Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Markup Language Version 2: Document Type Definition

Neill Kipp
 Zaodat Rahman
 Marc Bjorklund

 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

 December 10, 1998 --- Version 2.0 Beta

 Copyright 1996 - 1998, Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Project

Table of Contents

1 Abstract
2 Metadata
3 Document Element, Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
4 Body Text
  4.1 Rich Text
  4.2 Emphasized Text
  4.3 Strong Text
  4.4 Natural Break
  4.5 Typed Text
  4.6 Inline Quoted Text
  4.7 Term
  4.8 Foreign Word or Phrase
  4.9 Superscripted Text
  4.10 Subscripted Text
  4.11 Special Characters
5 Front Matter
  5.1 Front Matter
  5.2 Title
  5.3 Author
  5.4 Submission Type
  5.5 School
  5.6 Degree
  5.7 Major
  5.8 Other Disciplines
  5.9 Committee Approvals
  5.10 Date
  5.11 City
  5.12 State
  5.13 Keyword or Phrase
  5.14 Copyright Notice
  5.15 Abstract
  5.16 Document Dedication
  5.17 Author's Acknowledgments
  5.18 Vita
6 Paths
  6.1 Document Path
7 Body Matter
  7.1 Document Body
  7.2 Chapter
  7.3 Section
  7.4 Subsection
  7.5 Block
  7.6 Subblock
  7.7 Head
8 Block-Level Elements
  8.1 Block-Level Element
  8.2 Paragraph
  8.3 Block Quotation
  8.4 Attribution
  8.5 Preformatted Text
9 Ideas
  9.1 Idea
10 Lists
  10.1 List
  10.2 Ordered List
  10.3 Unordered List
  10.4 List item
  10.5 Description List
11 Tables
  11.1 Table
  11.2 Column and Row Head
  11.3 Column and Row
  11.4 Table cell
  11.5 Multimedia Object
12 HyperText
  12.1 Anchor of Web Link
  12.2 Hyperlink
  12.3 Target Element
  12.4 Cite
  12.5 Footnote
13 Floating Material
  13.1 Floating Object
  13.2 Caption
14 Bibliography
  14.1 Bibliographic References
  14.2 Citation

1. Abstract

 The Virginia Tech Graduate School requires a specific form for the
 submission of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) to maintain
 the consistency of these complex documents. The formal statement of
 these guidelines serves graduate students submitting ETDs, the
 faculty with whom they work, and scholars who study the submitted
 ETDs. We defined a Document Type Definition (DTD) in the Extensible
 Markup Language (XML) for the representation of ETDs, a logical
 choice for encoding complex electronic documents. To build the DTD,
 we analyzed constructs in existing theses and dissertations and
 studied the rules for their submission. Here we present definitions,
 annotations, and rationale for each document construct, and we
 explain the connection of the document constructs into an integrated
 DTD. The result is the description of the grammar of a new document
 language, the Electronic Thesis and Dissertaton Markup Language, or

2. Metadata

 In this document, we discuss the various parts of the document type
 definition (DTD) for Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD). We
 begin with the document element and work through the hierarchy of
 major document structures found in the front matter, paths, and
 bibliography. Finally we notate the use of external notations,
 mulitmedia, and hypermedia constructs.

3. Document Element, Electronic Thesis or Dissertation

 The document element for an ETD is element type electronic thesis
 or dissertation


  <!ATTLIST etd
    id ID #IMPLIED
    HyTime CDATA "hylink"
    anchrole CDATA "front paths #LIST bibliography"
    front CDATA "front.etd"
    paths CDATA "paths.etd"
    bibliography CDATA "bib.etd"

4. Body Text

 In this chapter, we discuss the element and entity declarations for
 body text. Body text may occur at most leaves in an ETD.

 We begin discussion of the document by defining what is allowed in
 text at the paragraph level. Here, one may include textual data
 (represented by XML reserved name #PCDATA), emphasis
 (em), data marked as strong or bold (strong),
 natural breaks in the flow of the language (br), words
 noted as foreign(foreign), and words noted as terms
 (term). Also, we define that certain words may be the
 anchors of links (target). For the simplest of mathematical
 notation, we have the ability to superscript and subscript
 (sup and sub).

