[This local archive copy mirrored from the canonical site: http://www.xmledi.com/repository/repository.htm; links may not have complete integrity, so use the canonical document at this URL if possible.]

Repository Focus



The combination of XML and EDI semantic foundations, called XML/EDI, will provide a complete framework where a set of different technologies work together to create a format that is usable by applications as well as humans. These technologies are XML, EDI, Templates, Agents and Repository.

These components all work together to create an XML framework for business use:

What makes XML/EDI different from previous initiatives, is that it can use the know-how of business processes captured in EDI messages. This is then delivered via the Internet and in a Web environment. Thereby the same file can be viewed by a user in a desktop tool, or can be processed by an application component on a server. One core concept this enables is that while traditional EDI is "door to door" between business partners, XML/EDI can flow in through the "door" and be used in multiple locations within organizations.

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