen Systems Corporation (1987)
The SGML approach
- Avalanche (1993)
FastTAG v1.2 Installation & User's & Reference Guide,
& Topics, Release Notes
- Barnard, B., Hayter, R., Karababa, M., Logan, G., McFadden, J.
SGML-based markup for literary texts: two problems and some
Comp & Humanities, Vol. 22 pag. 265-76.
- Barron, D. (1989)
Why use SGML?
ElectronicPublishing, Vol. 2 pag.
- Benbow, T. (1986)
The New English Dictionary Project (An introduction)
SGML UG Bulletin, Vol. 1 pag. 65-74.
- Berger-Levrault/AIS (1993)
Balise - Powerful SGML Transformation User's Guide and Reference
- Blake, G.E., Consens, M.P., Kilpelainen, P., Larson, P.,
Snider, T., Tompa, F.W. (1994)
Text/Relational Database systems: harmonizing SQL and SGML
- Bleeker, J (1989)
Standard Generalized Markup Language een gestandaardiseerd
coderingssysteem voor betere informatieoverdracht
Open, Vol.
21 pag. (5) 180-5.
Bradley, N. (1997)
The concise <SGML> Companion
- Brown, K. (1992)
Aspects of SGML conversion
Proc MARKUP92.
- Bryan, M. (1988)
SGML: an Authors Guide to the Standard Generalized Markup
- Brüggeman-Klein, A. (1994)
Compiler-construction tools and techniques for SGML parsers:
difficulties and solutions
Universität Freiburg.
- CEC IMPACT 2 Programme (1993)
- Canty, C. (1993)
Document Query Languages - why is it so hard to ask a simple
OII Spectrum, Vol. 1 pag. (2) 1-12.
- Carroll, C. (1995)
The advantages of extending the relational database model for
SGML-based document database applications
Proc. GCA
- Chahuneau, F. (1992)
SGML and databases: implementation techniques, access methods and
performance issues
Proc MARKUP92.
- Chamberlin, D.D., Goldfarb, C.F. (1987)
Graphic applications of the Standard Generalized Markup Language
Computers & Graphics, Vol. 11 pag. 343-58.
Colby, M., Jackson, D.S.[,
DeRose, S.J., DuCharme, B., Durand, D., Mylonas, E.] (1996)
Special Edition Using SGML
- Commisssion of the European Communities (1989)
SGML Briefing Notes
- Coombs, J.H., Renear, A.H., DeRose, S.J. (1987)
Markup systems and the future of scholarly text processing
Comm ACM, Vol. 30 pag. 933-47.
- Corthouts, J., Sompel, H. van de (1993)
CCB: de collectieve catalogus van Belgie op CD-ROM
Bibl & Archiefgids, Vol. 69 pag. 119-27.
- Coverdale, S. (1992)
European Patent Office: experiences with conversion
Proc MARKUP92.
- Cronk, R.D. (1993)
Unlocking data's content
Byte, pag. Sep 111-20.
- DS-Information DS/INF 48 (1989)
SGML & ODA - Standards for document processing and
Dansk Standardis.råd.
- Datalogics Fact Sheets (1989)
SGML Parser & Writerstation Text Editor
- Deseyne, J. (1995)
Authoring SGML documents with word processors
- Dobrowolski, A.E. (1991)
Typesetting SGML documents using TeX
TUGboat, Vol.
12 pag. 409-14.
Donovan, T. (1996)
Industrial-strength SGML - an introduction to enterprise
Prentice Hall.
- E2S (1991)
EASE (E2S Advanced SGML Editor) DTD & DI User's Manual
E2S nv.
- EWS European Workgroup on SGML (1991)
MAJOUR Modular Application for Journals DTD for Article Headers
- Ellison, P.A. (1988)
Exploring SGML at Exeter
SGML UG Bulletin, Vol. 3
pag. 16-9.
- Exoterica (1991)
XGML Validator V1.1 User's Guide & Error Messages
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OmniMark Version 2 Quick Reference Guide & Sampler demo disk
Exoterica Corp.
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Understanding the SGML Declaration, Release 2.2
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DREAM 2.0 User Manual
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MarkItUp! An incremental approach to document structure
ElectronicPublishing, Vol. 6 pag. 447-56.
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Classifying electronic data interchanges
Comp St'ds
& Interfs, Vol. 14 pag. 13-21.
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Byte, pag. (10)234-68.
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Lexikon-Redaktion: eine Herausforderung für
Computer-Assistenz beim Publizieren
Der GMD-Spiegel, pag.
(1) 40-5.
