[Mirrored from: GAMA Specification No. 9]
Version 1.0
Revision 3
Prepared and Published by
© Copyright 1994
General Aviation Manufacturers Association
Washington, D.C.
All Rights Reserved.
No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher.
GAMA Specification No. 9
Mr. Michael Sandifer
Chairman - Electronic Publications Standard Committee
General Aviation Manufacturers Association
Suite 801
1400 K Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20005
Phone: (202) 393-1500
Fax: (202) 842-4063
This revision is based upon the decisions and discussions put forth during the second GAMA EPS Task Force meeting. This revision will serve as the working draft for review at the GAMA EPS meeting dated May 25, 26 and 27 in Washington D.C.
This revision is based upon the review completed at the GAMA EPS meeting held May 25 - 27, 1994 in Washington D.C. This final draft will be submitted to the GAMA Technical Policy Committee at the June 23 - 24, 1994 meeting in Atlantic City, New Jersey, for final approval. It is anticipated that this version will be published for general distribution shortly thereafter.
This revision is based upon the meeting of the DTD working group held July 19th and 20th 1994 during which the Sections 3.4.3 and 3.5.2 Control File Schemas as well as the Appendix 2 DTDs were finalized. This version of the specification is the first issuance for publication.
This version is based upon the meeting of the DTD working group held September 20th and 21st 1994 during which the five DTDs included in Appendix 2 were finalized. Additionally, this version reflects the amendments resulting from the EPS committee meeting held September 22nd and 23rd 1994. These amendments include Data Exchange use of DTDs (3.1), support for gray scale and color graphics (3.3.2) (5.3.2), use of color (5.2.7), annotations (7.3.1.F), and data integrity (7.3.7). This version has been approved for general circulation by the GAMA Executive Board.
The GAMA Specification 9 - Electronic Publications Standard was made possible by the dedicated efforts of a broad aviation industry coalition of both GAMA and non-GAMA member manufacturers, associations and regulatory authorities. Since the first meeting in June of 1993, the EPS Task Force has met in San Francisco, Wichita, Washington D.C. and Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The meetings were well attended as a result of the strong industry interest in this effort. Draft versions of the specification were widely distributed for comment. In addition to the significant contributions made by the meeting participants listed below, many additional organizations have contributed comments which were incorporated in the final specification.
Sincere thanks are hereby extended to the following organizations for their contributions and participation in the various meetings to draft this specification:
* also participated in the Document Type Definition working group
1.2.1 Legacy Data 6
1.2.1 ATA Spec 100 and Spec 2100 (Digital Data Standard) 6
1.2.2 Electronic Publication Options 7
1.3.1 End User Needs 8
1.3.2 Manufacturer Needs 9
1.3.3 Design Goals 9
3.2.1 Minimum Requirements 12
3.2.2 Recommended Requirements 13
3.3.1 Raster Text Pages 13
3.3.2 Raster Graphics 14
3.3.3 Vector Graphics 15
3.4.1 Telecommunication 15
3.4.2 Compression 15
3.4.3 Control Files -- Transmittal 16
3.4.4 Disk and Tape Formats 16
3.4.5 Minimum Data Elements 16
3.4.6 Data Organization 17
3.5.1 Minimum Data Elements 18
3.5.2 Control Files -- Transmittal 18
4.2.1 Paper 19
4.2.2 On-Line 19
4.3.1 Introductory Section 19
4.3.2 Table of Contents / Index 19
4.3.3 Minimum Configuration and Performance 20
4.3.4 Discussion of Functionality 20
4.3.5 Installation Procedure 20
4.3.6 Error Codes and Trouble-Shooting 20
4.3.7 Terminology 20
4.3.8 Operation Notes and Cautions 20
4.4.1 Labeling 21
4.4.2 Operating Instructions 21
5.2.1 Readability at Various Resolutions 22
5.2.2 Style Support 23
5.2.3 Typefaces 23
5.2.4 Distinguishing Titles 23
5.2.5 Tables 23
5.2.6 Character Set 23
5.2.7 Use of Color 25
5.3.1 Display of Raster Text Pages 25
5.3.2 Display of Raster Graphics 25
5.3.3 Display of Vector Graphics 27
7.2.1 Browse / Traversal (Navigation) 31
7.2.2 Cross Reference Links 32
7.2.3 Search 32
7.2.4 Retrieval Software Response 33
7.2.5 Printing 34
7.2.6 Revision Identification (Tracking and Control) 34
7.2.7 Data Integrity 35
7.2.8 Data Export 35
7.2.9 Help 35
7.3.1 Browse / Traversal (Navigation) 36
7.3.2 Cross Reference Links 38
7.3.3 Search 39
7.3.4 Retrieval Software Response 40
7.3.5 Printing 41
7.3.6 Revision Identification (Tracking and Control) 42
7.3.7 Data Integrity 43
7.3.8 Data Export 43
7.3.9 Help 43
8.3.1 Examples of Dialog Box Controls 44
8.3.2 Navigation and Keyboard Access within Dialog Boxes 45
8.3.3 Navigation within Text or Image Retrieval Screens 46
8.3.4 Control Key Shortcuts 47
8.3.5 Function Key Shortcuts: 47
This specification was developed by the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) Electronic Publications Standard (EPS) Task Force to assist in the preparation of technical maintenance information to be published on electronic media, and in the implementation of systems to retrieve, display and print electronic publications.
The GAMA EPS Task Force began by evaluating the existing relevant standards and determined that there was not a General Aviation industry standard appropriate for the problem of converting millions of pages of legacy (both ATA and non-ATA conforming publications and from source documents existing either electronically or in paper). This specification is therefore established as a guideline for the transition into publishing electronically.
Additionally, this specification describes the minimum and recommended functional requirements that must be met by computerized retrieval systems used to access aviation technical maintenance information.
The intent of this specification is to standardize the minimum computer delivery systems, distribution media, system functionality and operating controls, text and graphics appearance, system documentation, terminology and data exchange between manufacturers. Standardization is expected to enhance safety through the elimination of problems caused by inconsistent results derived from disparate systems, and by the minimization of training and equipment necessary to utilize electronic publications originating from the multitude of General Aviation manufacturers. Standardizing "look and feel" and "system driveability" will expedite the transition to the use of electronic publications.
This specification is not intended to affect the technical content of electronic publications. Technical content is the responsibility of the producer of the publication in cooperation with the civil aviation authorities.
Questions on the interpretation and proposed changes to this Specification should be submitted to the General Aviation Manufacturers Association, Electronic Publications Standard Working Group, Suite 801, 1400 K Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.
The millions of pages of technical publications (Maintenance Manuals, Structural Repair Manuals, Wiring Manuals, Illustrated Parts Catalogs, Service Letters and Bulletins, etc.) currently being used every day in General Aviation constitute a body of information authored over a period of more than 50 years. This information is collectively referred to as "legacy data".
The majority of these publications are not compliant with the ATA Spec 100, and an even greater proportion were not created using electronic publishing systems. For these publications, the source documents exist only in paper form.
A guiding concern of this standard is to identify a pathway whereby this legacy data can cost- effectively and consistently be converted into electronic form for retrieval anywhere in the world using standard hardware and software systems.
General Aviation Legacy Data
While acknowledging that the tremendous efforts of the ATA working groups have produced the ideal specification to strive for in the creation of new publications destined for distribution on electronic media, the majority of General Aviation legacy data (as illustrated in figure 1.1) does not conform to these stringent standards.
The ATA Spec 2100 Digital Data Standard was developed by the airlines to promote data portability between manufacturers and the airline's in-house publishing systems since historically a substantial portion of the information received had to be rewritten to conform to specific operating requirements. Extensive rules were created to accommodate task oriented maintenance instructions and provisioning information. General Aviation technical publications are not typically organized in such a manner. Conformance to the ATA Spec 2100, and accommodating that level of information content, structure and tagging, would require that almost all of the currently existing General Aviation technical documentation be rewritten, a solution as cost-prohibitive as it is unfeasible.
The challenge therefore is the conversion of General Aviation legacy data to electronic media while maintaining compatibility with information that is authored in conformance with the ATA Spec 2100. As a cost-effective solution, the GAMA EPS has adopted the most appropriate subset of the ATA Spec 2100 requirements applicable to General Aviation legacy data. As a result, information authored in conformance with the ATA Spec 2100 is compliant with the GAMA EPS. The less stringent requirements of the GAMA EPS will allow the vast majority of the existing General Aviation publications to be cost-effectively converted from paper to electronic media using currently available technology in one of the electronic publication options identified in this specification.
This specification will present three approaches to the production and delivery of electronic technical publications.
