
CallXML is an XML based markup language used to describe the user interface of a telephone, voice over IP, or multi-media call application to a CallXML browser.  A CallXML browser can then use that description to control and react to the call itself.  CallXML includes:

·         Media action elements such as <playAudio> and <recordAudio> to describe what to present to the user during a call.

·         Call action elements such as <answer>, <call>, and <hangup> to describe how to control and route the call itself.

·         Logic action elements such as <assign>, <clear>, and <goto> to describe how to modify variables and interact with traditional server-side web logic such as perl, other cgi languages, PHP, or ASP.

·         event elements such as <onTermDigit>, <onHangup> to describe how to react to things the user can do during the call, such as pressing digits or hanging up.

·         block elements which logically group actions & events together, so that one set of event handling elements can be used for several sequential actions.


CallXML compared to HTML

HTML is a markup language used to describe the user interface of a web application. The table below compares some elements from HTML to elements in CallXML:



<html> element  begins an HTML document

<callxml> element begins a CallXML document

<table> element groups other visual elements together

<block> element groups other CallXML action and event elements together

<img> element displays a graphic

<playAudio> element plays an audio file

<a href="URL"> element describes where to go when a user clicks on a web link

<onTermDigit> event element describes what to do when a user presses a button on the phone

CallXML compared to VoiceXML

VoiceXML is designed to make it easy for web developers to create voice recognition based interfaces for either telephones or computer-based applications.  As such, VoiceXML is an excellent solution for voice based applications which provide access to web content and information, including:

·         Applications which allow users to retrieve web content via phone (ie: voice portals, web-by-phone, audiotex, etc)

·         Applications which allow users to interact with web based services using spoken commands (ie: stock quotes, sports scores, etc)

CallXML was designed to make it easy for web developers to create applications that can interact with and control any number or type calls, including:

·         Telephone or Voice over IP call applications which can control the initiation and routing of a phone call itself, supporting such features as outbound dialing, conferencing, and multi-call interactions (ie: conference bridges, internet call waiting, follow-me/find-me, etc)

·         Telephone or Voice over IP call applications which can easily interact and respond to touch-tone based entry and selection (ie: voicemail, interactive voice response, etc)

·         Call Applications which include support for additional media, such as faxes and video (ie: unified messaging, video conferencing, etc)

Because of the natural complexity associated with dealing with voice commands, VoiceXML uses a relatively complex form/field/grammar/filled interface model in its design.  

In contrast, CallXML uses a more simplified block / action / event interface model, which can be easier to learn and which allows for visual design tools which directly represent CallXML markup as simple flow-chart like user interfaces. 

CallXML Example

The following CallXML example provides a basic answering machine application. It will play a greeting and then record an audio message. The audio message will be emailed to 

However, if the caller presses the “*” key any time while the greeting is being played or audio is being recorded, the CallXML browser will terminate the play/record and go to a new URL for more instructions.  Alternatively, if the user hangs up during play or record, the CallXML browser will go to a second new URL.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”>




<playAudio value=" /greeting.wav/" termDigits="*">

<recordAudio value="" maxTime="30s" termDigits="*"/>

<onTermDigit value="*">

<goto value=""/>



<goto value=""/>




If you know HTML…

If you know HTML but not XML, you will find that the two are very similar, although XML requires more precision when coding.  Significant differences include:

·         HTML files are often called “pages”, while XML files are normally called “documents”.

·         All XML elements must be closed.  For example, in HTML you often find the paragraph element (<p>) without a closing element.  This is not allowed in XML.  In XML you have to close the element like this:


More surprising is the fact that empty elements must be closed as well.  So the HTML break tag <br> would have to be closed in XML with the combined open/close element form:

<br />

For compatibility with existing HTML processors, you should always include a space before the closing slash.  When using elements with names that are identical to existing HTML elements, you should avoid using the equivalent form:


since many HTML processors will break when they see this construct.