4.1 Rich Text

 The entity rich text (richtext) is used to
 describe rich text, that is text with emphasis, quotes, etc.

  <!ENTITY % richtext
    "em | strong | tt | inlinequote | term | foreign |
    inlinemath | link | target | a | sup | sub | br"

4.2 Emphasized Text

 The element type emphasized text (em) is a
 construct that denotes that the contained text should be

  <!ELEMENT em 
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | worktitle | articletitle )*

  <!ATTLIST em
    etd CDATA #FIXED "em"

4.3 Strong Text

 The element type strong text (strong) is a
 construct that denotes that the contained text should be
 strong or bold, and flowed within the paragraph.

  <!ELEMENT strong
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | worktitle | articletitle )*

  <!ATTLIST strong
    etd CDATA #FIXED "strong"

4.4 Natural Break

 The element type natural break (br) indicates that
 the text flow should break at this point, and begin flowing again
 after the break. Breaking is most useful in long titles and for
 special emphasis within paragraphs.


  <!ATTLIST br
    etd CDATA #FIXED "br"

4.5 Typed Text

 The element type TYPED TEXT (tt) is a construct
 that denotes that the contained text should be typed text, and
 appear as such within the formatted ETD. Although they will likely
 appear in the same font in the formatted ETD, typed text is
 distinguished from preformatted text. Typed text flows within a
 paragraph, whereas preformatted text appears between newlines. It
 is useful for documentation of computer-oriented applications, such
 as this document.

 Character combinations less-than (<) and ampersand (&) must
 be escaped in the content of this element to avoid being recognized
 as XML markup. The XML language provides the necessary entities.

  <!ELEMENT tt
    ( #PCDATA )

  <!ATTLIST tt
    etd CDATA #FIXED "tt"

4.6 Inline Quoted Text

 The element type inline quoted text (inlinequote) is
 a construct that denotes that the contained text should be flowed
 inline and be prefaced by a left-quote (``) and followed by a
 right-quote ('').

  <!ELEMENT inlinequote
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | worktitle | articletitle )*

  <!ATTLIST inlinequote
    etd CDATA #FIXED "inlinequote"

4.7 Term

 The element type term (term) denotes that the
 contained text is a term whose definition is in the surrounding text.
 Usually, terms will be placed in boldface in the formatted ETD.

  <!ELEMENT term
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | worktitle | articletitle)*

  <!ATTLIST term
    etd CDATA #FIXED "term"

4.8 Foreign Word or Phrase

 The element type foreign word or phrase (foreign)
 denotes that the contained text is a foreign word or phrase. Usually,
 foreign words will be placed in italics in the formatted ETD. Using
 the ID attribute, the dissertation or thesis author may also
 link a translation to this foreign word or phrase.

  <!ELEMENT foreign 
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | worktitle | articletitle )*

  <!ATTLIST foreign
    etd CDATA #FIXED "foreign"

4.9 Superscripted Text

 The element type superscripted text (sup) denotes
 that the contained text should appear as a superscript (e.g.,
 a mathematical exponent [2n] or other qualifier).

  <!ELEMENT sup
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | worktitle | articletitle )*

  <!ATTLIST sup
    etd CDATA #FIXED "sup"

4.10 Subscripted Text

 The element type subscripted text (sub) denotes
 that the contained text should appear as a subscript (e.g.,
 a chemical quantity [He2] or other qualifier).

  <!ELEMENT sub
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | worktitle | articletitle )*

  <!ATTLIST sub
    etd CDATA #FIXED "sub"

4.11 Special Characters

 In all markup languages, certain characters are reserved to perform
 special functions.

5. Front Matter

 Front matter contains the title information in a thesis or

5.1 Front Matter

 The element type front matter (front) indicates
 that the construct contains items constituting the front matter of
 the ETD. These include title, author, degree, major, etc.

  <!ELEMENT front
    ( title, author+, submission, school, degree, major, discipline*,
    committee, date, city, state, keyword+, copyright, abstract,
    dedication?, acknowldegments?, vita )

  <!ATTLIST front
    etd CDATA #FIXED "front"

5.2 Title

 The element type title (title) indicates that the
 contained text is the title of the ETD. In traditional formatting,
 the title information appears in two places in the formatted ETD,
 once on the title page and again on the abstract page.