Page-based electronic publications employ the scanning of existing paper pages, and presenting them as raster images to the end user. Sometimes referred to as "fiche on CD", navigation within a Page-based publication, at a minimum, consists of an electronic Table of Contents, the ability to "turn pages", forward and backward, and the hyperlinking to explicit text and image references.
Pageless electronic publications present and distribute data as discreet elements (i.e., MM page blocks or IPC sections) rather than individual pages. The presentation to the end user is of scrolling text formatted similarly, but not exactly, like the paper source document. Text and Graphics may be displayed either separately or as in-line graphics. Navigation functionality includes an electronic Table of Contents, "page turning" , hyperlinking to explicit text and image references, full-text searches, bookmarks and backtracking.
Bookless electronic publications maintain all its information
in a database. The end user is presented with the information
asked for during an inquiry made of the system. This approach
is consistent with the ATA Spec 2100, and is viewed as a future
publication direction for General Aviation technical publications
once electronic publishing matures, and when the needs of the
end user can be designed into the publications at the time authored.
This specification endeavors to satisfy the needs of the end user community who, typically, are computer-inexperienced with little, or no, exposure to electronic text and retrieval systems.
End users will need a common presentation style ("look and feel") to provide them with comfortable and familiar reference points when accessing electronic data from different manufacturers.
To avoid the burden of having to purchase, understand and maintain different types of computer systems to benefit from the use of electronic documentation, the end user will greatly benefit from the identification of a common platform base for General Aviation electronic retrieval systems.
The identification of a common software base for General Aviation electronic retrieval systems will relieve the end user of the need to purchase, learn and maintain different types of operating systems and user interfaces.
A standard suite of minimum functionality common to General Aviation electronic retrieval systems will reduce the cost to the end user for training and support, while eliminating confusion and frustration.
The end user will need confidence in the authenticity and completeness of the electronic information. There will be a responsibility to educate the end user concerning the fact that the screen display of information and the original legacy data of that same information may "appear" different, yet the content between the two presentations of the data is identical.
This specification endeavors to satisfy the needs of the manufacturers by presenting cost-effective solutions, incorporating current technology, appropriate for the conversion of legacy data and the authoring of new publications.
Manufacturers require a set of standards to which they can build their publications in order to universally satisfy the mechanics, maintenance professionals and support people who will have access to this information.
This specification will provide manufacturers transitioning into electronic publishing systems with a set of requirements to furnish to vendors that satisfies the issue of legacy data conversion, current on-going publication, and the creation of new publications. Additionally, this specification will endeavor to provide direction concerning emerging technologies and their appropriateness for General Aviation publication.
A set of Data Exchange Standards is required to ensure data compatibility for interchange between manufacturers (i.e. for the integration of various manufacturers' data into a single publication set) and between publication authors and their electronic publication integrators.
This data exchange standard must provide compatibility guidelines for the various levels of data enrichment (tagging) dictated by the publication method employed by the manufacturer (page-based, pageless or bookless). Additionally, this standard must apply to both initial data exchange, and revisions to that data.
This specification endeavors to identify solutions that are feasible in adoption and flexible in enhancement.
The standard must focus on the use of cost-effective technology and techniques to make the conversion of millions of pages of legacy data feasible. For example, to minimize the complexity of migrating to new electronic publication authoring systems, SGML is only employed as a data exchange standard, not for delivery of data to the end user. This and other such minimum subsets of the ATA Spec 2100 requirements provide reasonable and affordable electronic publication guidelines appropriate for General Aviation.
This specification must allow manufacturers and electronic system designers the flexibility to provide new system functionality and additional ways of enriching the information to satisfy the unique needs of the aviation community.
This section defines the system requirements for the end user to retrieve, display and print Electronic Publications and is referred to throughout this specification as the "retrieval system". At a minimum, the retrieval system must support IBM compatible personal computers operating under Microsoft Windows version 3.1. This does not preclude other additional platforms from being utilized (i.e. Apple Macintosh or UNIX workstations).
Additionally the minimum and recommended retrieval systems must be capable of supporting all of the functionality of the "retrieval software". "Retrieval software" is defined to include the documentation, text and graphics appearance, functionality and operating controls defined in Sections 4, 5, 7, and 8 of this specification.
This section also furnishes the end user with a recommendation of the most appropriate and cost effective retrieval system components to acquire. Additionally, this recommendation provides guidance for developers regarding the related performance expectations of end users. Due to the rapid development of personal computers and the hardware-limited expansion of functionality that comes with the evolution of software, this recommendation will be updated periodically.
As new media and methods of delivery of electronic publications are introduced, additional minimum and recommended retrieval system configurations will be identified.
The following table identifies both the minimum and recommended configuration for CD-ROM based electronic publications retrieval systems. See Figure 2.1.
This section is reserved for the future discussion of on-line electronic publications platform.
MINIMUM EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS RECOMMENDED Computer 386 based processor 486 based processor or later 4 MB RAM Memory 8 MB RAM or greater 30 MB Hard Disk Free Space 60 MB Hard Disk Free Space 3-1/2" H D Floppy Disk Drive (typically a 120 MB or greater) 3-1/2" H D Floppy Disk Drive Operating DOS 3.1 DOS 5.0 or greater System Microsoft Windows Version 3.1 Microsoft Windows Version 3.1 Environment Any Windows compatible pointing Any Windows compatible pointing Pointing Device device (e.g. mouse, light pen) device (e.g. mouse, light pen) Windows Compatible Display Device 17" or 19" Color Monitor Monitor/ 640 x 480 VGA Windows Accelerated Graphic Display Adapter Adapter 1024 x 768 or higher resolution Any Windows compatible printer 300 DPI or higher resolution Printer/ * Windows compatible laser Printer printer Interface Equipped with MS-DOS extension, (Version 2, ISO 9660 compatible) Equipped with MS-DOS extension, CD-ROM Drive 200 ms average access (Version 2, ISO 9660 300K/sec minimum transfer rate compatible) 200 ms average access 300K/sec minimum transfer rate Communications 9600 Baud or greater fax/modem
CD-ROM Retrieval System Configuration
Tape backup may provide additional beneficial functionality. This may also be desired (or required) for some retrieval systems.
* Plotters may not be acceptable to print raster images
This section describes the minimum requirements for electronic data exchange for both text and graphics, the medium of that electronic exchange, and the rules for the exchange of paper source documents.
These guidelines are intended for use by the authors of electronic data and information integrators to facilitate data exchange. They in no way imply requirements or methods for how that information should be distributed to the end user.
Text will be exchanged in conformance with the DTDs defined in Section 3.2 - Electronic Text File Formats. Graphic images, both raster and vector, will be exchanged in conformance with the file formats identified in Section 3.3 - Electronic Graphics File Formats. Section 3.4 defines the Medium and Method of Data Exchange for Electronic Text and Graphics and includes a definition of the Control Files which must accompany exchanged data. Section 3.5 defines the Method of Data Exchange for Paper Source Documents.
This subsection specifies the data exchange requirements for electronic (ASCII) text.
Electronic data conforming to the ATA 2100 Digital Data Specification is in compliance with this subsection of the Specification.
The GAMA EPS Standard Committee has reviewed the ATA 2100 Digital Data Specification DTDs and determined that the following DTDs will be developed to accommodate the types of publications found in General Aviation legacy data:
Each of the GAMA EPS DTDs will accommodate all three types of publications (Bookless, Pageless and Page Based) identified in this specification. The DTDs developed for Data Exchange under this section will be incorporated as Appendix 2 to this specification.
Electronic text data will consist of SGML tagged ASCII Text conforming to a DTD defined in Appendix 2 of this specification.
To provide for the required functionality identified in Section 7 of this Specification, data files should contain:
This subsection specifies the requirements that apply to all electronic graphic data.
Electronic data conforming to the ATA 2100 Digital Data Specification is in compliance with this subsection of the Specification.
Note: For raster graphics, determination of appropriate resolutions should be made from a VGA screen, as that is the lowest common denominator. The following are guidelines in determining appropriate resolutions:
At a minimum, electronic raster text pages are required to be in a digital format that is CCITT Group 4 TIFF and:.
Electronic raster text pages are recommended . to be scanned at the Class* level appropriate to adhere to the guidelines as identified in Section 3.3 of this Specification.:
* Classes are for reference to the ATA 2100 graphic specification but are not indicative of compliance with the class attributes defined there.
At a minimum, electronic raster graphics files are required to be in a digital format that is CCITT Group 4 TIFF and:
Complex graphics (multiple individual illustrations on a single 8.5 x 11 page) should be separated out into individual illustrations (one illustration per file) when:
Note: The separated illustrations should be individually captioned for use in Tables of Content.
