Mr. Goldstein has been at the National Library of Medicine for 19 years. His previous employment included Technical Director/Data Management Systems, Informatics and Chief of the Scientific Computing Branch at NASA Lewis Research Center. He is the recepient of many awards and honors in the field of information search and retrieval systems. Mr. Goldstein received a B.S. degree (Aero.Engr.) from Purdue University ; and a M.S. degree (Mech. Engr.) from Purdue University. His graduate work in Math and Physics was done at Technical Hochschule, Darmstadt, Germany; University of Goettingen, Germany, where he was a Fullbright Scholar, and Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio.
Mr. Goldstein has had published either as author or co-author over 30 articles on information research and retrieval, integrated library systems, object oriented programming, and online reference works. Mr. Goldstein is currently a member of ASIS (American Society for Information Science), ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), EPSIG (Electronic Publishing Special Interest Group), AMIA (American Medical Informatics Association).