costwish is a simple addition of a GUI to Joe English's CoST for the analysis of SGML documents. There is an executable (costwish) which is a tcl/tk interpreter and for which I have written a number of *.tcl scripts. I hope that you can start using it without knowing any tcl/tk or SGML. To help you with this I have written some simple tutorials which you should find under the 'User Options' button.
SGML can be used in several ways for structuring information and CoST supports at least:
An SGML document requires a DTD (Document Type Declaration) for it to be valid and will carry the name of the DTD in a DOCTYPE statement at the head. (Any document without DOCTYPE is not a conforming SGML document.) The DTD can validate the document and also add defaults, so that in principle an SGML document cannot be read without the DTD. For newcomers this can be a very tricky area as several files are often required to manage the 'parsing'. Amongst these are the SGML declaration, the DTDs, and often a CATALOG to manage the DTDs. There may also be environment variables or other mechanisms for managing SGML parsing. costwish allows the user to customise this proces if required.
The result of parsing an SGML document is an ESIS document - essentially a parse tree of the SGML. It's essentially a translation of the SGML document into one that no longer requires the DTD. (It can't be retransformed completely into SGML without knowledge of the DTD - e.g. EMPTY tags and defaults can't be recreated automatically.) CoST operates on ESIS streams (it does not read any DTDs) so that the fundamental operation is to load an ESIS file. If you are happy operating sgml parsers you may wish to create your ESIS files independently of costwish. If, like me, you often get the mechanics of running the parser wrong, you may like to try to customise that bit under costwish.
CoST is a very smart program and I have only mastered about half of it. Esentially it lets the user load an ESIS file and then to write tcl commands to search, translate, analyse the parsed data. It has a very flexible query language which navigates the tree and it this can't easily be customised unde a GUI. costwish, therefore, only really supplied some basic operations, but hopefully they are ones which will let you learn more about SGML and CoST. One way forward may be to add a command line option, but this is for later.
In very simple terms an SGML document consists of tags which may
contain other tags and/or free text (#PCDATA). Tags may also have attributes.
Precisely what is allowed is governed by the particular DTD. CoST regards
tags as nodes in a tree with optional attributes. For example, in the
HTML string:
<P>Here is <A HREF="me.html">my <B>home</B> page</A> at work.</P>
the P node contains:
The A node contains:
The A node also has an attribute HREF with a value "me.html". (The " are stripped from attribute values by the parser). Although you can't see it, the nodes all have additional default attributes added by the DTD. Thus if the string above is part of a conforming HTML2.0 document it is actually parsed into:
(A -my ASDAFORM CDATA B (B -home )B - page )A - at work. )P ]]>
This is part of the ESIS stream. (X ... )X represents an X node which can contain other nodes. The attributes precede the opening of the node and are prefixed by A. Thus the (only) attribute of P is "SDAFORM="Para" which was automatically added by the parser from the DTD as a default. (The SDA attributes are a standard document architecture which supports Braille). The PCDATA is denoted by a leading "-" field. (There are a few other types of information that can occur in the ESIS stream but it's fairly simple to follow.)
ESIS is the sole input for CoST. When it loads a file it stores it as a tree and every tag creates a node. These nodes can have attributes and content (usually CDATA). (There are several types of string defined in SGML (PCDATA, CDATA, RDATA) but some of these distinctions disappear when they get translated into ESIS.
I - and I'm not alone - find the treatment of string data very tricky in SGML. There is no concept of whitespace (spaces are transcribed exactly to the ESIS stream) but there is a concept of record-end (RE). Roughly, REs correspond to newlines in the PCDATA except for leading ant trailing ones. If newlines are precisely important for you other than simply as whitespace you'll have to explore this carefully. CoST stores REs as nodes and this may take some getting used to. To manage this, CoST also introduces Pseudo-elements (PELs) which you can think of as invisible tags managing the CDATA and REs. There is confusion between SGML and HyTime as to how to treat REs and I trust Joe's analysis of the problem!
Every node has an address in the parse tree and this can be used for referencing it. costwish uses these addresses extensively since they are the only unique way of referencing nodes. You may therefore see them displayed (e.g. 10:2). There is an option for switching them on in the overview so that subtrees can be located.
Nodes may have the following types of 'content' which are formally distinct though some applications may blur them:
It's sometimes a matter of taste as to whether something is provided as an attribute or is contained, and whether it is then a string or a separate element. For this reason costwish cannot make intelligent guesses about what the 'content' 'means'.
There's actually a much stronger reason why costwish cannot interpret
elements - SGML is precisely semantically free. All it guarantees (but that
is considerable) is the abstract structure of a document. Thus:
are isomorphous to SGML.
It is at the postprocessor stage (costwish) that we start to add
semantics to documents. For that reason it is VERY important that
costwish scripts are prepared carefully since they have the
power to reinterpet or change information. For example:
is meaningless until it is decided whether the UNITS are cm or m! A more
involved example is the use of BASE, META, LINK, A in HTML2.0. The DTD does
not define precisely how they are to be implemented and Murray Maloney is
producing a document for the HTML-WG to coordinate ideas. In using
costwish to postprocess HTML2.0 documents, it will be very important
to implement these semantics as consistently as possible.
The success of HTML on the WWW (which I welcome) has given the impression that documents are primarily for rendering (i.e. 'viewing' or 'browsing'). In fact SGML has great power to transmit document content precisely, and rendering is only one of many operations. Others are archiving, merging, seraching, indexing, translation, etc. costwish does not emphasise rendering (and does not honour non-standard HTML tags such as CENTER - if only because they cannot be included in conforming SGML documents).
It's tempting for authors to provide rendering instructions or data in SGML documents, but costwish is unlikely to be able to take much notice of these. In general it can do the following:
SGML is an excellent way to provide documents for translation into different target format. To do this the user must provide tools which decide on action for each node, and they may also wish to add something about the overall document structure (e.g. table of contents, index, etc). Here are some common examples:
costwish and its scripts form a DTD-independent 'core' on which many simple extensions can be built. Some of these will be to support other DTDs, whilst others might add functionality (e.g. translation, searching, etc.) We are hoping to maintain a consistent core for costwish but would be pleased to know of extensions whose incorporation we could then explore.
Peter Murray-Rust
April 1996