Recommended raster file format exchange options are as follows:
1. Monochrome (bitonal)
Monochrome electronic raster graphics files are recommended to be scanned at the Class* level appropriate to adhere to the guidelines as identified in Section 3.3 of this Specification:
* Classes are for reference to the ATA 2100 graphic specification but are not indicative of compliance with the class attributes defined there.
General Aviation legacy data contains thousands of pages of photographs and color illustrations which are not accommodated by the ATA Spec 2100. To provide direction for the conversion of this information into electronic publications, the following recommendations are made.
The following raster file formats are Recommended for use in the exchange of grey scale and color graphic images:
1. Gray-scale .
2. Color
At a minimum, electronic vector graphics files are required to be in a digital format that is electronically convertible to CCITT Group 4 TIFF.
Electronic vector graphics files are recommended to conform to the ATA 2100 graphic specification (refer to section Graphics.Exchange of the ATA Digital Data Standards):
This subsection describes the requirements concerning the medium and method of data exchange for electronic text and graphics.
Telecommunication specifics are at the discretion of the exchanging parties.
For cost-efficient transmission, 9600 or greater baud rates are recommended.
Data compression algorithms are at the discretion of the exchanging parties.
Compression algorithms (such as PKZIP) are recommended to maximize the efficiency of data exchange.
Control Files will be used to identify and communicate pertinent information for each discreet element (Minimum Revisable Unit*) during data exchange. Information provided by the Control Files will be used to track revisions as well as furnish important data for indexing in the retrieval software.
The minimum elements that should be communicated (per Minimum Revisable Unit as defined in Section 7.3.6 of this Specification) in the Control Files are as follows:
Control File for Pageless Publications
Field Name Description Data Examples Filename Electronic Filename with Path (as it \G4\AMM\32\01010001.TXT appears on data exchange media, including \G4\AIPC\32\12345.TIF path names.) File Format Format of the File ASCII text; SGML; CGM; HPGL; TIFF -CCITT G4; Document Type of Publication AIPC; AMM; CMM; EIPC; Type EMM; SB; WM; MRU Title Chapter, Section, Subject, Pageblock "Landing Gear - Fault Title, Isolation"; or Figure Caption). "Main Landing Gear Door Assembly" MRU ID Unique MRU Identifier: MM or IPC Text - "32-03-03-001" Chapter Sequence Number, SI Text - Issue "32-05-01 Figure 1" Number, Graphic - the Unique Graphic "SB-32-115R2" Reference in the Text. OI Date Original Issue Date (using the format "19921005" = Oct. 5, 1992 YYYYMMDD) Rev Date Revision Date (if applicable using the "19940510" = May 10, 1994 format YYYYMMDD) ATA Chapter ATA/GAMA Chapter Section Applicability 32-01; 24-05 (using the format CC-SS) Reason Reason for Revision (if applicable) Revised, New, Deleted Comments Comments pertaining to the file "To replace previous corrupt file", "Scanned at 600 DPI"
* Refer to Section 7 of this Specification for a listing of Minimum Revisable Units by publication.
The Control File format will be comma delimited ASCII text with field names, maximum lengths and other recommended elements as defined in Appendix 2 to this Specification when available.
Disk and tape formats used in data exchange are at the discretion of the exchanging parties.
If the volume is small, 3.5" 1.44 Mb diskettes are recommended. If the volume is high, 4 mm or 8 mm tape formats are recommended.
Individual data exchange elements will be consistent with the Minimum Revisable Units as identified in Section 7 of this Specification.
Documentation (ASCII text or paper) must accompany the data describing:
Recommendations for Directory Structuring (taking into consideration DOS limitations):
This subsection describes the requirements concerning the method of data exchange for paper source documents.
At a minimum, paper source documents will consist of clean, legible originals. Whenever possible, first generation publications are recommended.
Individual data exchange elements will be consistent with the Minimum Revisable Units as identified in Section 7 of this Specification.
Control Files will be used to identify and capture pertinent information for each discreet element (Minimum Revisable Unit*) during data exchange. Information provided by the Control Files will be used to track revisions as well as furnish important data for indexing in the retrieval software.
The minimum elements that should be communicated (per Minimum Revisable Unit) in the Control Files are as follows:
Control File for Page Based Publications
Field Name Description Data Examples Filename Electronic Filename with Path (as it \G4\AMM\320101\P101.TIF appears on data exchange media, including \G4\AIPC\3203\P1.TIF path names.) File Format Format of the File TIFF -CCITT G4; CGM; Postscript Document Type of Publication AIPC; AMM; CMM; EIPC; Type EMM; SB; WM; MRU Title Chapter, Section, Subject, Pageblock Title "Landing Gear - Fault or Figure Caption). Isolation"; "Main Landing Gear Door Assembly" MRU ID Unique MRU Identifier: MM or IPC Text - "32-03-03 Page 001" Chapter Sequence Number, SI Text - Issue "32-05-01 Figure 1 Number, Graphic - the Unique Graphic Sheet 1" Reference in the Text. "SB-32-115R2 Page 1" OI Date Original Issue Date (using the format "19921005" = Oct. 5, YYYYMMDD) 1992 Rev Date Revision Date (if applicable using the "19940510" = May 10, format YYYYMMDD) 1994 ATA Chapter ATA/GAMA Chapter Section Applicability 32-01; 24-05 (using the format CC-SS) Reason Reason for Revision (if applicable) Revised, New, Deleted Comments Comments pertaining to the file "To replace the previous corrupted file", "Scanned at 600 DPI"
The Control File format will be comma delimited ASCII text with field names, maximum lengths and other recommended elements as defined in Appendix 2 to this Specification when available.
This section describes the requirements for end user documentation and distribution packaging
End user documentation is required for the retrieval software and will be provided in two forms, electronic (on-line help) and paper.
The paper User Guide will contain, at a minimum, those requirements defined in section 4.3 of this Specification.
The On-Line User Guide (the Help system) will contain, at a minimum, those requirements defined in section 4.3 of this Specification.
Additionally, On-Line Help will follow the Microsoft Windows Help system conventions, including:
This subsection delineates the minimum requirements for the contents of both the Paper and On-Line documentation.
The end user documentation will provide an Introductory Section that will include:
The end user documentation must employ the use of both a Table of Contents and an Index.
A section of the end user documentation will contain a Minimum Configuration list and will discuss the performance expectations of that minimum configuration. Additionally, a Recommended Configuration list may be included in this section.
A complete description of product functionality must be included in the end user documentation.
A section of the end user documentation must contain step-by-step installation procedures including:
A section of the end user documentation shall provide a list of all the retrieval software error codes (as they appear in the program) and the steps the end user should perform to eliminate the problem.
A section devoted to terminology used in the retrieval software shall be incorporated into the end user documentation.
To appropriately set an end user's expectation level, a section of the end user documentation will contain Operation Notes and Cautions that will include:
This subsection covers CD-ROM packaging requirements and operating instructions.
The following information is required on a printed CD-ROM label:
Condensed Operating Instructions, independent of the User Guide, must be provided. This document (commonly referred to as a "Quick Start Guide") should encompass:
This section describes the appearance requirements for the display of electronic text and graphics.
To accommodate the viewing limitations of a VGA screen, yet maintain publication
authenticity, the following global Display Rules apply to the electronic display of information:
This subsection contains the requirements for the display appearance of electronic text.
These tables describe the recommended maximum display resolution for each of several popular monitor sizes and the recommended minimum Microsoft Window's font size for each screen resolution.
Recommended Maximum Resolution for Various Monitor Sizes Monitor Size Maximum Display Resolution 14" 800 x 600 15" 800 x 600 17" 1024 x 768 19 or 20" 1600 x 1200
Font Size Rules for Display Under MS Windows Resolution Minimum Font Size 640 x 480 8 800 x 600 8 1024 x 768 7 1280 x 1024 7
The display electronic text should support any combination of the following attributes:
Typeface support within the retrieval software must allow for independent font size identification appropriate for screen display and printed output.
Typeface support must be in accordance with GAMA Specifications 1, 2 and 8. Refer to the Display Rules in Section 5.1 of this Specification for additional considerations.
Title display must be in accordance with GAMA Specifications 1, 2 and 8. Refer to the Display Rules in Section 5.1 of this Specification for additional considerations.
It is mandatory that table meaning be preserved in both display and print. In that ruling lines in complex tables can convey meaning, the following guidelines apply as to the appropriate display method: text or graphic. Refer to the Display Rules in Section 5.1 of this Specification for additional considerations.
Tables should be displayed as text when:
Tables should be displayed as graphics when:
To augment the limited number of special characters found in the extended ASCII range of common Windows fonts (e.g., °, ±, ¼, ½, ¾, §), the following Special Character Set Tables represent the currently identified special characters found in General Aviation technical maintenance information (with their keyboard and extended ASCII equivalents) that should be supported.