  <!ELEMENT title
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | worktitle | articletitle )* 

  <!ATTLIST title
    etd CDATA #FIXED "title"

5.3 Author

 The element type author (author) indicates that
 the contained text is the name of the author of the ETD. The author
 must be identified with given name, surname and suffix (Jr., III,
 etc.) for correct library cataloging. The catalog will be
 alphabetized on the last name, with ties broken by alphabetization
 of the first name.

  <!ELEMENT author
    ( ( firstname, middlename, lastname, suffix? ) | organization )

  <!ATTLIST author
    etd CDATA #FIXED "author"

  <!ELEMENT firstname
    ( #PCDATA ) 

  <!ATTLIST firstname
    etd CDATA #FIXED "firstname"

  <!ELEMENT middlename
    ( #PCDATA )

  <!ATTLIST middlename
    etd CDATA #FIXED "middlename"

  <!ELEMENT lastname
    ( #PCDATA )

  <!ATTLIST lastname
    etd CDATA #FIXED "lastname"

  <!ELEMENT suffix
    ( #PCDATA )

  <!ATTLIST suffix
    etd CDATA #FIXED "suffix"

  <!ELEMENT organization
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; )*

  <!ATTLIST organization
    etd CDATA #FIXED "organization"

5.4 Submission Type

 The element type submission type (submission)
 indicates that the contained text is the type of submission, be it
 "Dissertation," "Thesis," or "Special Report."

  <!ELEMENT submission
    ( #PCDATA )

  <!ATTLIST submission
    etd CDATA #FIXED "submission"

5.5 School

 When it appears in the front matter, the element type
 school (school) indicates that the contained text is
 the name of the school to which the author submitted the ETD.

 This element type may also appear in a bibliographic citation. In
 that instance, the contained text is the name of the school to which
 the citation author submitted the cited material (be it a thesis,
 dissertation, project report, or otherwise).

  <!ELEMENT school
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; )*

  <!ATTLIST school
    etd CDATA #FIXED "school"

5.6 Degree

 The element type degree (degree) indicates that
 the contained text is the name of the degree the author seeks.
 Examples are Doctor of Philosophy, Master of
, and Master of Arts.

  <!ELEMENT degree
    ( #PCDATA )

  <!ATTLIST degree
    etd CDATA #FIXED "degree"

5.7 Major

 The element type major (major) indicates that the
 contained text is the name of the author's academic department.
 Examples include Computer Science and English.

  <!ELEMENT major
    ( #PCDATA )

  <!ATTLIST major
    etd CDATA #FIXED "major"

5.8 Other Disciplines

 The element type other discipline (discipline)
 indicates that the contained text is the names of a discipline, in
 addition to the major, to which the ETD is relevant.

  <!ELEMENT discipline
    ( #PCDATA )

  <!ATTLIST discipline
    etd CDATA #FIXED "discipline"

5.9 Committee Approvals

 The element type committee approvals (committee)
 indicates that the contained names are the names of the committee
 that approved this ETD.

  <!ELEMENT committee
    ( ( chair | ( cochair, cochair ) ), member* )

  <!ATTLIST committee
    etd CDATA #FIXED "committee"

  <!ELEMENT chair
    ( #PCDATA )

  <!ATTLIST chair
    etd CDATA #FIXED "chair"

  <!ELEMENT cochair
    ( #PCDATA )

  <!ATTLIST cochair
    etd CDATA #FIXED "cochair"

  <!ELEMENT member
    ( #PCDATA )

  <!ATTLIST member
    etd CDATA #FIXED "member"

5.10 Date

 The element type date (date) indicates that the
 contained text is the date of the ETD or of the bibliographic

  <!ELEMENT date
    ( #PCDATA )

  <!ATTLIST date
    etd CDATA #FIXED "date"

5.11 City

 The element type city (city) indicates that the
 contained text is the city in which the defense of the thesis or
 dissertation occurred.

