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ChessML supports electronic data exchange and processing between the various forms of chess information: journals, books, databases, playing and solving programs. |
_________ __________________________ ______ | | | | | | | Problem |====| CHESSML |====| Game | |_________| |__________________________| |______| / | | | \ / | | | \ ____/ __|__ _____|__ __|_______ \ ___________ | | | | | | | | | | |Move| |Event| |Notation| |References| |Definitions| |____| |_____| |________| |__________| |___________| |
<references> <source id="chessinformant" sourcename="The Chess Informant"> <date year="1994"/> <issue id="chessinformant64" nr="64">The Chess Informant 64 </issue> <issue id="chessinformant60" nr="60">The Chess Informant 60 <section id="ci60game389"/> </issue> </source> </references> |
<event category="tournament" participant-no="??"> <location>Elgoibar </location> <participant> <person><name firstname="G." lastname="Flear"/> </person> </participant> <participant> <person><name firstname="R." lastname="Vera"/> </person> </participant> <participant> <person><name firstname="???" lastname="???"/> </person> </participant> . . . <results> <list description="1st round results"> <listitem content="ci64game368">draw </listitem> <listitem content="???">??? </listitem> <listitem content="???">??? </listitem> . . . </list> <list description="2nd round results"> <listitem content="???">??? </listitem> <listitem content="???">??? </listitem> <listitem content="???">??? </listitem> . . . </list> . . . </results> </event> |
<definition> See below ... </definition> |
<head source="chessinformant64" event="elgoibar" annotator="r. vera" copyright="all copyrights, chess imformant publisher Yugoslavia"> <white title="gm" rating="2505"> G.Flear </white> <black title="gm" rating="2485"> R.Vera </black> <date year="1994"/> </head> |
<date year="1994" month="12" day="4" time="19:00.00" timezone="CET" type="AD"> |
<mode timecontrol="40m-2h, 20m-1h, *-1h"> |
A typical body in the compact form could look like this:
<body ply-count="40"> <classification type="ECO" key="B31" keylist="ECOlist"/> <moves party="w"> <d2/><d4/> <d7/><d5/> <c2/><c4/> <c7/><c6/> <N/><b1/><c3/> <e7/><e6/> <e2/><e4/> <d5/><e4/> <N/><c3/><e4/> <B/><f8/><b4/> <B/><c1/><d2/> <Q/><d8/><d4/> <B/><d2/><b4/> <Q/><d4/><e4/> <B/><f1/><e2/> <P/><c6/><c5/> <Q/><e4/><g2/> <Q/><d1/><d2/> <Q/><g2/><h1/> 0-0-0 <N/><b8/><d7/> <m id="N"><Q/><h1/><g2/>!N</m> . . . </moves> </body> |
<body ply-count="40"> <classification type="ECO" key="B31" keylist="ECOlist"/> <moves party="w"> d2d4 d7d5 c2c4 c7c6 Nb1c3 e7e6 e2e4 d5e4 Nc3e4 Bf8b4 Bc1d2 Qd8d4 Bd2b4 Qd4e4 Bf1e2 c6c5 Qe4g2 Qd1d2 Qg2h1 0-0-0 Nb8d7 <m id="N">Qh1g2!N</m> . . . </moves> </body> |
So it seems natural in the context of structured data to use the extended form, which could look like this:
<body ply-count="40"> <classification type="ECO" key="B31" keylist="ECOlist"/> <moves party="w"> <m ply="1"><d2/><d4/></m> <m><P/><d7/><d5/></m> <m><P/><c2/><c4/></m> <m><P/><c7/><c6/></m> <m><N/><b1/><c3/></m> <m><P/><e7/><e6/></m> <m><P/><e2/><e4/></m> <m action="capture"><d5/><e4/></m> <m><N/><c3/><e4/></m> <m><B/><f8/><b4/></m> <m><B/><c1/><d2/></m> <m action="capture"><Q/><d8/><d4/></m> <m action="capture"><B/><d2/><b4/></m> <m action="capture"><Q/><d4/><e4/></m> <m><B/><f1/><e2/></m> <m action="capture"><P/><c6/><c5/></m> <m action="capture"><Q/><e4/><g2/></m> <m><Q/><d1/><d2/></m> <m action="capture"><Q/><g2/><h1/></m> <m action="queensidecastle"><K/><e1/><c1/></m> <m><N/><b8/><d7/></m> <m id="N"><Q/><h1/><g2/><comment value="!"/><comment value="N"/></m> . . . </moves> </body> |
