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Department of Engineering Professional Development
College of Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison
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Implementing an SGML Publishing System
October 22-25, 1996 in Madison, Wisconsin
Creating an information publishing strategy to meet your
organization's business requirements
Many organizations publish a variety of materials--policies
and procedures manuals, catalogs, technical documentation, field support
or technical support materials--as part of their daily business activities.
Today, numerous entities in the automotive, semiconductor, aeronautics,
telecommunications, and defense industries are developing and managing
these assets in a publishing system based on the Standard Generalized Markup
Language (SGML). An SGML publishing system permits the flexible reuse of
parts of existing documents in any combination and in any number of new
documents. SGML (ISO Standard 8879) is a vendor-independent standard for
defining the structure of information. With it, documents can be updated
quickly and formatted for print or electronic delivery from the same SGML-tagged
sources. Implementing an SGML publishing system is not a snap decision to
be undertaken lightly. Implementation will require resources and a sustained
effort. But the SGML community has a body of experience that you can look
to for leadership. The course instructors and case study participants in
this program bring more than 30 years of hands-on SGML publishing experience
to bear on helping your organization get up and running with SGML.
Who Should Attend
Managers and technical staff who need to know how to design and
implement an SGML-based publishing system or who are looking for answers
to problems with their existing implementations, should attend this course.
Participants will come from organizations that- need to structure a large (and growing) body of information describing
their products and services.
- require a neutral, stable standard for exchanging information with
customers or suppliers.
- produce documents with long lifetimes that are subject to frequent
updates and revisions, have overlapping content, or are delivered in multiple
- supply information as a product or as an important component of other
products and services.
- provide products or services requiring documentation deliverables,
especially to government agencies or other industries that impose SGML
documentation requirements.
Past course attendees have included information systems managers,
consultants, documentation/publications managers, software tools and applications
developers, systems analysts and programmers, technical communication specialists,
and information developers. They have represented commercial publishers;
software developers; manufacturers of computers, machinery, and trucks
and automobiles; financial services; the U.S. military; education; and
government agencies.
Key Course Benefits
- Be able to articulate the vision and mindset underlying
the goals and uses of SGML publishing, so you can fill the role of team
leader at your site.
- Understand in practical terms why the structure of information is
critical to any strategy for its reuse.
- Learn techniques for analyzing the information in the documents that
describe your business's products and services and transforming this analysis
into an SGML document type definition (DTD).
- Develop a working knowledge of SGML constructs and their use.
- Learn how to apply database storage and configuration management techniques
to the storage and management of documents and document components.
- Examine the concept of information "granularity" and how you can employ
Course Instructors
Brian Travis is President of Information Architects,
Inc., a consulting group specializing in SGML implementation. He has installed
SGML systems for clients as varied as book publishers, airlines, the military,
and chemical manufacturers. Mr. Travis has been involved in all phases
of SGML design and implementation, from assisting corporate management
with SGML needs assessment, to writing SGML applications for conversion
and end-user maintenance. He has been creating conversion solutions and
training programmers for more than 15 years. He is a principal voting member
of the ANSI X3V1 SGML committee. Mr. Travis is the managing editor of<TAG> The SGML Newsletter,
and co-author
of The SGML Implementation Guide, published
by Springer-Verlag, 1995.Dale Waldt is the Vice President of Product Systems
for Research Institute of America Group, a publisher of complex tax publications,
periodicals, CD-ROMs, and on-line services. RIAG, a Thomson Company, is
a recognized leader in the adoption and implementation of SGML. Mr. Waldt
has more than 12 years experience designing and implementing SGML systems.
Mr. Waldt is also the founder and publisher of <TAG>
The SGML Newsletter, and co-author with Brian Travis ofThe SGML Implementation Guide
. He has written
and spoken widely on the technical and business issues associated with
Application Case Studies
Different organizations have different publishing goals and needs.
These case studies each focus on different facets of SGML use. Representatives
of these organizations will address the class and be available to take
questions either in person or by teleconference.- Douglas Aircraft Company
- The Research Institute of America
- Eastman Kodak Company, Customer Services Division
Course Materials
Course attendees will receive complete course notes, The SGML Implementation Guide, and an introductory subscription
to <TAG> The SGML Newsletter. In addition,
students will receive The SGML Control Center, a diskette with a sample
SGML application, including a documented DTD. This diskette will include
all the tools you need to produce a proof-of-concept demonstration at your
own site.Course Schedule
Registration will be at 8:00 a.m. on October 22 at The Howard Johnson
Plaza Hotel, 525 West Johnson Street, Madison, Wisconsin. Sessions will
run from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on October 22-24, and 8:30 a.m. to 3:00
p.m. on October 25. There will be midmorning and midafternoon breaks and
noon lunches each day.
Course Outline
Tuesday, October 22
IntroductionsThe Problem with Today's Publishing Systems
- The business problems
- The technical issues
- Benefits of SGML
The SGML Environment
- Related standards
- Enabling technologies
- Public initiatives
SGML System Demonstration
Anatomy of an Implementation
- Steps in the SGML development process
- Application case study: RIA TIGRE
Document Analysis
- The team
- The methodology
- Design issues
Document Analysis Exercise and Workshop
- A hands-on team exercise in which participants analyze published documents
and model the information they contain with an eye toward future publishing
Wednesday, October 23
Introduction to SGML- Markup
- The SGML document
- SGML declaration
- The Document Type Definition (DTD)
DTD Preparation Exercise
SGML Constructs
- Comments
DTD Organization
- Development process
- Tools
- Documentation
Advanced SGML Constructs
- ShortRefs, marked sections, etc.
