From: Title: Anti-SPIT : A Document Format for Expressing Anti-SPIT Authorization Policies Reference: IETF Network Working Group, Internet Draft 'draft-tschofenig-sipping-spit-policy-00.txt' Date: February 26, 2007 I-D Tracker: See also: SPAM for Internet Telephony (SPIT) Prevention using the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) See also: Conveying CPC Using the SAML ============================================================================== Network Working Group H. Tschofenig Internet-Draft Siemens Networks GmbH & Co KG Intended status: Standards Track D. Wing Expires: August 30, 2007 Cisco H. Schulzrinne Columbia U. T. Froment Alcatel-Lucent G. Dawirs University of Namur February 26, 2007 Anti-SPIT : A Document Format for Expressing Anti-SPIT Authorization Policies draft-tschofenig-sipping-spit-policy-00.txt Status of this Memo By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any applicable patent or other IPR claims of which he or she is aware have been or will be disclosed, and any of which he or she becomes aware will be disclosed, in accordance with Section 6 of BCP 79. Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet- Drafts. Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at This Internet-Draft will expire on August 30, 2007. Copyright Notice Copyright (C) The IETF Trust (2007). Tschofenig, et al. Expires August 30, 2007 [Page 1] Internet-Draft Anti-SPIT Policies February 2007 Abstract SPAM, defined as sending unsolicited messages to someone in bulk, might be a problem on SIP open-wide deployed networks. The responsibility for filtering or blocking calls can belong to different elements in the call flow and may depend on various factors. This document defines an authorization based policy language that allows end users to upload anti-SPIT policies to intermediaries, such as SIP proxies. These policies mitigate unwanted SIP communications. It extends the Common Policy authorization framework with additional conditions and actions. The new conditions match a particular Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) communication pattern based on a number of attributes. The range of attributes includes information provided, for example, by SIP itself, by the SIP identity mechanism, by information carried within SAML assertions. Tschofenig, et al. Expires August 30, 2007 [Page 2] Internet-Draft Anti-SPIT Policies February 2007 Table of Contents 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2. Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3. Generic Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3.1. Structure of SPIT Authorization Documents . . . . . . . . 5 3.2. Rule Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4. Condition Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4.1. MessagePattern Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4.2. MethodUsed Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4.3. Assertions-Specific Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5. Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5.1. Handling Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5.2. Redirect Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6. Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 7. XML Schema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 8. XCAP USAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 8.1. Application Unique ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 8.2. XML Schema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 8.3. Default Namespace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 8.4. MIME Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 8.5. Validation Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 8.6. Data Semantics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 8.7. Naming Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 8.8. Resource Interdependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 8.9. Authorization Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 9. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 9.1. Anti-SPIT Policy XML Schema Registration . . . . . . . . . 13 9.2. Anti-SPIT Policy Namespace Registration . . . . . . . . . 14 9.3. XCAP Application Usage ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 10. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 11. Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 12. Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 13. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 13.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 13.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Intellectual Property and Copyright Statements . . . . . . . . . . 18 Tschofenig, et al. Expires August 30, 2007 [Page 3] Internet-Draft Anti-SPIT Policies February 2007 1. Introduction The problem of SPAM for Internet Telephony (SPIT) is an imminent challenge and only the combination of several techniques can provide a framework for dealing with unwanted communication, as stated in [11]. One important building block is to have a mechanism that can instruct SIP intermediaries to react differently on incoming requests based on policies. Different entities, such as end users, parents on behalf of their children, system administrators in enterprise networks, etc., might create and modify authorization policies. The conditions in these policies can be created from many sources but some information elements are more important than others. For example, there is reason to believe that applying authorization policies based on the authenticated identity is an effective way to accept a communication attempt to deal with unsolicited communication. Authentication based on the SIP identity mechanism, see [2], is one important concept. There is also related work in this context that needs to be highlighted. Requirements for the authorization policies described in this document are outlined in [7]. Selected parts of the work done with Sieve [13], a mail filtering language, may be reused by this document. Furthermore, the Call Processing Language (CPL) [14] is similar to the approach described in this document. The difference mainly is that CPL has a more procedural approach, while this proposal is matching-based. 