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News From Graphic Communications Association


Issued June 11, 1999

Press inquiries: Contact Don Thieme
+1 703-519-8190

(Alexandria, VA) — A workshop designed for technical and business managers will show companies of all sizes how they can jump-start their use of the new eXtensible Markup Language (XML) to make enhanced electronic business systems work for them. The workshop runs Wednesday and Thursday, July 14-15, 1999 in Chicago.

David R.R. Webber, a principal of Gnosis Inc. and one of the founders of the XML/EDI Group, will present the course. Webber has lectured widely on XML and eBusiness in the US, Europe and Asia. He has authored numerous articles published in both the technical and popular computing press.

XML, as the latest development from the World Wide Web Consortium, is at the core of new product capabilities from Oracle, Microsoft, Sun, Netscape and mainstream Web development tools such as ColdFusion. XML steps past the limitations inherent in the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) used on most Web sites today.

Webber says, "eBusiness is the killer application for XML; this is already dictating the future of XML tool and syntax developments, driven by corporations adoption of XML for business advantage." Webber adds, "This workshop will show business people how to gain benefits today from XML and position their operations for the future."

The workshop, hosted by the Graphic Communications Association (GCA) Research Institute, first delivers a detailed understanding of XML for business applications for those wishing to gain a basic grasp of XML syntax and related technologies.

The program then discusses the effective use of XML in eBusiness systems. The course looks at not only new potentials but also leveraging legacy systems and enhancing current Web-based applications. Workshop participants will in addition get an introduction to XML repositories and portals as well as the application of XML in enabling eBusiness for small business partners.

GCA Research Institute will conduct the workshop at the Drake Hotel in downtown Chicago. The workshop has a fee of $950.00 that includes two days of instruction, all course materials, meals, and breaks. GCA members qualify for the discounted rate of $680.00. For more information and registration, see the GCA Web site at http://www.gca.org/gcari/xmlebiz/ .

GCA is the leading worldwide, technology management association that represents over 300 companies involved in electronic information management and various forms of publishing and distribution.


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Revision date: June 11, 1999