  <!ELEMENT city
    ( #PCDATA )

  <!ATTLIST city
    etd CDATA #FIXED "city"

5.12 State

 The element type state (state) indicates that the
 contained text is the state in which the defense of the thesis or
 dissertation occurred.

  <!ELEMENT state
    ( #PCDATA )

  <!ATTLIST state
    etd CDATA #FIXED "state"

5.13 Keyword or Phrase

 The element type keyword or phrase (keyword)
 indicates that the contained text is a query-oriented keyword or
 phrase, perhaps on a predefined list of keywords of phrases offered
 in the major of the author, or by the library or university.

  <!ELEMENT keyword
    ( #PCDATA | worktitle | articletitle )*

  <!ATTLIST keyword
    weight CDATA #IMPLIED
    etd CDATA #FIXED "keyword"

5.14 Copyright Notice

 The element type copyright notice (copyright)
 indicates that the contained text is the copyright notice for the
 document. This copyright notice has legal significance; it pertains
 to both the XML source and the formatted version.

  <!ELEMENT copyright
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | worktitle | articletitle )*

  <!ATTLIST copyright
    etd CDATA #FIXED "copyright"

5.15 Abstract

 The element type abstract (abstract) indicates that
 the contained paragraphs make up the abstract for the document.

  <!ELEMENT abstract
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | worktitle | articletitle | p | citation | table | 
    mm )*

  <!ATTLIST abstract
    id ID #IMPLIED
    etd CDATA #FIXED "abstract"

5.16 Document Dedication

 The element type document dedication (dedication)
 indicates that the contained text is the dedication for this

  <!ELEMENT dedication 
    ( title?, ( p | citation | table | mm )* )

  <!ATTLIST dedication
    id ID #IMPLIED
    etd CDATA #FIXED "dedication"

5.17 Author's Acknowledgments

 The element type author's acknowledgments
 (acknowledgments) indicates that the contained paragraphs
 make up the acknowledgments section of the ETD. Element type title
 may be used to define an alternate title to this section of the ETD.

  <!ELEMENT acknowledgments
    ( title?, ( p | citation | table | mm )* )

  <!ATTLIST acknowledgments
    id ID #IMPLIED
    etd CDATA #FIXED "acknowledgments"

5.18 Vita

 The element type vita (vita) is a document section
 parallel to idea and bibliography that holds the description of the
 author's life's work. This section may include a work experience,
 education experience, other publications, marriage information,
 family members, and places the author has lived.

  <!ELEMENT vita
    ( title?, ( p | citation | table | mm )* )

  <!ATTLIST vita
    etd CDATA #FIXED "vita"

6. Paths

 Paths represent different ways of traversing through the ETD. While
 it may be most familiar to simply proceed from the beginning to the
 end, the author of the ETD may wish to define additional directions
 through which the reader may access the ETD.

6.1 Document Path

 The element type document path (path) indicates that
 the contained path or location elements are the files included in a
 particular path through the ETD.

  <!ELEMENT paths
    ( path )+

  <!ATTLIST paths
    etd CDATA #FIXED "paths"

  <!ELEMENT path
    ( title?, ( path | location )+ )

  <!ATTLIST path
    etd CDATA #FIXED "path"

  <!ELEMENT location ANY

  <!ATTLIST location
    etd CDATA #FIXED "location"

7. Body Matter

Body matter follows the front matter in a thesis or dissertation. The elements in this section are provided for those who do not wish to use the path/idea scheme. If you use paths and ideas, you do not need to use any of the elements in this section.

7.1 Document Body

The element type document body (body) indicates that the contained chapters make up the body of the ETD.

  <!ELEMENT body
    ( chapter+ )

  <!ATTLIST body
    etd CDATA #FIXED "body"

7.2 Chapter

The element type chapter (chapter) indicates that the contained head, paragraphs, and sections constitute the chapter.

  <!ELEMENT chapter 
    ( head?,  ( p | citation | table | mm)*, section* )

  <!ATTLIST chapter
    id ID #IMPLIED
    etd CDATA #FIXED "chapter"

7.3 Section

The element type section (section) indicates that the contained head, paragraphs, and subsections constitute the section.