·         XML is very strict about nested elements.   While HTML will let you get away with a construct like this:

<p>This is <b>bold <i>italic</b></i>.</p>

XML requires all contained elements to be closed before the containing element can be closed.  So this is the legal way to handle the tags in XML:

<p>This is <b>bold <i>italic</i></b>.</p>

Note that HTML officially requires the same thing, but these errors are so common that most HTML processors deliberately ignore them.


CallXML Logic Elements

Variable manipulation elements

CallXML browsers include a per “call” or “session” variable space.  The CallXML logic elements are used to assign and clear values in those variables, and to submit those variables as HTTP GET or POST information to traditional web applications created with languages such as CGI, Perl, Java, and .ASP. 

CallXML variables can be referenced within CallXML element attributes by using the $varname; syntax.

<assign var=“ttt”      default: ""
        value=“123”/>      default: ""





Variable name to use when assigning a value


Value to put into the variable


Assigns the value specified by the attribute value to the variable specified by the attribute var. As show above, will assign the value "123" to variable named "ttt”.

In addition to variables explicitly assigned by the callxml markup, CallXML browsers may automatically create variables which contain information related to the call / session.

The following is a list of automatically created global variables associated with each session:




The digit buffer


The callers phone number


The number that was called to get here


The session ID of the sender of the last external event


Voxeo ID of the caller (if known)


Voxeo ID of the called party (if known)


Identifier for the current session

Variable names must start with a letter A through Z or a through z and can contain: A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, and the underscore.  Variable names can be 1-40 characters in length.  Variable names beginning with the characters "session." or "SESSION." in any case combination are reserved for internal system variables and cannot be created or set by the programmer except that the session.Digits buffer can be cleared by the clearDigits element or the clear var="session.Digits" element.  The session.Digits buffer can be set using the <assign var="session.Digits" value="anything"> element.

Possible events



<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”>

<!-- read a first and last name to the caller using
text to speech -->



            <assign var=”firstname” value=”jonathan”/>

            <assign var=”lastname” value=”smith”/>



            Thanks for calling, $firstname; $lastname;.




<clear var=“ttt”/>





Name of the variable to clear.


Clears variable specified by the attribute var.  As show above, will clear a variable named "ttt".  Effectively this works the same as <assign var="ttt" value="" />

Possible events


<clearDigits />




Clears the session.Digits buffer.

The session.Digits buffer contains any touch-tone digits the user may have pressed before a CallXML action is executed.  This element will clear the digit buffer of any queued digits. 

In addition to the clearDigits element and the ability to clear the session.Digits buffer manually, several CallXML elements have a clearDigits attribute that does the same thing in order to reduce the number of elements required for common tasks.  The <clearDigits> element is used by several higher level CallXML™ elements (q.v.). ????Clarify. Is the clearDigits attribute being conflated with the clearDigits element????

Possible events


<goto value=“http://w.v.n/next.voxeo#block      Default: ""
      submit=“*|x,y,z”      Default: "*"
      method=“get|post”       Default: "get" />





Either a full URL (http://w.v.n/yo.voxeo) or a local URI pointing to a <block> label in the same CallXML file (e.g., #main_menu).

Supported URL formats include:
    http://     Read data
    ftp://       Read data


List of variables to submit to the called URL/URI can be “all” or “*” for everything, or a comma delimited list of variables to submit (e.g., submit = “Variable1, Variable2, Variable3, Variable5, Variable9”). 


Submit method to use:
    "get" for http get
    "post" for http post


This element can either:

·         Leap to another block of CallXML actions in the current file, by specifying value=”#blocklabel”, or

·         Perform an HTTP GET or POST to fetch a new CallXML document, by specifying value=”url”.

When used to fetch a new CallXML document, the submit attribute can be used to pass CallXML browser variables with the HTTP GET or POST operation used to request the new document. 

The method attribute is used to select whether to use HTTP GET or POST when fetching the new document.

Possible events



<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”>

<!—assign two vars, then send them to a perl script as GET URL variables -- >



            <assign var=”firstname” value=”jonathan”/>

            <assign var=”lastname” value=”smith/>

<goto value=””

      submit=”firstname, lastname”/>




A note about session elements

CallXML browsers may support more than one “call” or “session”.  For example, a CallXML browser may be running on a system connected to multiple phone lines, with an ability to support a unique session for each phone line. 

