From: Title: A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for the International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC) Reference: IETF Network Working Group [Approved as Informational RFC] Date: November 2003 ======================================================================= URN Namespace for IPTC November 2003 Network Working Group Internet Draft M. Steidl Document: draft-steidl-iptc-urn-00.txt IPTC Expires: May 2004 November 2003 A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for the International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC) Status of this Memo This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026 [i]. Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet- Drafts. Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as ôwork in progress.ö The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at Abstract This document describes a URN (Uniform Resource Name) namespace for identifying persistent resources published by the International Press Telecommunications Council, IPTC. These resources include XML Data Type Definition files (DTD), XML Schema, Namespaces in XML, XSL stylesheets, other XML based document and documents of other data formats like PDF documents, Microsoft Office documents and others. Table of Contents 1. Introduction...................................................2 2. IANA URN Specification Template................................2 2.1 Namespace ID...............................................2 2.2 Registration Information...................................2 2.3 Declaration of syntactic structure.........................3 2.4 Relevant ancillary documentation...........................4 2.5 Identifier uniqueness considerations.......................4 2.6 Identifier persistence considerations......................4 2.7 Process of identifier assignment...........................5 2.8 Process for identifier resolution..........................5 2.9 Rules for Lexical Equivalence..............................5 2.10 Conformance with URN Syntax...............................5 Steidl Expires - May 2004 [Page 1] URN Namespace for IPTC November 2003 2.11 Validation mechanism......................................5 2.12 Scope.....................................................5 3. Examples.......................................................5 4. Namespace Considerations and Community Considerations..........6 5. Security Considerations........................................7 6. IANA Considerations............................................7 References........................................................7 AuthorÆs Addresses................................................7 1. Introduction The International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC) is a non- profit consortium of the world's major news agencies and news industry vendors. It develops and maintains technical standards for the news business that are used by virtually every major news organization in the world. IPTC was established in 1965. Since the 1990's IPTC's standardization work is based on open standards like first SGML, then the XML family of standards, MIME, Unicode etc. As some of these standards require identification of resources IPTC was looking for a technology for globally unique, persistent and location-independent identifiers and decided to implement URNs as described in "URN Syntax" [RFC 2141] for this reason. This namespace specification is for a formal namespace. 2. IANA URN Specification Template 2.1 Namespace ID "iptc" requested. 2.2 Registration Information Registration Version Number: 1 Registration Date: 2003-11-11 Declared registrant of the namespace: Registering organization: International Press Telecommunications Council IPTC Royal Albert House Sheet Street Windsor, Berkshire SL4 1BE Steidl Expires - May 2004 [Page 2] URN Namespace for IPTC November 2003 Designated contact person: Michael Steidl Managing Director 2.3 Declaration of syntactic structure All URNs assigned by IPTC will have a Namespace Specific String (NSS) of the following hierarchical structure: At the top of the hierarchy are three branches: - "std" - "std-draft" - "workdoc" The "std" branch hierarchy: The "std" branch URNs will be assigned to IPTC resources used for specifying and explaining any aspect of an IPTC standard. The NSS in the "std" branch will have this general structure: urn:iptc:std:{std-name}:{std-version}:{res-group} {:res-name}?{:res-version}? where "std-name" is a unique identifier for an IPTC standard. "std-version" reflects the version of this standard. The value 'current' will be assigned to point at resources of the current version of a standard. "res-group": this field will take only three values: "spec" for all resources specifying a standard, "doc" for all resources used for additional documentation of and to support the use of a standard. "xmlns" for defining an XML namespace. "res-name" is an identifier for a tangible resource; the name should describe the content or the use of the resource. Since not all resources are tangible this value is optional. "res-version" reflects the version of this resource as long as it takes a physical format û like e.g. a file. Since not all resources are of a physical kind this value is optional. The "std-draft" branch hierarchy: Steidl Expires - May 2004 [Page 3] URN Namespace for IPTC November 2003 The "std-draft" branch URNs will be assigned to IPTC resources used for specifying and explaining any aspect of an IPTC standard while being in draft status, that is at a time when the resource is not formally approved by the IPTC Standards body. The NSS in the "std" branch will have this general structure: urn:iptc:std-draft:{std-name}:{std-version}:{res-group} {:res-name}?