CLIP! XML XML Composer / Editor

From Tue Sep  8 06:40:16 1998
Date:     Tue, 08 Sep 1998 20:28:31 +0900
From:     xdms <>
Subject:  Thanks for your interest in CLIP! and XML (From Techno 2000 Project)

Thanks you very much for your interest in CLIP! XML Composer / Editor as
well as the wonderful new technology called XML.  Since the first alpha
release of CLIP! XML Composer / Editor July 1998, it has been actively
undergoing development and bug elimination.  CLIP! is now in the final
phase of development and it is scheduled to be released in the end of
September.  In addition, we would like to keep you up-to-date on some of
the recent product release such as XDMS 2000, an XML Document Management
System, as well as InnerView, a web based XML Document Search System
implemented with XDMS 2000.  It is our great pleasure to inform you that
our new products, XDMS 2000 and InnerView are ready for your inspection.

XDMS 2000
XML Document Management System, XDMS 2000, is designed for storing,
managing, searching and processing a large quantity of structured
information composed with XML.  XDMS 2000 is especially apt for storing
and managing a large quantity of multimedia data and structured XML
documents.  Based on document modeling of DTDs and instances of XML
documents, XDMS 2000 analyzes document structures and effectively stores
newly submitted XML documents.  Also, it provides structured as well as
full text search service on stored documents. XDMS 2000 can store and
manage the logical structure of XML documents independent of platforms
regardless of the types of Database Management Systems such as RDBMS,


   * Developed with JAVA
   * Compatibility with various DBMS: RDB, ORDB, and OODB support
   * Compatibility with JDBC
   * DOM Interface Support
   * Query through Extended XPointer
   * Direct Database Storage
   * Concurrency Support
   * Version Control
   * Structured Search
   * User Authentication
   * Open Communication: Client/Server Architecture support

InnerView is wed based XML Document Search System implemented with XDMS
2000.  InnerView was developed in the form of JAVA Applet, allowing it
to be accessible from any platform, any machine, and anywhere if a web
browser is used.


   * System access through Internet
   * Specialized search for a large quantity of XML documents
   * Search based on document structure information
   * Rank display for search results
   * Boolean search
   * Wildcard usage for full text search
   * Summary preview
   * Display capability of list of related documents


   * Implementation of XPointer-like query language apt for querying
     structural information
   * Access and retrieve documents through DOM interface
   * Platform Independent (implemented using JAVA Applet)

Visit Our Homepage
For more information about XDMS 2000 and InnerView, please visit our
website at In addition, you may experience the 
features of XML Document Search System mentioned above through our demo
site (*need site address), implemented with InnerView and XDMS 2000.

Developing Status
Since the release of CLIP! XML Composer / Editor alpha version in July
1998, it has been actively undergoing evaluation, construction and
development.  CLIP! is now in the final phase of development and it is
scheduled to be released in the end of September.  XSL Editor and XSL
Processor that supports W3C Working Draft of XSL are currently under
development, and their demonstration will be available also in the end
of September.  In addition, DTD Editor and XML Browser are will be
introduced to you by the end of 1998.

About Us
Techno2000 Project, Inc. creates a unique competitive advantage for its
clients by providing innovative solutions and by integrating the
appropriate business strategies with converging digital technologies
such as XML.  Techno2000 Project is actively involved with the
investigation of the XML standards and architecture issues in XML
development as well as the development of various XML applications.

With its experience and ability in strategic application development
based on user-friendly interface design, Techno2000 has established an
unsurpassed status in Korean internet market, and demonstrated a level
of performance that not only defines the cutting-edge, but enables its
clients to achieve the same.  Techno2000 is currently developing various
components of digital library system such as XML Document Management
System, XML Document Search System, XML Composer / Editor, XSL Editor
and Processor, DTD Editor and XML Browser.

Contact Us
To obtain specific information about our products and/or our services,
or to discuss business development and technological alliance, please
contact us via following methods of communication.

  General information about Techno2000 Project, via our auto-responder:
  Press and Public Relations inquiries:
  Information and inquiries on XDMS 2000 and InnerView:

  Information and inquiries on Validation Server:

  Techno2000 Project, Inc. / Main Office
  2F Techno B/D,
  393-5 Yangjae-Dong,
  Seocho-Ku, Seoul, Korea, 137-130

Techno2000 Project, Inc. / Main Office
  807 Wolpyoung-Dong,
  Seo-Ku, Daejon, Korea, 302-280

Phone / Fax
  TEL: +82-2-3461-5404
  FAX: +82-2-3461-5401

Techno2000 Project, Inc. / Technical Research Center
  TEL: +82-42-483-2851
  FAX: +82-42-483-2854