Additions to these Special Character Set Tables should be submitted to the GAMA EPS Committee for inclusion.
Figure 5.1
GAMA EPS Special Character Set 1
Figure 5.2
GAMA EPS Special Character Set 2
Use of color within the retrieval software is allowed. However, in instances where color is the only means to convey pertinent information (i.e. the existence of a hyperlink) an alternative identification method (i.e. cursor change) must be provided for users of monochrome displays and users who are colorblind.
The use of color is acceptable in the following instances:
If color is used to distinguish Warnings and Cautions then the following colors should be used:
If users are given the opportunity to change the colors displayed, Warnings and Cautions should adhere to the colors above and not be changeable.
This subsection contains the requirements for the electronic display appearance of graphic images.
To facilitate the cost-effective conversion of legacy data to electronic publications, the raster display of text pages is allowed. Additionally, the raster display of tables may be necessary, as outlined in 5.2.5 of this Specification.
The following minimum scanning and raster graphics display requirements may be augmented by:
The minimum scanning requirements for source graphics and text pages to be presented as raster images are as follows:*
Recommendations for scanning source graphics and text pages to be presented as raster images are as follows:*
* Note: For source graphics, determination of appropriate scanning resolutions should be done from a VGA screen, as that is the lowest common denominator. The following are guidelines in determining appropriate resolutions:
Classes are for reference to the ATA 2100 graphic specification but are not indicative of compliance with the class attributes defined there.
The minimum retrieval software requirements for screen display support are as follows:
Class 1: scanned at 300 dots per inch resolution
Class 2: scanned at 400 dots per inch resolution
Class 3: scanned at 600 dots per inch resolution
Class 4: scanned at 1200 dots per inch resolution
* Classes are for reference to the ATA 2100 graphic specification but are not indicative of compliance with the class attributes defined there.
To accommodate the screen display of gray-scale and color graphic images found in General Aviation legacy data which are not supported by the ATA 2100 Digital Specification, the following raster file formats are recommended to be supported by the retrieval software:
1. Gray-scale .
2. Color
For vector graphics, determination of appropriate line weights should be done from a VGA screen, as that is the lowest common denominator. The following are guidelines in determining minimum line weights:
This section is reserved for the future discussion of other Vector Graphics Display requirements.
This section presents a set of Authenticity Rules for each of the three approaches to the production and delivery of electronic technical publications defined in Section 1.2.2 of this Specification. These rules are put forth to identify and standardize those changes and compromises permitted by the transition to electronic publications. These rules are designed to provide the end user with consistent levels of expectation across systems, and thus instill a sense of confidence in the integrity of the information.
This subsection identifies the Authenticity Rules for Page-based publications defined in Section 1.2.2 A of this Specification.
The entire publication, from beginning to end, will be available as raster images for viewing and printing. An additional electronic Table of Contents may be provided for aid in navigation.
As scanned from the original paper source document.
As scanned from the original paper source document. Additionally, Title Strips may be employed to carry this, and other, information.
As scanned from the original paper source document.
As scanned from the original paper source document.
As scanned from the original paper source document.
Since the raster images are scanned from the original paper source document and equivalency with the paper is desired, correction of errors without the revision of the equivalent paper publication or notice to the end user is not allowed.
As scanned from the original paper source document.
This subsection identifies the Authenticity Rules for Pageless publications defined in Section 1.2.2 B of this Specification.
The following represent the Authenticity Rules governing the content and display of electronic data in a Pageless publication:
Portions of the equivalent paper publication front matter (e.g., title pages and list of effective pages) if included should be identified "For Paper Reference Only" OR may optionally be excluded from the pageless publication.
Front Matter if included must be accessible from the Table of Contents, and must appear in its original location during "page turning" (i.e., the beginning of a chapter or the beginning of a publication).
However, upon direct entry at the beginning of a publication or chapter, the user will be brought to the logical beginning of the information, not the Front Matter.
The inclusion of repeating Headers and Footers in the electronic data is allowed.
The following identifying information is required to be visible whenever text or graphic images are displayed by the retrieval software via a vehicle such as a Title Strip, Status Bar, Caption Bar or About Screen.
Since this same information will be provided on the printed page, the inclusion of a Header and a Footer in the data is unnecessary. Additionally, the repetitive appearance of Header and Footer information can be intrusive to the reader while scrolling through pageless data.
The inclusion of page numbers in the electronic data is allowed to facilitate reference to equivalent paper publications
Although the equivalent paper publication may have text and graphics appearing on the same page, it is acceptable that they be separated.
The following text and graphic screen display options are allowed:
Except for the differences specifically defined in this section, a paper publication and an Pageless Publication with the same title and revision level must have the same contents.
During data conversion, it is possible that errors in spelling and numbering will be detected. It is necessary to correct such errors for appropriate word searching and cross reference linking. Therefore, it is allowed for corrections to be made in the electronic data. It is only in these instances that the electronic content may differ from the paper.
Errors identified during data conversion must be reported back to the originating author for correction of the source documentation.
Aviation regulatory authority approval signatures and signatures attesting to the source of publication should be captured as raster images and made available within the electronic version of the information.
Since inconsistency in terminology and parts nomenclature within and between publications will result in incomplete or erroneous word search results, it is recommended that publications be reviewed for this potential problem prior to release as electronic publications. If it is determined that the problem exists, a suitable notice should be given to the end user. Any corrected or amended terminology or nomenclature must not be changed without also revising the equivalent paper publication.
This Section is Reserved for future discussion of Bookless Publications defined in Section 1.2.2 C of this Specification.
This section describes the minimum functionality requirements for electronic document and graphics retrieval software, referred to in this section as the "retrieval software". It is based upon a subset of the ATA Specification 2100 General Functional Requirements (ATA Retrieval Funcreq V2.2) that is applicable to General Aviation technical documentation converted for electronic publication. This specification contains general requirements that apply to all publications covered by the standards. All retrieval software must also conform to these requirements.
This subsection describes the requirements that apply to all electronic publications and retrieval software that utilize raster images of text pages defined in Section 1.2.2 A of this Specification.
The following represents the retrieval software's minimum requirements for browsing and navigation:
Front Matter will be available as scanned from the original paper source document.
The retrieval software will provide a Table of Contents (TOC) for each publication that supports logical structuring. The retrieval software must permit access to the publication via this Table of Contents.
Illustrations and tables will be available as scanned from the original paper source document. It is recommended that all illustrations and tables that are uniquely identified with a caption be accessible from a selection list.
The retrieval software will maintain a History List of the MRUs and images traversed in a session, and allow the naming and saving of all or part of that History List. The History List will permit directly accessing each listed MRU positioned to either the beginning text or graphic zoomed out to display the full image.
It is recommended that the retrieval software should support navigational links between data. For all publications, the retrieval software should support links where the original source document explicitly indicates a cross-reference (e.g., See, Refer to ). The links should be able to connect information within a publication (intrapublication) or between publications (interpublication).
The user should be able to select the links using direct point-and-shoot manipulation (hyperlink). Upon selection of a link, the retrieval software will traverse to the other end (page) of the link directly (so long as alternative cross-references are not available) without a need to go through intermediate steps.
Links should be visually distinguishable on the screen display.
Links should be supported from:
It is recommended that the retrieval software be able to search throughout a publication for every occurrence of a word, combination of words or alphanumeric strings, phrase or number. The entire contents of text provided must be searchable except for common "stop" or "noise" words (e.g., a, an, and, by, the).If there is a possibility that every occurrence of the search expression will not be found, the user should be so advised.
The retrieval software should either ignore differences in the case of alphabetic characters or provides a case-insensitive option.
The retrieval software should either ignore differences in word pluralization or provide a plural-insensitive option.
The retrieval software should allow the use of a wildcard (*) to match any sequence of one or more trailing characters at the end of a word.
The retrieval software should allow a search with a single missing character (e.g., 35?72)
The retrieval software will allow the search to be limited in scope to:
Search expression construction must support the following Boolean operators and proximity statements:
The search will return an unambiguous identifier (e.g., title) for each MRU (refer to Section 7.3.6 for a discussion of MRUs).
Search results will be presented as a summary. Occurrences of the search expression within the MRU will be included with the summary. The retrieval software must provide a mechanism to launch to any item selected. When a search result contains only one item, the retrieval software shall present the item directly.
Displayed text search results will be distinguishable from the other text (i.e., highlighted or inverse video).
The following specific maximum response time requirements apply when operating on either the minimum or recommended retrieval system configuration.
1. Word Search
During a word search, the retrieval software should display partial results if a search cannot be completed within fifteen seconds. The search may optionally continue during preliminary display.
2. Text and Graphic Display
Same requirements as Section 7.3.4 B.