- Entity management
Pitfalls and Practices
- Naming conventions
- Attribute value limitations
- Attribute design
DTD Development Demonstration
- Existing DTDs will be examined and a new DTD will be developed,
using the innovative software product Near & Far.
Thursday, October 24
Case Study--Douglas Aircraft CompanyCase Study--Eastman Kodak Company, Customer Services Division
SGML on the Web
- The role of SGML
- Implementation issues
SGML Data Management
- Documents as data
- Databases: relational, object oriented, hybrid
- Library services and version control
- Workflow
Getting Output Out: Using SGML with Your Output Formats
SGML Software Tools
- In this hands-on session in one of the University's computer labs,
participants will work with SGML software tools on Windows PCs, focusing
on configuration and integration.
Friday, October 25
Migration Planning- System selection
- Migration cost areas and system cost justification
- Changing roles
Information Conversion
SGML Control Center Overview
- Purpose
- Contents
- Demonstration
Bring your own Windows PC and install the Control
Center software at the course.
Conversion Demonstration
"What Do I Do on Monday?"
General Information
Fee Covers
Notebook, course materials, break refreshments, lunches,
and certificate.Pre-Payment Not Required
Enroll now, and we'll bill you later.
Or send a purchase order or check,
payable to UW-Madison to the Wisconsin Center,
702 Langdon Street, Madison, WI 53706. We
also accept MasterCard, VISA and American Express.
Discount for Multiple Registrations
Send three or more participants from the same organization and obtain
a 15 percent reduction in course enrollment fees. You must request the
discount at the time of registration to qualify for the discount.
We prefer enrollment in advance. If you cannot attend, please notify
us at least seven days before the course starts, and we will refund your
fee. Cancellations received later than seven days before the course are
subject to a $50 late cancellation fee. With the program director's approval,
a portion of this charge may be applied to the fee for a future course.
Cancellations made after the course starts are subject to the full course
fee. You may enroll a substitute at any time before the course starts.
Location and Accommodations
This course will be held at The Howard Johnson Plaza
Hotel, 525 West Johnson Street, Madison, Wisconsin 53703. If you must be
contacted during the course, phone messages may be left for you at 608-251-5511.
A block of rooms has been reserved for course participants at the Howard
Johnson Plaza Hotel. To reserve your room, please call 608-251-5511 by
September 21, 1996. Room rates are $65 + 13% tax/day. Let the reservations
staff know that you are attending the University of Wisconsin's Implementing an SGML Publishing System seminar, confirmation
#P41273. Advise us at time of registration if you prefer special accommodations
or meals. Requests are kept confidential.
Save on Air Travel
You will receive information about discounted airfares with your enrollment confirmation.
Related Courses
For information on these related document technology programs, call
800-462-0876 for a brochure, or visit our Web site: http://epdwww.engr.wisc.edu/brochures/.
- Course No. 6987, Integrating and Managing Print on
Demand, October 28-29, 1996
- Course No. 6895, Managing Documents as Information
Resources, November 4-5, 1996
- Course No. 6899, Implementing Electronic Document
Distibution, November 6-8, 1996
UW-Madison provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title IX requirements
To Enroll or Receive Other Brochures
- Mail To:
- Engineering Registration
The Wisconsin Center
702 Langdon Street
Madison, WI 53706 - Or Call:
- 800-462-0876 or 608-262-1299
- Or Fax:
- 800-442-4214 or 608-265-3448
For Course Information
Call toll-free and request the Program Director or Assistant, or call them directly using the phone numbers below.- Program Director:
- Richard Vacca
608-262-4341 - Program Assistant:
- Rose Richgels
608-262-0320 - E-Mail:
- vacca@engr.wisc.edu
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------Detach Here------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[ ] Course No. 6896WEB
Implementing an SGML Publishing System
October 22-25, 1996
Fee: $1095.00 (2.4 CEU)
[ ] MasterCard [ ] VISA [ ] American Express
Card No.__________________________________ Expires________________
Cardholder's Name_________________________________________________
[ ] P.O. or Check Enclosed [ ] Bill my company
U.S. Funds, Checks Payable to UW-Madison
City___________________________________ State ____ ZIP __________
Phone ( )_____________________ FAX ( )____________________
(optional, used only to assure an accessible educational record.)
Voluntary information collected to enhance UW programming:
[ ]Female [ ]Male Birthdate (mm/dd/yy) [ ]
Heritage: [ ] African American 1
[ ] Asian/Pacific Islander 2
[ ] American Indian/Alaskan Native 3
[ ] Hispanic/latino 4
[ ] White/Other 5
Occupational [ ] Engineering, Architecture & Surveying 3
Area: [ ] Other 13
Are you enrolled in this program primarily for career purposes? [ ] Yes [ ] No
NOTE: For security reasons, we recommend that you mail, fax or phone this information to our office.
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Last Modified July 19, 1996