<body ply-count="40"> <classification type="ECO" key="B31" keylist="ECOlist"/> <moves party="w"> . . . <m action="queensidecastle"><K/><e1/><c1/></m> <m><N/><b8/><d7/></m> <m id="N"><Q/><h1/><g2/><comment value="!"/><comment value="N"/></m> <analysis> <text>This is an improvement of</text> <moves party="b" type="variation" position="N" id="ref1"> <m action="capture check"><Q/><h1/><d1/></m> </moves> <referto reference="ci60game389" refpoint="thisposition"/> </analysis> . . . </moves> </body> |
<definition defclass="piece" example="???" type="hopper" group="hopper" class="no"> <defname lang="en"> Soucie </defname> <defname lang="de"> Soucie </defname> <defname lang="fr"> Soucie </defname> <inventor src="strategems06"> Ben Good </inventor> <description src="strategems06" lang="en"> The Soucie is a Queen-lines hopper whose move length is determined by the number of men (incl. the Soucie itself) on that particular file, rank or diagonal. </description> <description src="os" lang="de"> Der Soucie ist eine Grashüpfer, dessen Zugl&amul;nge durch die Anzahl der auf der Linie oder Diagonalen stehenden Figuren (inkl. des Soucie selbst) bestimmt ist. </description> <description src="os" lang="fr"> ???? (The French of the author is too weak ...Sorry) </description> <rule src="strategems06"> </rule> </definition> |
<head source="Schwalbe"> <author firstname="Nikita" lastname="Plaksin"/> </author> <date year="1986"/> </head> |
<setup> <fen>S4Lk1/1bbbbbl1/1b6/2d1B1bB/8/1BB2B2/B3BbB1/ts3KTs/ </fen> </setup> |
<setup> <position> <piecelist color="white" notationtype="SAN"> <piece name="knight"> <a8/> </piece> <piece name="bishop"> <e8/> </piece> . . . </piecelist> <piecelist color="black" notationtype="SAN"> <piece name="king"> <f8/> </piece> <piece name="pawn"> <b7/> </piece> <piece name="pawn"> <c7/> </piece> <piece name="pawn"> <d7/> </piece> . . . </piecelist> </position> </setup> |
<condition definition="koeko">Kölner Kontaktschach</condition> <condition definition="maximummer">Längstzüger</condition> |
<twin> <condition definition="neukoeko" mode="add">Neu-Kölner Kontaktschach</condition> <condition definition="koeko" mode>Kölner Kontaktschach</condition> </twin> |
<stipulation set="1" tries="4" type="direct" tree="1.*;1.*;1">#3</stipulation> |
<twin> <condition definition="ander" mode="add">Andernach chess</condition> <stipulation set="1" type="help">exact-#3</stipulation> </twin> |
<body> <position fen="kbK5/pp6/1P6/8/8/8/8/R7"/> <stipulation set="1" tries="1"> #2 </stipulation> <solution phase="set"> <co checked="+"> <m>1...B any</m><m>2.Rxa7#</m> </solution/> <solution phase="try"> <co checked="+"/> <m>1.Ra any ?</m><m> 2.a6!</m> </solution> <solution phase="authors solution"> <co checked="+"/> <moves party="w" type="mainline" ply="1"> <m>1.Ra6</m><m>bxa6</m> <moves type="variation" party="b" ply="2"><m>1...B any</m><m>2.Rxa7#</m> </moves> <m>2.b7#</m> </moves> </solution> </body> |
<theme category="logical" id="lp">logical problem</theme> <theme category="zz" id="szz">schwarzer Zugzwang</theme> <theme category="sacrifice" id="ws">white sacrifice</theme> |