- Folio staff (1995)
The Folio SGML Solution & Infobase Web server
Folio Corporation.
- Formex (1986)
Introduction to SGML
SGML UG Bulletin, Vol. 1 pag.
- Fought, J., Wesler, M., Davenport, H., Ess-Dykema, C. van
Extending SGML concurrent structures: toward computer-readable
Lit & Ling Computing, Vol. 8 pag.
- Frame (1993)
FrameBuilder a guide to managing document-based information
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Anwendungsnahe Standards der Datenverarbeitung: Anforderungen und
Potentiale - Illustriert am Beispiel von ODA/ODIF und EDIFACT
Wirtschaftinformatik, Vol. 33 pag. (2) 100-11.
- Fransen, M.M., Grootenhuis, J., Nonnekes, J.P.C. (1990)
Cursus SGML
NNI, 6e druk.
- GWU-SGML Commisie (1986)
SGML voor de Nederlandse wetenschappelijke uitgevers
KNUB-GWU (intern).
- Gaspart, J.-P. (1987)
Use of the SGML parser at the Office for Official Publications of
the European Communities (OPOCE)
SGML UG Bulletin, Vol. 2
pag. 29-36.
- Goldfarb, C.F. (1991)
The SGML Handbook
Clarendon Press.
Goldfarb, C.F., Bryan, M.
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC18/WG8 Activity and ISO 8879 Review
Int SGML UG Newsl, Vol. 3 pag. 19-22.
- Goodstein, D.H. (1993)
The market for SGML emerges - finally
CALS Journal,
pag. Spring 1-3.
- Goodstein, D.H., Cameron, T.L. (1988)
Space-age electronic publishing
Comp Graphics World,
pag. (11) 41-8.
- Graf, J. (1988)
Where do I start? - Beginning document analysis
<TAG> The SGML Newsl, Vol. 1 pag. (5) 4-7.
- Graf, J. (1988)
Elements and attributes - tastes great--less filling?
<TAG> The SGML Newsl, Vol. 1 pag. (6) 11-4.
- Granger, G. (1995)
The inside story of life at Wiley with SGML, LaTeX and Acrobat
TUGboat, Vol. 16 pag. (2) 151-4.
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International Markup'89 Gmunden (Austria) 11-14 April 1989
Proc. GCA Conference.
- Graphic Communications Association (1991)
SGML'91 Program and Handouts Providence RI, October 20-23, 1991
Proc. GCA Conference.
- Graphic Communications Association (1992)
International Markup'92 & Documentation Europe Amsterdam, May
10-15, 1992
Proc. GCA Conference.
- Graphic Communications Association (1993)
SGML Europe'93 & Documentation Europe'93 Rotterdam, May
10-15, 1993
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Proceedings SGML Europe'94 Lugano (?), May 1994
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Tekst DEcoderen met SGML
Kluwer Vol. 13.
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Gebruiksvriendelijke implementatie van SGML (ISO 8879) - SPIN
Programma Klein Onderzoek project 0710.11
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Disambiguation of SGML document models
<TAG> The SGML Newsl, Vol. 12 pag. 11-2.
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Kaartverdeling en biedverloop bij bridgen - Een SGML Tutorial
CIRCE BV, 2e druk.
- Grootenhuis, J. (1989)
SGML-cursussen: theorie en praktijk
SGML UG Holland.
- Grootenhuis, J. (1989)
Preparing SGML letters on word processors
Bulletin, Vol. 4 pag. 51-62.
- Grootenhuis, J. (1990)
Toepassing van SGML
TWIOscoop, Vol. 8 pag. (feb)
- Grootenhuis, J. (1990)
SGML: Tekst en Uitleg
InformatieManagement, pag.
juli 14-7.
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Typesetting SGML-Coded Mathematics via LaTeX
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SGML-verwerking van tekst uit Uitleg
H.D. Tjeenk
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Tot leeringhe ende vermaeck: belevenissen van een SGML consultant
SGML UG Holland.
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Produktsignalering Near & Far 1.21
<!ELEMENT, Vol. 1 pag. (1) 12-4.
- Grosmann, R.B. (1991)
SGML, standaard voor documentopslag
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SGML naar Hypertext
- Grunin, L. (1995)
Electronic Publishing: Publish without paper!
Magazine, pag. Feb 110-96.
- Haitto, H., Pepper, S. (1995)
SGML is indispensable: here's living proof
Proc. GCA
- Halm, J. van (ed.) (1993)
Hypermedia and hypertext standards
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& Use, Vol. 13 pag. 93-154.