Same requirements as Section 7.3.4 C.
At a minimum, the retrieval software must provide the following information on all printouts:
Recommendations for inclusion on all printed pages produced by the retrieval software:
"This page must not be retained for future reference."
The retrieval software will provide the following print options:
The retrieval software may provide the following print options:
The retrieval software will support the printing of the following range options:
The retrieval software will be able to print any generated summary or selection list (i.e., a list of search results or a list of bookmarks).
Additionally, the retrieval software will be able to print all Tables of Content.
The retrieval software must be capable of displaying revision symbols as they appear in graphics. For additional information, refer to GAMA Specification 1, 2 and 8.
Effectivity Identification and Control will be available as occurring in the original List of Effective Pages. When applicable the recommendations occurring in Section 7.3.6 should also be used.
The retrieval software will provide a method of displaying the Title of the publication being viewed, and the Revision Date of the current page via a vehicle such as a Title Strip, Status Bar or Caption Bar.
The retrieval software must provide a method for visually distinguishing Temporary Revisions when the equivalent paper publication uniquely identifies Temporary Revisions (i.e. "yellow sheets").
Data Integrity assurance will be available as via the original List of Effective Pages.
The retrieval software may support the copying of a marked area of a graphic, at any magnification, to the Windows Clipboard for incorporation into other Windows applications.
This subsection describes the requirements that apply to all Pageless publications and retrieval software that utilizes the display of ASCII text rather than raster images of text pages as defined in Section 1.2.2 B of this Specification.
The following represents the retrieval software's minimum requirements for browsing and navigation:
Front Matter must be made available from the Table of Contents, and must appear in its original location during "page turning" (i.e., the beginning of a chapter or the beginning of a publication).
However, upon direct entry at the beginning of a publication or chapter, the user will be brought to the logical beginning of the information, not the Front Matter.
Refer to the Glossary of Terms appended to this Specification for more information on Front Matter.
The retrieval software will provide a Table of Contents (TOC) of text and graphic Minimum Revisable Units (MRUs) for each publication that supports such structuring. The retrieval software must permit access into the publication via this Table of Contents.
The retrieval software will support the display of any illustration or table included, or referred to, in the text.
Illustrations and tables (according to the rules defined in Section 5.2.5) will be available as scanned from the original paper source document. It is recommended that all illustrations and tables that are uniquely identified with a caption be accessible from a selection list.
The following text and graphic screen display options are allowed:
The retrieval software will maintain a record of the user's navigation within and across publications during the current session. Departure points (the text being displayed at the time of leaving a MRU) will be tracked, and a mechanism will be provided to directly select and return to any of these departure points.
The retrieval software will keep track of a minimum of the last 24 departure points during the current session.
The retrieval software will provide support for user definable bookmarks. The bookmark will record a specific position in the publication. The retrieval software will provide the user with a mechanism to access the list of previously defined bookmarks, and the ability to navigate to a bookmark's location.
The retrieval software will permit the saving of user defined bookmarks such that they can be recalled and re-used in future sessions.
Upon revision of the publication by the author, the system relocated position of the Bookmarks should conform to the following rules:
To accommodate the creation of reference work aids, the retrieval system may provide an Annotations function. Annotations can be used for example to record cross references to other publications, to note the location of tools or consumables, for reminders of product repair and modifications and to note product support contacts and phone numbers.
The retrieval software may provide support for user definable Annotations. The Annotations function, if implemented, must comply with the following requirements:
The Annotations function, if implemented, should also comply with the following requirements:
The retrieval software will maintain a History List of the MRUs and images traversed in a session, and allow the naming and saving of all or part of that History List. The History List will permit directly accessing each listed MRU positioned to either the beginning text or graphic zoomed out to display the full image.
The retrieval software may provide the user with the means to display any MRU by direct reference to the MRU through for example a system index number.
The retrieval software will support navigational links between data. For all publications, the retrieval software will support links where the text explicitly indicates a cross-reference (e.g., See, Refer to). The links must be able to connect information within a publication (intrapublication) or between publications (interpublication).
The user must be able to select the links using direct point-and-shoot manipulation (hyperlink). Upon selection of a link, the retrieval software will traverse to the other end of the link directly (so long as alternative cross-references are not available) without a need to go through intermediate steps.
Links must be visually distinguishable on the screen display.
Links must be supported from:
The retrieval software must be able to search throughout a publication for every occurrence of a word, combination of words or alphanumeric strings, phrase or number. The entire contents of text provided must be searchable except for common "stop" or "noise" words (e.g., a, an, and, by, the).
The retrieval software will either ignore differences in the case of alphabetic characters or provide a case-insensitive option.
The retrieval software will either ignore differences in word pluralization or provide a plural-insensitive option.
The retrieval software will allow the use of a wildcard (*) to match any sequence of one or more trailing characters at the end of a word.
The retrieval software will allow a search with a single missing character (e.g., 35?72)
The retrieval software will allow the search to be limited in scope to:
Search expression construction must support the following Boolean operators and proximity statements:
The search will return an unambiguous identifier (e.g., title) for the MRU.
Search results will be presented as a summary. Occurrences of the search expression within the MRU will be included with the summary. The retrieval software must provide a mechanism to launch to any item selected. When a search result contains only one item, the retrieval software shall present the item directly.
In the data, search results will be distinguishable from other text (i.e., highlighted or inverse video).
The following specific maximum response time requirements apply when operating on either the minimum or recommended retrieval system configuration.
1. Word Search
During a word search, the retrieval software will display partial results if a search cannot be completed within fifteen seconds. The search may optionally continue during preliminary display.
2. Text and Graphic Display
The following specific maximum response time requirements apply:
The retrieval software will at a minimum provide a system busy icon for operations estimated to take longer than three seconds. It is recommended that a status message be presented while processing operations which exceed fifteen seconds are being performed.
The retrieval software must provide a simple means for the end user, if desired, to interrupt any process operation (e.g., search, print, etc.). Upon such interruption, the retrieval software will return the user to the point he was at immediately before the interrupted process started.
At a minimum, the retrieval software must provide the following information on all printouts:
The following are recommended for inclusion on all printed pages produced by the retrieval software:
"This page must not be retained for future reference."
The retrieval software will provide the following print options:
The retrieval software may provide the following print options:
The retrieval software will support the printing of the following range options:
The retrieval software will be able to print any generated summary or selection list (i.e., a list of search results or a list of bookmarks).
Additionally, the retrieval software will be able to print all Tables of Content.
1. Text
The retrieval software must be capable of displaying revision symbols (e.g., revision bars - | or R ). For additional information, refer to GAMA Specification 1, 2 and 8.
2. Graphics
The retrieval software must be capable of displaying revision symbols as they appear in graphics. For additional information, refer to GAMA Specification 1, 2 and 8.
To accommodate revisioning and indexing of pageless information, the publication's data is divided into logical groupings
Since the concept of individual pages is not utilized in a pageless representation of electronic data, the ability to record revisions for a specific page as they appear on the paper may not possible. Therefore, a logical subdivision of the data is identified as appropriate for carrying revision information. That subdivision is referred to as a Minimum Revisable Unit (MRU), and serves as the basis for electronic Table of Contents and data exchange.
For graphics, a single graphic is the minimum revisable unit. The following table depicts the rules for text MRUs:
Publication Type Revisable Unit Maintenance Manual (MM) Page Block or type of publication comparable unit Illustrated Parts Catalog Parts List (IPC) pertaining to a Figure Service Information (SI) Complete SI Airworthiness Directives Complete AD (AD)
Revision marking and dating applies to the entire MRU. Upon revising an MRU, all prior revision bars are eliminated and only the revised content for this revision will be marked.
At a minimum a list of effective MRUs will be presented which includes the MRU identity and revision date.
The original paper's List of Effective Pages (LEP) may be included as a reference tool for personnel supporting customers with paper publications. This information may not be relevant to the electronic version of the information.
It is recommended that an LEP be marked "For Paper Reference Only" when included with the electronic data.
The retrieval software will provide a method of displaying the Title of the MRU being viewed, and its Revision Date via a vehicle such as a Title Strip, Status Bar or Caption Bar.
The retrieval software must provide a method for visually identifying Temporary Revisions to the equivalent paper publication.
The retrieval software will accommodate Data Integrity assurance by providing a record of MRU revision activity. The user must be provided a means of determining which MRUs have been revised in the current revision as well as the date of last revision for every MRU in the publication.
The retrieval software will support the copying of any amount of marked text (within the limitations of the end user's hardware and software) to the Windows Clipboard for incorporation into other Windows applications.
The retrieval software will support the copying of a marked area of a graphic, at any magnification, to the Windows Clipboard for incorporation into other Windows applications.
