AA Special Issues on EAD

From      owner-ead@loc.gov Wed Apr 22 10:51:46 1998
Date:     Wed, 22 Apr 1998 08:33:59 -0700
From:     Jackie Dooley <jmdooley@SUN1.LIB.UCI.EDU>
Subject:  Forthcoming EAD issues of AA

Contents of Forthcoming Special Issues of American Archivist on Encoded Archival Description

Scheduled for distribution in Summer 1998.

Guest editor: Jackie M. Dooley, University of California, Irvine

[American Archivist (ISSN 0360-9081) is a publication of The Society of American Archivists. Address: 527 S. Wells, 5th Floor, Chicago, IL, 60607; Tel: +1 (312) 922-0140; FAX: +1 (312) 347-1452.]

SUMMER 1997 [Volume 60 / Number 3]: Encoded Archival Description: Background and Theory

FALL 1997 [Volume 60 / Number 4]: Encoded Archival Description: Implementation Case Studies

[See also:
Encoded Archival Description (EAD)
Library of Congress - Encoded Archival Description (EAD) and Finding Aids Project
EAD Finding Aids Home Page]

Jackie M. Dooley
Head of Special Collections and University Archives
UCI Libraries
P.O. Box 19557
Univ. of California, Irvine, CA  92623-9557
Email:  jmdooley@uci.edu
Phone:  +1 714/824-4935
Fax:    +1 714/824-2472