- Harbo, K. (1993)
CoST version 0.2 Copenhagen SGML Tool
- Heath, J., Welsch, L. (1989)
Difficulties in parsing - suggestions to improve SGML
<TAG> The SGML Newsl, Vol. 10 pag. 8-10.
- Heeman, F.C. (1992)
Granularity in structured documents
Publishing, Vol. 5 pag. 143-55.
- Hendry, D.G. (1995)
Breakdowns in writing intentions when simultaneously deploying
SGML-marked texts - in hard copy and electronic copy
Behaviour & Inf Tech, Vol. 14 pag. 80-92.
- Herwijnen, E. van (1990)
Practical SGML
Kluwer Academic Publ.
- Herwijnen, E. van (1993)
SGML Tutorial
Electron Book Techn.
- Herwijnen, E. van (1994)
Practical SGML Second Edition
Kluwer Academic.
- Hofmans, E. (1989)
Van het kleine codeerfront (1) en (2)
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Structuuronderzoek bij een uitgeverij
- IBM (1988)
SGML Translator DCF Edition - General Information
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Electronic manuscript preparation and markup - endorsed by Eur.
Physical Society and Int. Comm. f. Accessible Document Design
- ISO 8879-1986(E) (1986)
Information processing - Text and Office systems - Standard
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- ISO 9069:1988(E) (1988)
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Information Processing - SGML Support Facilities - Registration
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- ISO/IEC TR 9573:1988(E) (1988)
Information Processing - SGML support facilities - Techniques for
using SGML
- Interleaf (1992)
Interleaf 5 <SGML>, <SGML> Gateway and Toolkit
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- Jansen, J., Schuitemaker, F. (1992)
SGML de weg naar multimediaal uitgeven? Practicum voor BU-3 R/P
en BDI-4
- Jenkins, T.F. (1987)
Using SGML to represent spreadsheets
Bulletin, Vol. 2 pag. 107-12.
- Kaelbling, M.J. (1990)
On improving SGML - Dep't Comp & Inf Science Report TR-88-22
ElectronicPublishing, Vol. 3 pag. 93-8.
- Keuning, H., Grootenhuis, J. (1995)
Proposal for SGML Training to Office for Official Publications of
the EC Ref. Invitation to tender No 1434
- Kircz, J., Bleeker, J. (1987)
Multiple use of SGML structured texts: quality and integrity
SGML UG Bulletin, Vol. 2 pag. 40-44.
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The use of relational databases for electronic and conventional
scientific publishing
J Information Sci, Vol. 13 pag. 75-89.
Kirstein, P.,
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The C-ODA project: online access to electronic journals
Comm ACM, Vol. 39 pag. (6) 87-99.
- Kist, J. (1987)
Electronic publishing: looking for a blueprint
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SGML: de consequenties
SGML UG Holland.
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Autorensprache StrukTEXT, Standard zur strukturierten
Texterstellung für Autoren, Verlage und Druckereien
Bundesverband Druck.
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What is document analysis and what does it cost?
SGMLUG Newsletter, pag. (27) 8-10.
- Lavagnino, J. (1991)
Simultaneous electronic and paper publication
TUGboat, Vol. 12 pag. 401-5.
- Levy, D.M. (1993)
Document reuse and document systems
ElectronicPublishing, Vol. 6 pag. 339-48.
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SGML - Tekst voor de toekomst bewaard
Gids, pag. (20-10) 13.
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The SGML Tagger Version 1.0 User's Manual (+ licence), update
Oxford Univ Press, 2e druk.
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Making knowledge pay
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Company and Product Overview
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Informatie ontsluiting: het belang van standaards
SGML UG Holland.
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Leveranciers aan het woord
SGMLUG Holland.
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Storage and retrieval of structured documents
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Considerations for the preparation of SGML document type
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Alice in the Wonderland of SGML: streamlining text entry in the
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Element content vs mixed content - where it matters
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On the interchangeability of SGML and ODA
Publishing, Vol. 5 pag. 105-30.
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The Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)
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- Oostendorp, H. van, Scholten, B., Schultheiss, E., Walsteijn,
Customized Publishing: ontwikkeling en empirisch onderzoek
Informatie, Vol. 35 pag. 281-8.
- Oster II, J.W. (1988)
The role of SGML in CD-ROM production
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Norges Statskalender - report from an SGML project
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Managing the organizational change caused by SGML
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Electronic Books
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Merging logical and physical structures in documents
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SGML frees information
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The SGML research experience at Hatfield Polytechnic
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The tagging of table structure in SGML
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