On such CallXML browsers, CallXML code in one session can run new CallXML code in a second session using the <run> element.  This element is useful for applications that may receive a call in one session and then initiate new outbound calls in other sessions – such as a follow-me/find-me application.

On such CallXML browsers, some applications may require the ability to easily send information between sessions that can potentially interrupt the actions of the other session. 

For example, a conferencing application may want to be able to send a message from the session for each person calling into the conference to the session of the person who created the conference, so that “new caller” tone can be played to the conference creator.  As a result, CallXML includes a basic mechanism to send messages from one session to another.

CallXML logic elements related to sessions are found below:


<run      value=“http://w.v.n/next.voxeo|#block      Default: ""
      submit=“*|x,y,z”      Default: "*"
      method=“get|post”      Default: "get"
      var=“varForReturnedSessionID      Default: "" />





Either a full URL (http://w.v.n/yo.voxeo) or a local URI pointing to a <block> label in the same voxeo file (e.g., #main_menu).

Supported URL formats
    http://     Read data
    ftp://       Read data


List of variables to submit to the called URI/URI can be “*” for everything or a comma delimited list of variables to submit.


Submit method to use:
    "get" for http get
    "post" for http post


Variable name in which to store the new session ID/


This element will run/start a new session, and fetches a CallXML document to use for the session from the URL or URI specified by value. 

The submit attribute can be used to pass copies of CallXML browser variables from the parent session with the HTTP GET or POST operation used to fetch the new document. 

The method attribute is used to select whether to use HTTP GET or POST.  Var specifies the name of a variable in the parent session that will receive the unique identifier of the new session.

Possible events



<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”>

<!-- run a new session, starting with CallXML code from -->

<!-- pass a few copies of a few variables to the code @ -->



            <assign var=”firstname” value=”jonathan”/>
            <assign var=”lastname” value=”smith”/>

            <assign var=”parentsession” value=”$session.ID;”/>

            <run value=””

                 submit=”fistname, lastname, parentsession”


            <!-– the session id of the new session is now -->

            <!-– stored in childsessid -->




<sendEvent value=“msg_call_answered”      Default: ""
           session=“sss”      Default: "" />






String containing the body of the message.


ID of the session to which the event will be sent.


<sendEvent> is a tag that allows one session to send a message to another session.

The attribute value is used to specify the text message to send to the other session.

The attribute session is used to specify the unique identifier of the session to send the message to.


Possible events



This event allows the session that is the recipient of a <sendEvent> to process the message.  In use, one session could start another and wait for its child process to send it a message of some sort indicating that the child session had completed its task.  For example, this highly simplified interaction could be used as the basis for a follow me/find me application:


Session 1

    value="$session.ID;" />
    submit="*" />

    value="caught a foo external event." />


Session 2

    value="send an event." />
    session="$parent;" />

CallXML Call Action Elements

CallXML call action elements specify actions the CallXML browser can apply to the call associated with the browser session.  These actions include <answer> to answer a new inbound call, <hangup> to hangup or disconnect the call, <call> to initiate a new outbound call, and <conference> to connect or conference the audio from to different calls or sessions together. 





This element will “answer” or “pick-up” the call.  Any time a new call is received by a CallXML browser, it will use a browser specific mechanism to determine a URL from which to fetch an initial CallXML document to use for that call.  However, the CallXML browser does not “answer” or “pick-up” the call until this element is executed.

Possible events



<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”>

<!-– answer the call, then play a greeting -->




            <playAudio value=”greeting.wav” />







This element instructs the CallXML browser to “hang-up” or disconnect the call associated with the current session. 

Possible events



<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”>

<! – answer the call, then play a greeting, then hangup -- >




            <playAudio value=”greeting.wav”/>






<call      value=“pstn:18314395130”     Default: ""
      callerID="pstn:1234567890"   Default: "callerID"
      maxTime=“30s”                Default: "30s" />





URL describing the place to initiate a call to


CallerID to present when placing the call


Maximum amount of time to wait for the call to be answered



The Call element allows for new outbound calls to be placed to the specified address. 