2. Terminology The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [1]. This document reuses the terminology from RFC 4745 [3]: Rule maker: The RM is an entity that creates the authorization policies that react to unwanted connection attempts. The rule maker might be an end user that owns the device, a VoIP service provider, a person with a relationship to the end user (e.g., the parents of a child using a mobile phone). A standardized policy language is needed when the creation, modification and deletion of authorization policies are not only a local matter. Tschofenig, et al. Expires August 30, 2007 [Page 4] Internet-Draft Anti-SPIT Policies February 2007 Authorization policy: An authorization policy is given by a rule set. A rule set contains an unordered list of rules. Each rule has a condition, an action and a transformation component. The terms 'authorization policy', 'policy', 'rule set', 'authorization policy rule', 'policy rule' and 'rule' are used interchangeably. Authorization policies can be applied at the end host and/or by intermediaries. Permission: The term permission refers to the action and transformation components of a rule. 3. Generic Processing 3.1. Structure of SPIT Authorization Documents A SPIT authorization document is an XML document, formatted according to the schema defined in RFC 4745 [3]. SPIT authorization documents inherit the MIME type of common policy documents, application/ auth-policy+xml. As described in [3], this document is composed of rules which contain three parts - conditions, actions, and transformations. Each action or transformation, which is also called a permission, has the property of being a positive grant to the authorization server to perform the resulting actions, be it allow, block etc . As a result, there is a well-defined mechanism for combining actions and transformations obtained from several sources. This mechanism therefore can be used to filter connection attempts thus leading to effective SPIT prevention. 3.2. Rule Transport Policies are XML documents that are stored at a Proxy Server or a dedicated device. The Rule Maker therefore needs to use a protocol to create, modify and delete the authorization policies defined in this document. Such a protocol is available with the Extensible Markup Language (XML) Configuration Access Protocol (XCAP) [4]. 4. Condition Elements This section describes the additional enhancements of the conditions- part of the rule. This document inherits the Common Policy functionality, including identity, validity, and sphere conditions. Tschofenig, et al. Expires August 30, 2007 [Page 5] Internet-Draft Anti-SPIT Policies February 2007 The identity condition restricts matching of a rule either to a single entity or a group of entities. Authenticated and non- authenticated entities can be matched; acceptable means of authentication are specified in Section 3.1 of [10] and can be reused in this document. An important component of the overall solution are authenticated identities, such as provided via SIP Identity [2]. If the element is absent, identities are not considered, and thus, other conditions in the rule apply to any user, authenticated or not. The condition is considered TRUE if any of its child elements (e.g., the and the elements defined in this document) evaluate to TRUE, i.e., the results of the individual child element are combined using a logical OR. 4.1. MessagePattern Element Any attribute of the SIP header, such as the From, To, Contact etc., can be used to perform actions on incoming messages. 4.2. MethodUsed Element Any SIP Method invoked by the user can be used to filter incoming messages. 4.3. Assertions-Specific Parameters This parameter list set refers to information that can be made available by, for example, using SAML assertions, as defined in [5]. As an example, the following attribute is reused in this document: AuthenticationOfAccountOpening: (a) No validation of new account (could be machine opened) (b) Turing Test (human needed to open new account) (c) Credit card or other form of verifiable identification (d) Passport was presented for verification The values put in the element are defined as follows: o Corresponds to value (a)- (d) o Corresponds to value (b) - (d) o Corresponds to value (c) - (d) Tschofenig, et al. Expires August 30, 2007 [Page 6] Internet-Draft Anti-SPIT Policies February 2007 o Corresponds to value (d) Other attributes, such as IdentityStrength, CostOfCall, IdentityAssertion, ConnectionSecurity, SPITSuspected, CallCenter, or AssertionStrength from [5] might allow meaningful decisions to be performed. Further parameters carried in a SAML assertion are defined in [6] and can also be used for the decision making process. Possible parameters for Originating Line Indication (OLI) and for Calling Party Category (CPC) are described in Section 7 and 8 of [6]. The CPC parameters may also be encoded in a different form, as shown in [8], and usable by this document. 5. Actions As stated in [2], conditions are the 'if'-part of rules, whereas actions and transformations form their 'then'-part. The actions and transformations parts of a rule determine which operations the proxy server MUST execute on receiving a connection request attempt that matches all conditions of this rule. Actions and transformations permit certain operations such as block, polite-block, mark, allow, puzzle and consent. 