  <!ELEMENT section
    ( head?, ( p | citation | table | mm)*, subsection* )

  <!ATTLIST section
    id ID #IMPLIED
    etd CDATA #FIXED "section"

7.4 Subsection

The element type subsection (subsection) indicates that the contained head, paragraphs, and blocks constitute the subsection.

  <!ELEMENT subsection
    ( head?, ( p | citation | table | mm)*, block* )

  <!ATTLIST subsection
    id ID #IMPLIED
    etd CDATA #FIXED "subsection"

7.5 Block

The element type block (block) indicates that the contained head, paragraphs, and subblocks constitute the block.

  <!ELEMENT block
    ( head?, ( p | citation | table | mm)*, subblock* )

  <!ATTLIST block
    id ID #IMPLIED
    etd CDATA #FIXED "block"

7.6 Subblock

The element type subblock (subblock) indicates that the contained head and paragraphs constitute the subblock. Nesting past five levels is not offered due to readability considerations.

  <!ELEMENT subblock
    ( head?, ( p | citation | table | mm)* )

  <!ATTLIST subblock
    id ID #IMPLIED
    etd CDATA #FIXED "subblock"

7.7 Head

The element type head (head) indicates that the contained text is the head of the element type that contains the head. The following constructs each may have a head: chapters, sections, subsections, blocks, subblocks, and paragraphs.

  <!ELEMENT head
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | worktitle | articletitle )*

  <!ATTLIST head
    etd CDATA #FIXED "head"

8. Block-Level Elements

 Often, the ETD will require direct quotaion of prose, poetry, or
 named dialog.

8.1 Block-Level Element

 The entity block level element (blocklevel) is used to
 describe all element types that make up a block.

  <!ENTITY % blocklevel
    "list | table | p | blockquote | attrib | citation | mm"

8.2 Paragraph

 The element type paragraph (p) indicates that the
 collection of contained items constitute a paragraph. Paragraphs
 may contain any of the items listed in any order.

    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | worktitle | articletitle | ol  | ul | dl | pre | 
    blockquote | attrib )*

    etd CDATA #FIXED "p"

8.3 Block Quotation

 The element type block quotation (blockquote)
 indicates that the contained text will be formatted as quoted block
 of text, possibly by margin indentation on one or both sides and
 changing to single spacing.

 Block quotes may contain more than one paragraph.

  <!ELEMENT blockquote 
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | worktitle | articletitle | p | citation | table |
    mm )*

  <!ATTLIST blockquote
    etd CDATA #FIXED "blockquote"

8.4 Attribution

 Different than a citation, the element type attribution
 (attrib) indicates that the contained text will be formatted
 as an attribution of a block quote, verse, paragraph, or other
 contextual construct, possibly by inserting a newline and offsetting
 the contained text in some way.

  <!ELEMENT attrib 
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | worktitle | articletitle )*

  <!ATTLIST attrib
    etd CDATA #FIXED "attrib"

8.5 Preformatted Text

 The element type preformatted text (pre) indicates
 that the contained text is to be formatted exactly as it appears in
 the XML source.

 The attribute output file (outfile) indicates to
 which file the preformatted text should be appended in a source code
 extraction process in a literate program.

  <!ELEMENT pre
    ( #PCDATA )

  <!ATTLIST pre
    id ID #IMPLIED
    outfile CDATA #IMPLIED
    etd CDATA #FIXED "pre"

9. Ideas

 An idea is a unit of thought in the ETD. It is roughly analagous to
 a chapter in a paper-based written work.

9.1 Idea

 The element type idea (idea) indicates that the
 contained elements constitute the idea. Ideas may also contain
 other ideas.

  <!ELEMENT idea
    ( title, ( %blocklevel; | link | idea )+ ) 

  <!ATTLIST idea
    id ID #IMPLIED
    etd CDATA #FIXED "idea"

10. Lists

10.1 List

 The entity list (list) enumerates the different
 types of list available in an ETD.

  <!ENTITY % list
    "ol | ul | dl"

10.2 Ordered List

 The element type ordered list (ol) indicates
 that the contained line items be formatted as an ordered list.
 Nested lists will be indented relative to the outer one.