The address is specified by the attribute value and is in URL format.  Supported formats include PSTN://  to instruct the browser to call a normal telephone number.

The maximum amount of time to wait for the call to be answered can be specified by the attribute maxTime.

Possible Events


<onAnswer type=“person|machine|unknown”>




<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”>

<! – place a call, when it’s answered, play a greeting -- >



            <call value=”pstn:14075551212”/>


                  <playAudio value=”greeting.wav”/>





<conference targetSessions=”sessionID1,
                            sessionID2”      Default: ""
            termDigits=”#”      Default: "" />





One or more unique session identifiers, separated by commas.


List of touch-tone digits which can terminate the conference


This element allows multiple lines in separate sessions to be conferenced together so that the parties on each line can talk to each other simultaneously.

The list of sessions to conference together is specified by the attribute targetSessions, and can be one more unique session identifiers separated by commas.

The termDigits can be used to specify touch-tone digits that will terminate the conference.

Possible events



<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”>

<!-- conference with another session -->

<!-- assume we previously stored the id of the other session into the variable “otherSess” -->

<!-- then wait until the conf ends or another event occurs -->



            <conference targetSessions=”$othersess;”/>

            <delay value=”nolimit”/>




<waitForConferenceEnd />




This element allows a session that is a target of a conference command to suspend all other processing until the conference is terminated by either party.  This element has been deprecated in favor of the more general “wait” element.

Possible events



<wait value=”10s|nolimit”         Default: “”
       termDigits=”*”/>           Default: “”





Amount of time to wait. 


List of touch-tone digits which can terminate the wait action



The wait element is used to instruct the CallXML browser to wait for a specified amount of time. 

The time value is specified by the attribute value and can be in seconds (s), minutes (m), or milliseconds (ms); or can be set to “nolimit” to have no limit on the amount of time to wait. 

termDigits specifies a list of digits that can terminate the wait action. 

Possible Events





<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”>

<!-- play an audio file, then wait up to 30 seconds for the user to press a button or hangup -->



            <playAudio value=”waitingonyou.wav”/>

            <delay value=”30s”/>



CallXML Media Action Elements



<getDigits var="pager_msg"               default: none
           maxDigits="9"                 default: nolimit
           termDigits="#*"               default: ""
           includeTermDigit="TRUE|FALSE" default: FALSE
           clearDigits="TRUE|FALSE"      default: FALSE
           maxTime="30s"                 default: 30s
           maxSilence="5s"               default: 5s />





Read digits into the variable specified, “pager_msg” in this example.


The maximum number of digits to read, 4 digits in this example.


Digits that can terminate or end the entering of digits;  either # or * in this example.  The termDigits value can be any combo of "1234567890*#ABCD@" or "any" or "".  "any" indicates that any digit will terminate the entry.


TRUE to include the term digit with the value placed into var, or FALSE to not include it.


Boolean value indicating whether the queued digits buffer should be cleared when this action starts.  TRUE clears the digits buffer.  FALSE leaves the contents of the digit buffer alone.


Maximum time period to wait for digits, 30 seconds in this example.  The time units can be specified in ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), or m (minutes).  If no unit specification is present, seconds are presumed.


Maximum time to wait between digits, 5 seconds in this example.  Time units can be in ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), or m (minutes).  If no unit specification is present, seconds are presumed.



????Clarify syntax for "no limit"????The getDigits element reads input touch-tone digits from the call and places them into a variable by the var attribute. 

In the example above, the user would have 30 seconds to enter up to 9 digits on her phone, pausing no more than 5 seconds between digits, and ending the digit input with either the # key or * key. 

This element is typically used for such tasks as gathering PIN codes, pager numbers, and anything else that involves multiple digits coming from the user.   <getDigits> requires an associated <onTermDigit> event element .