The retrieval software will provide Help function via a single action on the keyboard or other input device.
The On-Line Help function will contain, at a minimum, those requirements defined in section 4.3 of this Specification.
Additionally, On-Line Help will follow the Microsoft Windows Help system conventions, including:
This Section is Reserved for future discussion of the functionality of Bookless Publications defined in Section 1.2.1 C.
This section describes the minimum requirements for retrieval software operating controls which shall conform to the following Microsoft Windows conventions as defined in the Microsoft "Common User Access - Advanced Interface Design Guide". Additionally operating control conventions are specified to standardize the end user control of the functionality defined in Section 7.
The retrieval software may support the following types of operating controls and functionality:
This subsection describes appropriate keyboard and control activities within dialog boxes and retrieval screens and identifies the minimum requirements for retrieval software-wide keyboard response.
Key Conditions Action Alt+Mnemonic Control Buttons Operates the control (underlined letter on a Option Buttons Selects the control control label)* Check Boxes List Boxes (all) Moves the focus to the control Enter Default command button Operates the control (if present) Selected command button Operates the control (if no default button is present) Esc All Operates the Cancel or Close button, if present Spacebar Command button with Operates the control focus Option Button with Selects the control focus or Check box with focus Text Input field Inserts a space
Tab All Moves the focus (active state) to the next control (button, check box, drop down, etc.). Typically, focus movement is from left to right and from top to bottom, and that sequencing has been employed except in those instances where a more appropriate route has identified. Shift+Tab All Reverses the Tab navigation order by moving the focus to the prior control. Arrow Keys Option Buttons Selects the next button, wraps at top (Group) and bottom of group Check Boxes Moves focus to next button without (Group) selection, wraps at top and bottom of group List Boxes Selects next item, does not wrap to top of list Spin Boxes Increases or decreases value, wraps at highest and lowest values Text Boxes Moves insertion to the left, right, up or down Alt+Down Arrow Drop-down List Boxes Toggles between collapsed and expanded Alt+Up Arrow and state of active drop-down Drop-down Combo Boxes Del Text Input Fields Deletes selected text (text selected) Text Input Fields Deletes character just right of the (no text selected) insertion point Backspace Text Input Fields Deletes selected text (text selected) Text Input Fields Deletes character just left of the (no text selected) insertion point Ins Text Input Fields Toggles between Insert mode and Over type mode
* No Alt+Mnenomic combinations are reserved or recommended by Microsoft, however when a HELP control button is present, its shortcut key combination is Alt+H. All Alt+Mnenomic combinations must be unique within the active dialog box(es).
Key Conditions Action Home All Moves cursor to the beginning of the current page End All Moves cursor to the end of the current page Ctrl+Home All Moves cursor to the beginning of the current document Ctrl+End All Moves cursor to the end of the current document Page Up Within a publication Scrolls up a screen Page Up Within an image Scrolls up a screen (maintaining zoom) Page Down Within a publication Scrolls down a screen Page Down Within a graphic Scrolls down a screen (maintaining zoom) Ctrl+Page Up Within a publication Beginning of previous publication (MRU) Ctrl+Page Up Within a graphic Displays previous graphic Ctrl+Page Down Within a publication Beginning of next publication (MRU) Ctrl+Page Down Within a graphic Displays next graphic
Key Action Ctrl+C* Copy to the Windows Clipboard Ctrl+V* Paste from the Windows Clipboard Ctrl+P** Open the Print dialog box
* Recommended by Microsoft
** Suggested by Microsoft
Key Action F1* Brings up Help Alt+F4* Close the Application
* Recommended by Microsoft
This section is reserved for a future discussion of operating control conventions to be used to standardize the presentation to the end user of the functionality defined in Section 7.
This section identifies additional controlled vocabularies and technical specifications to be used in the creation of electronic publications and retrieval software. The consistent use of Controlled Vocabularies is necessary to accommodate word search in electronic publications in fulfillment of the end user's expectations. Technical Specifications are necessary to accommodate data exchange and retrieval software interchangeability as well as standardize content, format and structure.
The consistent use of nomenclature across publications facilitates electronic word searching and eliminates information ambiguity.
As a minimum requirement, the following reference shall be used for English language definitions and spelling (except for new terminology which has not yet been incorporated):
As a recommendation, the following publication is identified for the unambiguous and consistent use of the English language:
The following constitutes required Standards:
The following is a list of recommended Standards for reference:
Content Specifications:
Available From:
Air Transport Association
1301 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, D.C. 20004-1707 - USA
GAMA Spec 1 Pilots Operating Manual
GAMA Spec 2 Maintenance Manual
GAMA Spec 8 Specification for the preparation of service Documents
Available From:
General Aviation Manufacturers Association
Suite 801
1400 K Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20005 - USA
Available From:
Aerospace Industries Association
1250 Eye Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20005 - USA
Available From:
Aldus Corporation
411 First Ave S Suite 200
ISO CGM Specification #
Available From:
1430 Broadway
ISO SGML Specification #8879
ISO CCITT Specification #
Available from:
Place des Nations
12111 GENEVA 20 - Switzerland
Available from:
Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052-6399 - USA
Aircraft Specific - Information that relates to a particular aircraft based upon any of several factors of effectivity, ( i.e. manufacturer, model number, part number, serial number...)
Annotations - Comments created by the user and associated with a location within the text or graphic of an electronic publication. Annotation place holders permit the viewing of previously saved annotations via a pop up text display. From a selection list of annotations, the user can hyperlink to the particular location or range of text where the annotation was originally defined.
ANSI - American National Standards Institute
11 West 42nd Street
New York, NY 10036 - USA
(212) 642-4900
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange; a binary code representing alphanumeric characters that permits the exchange of data between most minicomputers and personal computers utilizing different operating systems.
ATA - Air Transport Association
1301 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, D.C. 20004-1707 - USA
(202) 626-4000
ATA Spec 100 - Air Transport Association's specification which provides guidance to the content and format of aircraft maintenance publications.
ATA Spec 2100 - Air Transport Association's specification which establishes standards for the authoring, interchange, delivery and use of digital data produced by aircraft, engine and component manufacturers .
Authoring - Refers to the process of creating new information. Authoring systems can include a wide range of systems from word processors to electronic publishing systems.
Backtracking - The retrieval software's ability to keep track of prior screens viewed when a user departs to other screen views. This allows the user to return to a limited number of stored prior views at a later time during a search, usually through the use of a function key command or macro.
Bitmap Image - is a raster image made up of pixels, or dots, that are either black and white (bilevel), shades of gray (gray-scale), or color. Windows Bitmap (BMP) is a popular format among PC software exchange options.
BMP - (Bit MaP) Windows graphics format that may be device dependent or independent. Device Independent BMP files (DIB) are coded for translation to a wide variety of displays and printers.
Bookless Publications - Electronic publications in which the information is maintained via a database of task based elements which do not require the information to be structured in books. The ATA Spec 2100's use of SGML and SFQL based retrieval systems are an example of Bookless Publications.
Bookmarks - A bookmark is a place holder which marks the current view. Bookmarks allow the user to identify a particular location in the text which can be directly accessed in future sessions.
Boolean Search - A search method used to access information in a database by specifying search criteria based upon Boolean operators such as AND, OR and NOT. Boolean operators help to create a true or false "filter" to narrow the scope of information to be retrieved.
Browse/Browsing - Method of locating information in a database by utilizing either a table of contents or moving through the document by using its logical structure.
Button - Buttons are click-on icons which appear throughout Windows programs in such places as toolbars and dialog boxes.
CAD - Computer Aided Design - Refers to the use of computers to design products. CAD systems are workstations or PCs using CAD software and graphic input devices. CAD software is used for generic design or specialized uses, such as architectural, electrical and mechanical designs.
CALS - Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support. A U.S. Department of Defense 1985 initiative to provide a framework for the transmission and usage of information on weapon systems in electronic form. The support of specific standards by the CALS initiative has accelerated industry-wide adoption of these standards, including CCITT Group IV and SGML.
CCITT - Consultative Committee on International Telegraphy and Telephony. This international advisory committee originally established under the United Nations endorses a variety of communications usage standards, particularly facsimile and image compression and decompression, including the CCITT Group 3 and Group 4 standards that are used widely in image storage and transmission.
Place des Nations
12111 GENEVA 20 - Switzerland
CD-ROM - Compact Disc Read Only Memory. Designed primarily for use as an electronic publishing medium, a CD-ROM is capable of storing text, graphics and audio data. Unlike hard disks and floppy disks, a CD-ROM is "read only", meaning it does not permit the user to write information to the disc. A single CD-ROM can store up to 660 megabytes of information and has a storage capacity equivalent to 550 1.2 MB floppy disks.