5.1. Handling Action The element allows a couple of actions to be defined. Block Action: The block action states that this specific connection request MUST NOT be forwarded and a "403" forbidden message MUST be sent to the sender of the message. Polite-block Action The Polite-block action states that this specific connection request MUST NOT be forwarded and no message be sent back to the sender of the message. Mark Action: The Mark action states that this specific connection request MUST be forwarded after marking it as a "SPAM". Details for the message marking are for further study. Tschofenig, et al. Expires August 30, 2007 [Page 7] Internet-Draft Anti-SPIT Policies February 2007 Allow Action: The Allow action states that this specific connection request MUST be forwarded. Puzzle Action: The Puzzle action states that the "Computational Puzzles" mechanism, described in [11], MUST be triggered. Consent Action: The Consent action states that "Consent Framework" [12] mechanism MUST be triggered. Default Action: One of the action can be stated as a default action. 5.2. Redirect Action This document defines the action that contains a URI where an incoming message is forwarded to. 6. Examples This section provides a few examples for policy rules defined in this document. The example policy shows three rules with the rule id 1, 2 and 3. The rule with the id=1 matches for authenticated identities from the domain "", "" and the single identity "". For these conditions SIP messages are forwarded to the SIP UA as indicated with the element. Rule 2 indicates that for SIP messages where the identity cannot be matched against a white list and for those where the identity was obtained by having the user to present a passport, credit card or other form of verifiable identification when opening the account (as indicated in the by setting the token 'VERIFYABLE') the consent framework is applied (see 'consent' token in the element). Rule 1 and 2 are valid only from 2007-1-24T17:00:00+01:00 to 2007-3- 24T19:00:00+01:00. Rule 3 does not contain any condition. All requests that fall into this category are redirected to an answering machine (namely Rule 3 is not restricted to Tschofenig, et al. Expires August 30, 2007 [Page 8] Internet-Draft Anti-SPIT Policies February 2007 a specific time period. Tschofenig, et al. Expires August 30, 2007 [Page 9] Internet-Draft Anti-SPIT Policies February 2007 2007-1-24T17:00:00+01:00 2007-3-24T19:00:00+01:00 allow 2007-1-24T17:00:00+01:00 2007-3-24T19:00:00+01:00 VERIFYABLE consent Tschofenig, et al. Expires August 30, 2007 [Page 10] Internet-Draft Anti-SPIT Policies February 2007 7. XML Schema This section contains the XML schema that defines the policies schema described in this document. This schema extends the Common Policy schema (see [2]) by introducing new members of the and elements. Tschofenig, et al. Expires August 30, 2007 [Page 11] Internet-Draft Anti-SPIT Policies February 2007 8. XCAP USAGE The following section defines the details necessary for clients to manipulate SPIT authorization documents from a server using XCAP. 8.1. Application Unique ID XCAP requires application usages to define a unique application usage ID (AUID) in either the IETF tree or a vendor tree. This specification defines the "Spit-policy" AUID within the IETF tree, via the IANA registration in Section 9. 8.2. XML Schema XCAP requires application usages to define a schema for their documents. The schema for Anti-SPIT authorization documents is described in Section 7. 8.3. Default Namespace XCAP requires application usages to define the default namespace for their documents. The default namespace is urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:spit-policy. Tschofenig, et al. Expires August 30, 2007 [Page 12] Internet-Draft Anti-SPIT Policies February 2007 8.4. MIME Type XCAP requires application usages to defined the MIME type for documents they carry. Anti-SPIT privacy authorization documents inherit the MIME type of Common Policy documents, application/ auth-policy+xml. 8.5. Validation Constraints This specification does not define additional constraints. 8.6. Data Semantics This document discusses the semantics of Anti-SPIT authorization. 8.7. Naming Conventions When a SIP Proxy receives a SIP message to route it towards to a specific user foo, it will look for all documents within http://[xcaproot]/spit-policy/users/foo, and use all documents found beneath that point to guide authorization policy. 8.8. Resource Interdependencies This application usage does not define additional resource interdependencies. 8.9. Authorization Policies This application usage does not modify the default XCAP authorization policy, which is that only a user can read, write or modify his/her own documents. A server can allow privileged users to modify documents that they do not own, but the establishment and indication of such policies is outside the scope of this document. 9. IANA Considerations There are several IANA considerations associated with this specification. 9.1. Anti-SPIT Policy XML Schema Registration URI: urn:ietf:params:xml:schema:spit-policy Tschofenig, et al. Expires August 30, 2007 [Page 13] Internet-Draft Anti-SPIT Policies February 2007 Registrant Contact: Hannes Tschofenig ( XML: The XML schema to be registered is contained in Section 7. Its first line is and its last line is 9.2. Anti-SPIT Policy Namespace Registration URI: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:spit-policy Registrant Contact: Hannes Tschofenig ( XML: 9.3. XCAP Application Usage ID This section registers an XCAP Application Usage ID (AUID) according to the IANA procedures defined in . Name of the AUID: spit-policy Description: Anti-SPIT privacy rules are documents that describe the Authorization policies that trigger reaction to unwanted connection attempts. 