The attribute type numbering (numbering) indicates that the list will be numbered as follows:

The absence of this attribute indicates that the list should be
 numbered using arabic numerals.

The attribute type starts with (startswith)
 indicates that the list will begin numbering with the specified

  <!ELEMENT ol 
    ( li )+

  <!ATTLIST ol
    id ID #IMPLIED
    numbering ( 1 | a | A | i | I ) #IMPLIED
    startswith CDATA #IMPLIED
    etd CDATA #FIXED "ol"

10.3 Unordered List

 The element type unordered list (ul) indicates
 that the contained line items be formatted as an unordered list.
 Nested lists will be formatted with bullets, dashes, or other
 appropriate indicators of the level of nesting.

  <!ELEMENT ul
    ( li )+ 

  <!ATTLIST ul
    id ID #IMPLIED
    etd CDATA #FIXED "ul"

10.4 List item

 The element type list item (li) indicates that the
 contained paragraphs constitute an item of a list.

  <!ELEMENT li
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | ol | ul | dl | worktitle | articletitle | 
    p | citation | table | mm )*

  <!ATTLIST li
    etd CDATA #FIXED "li"

10.5 Description List

 The element type description list (dl) indicates
 that the contained items are a list of terms and their definitions.
 The description term (dt) and description
(dd) will be formatted appropriately, to indicate
 the given semantic.

  <!ELEMENT dl 
    ( dt, dd )+ 

  <!ATTLIST dl
    etd CDATA #FIXED "dl"

  <!ELEMENT dt 
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | worktitle | articletitle )*

  <!ATTLIST dt
    etd CDATA #FIXED "dt"

  <!ELEMENT dd 
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | ol | ul | dl | worktitle | articletitle | 
    p | citation | table | mm )*

  <!ATTLIST dd
    etd CDATA #FIXED "dd"

11. Tables

11.1 Table

 The element type table (table) holds the data that
 constitutes a column-major table.

 Table information can be coerced into this minimal table
 implementation without loss. Both traditional row-major and
 column-major tables are provided. Most tools support row-major
 output, while the column-major implementation may be a more natural
 one for large tables' entry using a text editor [Travis and Waldt, 1995].

  <!ELEMENT table 
    ( ( colhead, column+ )* | ( rowhead, row+ )* )

  <!ATTLIST table 
    id ID #IMPLIED
    etd CDATA #FIXED "table"

11.2 Column and Row Head

 Element types column head (colhead) and row
(rowhead) hold the heading entries for the column
 or row.

  <!ELEMENT colhead
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | worktitle | articletitle )*
  <!ATTLIST colhead
    etd CDATA #FIXED "colhead"

  <!ELEMENT rowhead 
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | worktitle | articletitle )*

  <!ATTLIST rowhead
    etd CDATA #FIXED "rowhead"

11.3 Column and Row

 Element type column (column) and row
 (row) hold lists of cells or heads for the column or row.

  <!ELEMENT column 
    ( cell* | rowhead* )

  <!ATTLIST column
    etd CDATA #FIXED "column"
  <!ELEMENT row  
    ( cell* | colhead* )

  <!ATTLIST row
    etd CDATA #FIXED "row"

11.4 Table cell

 Element type table cell(cell) holds the
 data for the table cell.

  <!ELEMENT cell
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | worktitle | articletitle)*

  <!ATTLIST cell
    etd CDATA #FIXED "cell"

11.5 Multimedia Object

 The element type multimedia object (mm) carries
 the information required to point to an external multimedia object,
 as well as identify that object to the reader of the document.

  <!ELEMENT mm 
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | worktitle | articletitle )*

  <!ATTLIST mm
    etd CDATA #FIXED "mm"

12. HyperText

 An ETD may contain hypertext references to other sections within
 this document, constructs within this document, and to particular
 words or phrases (e.g., authors may provide their own index).
 Additionally, the author may refer to external documents using the
 de facto protocols available on the World Wide Web.

12.1 Anchor of Web Link

 The element type anchor of Web link (a) is a
 construct borrowed from HTML that refers to a Web page or other
 remote object.
 The attribute hypertext reference (href) holds
 the address of the reference.