CD-ROM Drive - Device connected to a computer for reading data from CD-ROMs.
CGM - Computer Graphics Metafile. The ISO standard format which identifies the three versions of metafiles used to exchange vector data and textural characters. Often used as a cross-platform exchange option, CGM store graphics primarily in a vector format but also provides a raster format enabling color fills.
Compact Disc - Commonly referred to as a CD. A CD is a molded plastic disk on which data is recorded as microscopic pits to be read optically by a laser beam.
Controlled Vocabularies - A specific source or sources of words, phrases, and terminology in an alphabetical arrangement accessed to provide uniform cross-referencing.
CPU - Central Processing Unit. Most commonly refers to the part of a computer that controls translation and execution of processing instructions. Informally, the term CPU is sometimes used to refer to a single PC workstation unit.
Cross Reference Links - Connection of information within a publication or between publications where the original source document indicates a cross-reference.
Database - A collection of electronically stored data that is structured and organized to facilitate efficient retrieval of information.
Database Preparation Software - Software used to organize and index a database.
Data Capture - The process of converting data from non-electronic formats (such as paper, photographs, drawings, etc.) into an electronic format that makes possible the retrieval, storage and modification of the data on a computer system.
Data Conversion - The process of converting information from one electronic format to another. For example, text information can be converted from WordPerfect to ASCII and graphic information can be converted from an uncompressed bitmap image to a compressed format like CCITT Group 4 Fax.
Data Refinement - The Process of converting data into an enhanced format based upon the content, structure and meaning of the data. This refinement process may involve adding special tags identifying the document's structure or generating specialized indexes and a table of contents.
Dialog Box - A window which displays options available within a particular command. For example, a "Print" dialog box might display options for printing the whole document, a range of pages within a document, or only the current page.
Digital - Relative to computer systems, refers to data that is composed of a series of discreet, fixed values such as single digits or characters. Digital information is recorded in a binary notation format.
Drive - A computer device used to read from and in some cases write to an electronic storage medium. The most widely used electronic storage medium are optical or magnetic.
DTD - Document Type Definition. The programmatic rules and format definitions which describe the format commands (tags) used to define content and structure in an SGML document.
DWG - The native AutoCAD 3-D vector file format which has become a standard due to its significant market share.
DXF - Drawing eXchange Format. The AutoCAD 2-D vector file format used by many CAD systems to import and export for graphics interchange.
Element - (1) The discrete components defined in a Document Type Definition (DTD);
(2) the individual units of information that comprise an electronic publication (e.g., text page blocks, tables, and figures).
End user - The individual who uses software or hardware products and does not resell it to others.
EPS - Electronic Publication Standard. The GAMA Specification 9 which as an alternative to the ATA Spec 2100 provides guidance for the transition to electronic publications by defining computer systems, data exchange, text and graphics appearance, functionality and operating controls,
Flight Operations Information - The technical publications that support the operation of aircraft (e.g., Flight Manuals, Pilots Handbooks, Weight and Balance Manuals) which may be included in collections of electronic publications for reference during aircraft maintenance.
Front Matter - Data found at the beginning of a document, chapter or section that is general to the element.
Functionality - Performing tasks and operations by design.
Full Text Searching - Also known as Full Text Retrieval (FTR). The ability to use a word or words contained within an electronic document as the criteria for retrieving information in a document. Full text searches can be based upon a single word or words in combination with other words. Words within the electronic document are indexed to accommodate this full text searching capability.
GAMA - General Aviation Manufacturers Association
Suite 801
1400 K Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20005
Graphics - Visual data. This includes photographs, line drawings, computer-generated artwork, and graphs. Graphics can be entered into the computer using scanners, drawing programs, cameras, and graphics tables.
GUI - Graphical User Interface. A layer of software that allows the user to interact with the computer by choosing items from menus or selecting icons from the screen, usually with a mouse. The Macintosh Finder and Microsoft Windows are examples of GUI environments.
Hard Disk - Fixed disk media; generally internal, high-speed, high-capacity, rotating memory.
History List- A list of the MRUs and images traversed during a session, for use in direct accessing of each, and the naming and saving for later reuse.
HPGL - Hewlett-Packard Graphic Language. A descriptive plotter output file format, it is considered one of the more common "interchange" file formats. HPGL files are vectored.
Hyperlink - The means by which sets of information are linked to each other in any combination of; application; database; document element (text, table or graphic).
Hypertext - An information retrieval and search methodology based upon hyperlinks between related text, graphic and database elements which may be predefined or defined by the user.
IGES - Initial Graphics Exchange Specification. The ANSI vector graphics file format that is system independent and intended for human interpretation and often used as a cross-platform exchange option.
The IGES Organization
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Building 220 Room A-353
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 USA
301 921-3691
In-Line Graphics - The on screen simultaneous presentation of text and graphics within a single display window. Sometimes referred to as compound documents.
Index, Indexing - The process of building data structures for electronic databases. Indexes contain the location of each data item and permit rapid location of data.
Information - Data that has been structured, indexed and formatted to make it more intelligible and helpful for people that need to make use of the data.
ISO/IEO 8632:1992 - The Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) format which identifies the three versions of metafiles used to exchange vector data and textural characters.
ISO 8879 - The Standard Generalized Markup Language Specification.
ISO 9660 - The international standard for directory structures and file layout on CD-ROMs, a logical, structural standard compared to the physical standards for manufacturing called the "Yellow Book." This standard specifies, for single sessions, exactly how much information is stored on a CD-ROM to be accessible in any CD-ROM drive running on a variety of common operating systems.
Magnetic Media - Any medium on which data is stored as variations in magnetic polarity. Usually floppy disks, hard disks, and tape.
Mastering - A part of the process of manufacturing a CD-ROM by using a laser to embed microscopic pits into the surface of a glass disk. The glass master is then used to make a metal stamper that is used to replicate CD-ROM copies of the master.
Mastering Facility - A manufacturing plant where compact disc "masters" are created for the mass production or replication of the actual compact discs.
Medium - Refers to an object used to store information; usually refers to a particular type of storage device such as disk, tape, microfiche or paper.
Memory - In the computer industry, refers to a location where digital information is stored during processing. Memory is stored on computer chips and may be either permanent or temporary.
Menu - On screen list of available functions, or operations, that can be performed currently.
MIPS - Millions of Instructions Per Second. A standard means of measuring a computer's performance capabilities.
MRU - Minimum Revisable Unit - Discreet, logical groupings of information used in Pageless publications to describe and work with electronic data, as opposed to an individual page. MRU examples included Page Blocks within Maintenance Manuals and Figures within IPCs
Multimedia - The dissemination of information in more than one form including the use of text, audio, graphics, animated graphics and full motion video.
Navigation - The process of browsing or traversing through a database or document by use of keyboard or mouse functions.
Object - (1)A piece of visual data used to assist in the representation of an idea, or message. (2) A self contained module of data and its associated processing.
OCR - Optical Character Recognition - Machine recognition of printed characters using a process that visually scans text (handwritten, printed and typewritten) and converts it to a standard format such as ASCII. OCR software may be used during the process of converting paper source documents for distribution via electronic publications.
On-Line - Data processing method that allows users to transmit or receive data from a remote computer and output the information on demand.
Operating Controls - The set of Microsoft Windows and retrieval software controls which enable a standardized graphical user interface for the execution of the functionality defined within the GAMA.
Optical Disc - A storage device on which data is recorded and retrieved by use of a light source, most often a laser beam. Optical disks are capable of storing digital, audio and video data (e.g., CD, CD-ROM, Video Disc).
Pageless Publications - Electronic publications that utilize discreet, logical groupings (MRUs) of information to describe and work with electronic data, as opposed to an individual page.
Page-Based Publications - Electronic publications that employ the use of scanned raster images of the original paper documentation.
Page Block - (1) A section of text defined by the ATA Spec 100. (2) Any logical sequence of unbroken text for use in defining the minimum granularity ("chunk") of text in an electronic publication..
Presentation - The method of display to the end user of text and graphic information contained in electronic publications.
Proximity Searching - The search for one or more terms in a document, within a specified distance from another term (i.e. within the same paragraph, within the same sentence).
Publication - A non-specific term for documentation. Maintenance Manuals, Illustrated Parts Catalogs, ADs and Service Information are all publication examples.
Raster Images - The representation of a graphic image as a matrix of dots which are produced by scanning or computer generated at various resolutions measured in dots per inch.
Resolution - The degree of sharpness of a displayed or printed character or image. On screen resolution is expressed as a matrix of dots (640 x 480 means 640 dots across each of 480 lines). For printers resolution is expressed as the number of dots per linear inch (Dots Per Inch - DPI).
Revision Symbols - Revision symbols (e.g., |, R) indicate where a change has been made since the last issuance of the data.