{:res-version}? The substructure of "urn:iptc:std-draft" is identical to that of "urn:iptc:std", find all explanations there. The "workdoc" branch hierarchy: The "workdoc" branch URNs will be assigned to IPTC resources not directly related to IPTC standards but to the work of IPTC. The NSS in the "doc" branch will have this general structure: urn:iptc:workdoc:{group-id}:{doc-id}:{doc-version}{:doc-descr}? where "group-id" is a unique identifier for working groups and working areas of IPTC and constitutes a document group. "doc-id" is a unique identifier for a document within a document group. "doc-version" reflects the version of this work document. "doc-descr" is an optional concise description of the document content. 2.4 Relevant ancillary documentation None 2.5 Identifier uniqueness considerations Identifier uniqueness will be enforced by the Managing Director of IPTC who will assign unique identifiers to all resources identified by a URN. 2.6 Identifier persistence considerations Steidl Expires - May 2004 [Page 4] URN Namespace for IPTC November 2003 IPTC is committed to maintaining the accessibility and persistence of all resources that are identified by an IPTC URN. 2.7 Process of identifier assignment Assignment is limited to the owner of this namespace and its authorities. 2.8 Process for identifier resolution IPTC will develop an appropriate mechanism that maps all assigned URNs to Uniform Resource Locators (URL), specifically to enable web based resolution of URNs. 2.9 Rules for Lexical Equivalence No special considerations, the rules for lexical equivalence of RFC 2141 apply. 2.10 Conformance with URN Syntax No special considerations. 2.11 Validation mechanism None specified. IPTC will develop a mechanism for resolving URNs to URLs (see 2.8), this mechanism will also show whether a URN is valid. 2.12 Scope Global. 3. Examples The following examples are representative for IPTC URNs, but may not refer to actual resources. urn:iptc:std:NewsML:1.1:spec:DTD:1 DTD version 1 to specify the IPTC standard "NewsML", version 1.1 urn:iptc:std-draft:NITF:3.5:spec:xml-schema:2 Second draft XML Schema for the IPTC standard "NITF", version 3.5 Steidl Expires - May 2004 [Page 5] URN Namespace for IPTC November 2003 urn:iptc:std:SportsML:1.0:xmlns URN to identify an XML namespace for the IPTC standard "SportsML", version 1.0. No "res-name" and "res-version" since an XML namespace is of no physical format. urn:iptc:std:NewsML:1.1:doc:news-agency-guidelines:1.2 Supporting document named "news-agency-guidelines", version 1, revision 2, based on the IPTC standard "NewsML" version 1.1. urn:iptc:workdoc:NMA:0315:1:srs-terms Work document of IPTC's News Metadata Working Party (NMA), version 1, holding terms of the Subject Reference System 4. Namespace Considerations and Community Considerations The IPTC acknowledged already the use of URNs during the development of its XML based standard "NewsML". This standard implements the use of URNs as unique identifiers for news items as described in "URN Namespace for NewsML resources"[RFC3085]. While developing additional XML based standards as siblings to NewsML, IPTC soon got aware that URNs have to be assigned to resources that fall beyond the scope of the NewsML namespace. For this reason IPTC developed a new and very general hierarchical namespace structure to cover the needs of the currently developed standards as well as future standards and to be able to assign URNs to resources emanating from them. In addition to resources relating directly to its standards, IPTC also produces and publishes other documents relevant to the news business. As those resources are used by many organizations outside the IPTC membership and therefore could not be considered as internal documents IPTC decided to add a branch to the URN hierarchy to be assigned to these resources. IPTC maintains global activities and its standards as well as resources based on them are used world wide. Since one focus of the activities of IPTC is on global exchange of news any system for unique identification of resources has to be considered under global aspects. For this reason IPTC considers the introduction of a URN namespace for its resources as proper action to maintain globally unique, persistent and location-independent identifiers based on open standards. Steidl Expires - May 2004 [Page 6] URN Namespace for IPTC November 2003 5. Security Considerations There are no additional security considerations other than those normally associated with the use and resolution of URNs in general. 6. IANA Considerations This document includes a URN Namespace registration that conforms to the "Uniform Resources Names (URN) Namespace Definition Mechanism" [RFC3406] and is to be entered into the IANA registry for URN NIDs. References [RFC2141] Moats, R., "URN Syntax", RFC 2141, May 1997. [RFC3406] Daigle, L. et al., "Uniform Resource Names (URN) Namespace Definition Mechanisms", RFC 3406, October 2002. [W3CXML] W3C, XML WG, "Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0", February 1998, . [W3CXMLNS] W3C, Namespaces WG, "Namespaces in XML", January 1999, . [RFC2483] Mealling, M. and R. Daniel, "URI Resolution Services Necessary for URN Resolution", RFC 2483, January 1999. [RFC3085] Coates, et al., "URN Namespace for NewsML resources", RFC 3085, March 2001. AuthorÆs Addresses Michael Steidl IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council) Royal Albert House Sheet Street Windsor SL4 1BE United Kingdom Phone: +44 (1753) 705 051 Email: Steidl Expires - May 2004 [Page 7]