  <!ELEMENT a 
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | worktitle | articletitle )*

    etd CDATA #FIXED "a"

12.2 Hyperlink

 The element type hyperlink (link) indicates that
 hyperlink traversal is possible to any destination: a footnote,
 citation, idea, subidea, table, figure, etc.
 The attribute HyTime (hytime) tells the processing
 software that this element descends from the HyTime ``clink''
 architectural form. The user need not specify the HyTime attribute
 explicitly [ISO 10744, 1992].

 The attribute goesto (goesto) tells the XML ID
 of the target, idea, subidea, etc. Dangling references are not
 permitted: an element with the corresponding identifier must exist
 within the ETD.

 The content of the link element gives an authored preview of where
 the link ``goesto,'' such as the author name and year for a
 bibliographic reference, or ``See ...'' or ``See also ...''
 Omitting the content may indicate that a footnote is the destination.

  <!ELEMENT link 
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | worktitle | articletitle )*

  <!ATTLIST link
    id ID #IMPLIED
    goesto IDREF #REQUIRED
    etd CDATA #FIXED "link"

12.3 Target Element

 The element type target element (target)
 denotes that the contained text can be the target of a hyperlink.
 Only targets that are linked require a change in formatting.

  <!ELEMENT target
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | worktitle | articletitle )*

  <!ATTLIST target 
    id ID #IMPLIED
    etd CDATA #FIXED "target"

12.4 Cite

 The element type cite (cite) denotes that the contained
 text is a link to a citation in the bibliography.

  <!ELEMENT cite
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | worktitle | articletitle )*

  <!ATTLIST cite
    id ID #IMPLIED
    target IDREF #REQUIRED
    etd CDATA #FIXED "cite"

12.5 Footnote

 The element type footnote (footnote) is a construct
 that holds the text of a footnote. Footnotes may appear anywhere
 within a thesis or dissertation, and will not appear as part of the
 regular formatting. They will only appear if their identifier is used
 as the linkend of a hyperlink reference and the user requests

  <!ELEMENT footnote 
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | worktitle | articletitle | p | citation | table |
    mm )*

  <!ATTLIST footnote
    etd CDATA #FIXED "footnote"

13. Floating Material

 This chapter includes all material that appears in the list of
 multimedia objects, such as tables, figures, graphics, etc. Objects
 within the floating material may ``float'', that is, they may not be
 formatted necessarily in the order in which they appear in the ETD-ML

13.1 Floating Object

 The element type floating object (float) declares
 that the contained elements should be formatted separately from the
 document and that references should be made (like the traditional
 figure or table reference) from within the document matter.
 References to a floating object are made with the link element, whose
 ``goesto'' attribute names the identifier in the floating object

  <!ELEMENT float  
    ( ( %blocklevel; )*, caption? ) 

  <!ATTLIST float 
    etd CDATA #FIXED "float"

13.2 Caption

 The element type caption (caption) declares
 that the contained data is the caption of the floating object.

  <!ELEMENT caption 
    ( #PCDATA | %richtext; | worktitle | articletitle )*

  <!ATTLIST caption
    id ID #IMPLIED
    etd CDATA #FIXED "caption"

14. Bibliography

14.1 Bibliographic References

 The element type bibliographic references
 (bibliography) indicates that the contained title and
 citation list will be formatted as the reference section for a thesis
 or dissertation. If the title is omitted, the text "References" will
 head the section.

  <!ELEMENT bibliography
    ( title?, ( p | citation | table | mm )* ) 

  <!ATTLIST bibliography
    etd CDATA #FIXED "bibliography"

14.2 Citation

 The element type citation (citation) indicates that
 the contained element types will be formatted as a single citation.
 Some formatters may reorder the entries according to a predetermined
 bibliographic style, others will use the order given.

 The attribute work type (worktype) tells in which
 medium the work appears, be it a book, journal, proceedings, video,

  <!ELEMENT citation ANY

  <!ATTLIST citation
    id ID #IMPLIED 
    worktype CDATA #REQUIRED
    etd CDATA #FIXED "citation"

mbjorklu Revised: Tue Dec 15 14:15:52 1998 etddtd.sl