ROM - Read Only Memory. Information storage format that does not permit modification or deletion of information when in use.
Replication - The process of making multiple copies, i.e. of a CD-ROM.
Retrieval Software - The computer application providing the documentation, text and graphics appearance, functionality and operating controls to retrieve, display and print electronic publications as defined in the GAMA EPS.
Retrieval System - The computer system employed by the end user to retrieve, display and print Electronic Publications
Retrieval System Page - The page of text as defined by the storage of text in electronic publications and produced through the retrieval software's print function.
Scanner - A device used to scan analog images, such as a document and convert its contents into digital images, such as bitmap images on a computer system. Scanners create bitmap images that are based upon a grid of pixels, and record whether each pixel is light or dark. Scanners are used in conjunction with OCR software to capture and convert images or text to an electronic bitmap format.
Schema - A logical representation of data that is oriented toward a particular database management system approach (such as SQL or SFQL). Relative to SFQL and SQL, a schema is defined as a collection of tables that model related data.
SCSI - Small Computer Systems Interface (pronounced "scuzzy"). A standardized method by which storage devices such as CD-ROM drives and hard disk drives interpret and communicate data. SCSI peripherals are capable of connecting multiple devices. CD-ROM drives typically utilize a SCSI interface for connection to a host system.
Search - Process of locating information in a database by indicating search criteria, such as words or phrases. During the search process, the retrieval software will find all matches of the criteria indicated.
Search Results - The outcome of a cross-reference driven search through a document or database, a presentation of information or data related to search criteria such as a key word or phrase.
Service Information - Data issued by an aircraft, engine or component manufacturer that details maintenance procedures or informs about new procedures and services. Service Information is a generic term for all of the different types of short, timely issues published by General Aviation manufacturers (e.g., Service Letters, Customer Bulletins, Service Instructions, News, etc.).
SFQL - Structured Full-Text Query Language - A proposed standard for full text databases defined by the ATA in Spec 2100. The primary focus of the proposed standard is interoperability of CD-ROMs. SFQL is based on the SQL (Structured Query Language) standard for relational databases.
SGML - Standard Generalized Markup Language - The ISO Standard #8879 that allows application and platform independent structuring and organization of information by tagging documents as a series of data objects defined in Document Type Definitions (DTDs). SGML separates the informational content of a document from the information needed to present it, either on paper or on screen.
Status Message - An icon which indicates the retrieval software is busy or engaged in processing a command.
System Response - The amount of time the retrieval software takes to display a selection list or the selected text or graphic image.
Tagging - Refers to the process of adding special markup characters to ASCII data. These tags are used to indicate structural elements in the data, such as headings and subheadings, document margins, references to graphic figures, etc.
Technical Maintenance Information - The maintenance information published by the manufacturers of aviation products which supports continued airworthiness (e.g., Maintenance Manuals, Illustrated Parts Catalogs, Structural Repair Manuals, Component Maintenance Manuals, Wiring Manuals, etc.)
Text - In electronic publications, the ASCII characters as distinguished from graphic images.
TIFF - Tagged Image File Format - A industry-wide standard graphics file format developed by Aldus, for storing and exchanging raster image data. TIFF is used to define the specific data structures of images to be processed.
Title Strip - An area of the display reserved for the identification of the text or graphic image being displayed.
Vector Graphics - Images based upon lines drawn between specific coordinates as defined by the mathematical relationship between each line's beginning point, length and direction.
Windows - Microsoft's Graphical User Interface software that accommodates the use of multiple applications simultaneously by separating applications into different "windows" displayed on the computer display screen. Windows runs on PCs in a DOS environment and has functionality similar to the graphical environment employed by Apple Macintosh systems.
Word Search - A search method used to locate every occurrence of a word, combination of words (or alphanumeric strings), phrase or number in a database or document.
This appendix is reserved for the definition issues which the Electronic Publications Standard Committee feels should be included in the Specification but which are currently under consideration for discussion and development at upcoming committee meetings. This list is published to provide advance notice of subjects to encourage participation and feedback from all interested organizations.
The intent of the EPS is to standardize the end user operating controls (buttons, menus, dialog boxes) leading to greater similarity between retrieval software to facilitate minimized training. This section is reserved for a discussion of additional operating control requirements for each of the functions identified in Section 7 - Functionality.
This section is reserved for a discussion of the guidance and standardization in the use of on-line distribution technology including both the distribution of revisions to CD-ROM based publications as well as on-line access to electronic publication repositories.
The following objectives were established in the development of DTDs for the GAMA EPS:
Using a groupware oriented graphical SGML editing tool, the working group proceeded to develop the following three DTDs using the latest available version of the ATA DTDs.
Document Type Definition ATA Spec 2100 Version Revision Date used Airframe Illustrated Parts Version 3 November 1993 Catalog (AIPC) Airframe Maintenance Manual Version 3.2 March 15,1994 (AMM) Service Bulletins (SB) Version 2B June 10, 1994 Wiring Manual ((WM) version 1 October 1993
Summary of DTD Modifications
The following is a summary of the modifications made to the four original ATA Spec 2100 DTDs to accomplish the GAMA EPS objectives identified above:
AIPC DTD GAMA EPS Modifications
- adds a choice of ppage
- makes effxref, vendlist optional
- adds trlist and subcomponents (noting differences in %text were not copied)
- adds transltr and subcomponents
- adds a choice of ppageset and subcomponents
- optional effect and tqa
- choice pnr and pnrmfr,
- added a tr object with an appropriate hierarchy based on MRU of AIPC
- made pnrfile optional
AMM DTD GAMA EPS Modifications
- added ppage to choice between prclist1 or ppage
SB DTD GAMA EPS Modifications
- unordered matinfo, instr
WM DTD GAMA EPS Modifications
- added choice of subject or section
Modifications to Accommodate Page Based Publications
To accommodate the inclusion of Page Based legacy data in the GAMA EPS DTDs, the following additional elements were incorporated into the DTDs.
< ELEMENT PPAGESET -- (effect? , title? , ppage+) -- PPAGESET is a collection of printed pages included as raster images -->
< ELEMENT PPAGE -- (SHEET,SRCHTXT?) -- PPAGE is a raster image of a printed page -->
< ELEMENT SRCHTXT -- #PCDATA -- SRCHTXT is OCR'd text associated with a printed page -- >
chg (N,R,D,U) #IMPLIED
One or more PPAGE (Printed PAGE) elements are allowed as an exclusive choice within all minimum revisable units. This would provide a means to capture portions of a manual that have not yet been converted to marked text. The intent of the attribute list for PPAGE is to provide for the complete and unique identification of the page
The optional element SRCHTXT identifies OCR'd text that has not been formatted, but which provides searchable text for a retrieval system. SRCHTXT data is not intended for display.
SHEET is the standard ATA/GAMA designation for a graphic element. Its attribute 'gnbr' references the graphic file.
The attribute 'accuracy' for SRCHTXT is a percent number identifying the publisher's estimate of the OCR accuracy. This information would support the specification requirement that end users be advised of possible incomplete search results.
Inclusion of DTDs
At the working group meeting held September 20 - 21, 1994 in Ottawa, Canada the three initial DTDs (AMM, AIPC and SB) were modified to include provisions for Page Based data. Two additional DTDs (SIMM and WM) were developed. Attached to this appendix are the final versions of the first five DTDs produced by the GAMA EPS DTD Working Group. The SGML editing tool used enabled us to create a common database of elements and attributes based upon the ATA Spec 2100 Data Dictionary. The AMM, AIPC and SB DTDs include the titles as well as the Data Dictionary extended definitions. The SIMM and WM DTDs include only the titles and not the Data Dictionary definitions. This process produces a somewhat longer but fully documented DTD. A 3.5" floppy disk containing the five DTDs is included with this specification.
AT the next scheduled meeting in March 1995, the remaining three DTDs (EIPC, EMM and CMM) will be pursued along with any comments and suggestions pertaining to the first five DTDs published here.
A hierarchical tree diagram is used to depict the schemas and preceeds each of each of the GAMA EPS DTDs. The content models of the SGML Document Type Definitions are represented as hierarchical trees from either left to right, or top to bottom. Objects in the tree are selectively expanded to show their content models since an entire schema with all branches expanded will not fit on a single page. The symbols used on these trees are summarized as follows (most examples in this legend are taken from the CALS DTD 387884C):
Figure 1
Hierarchical Tree for comparison
Figure 2
Hierarchical Tree of Major Modifications
Figure 3
Hierarchical Tree for comparison
Figure 4
Hierarchical Tree of Major Modifications
Figure 5
Hierarchical Tree for comparison
Figure 6
Hierarchical Tree of Major Modifications