Possible events

The follow events may occur while this action is running:







<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”>

<!-- play a file asking a user to enter their 4 digit pin code, then get the pin code and store it in a variable named user_pin .. wait up to 30 seconds for them to enter the pin. -->

<!-- then tell them what pin code they entered using text to speech -->



            <playAudio value=”enterpin.wav”/>

            <getDigits var=”user_pin”




                  <text> you entered $user_pin; </text>






<play… />


                format=“digits|number”                Default: "digits"

                value=“12345”                Default: ""

                termDigits=“*#”                Default: ""

                clearDigits=“TRUE|FALSE”                Default: "FALSE" />


<playMoney                format=“us”                Default: "us"

                value=“1.25”                Default: ""

                termDigits=“*#”                Default: ""

                clearDigits=“TRUE|FALSE”                Default: "FALSE" />


<playDate                format=“ddmmyyyyhhss”                Default: as shown

                value=“1012990732”                Default: ""

                termDigits=“*#”                Default: ""

                clearDigits=“TRUE|FALSE”                Default: "FALSE" />


<playchars  value=“abcdefgh”




<playtone  value=“2000hz+1000hz"\”




<playAudio                format=“audio/vox”                Default: "audio/vox"

                value=“”                Default: ""

                termDigits=“*#”                Default: ""

                clearDigits=“TRUE|FALSE”                Default: "FALSE" />





Formatting string to use for the play (not totally defined yet).


The value to play (literal, variable, or URL reference).


Digits that can terminate the play.


Boolean variable indicating whether the session.Digits buffer should be cleared on entry.  TRUE clears the digits buffer.  FALSE leaves the contents of the digits buffer alone.


<play … > is used to play an a number, date, money value, numeric value, or audio file. 

For <playAudio>, the format attribute refers to the mime-type of the audio file, in case the CallXML browser cannot automatically determine the mime-type.

Possible events



<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”>

<!-- ===================== -->

<!-- Here is our main menu script -->

<!-- ===================== -->



<block label=“MainMenu”




      <playAudio format= “audio/vox”





<!-- ============== -->

<!--  Our event handlers -->

<!-- ============== -->


      <onTermDigit value= “*#”>

            Do something here.



      <onTermDigit value= “567890”>

            Do something different here.




<recordAudio      format=“audio/vox”               Default:"audio/vox"
      value=“ftp://www.v.n/msg.vox”    Default: ""
      termDigits=“*#”                  Default: ""
      clearDigits=“TRUE|FALSE”         Default: "FALSE"
      maxTime=“30s”                    Default: "30s"
      maxSilence=“5s”                  Default: "5s"
beep="TRUE|FALSE"                Default: "TRUE"






Formatting string to use for the record (mime type).


Where to put the audio (variable or URL reference).


Digits that can terminate the play.


Boolean variable indicating whether the session.Digits buffer should be cleared on entry.  TRUE clears the digits buffer.  FALSE leaves the contents of the digits buffer alone.


Maximum time period to record audio (time value can be in ms, s, or m).


Maximum time period allowed for silence (time value can be in ms, s, or m).

<receivefax format=“audio/tiff-f”


Receives a fax.  This element is not yet implemented.




This element can be used to record voice to the URL specified in the attribute value.

The format attribute specified the mime-type to use when recording the message.  Possible values include audio/vox, audio/ms-gsm, and audio/wav.

The value attribute specifies a URL or URI where the audio should be recorded.  Supported URL/URI types include:

·         http:// (using HTTP PUT operation to send the audio)

·         ftp:// (using FTP PUT operation to send the audio)

·         mailto: (using a file attachment for the audio

The termDigits attribute specifies a list of digits which can terminate the audio record action. 

The clearDigits attribute specifies whether the CallXML browser should clear any previously queued touch-tone digits before starting to record.

The maxTime attribute specifies the maximum length of recording before the audio record action is stopped.

 The maxSilence attribute specified the maximum amount of silence that can occur before the audio record action will stop. 

