SGML: A simplistic DSSSL tutorial

SGML: A simplistic DSSSL tutorial

Subject: A simplistic DSSSL tutorial
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 1997 03:17:21 GMT
From: "Daniel M. German" <>
Newsgroup: comp.text.sgml
--------------------------------------------------------------- Hi everybody, While dissecting one of Jon Bosak's examples (play.dsl) I have decided to write a very small tutorial. It is located at: Although small and simple, it might be useful to some people trying to learn DSSSL. Any comments oriented towards improving it are welcome. Best regards, -- Daniel M. Germán "My friends would think I was a nut, Peter Gabriel --> turning water into wine" [Note: a) Jon Bosak clarified, with respect to Daniel's words: "While dissecting one of Jon Bosak's examples (play.dsl)...." : "I didn't write the play.dsl or tstmt.dsl stylesheets; I just made them publicly available." b) Paul Prescod introduced another DSSSL tutorial at about the same time. - rcc]