The Electronic Theses and Dissertations Sourcebook: Call for Papers
From Sun Sep 7 21:22:54 1997
Date: Sun, 07 Sep 1997 22:12:13 -0400 (EDT)
From: Matt Kirschenbaum <>
Subject: ETD Sourcebook (fwd)
This CFP is still open, and I know the editors are still
looking for strong contributions in a number of categories;
inquiries should go to the addresses given below, not to me.
Call for Papers
The Electronic Theses and Dissertations Sourcebook
Innovative research universities are now requiring ETDs--electronic theses
and dissertations. Within the next decade, universities worldwide will
require ETDs. As this newest form of scholarship emerges, graduate
students need a reference book to help demystify why their universities
are requiring ETDs and how they can transform their work into an ETD.
We are seeking proposals for 15-25 page articles that address the issues
and possibilities surrounding this emerging form of research and
scholarship. Please review the following book proposal and the tentative
table of contents. These chapter definitions are flexible; they are
intended to provide points of origin and connection for contributors.
October 15, 1997--Submit 1 page proposals. Include a 50 word byline
with your submission.
December 15, 1997--Submit essay in duplicate (see address below).
Include disk with two files, one in rtf (or text) and one in Word Perfect.
Editors: Edward A. Fox (
Christian R. Weisser(
Joseph M. Moxley(
Book Proposal for
_The ETD Sourcebook: Theses and Dissertations in the Electronic Age_
The book will help graduate students write, create, and submit an
ETD (Electronic Thesis and Dissertation). Written by distinguished faculty
members, library administrators, scholars, and technical experts, this book
will help authors understand the potential of this genre, and learn about
electronic documents, publishing, and hypermedia.
The ETD Sourcebook offers insights into the impact of technology on graduate
scholarship, examines how electronic formats might allow for a broader
conception of writing, including multimedia, and presents authoritative
yet easy to understand explanations of what technologies are being used
to publish, access, and preserve ETDs.
Preface: Overview of the ETD Initiative
PART I: Practice: Electronic Writing and Research Strategies
1. Emerging Trends--Case Studies
This preface provides a brief history and case study examples of how
ETDs have been institutionalized. (ETDs are on the way, so get ready!)
2. Arguments For and Against Digital Publishing
How might electronic publication of theses and dissertations change
scholarship? How will ETDs affect students' abilities to publish their work
in more traditional forms?
3. Choices of Electronic Formats
This chapter provides an introduction to the various forms of
digital scholarship (e.g., PDF, SGML, MPEG). It addresses why the author
might choose one format over another, if provided a choice. It tells what
different universities are requiring.
4. Designing the Electronic Document: Multimedia and Beyond
This chapter examines ETDs from a pragmatic, technical perspective. It
reviews the successful strategies authors have employed to develop innovative
ETDs, identifying what aids readability.
5. Researching the Emerging Digital Library
This chapter addresses using the emerging digital library of ETDs,
digital library searching, and other concepts and technologies. This
chapter will also explain how NDLTD will allow for greater access and
distribution of scholarly work.
6. Electronic Documentation by Janice R. Walker
This chapter explores how documentation is informed by the
electronic publication of theses and dissertations. It also will examine
whether active links in ETDs to URLs (Uniform Resource Locators - or
URNs!) outside the text should be permitted, or if ETDs should contain
internal links only?
PART 2: Theory: Issues, Obstacles, Implications
7. Intellectual Property Issues
With greater access to non-traditionally published scholarship, how
should current copyright laws change to protect intellectual property?
In turn, what is the University's responsibility when it comes to protecting
students' intellectual property?
8. "_Electronic_ ETDs: Hypermedia and One-Inch Margins"
by Matthew G. Kirschenbaum
This essay will seek to define the scope and potential of ETDs which
are intended to be native to some form of digital media, and which use their
digital environment to support scholarship which could not be undertaken in
print. Topics to be discussed include hypertext and multimedia as formats for
scholarly work, professional concerns for graduate students engaged in
non-conventional scholarship, the role of ETDs in relation to the emergence of
new media degree programs, and new paradigms of academic teaching and research.
9. Issues of Access and Archiving
Written from the librarian's perspective, this chapter addresses
how we should publish ETDs and how scholars will be able to find and access
them (Do they print them themselves? Can they be printed? How can we
ensure that they don't disappear or become outdated? Do we keep hardcopies
or electronic copies?)
10. Changing Definitions of Scholarship and Authorship
How might graphics, hypermedia, and other non-text components of
electronic publications change our conceptions of writing? How should new
forms of electronic scholarship be evaluated by Salary, Tenure, and
Promotion Committees?
PART III: The Future of Electronic Scholarship
11. Predictions
What will ETDs be like in ten years? What are the broad implications
of Electronic Theses and Dissertations in the "Electronic Age"?
We will ask our colleagues to complete revisions to their chapters by
February of 1998. Our goal is to complete preparation of the manuscript in
its final form by May of 1998.
While we will allow authors 4,500 words, we will encourage shorter essays
so that we can submit an approximately 300 page manuscript.
Dr. Edward A. Fox, who directs the Networked Digital Library of Theses
and Dissertations, holds a Ph.D. and M.S. in Computer Science from Cornell
University and B.S. from MIT. Since 1983, Dr. Edward A. Fox has been at
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VPI&SU), where he
serves as Associate Director for Research at the Computing Center, and
Professor of Computer Science. He is editor for Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
book series on Multimedia Information and Systems. He also serves on the
editorial boards of CD-ROM Professional, Electronic Publishing
(Origination, Information Processing and Management, Journal of
Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, Journal of Universal Computer
Science, and Multimedia Tools and Applications. He has authored or
co-authored numerous publications in the areas of digital libraries,
information storage and retrieval, hypertext/hypermedia/multimedia, and
electronic publishing.
Christian Weisser teaches professional writing, computer-assisted
composition, and computer-assisted technical writing at the University of
South Florida (USF). He is a member of the USF Force on ETDs.
Joseph M. Moxley, Professor of English at the University of South Florida,
chairs the USF Task Force on ETDs. Moxley has published ten books,
including *The Politics and Processes of Scholarship* and *Publish,
Don't Perish,* *Writing and Publishing for Academic Authors.*
He has published over thirty articles and served as an editor for several
academic journals, including the American Bar Association's Web Site on
Legal Writing [].*
*Please submit completed essays to the following address:
Christian R. Weisser
University of South Florida
Department of English
4202 E. Fowler Avenue, CPR 356
Tampa, Fl 33620
(813) 974-9522
Matthew G. Kirschenbaum University of Virginia or Department of English The Blake Archive | IATH