This element can be used to record voicemail messages, greetings, etc.  In the example above, the user would be allowed to speak into the phone to record audio for up to 30 seconds (with no more than a 5 second pause anywhere within), and could end the recording segment by pressing either the * or # key.  The new audio file would then be saved at www.v.n/msg.vox in the audio/vox format.  The clearDigits attribute, again, is used to ensure a “fresh” start during the audio recording, in case one of the terminating digits was pressed prior to initiating the recording (i.e., we might not want the recording to end prematurely simply because the user previously pressed the  # key, for instance)

Possible events



<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”>

<!-- ======================= -->

<!-- Here is our record greeting script -->

<!-- ======================= -->



<block label=“RecordGreeting”




      <recordAudio format= “audio/vox”







<!-- ============== -->

<!--  Our event handlers -->

<!-- ============== -->


      <onTermDigit value= “#”>

            Do something here.



      <onTermDigit value= “1234567890*”>

            Do something different here.







Formatting string to use for the receive (mime type).


where to put the fax (variable or URL reference).


Maximum time period to record audio (time value can be in ms, s, or m).


Maximum time period to allow between pages (time value can be in ms, s, or m).


Maximum number of pages to receive.


<sendfax           format= “audio/tiff-f”


Sends a fax.  This element has not been implemented yet.





Formatting string to use for the send (mime type).


Where to get the fax from (variable or URL reference).


Maximum time period to send the fax (time value can be in ms, s, or m).


Maximum time period to allow between pages (time value can be in ms, s, or m).


Maximum number of pages to send.




<text      format=“?”                      Default: "connected"
      termDigits=“#”                  Default: ""
      clearDigits=“TRUE|FALSE”>       Default: "FALSE"

      text to read …






Text format with a default value of "connected"


A list of terminating digits for this element


Boolean variable indicating whether the session.Digits buffer should be cleared on entry.  TRUE clears the digits buffer.  FALSE leaves the contents of the digits buffer alone.


Text is an element that is used to tell the CallXML browser to use a text-to-speech engine to read text contained within the element to the user.

The format attribute can be used to specify a specific text to speech engine, voice, speed, etc. that the text should be read with.

The termDigits attribute can be used to specify a list of touch-tone digits that can terminate the text reading.

The clearDigits attribute can be used to clear any previously pressed digits before the reading starts.

Possible events




<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”>

<!-- read a paragraph to the caller -->




                  Now is the time for all good folks to

                  Answer their telephone.





<addChannel value=”?”                 Default: “”
            format=“?”                Default: “”
            varChannelID=”?”>         Default: “”





URL which identifies the type and address of the channel to add


A comma separated list of mime-types the audio channel can support


Name of a variable which will receive the unique identifier for the new channel



The addChannel element is used to add additional media channels to the current session, such as video, scripted presentation, or whiteboard spaces. 

value is a URL that identifies the type and address of the channel to add. 

format is a comma separated list of media mime types the current CallXML session will support

varChannelID is the name of a variable which will receive a unique identifier for the new channel. 

Possible events



<removeChannel channelID=”?”>         Default: “”





Unique identifier of the channel to remove


The removeChannel element is used to remove a previous added media channel from the current session. 

channelID is the unique identifier of the channel to remove.

Possible Events



CallXML Block Elements

The CallXML high level elements exist to simplify the process of application creation.  In each case, they can be thought of as a sequence of actions within a single block but, because they're a single element, are quicker to.

<block    label=“anyname”                   Default: ""
      repeat=“?”                         Default: "1"
      clearDigits=“TRUE|FALSE” >         Default: "FALSE"

             action elements ….

             event elements ….






Label of the block , used for URI references in the <goto> element (q.v.)


Number of times to repeat the <block>


Boolean variable indicating whether the session.Digits buffer should be cleared on entry.  TRUE clears the digits buffer.  FALSE leaves the contents of the digits buffer alone.


The block element is used to logically group action and event elements together, as well as providing the ability to repeat the actions in the block a specified number of times.

<Block> elements may be nested with each other to foster more structured CallXML interface code. 

The label attribute uniquely identifies the block within a CallXML document, and can be used by the <goto> element to jump from one block to another within a document, or jump into a specified block from another document. 

