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DataChannel delivers XML Client Server Development System
in conjunction with the W3C-recommended XML 1.0
XML to be basis for Internet transactions
Bellevue, WA--February 10, 1998-- DataChannel, the leader in XML application development for the corporate enterprise, today announced a new member of the DataChannel product family with the immediate availability of the DataChannel XML Parser (DXP) 1.0 beta. This announcement is in conjunction with the W3C recommendation of the XML 1.0 specifications and delivers on the promise of XML. The XML 1.0 specification delivers to developers the next-generation interchange of information on the Web.
"DataChannel is excited to support the World Wide Web Consortium's recommendation of XML 1.0, and its effort to further advance Web development and Web-based computing," said David Pool, CEO of DataChannel. "DataChannel is committing to the XML 1.0 specification by providing the development community with the DXP beta allowing developers to utilize XML data in their applications."
The DataChannel XML Parser 1.0
The DataChannel XML Parser is a Java-based XML parser designed for server side-based XML parsing and integration. It is a redesigned version of NXP (Norbert Mikula’s XML Parser), one of the first XML parsers. DXP allows application developers to make their applications XML-aware by providing them with the ability to import XML data into their own data structure. Data can come from a database, the Web, a file, or from a local application -- whatever a URL can address.
XML promises the standard for information exchange on the Internet. The DXP allows developers to make use of the XML data. Now developers have a tool that supports catalogs and provides interfaces such as simple API for XML such as (SAX) and, soon, the document object model (DOM).
"XML promises to bring structure to Web-based data," said Thomas Powell, President, Powell Internet Consulting, LLC. "DataChannel is allowing developers to utilize XML today through their product offerings such as the XML Parser."
The DataChannel XML Parser is part of the DataChannel XML Developer Toolkit (DXDE), which will be available Q1Y98.
DataChannel XML Developer Toolkit
Features of the DataChannel XML Developer Toolkit (DXDE) will include:
The DXDE is in beta form and is available at no cost. It can be viewed at http://www.datachannel.com/products/xml/