10. Security Considerations This document aims to make it simple for users to influence the behavior of SIP message routing with an emphasis on SPIT prevention. This document proposes a strawman proposal for conditions and actions that might be useful when it comes to allowing a UA to tell its proxies which messages it wants to receive and what tasks it wants those proxies to perform before sending a SIP request to the UA. A couple of requirements are described in [7] and a general discussion about the available solution mechanisms is available with [9]. This document offers the ability to glue the different solution pieces together. Since this document uses the Common Policy framework it also inherits its capabilities, including the combining permission algorithm that is applied when multiple rules fire. Unauthorized access to the user's Anti-SPIT rules must be prevented to avoid the introduction of Tschofenig, et al. Expires August 30, 2007 [Page 14] Internet-Draft Anti-SPIT Policies February 2007 security vulnerabilities. 11. Contributors We would like to thank Mayutan Arumaithurai ( for his work on this document. 12. Acknowledgments We would like to thank David Schwartz for his work on the "SAML SPIT" draft. We would like to thank Miguel Garcia and Remi Denis-Courmont for their review comments. Finally, we would like to thank Jonathan Rosenberg, David Schwartz and Dan York for sharing their thoughts with us. 13. References 13.1. Normative References [1] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", March 1997. [2] Peterson, J. and C. Jennings, "Enhancements for Authenticated Identity Management in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)", RFC 4474, August 2006. [3] Schulzrinne, H., Tschofenig, H., Morris, J., Cuellar, J., Polk, J., and J. Rosenberg, "Common Policy: A Document Format for Expressing Privacy Preferences", RFC 4745, February 2007. [4] Rosenberg, J., "The Extensible Markup Language (XML) Configuration Access Protocol (XCAP)", draft-ietf-simple-xcap-12 (work in progress), October 2006. 13.2. Informative References [5] Schwartz, D., "SPAM for Internet Telephony (SPIT) Prevention using the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)", draft-schwartz-sipping-spit-saml-01 (work in progress), June 2006. [6] Schubert, S., "Conveying CPC using the SAML", draft-schubert-sipping-saml-cpc-02 (work in progress), July 2006. Tschofenig, et al. Expires August 30, 2007 [Page 15] Internet-Draft Anti-SPIT Policies February 2007 [7] Froment, T., "Authorization Policies for Preventing SPIT", draft-froment-sipping-spit-authz-policies-01 (work in progress), June 2006. [8] Mahy, R., "The Calling Party's Category tel URI Parameter", draft-mahy-iptel-cpc-05 (work in progress), October 2006. [9] Jennings, C. and J. Rosenberg, "The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Spam", draft-ietf-sipping-spam-03 (work in progress), October 2006. [10] Rosenberg, J., "Presence Authorization Rules", draft-ietf-simple-presence-rules-08 (work in progress), October 2006. [11] Jennings, C., "Computational Puzzles for SPAM Reduction in SIP", draft-jennings-sip-hashcash-04 (work in progress), March 2006. [12] Rosenberg, J., "A Framework for Consent-Based Communications in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)", draft-ietf-sip-consent-framework-01 (work in progress), November 2006. [13] Showalter, T., "Sieve: A Mail Filtering Language", RFC 3028, January 2001. [14] Lennox, J., Wu, X., and H. Schulzrinne, "Call Processing Language (CPL): A Language for User Control of Internet Telephony Services", RFC 3880, October 2004. Authors' Addresses Hannes Tschofenig Siemens Networks GmbH & Co KG Otto-Hahn-Ring 6 Munich, Bavaria 81739 Germany Email: URI: Tschofenig, et al. Expires August 30, 2007 [Page 16] Internet-Draft Anti-SPIT Policies February 2007 Dan Wing Cisco Phone: Email: Henning Schulzrinne Columbia University Department of Computer Science 450 Computer Science Building New York, NY 10027 US Phone: +1 212 939 7004 Email: URI: Thomas Froment Alcatel-Lucent 1, rue Ampere - BP 80056 Massy, Paris 91302 France Email: Geoffrey Dawirs University of Namur 21, rue Grandgagnage Namur B-5000 Belgique Email: Tschofenig, et al. Expires August 30, 2007 [Page 17] Internet-Draft Anti-SPIT Policies February 2007 Full Copyright Statement Copyright (C) The IETF Trust (2007). This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors retain all their rights. This document and the information contained herein are provided on an "AS IS" basis and THE CONTRIBUTOR, THE ORGANIZATION HE/SHE REPRESENTS OR IS SPONSORED BY (IF ANY), THE INTERNET SOCIETY, THE IETF TRUST AND THE INTERNET ENGINEERING TASK FORCE DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY THAT THE USE OF THE INFORMATION HEREIN WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY RIGHTS OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Intellectual Property The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in this document or the extent to which any license under such rights might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has made any independent effort to identify any such rights. Information on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be found in BCP 78 and BCP 79. Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement this standard. Please address the information to the IETF at Acknowledgment Funding for the RFC Editor function is provided by the IETF Administrative Support Activity (IASA). Tschofenig, et al. Expires August 30, 2007 [Page 18]