The repeat attribute specified the number of times the actions in the block should be repeated.

The clearDigits attribute specified whether any previously queued digits should cleared before the actions within the block are executed.

Possible events

The block element can contain any event handling element, including:

<onAnswer>                                </onAnswer>

<onCallFailure>                                </onCallFailure>

<onError>                                </onError>

<onHangup>                                </onHangup>

<onMaxDigits>                                </onMaxDigits>

<onMaxPages>                                </onMaxPages>

<onMaxTime>                                </onMaxTime>

<onMaxSilence>                                </onMaxSilence>

<onTermDigit>                                </onTermDigit>

<onExternalEvent>                </onExternalEvent>


Alternatively, a more structured event handling sub element form may be used:


<Answer>   </Answer>

<Busy>       </Busy>

<Error>       </Error>

<Hangup>   </Hangup>

<MaxDigits>   </MaxDigits>

<MaxPages>   </MaxPages>

<MaxTime>   </MaxTime>

<MaxSilence>   </MaxSilence>

<TermDigit>   </TermDigit>

<ExternalEvent>   </ExternalEvent>



<menu       label=“main_menu”                Default: ""
      repeat=“3”                       Default: "1"
      format=“audio/vox”               Default: "audio/vox"
      value=“http://w.v.n/msg.vox     Default: ""
      clearDigits=“TRUE|FALSE”         Default: "FALSE"
      termDigits=“567890*#”            Default: ""
      maxTime=“15s” >                  Default: "30s"

           event elements …






Label of the block , used for URI references in the <goto> element (q.v.)


Number of times to repeat the <block>


TRUE for clearing the session.Digits buffer upon entering the <block>, FALSE to leave the session.Digits buffer as is


Formatting string to use for the play (not totally defined yet).


The value to play (literal, variable, or URL reference).


Digits that can terminate the play.


Boolean variable indicating whether the session.Digits buffer should be cleared on entry.  TRUE clears the digits buffer.  FALSE leaves the contents of the digits buffer alone.


Menu is an element that combines the attributes and functionality of a <block> element with a <playAudio> element.


The intent of this element is to foster easy implementation of menus, where one key press will move the caller through an application.  In the example above (and below), the audio file will be played 3 times before “timing out” and moving on in the CallXML code.  Compare the example below with the <playAudio> example given earlier.


Possible events

<onTermDigit value="n">

<onTermDigit value="2">

<onMaxTime value="1|2|max”>



<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”>

<!-- ================== -->

<!-- You have a call submenu -->

<!-- ================== -->



<menu label=“YouHaveACall”








<onTermDigit value=“1">

            Do something to answer the call.


      <onTermDigit value=“2”>

            Do something to save the call for later user.


      <onTermDigit value=“#”>

            Do something to return to the previous menu.





<inputDigits      label=“input_pin”                Default: ""
      repeat=“3”                       Default: "1"
      var=“pager_msg”                  Default: ""
      format=“audio/vox”               Default: "audio/vox"
      value=http://w.v.n.msg.vox     Default: ""
      termDigits=“#*”                  Default: ""
      clearDigits=“TRUE|FALSE”         Default: "FALSE"
      includeTermDigit=“TRUE|FALSE”    Default: "TRUE"
      maxDigits=“4”                    Default: no limit
      maxTime=“15s”                    Default: "30s"
      maxSilence=“5s” >                Default: "5s"

           event elements …






Label of the block, used for URI references in the <goto> element (q.v.)


Number of times to repeat the <block>


TRUE for clearing the session.Digits buffer upon entering the <block>, FALSE to leave the session.Digits buffer as is


Read digits into the variable specified, “pager_msg” in this example.


The maximum number of digits to read, 4 digits in this example.


Digits that can terminate the get either # or * in this example.  The termDigits value can be any combo of “1234567890*#ABCD@” or “any” or “”.


TRUE to include the term digit into var, or FALSE to not include it.


Boolean variable indicating whether the session.Digits buffer should be cleared on entry.  TRUE clears the digits buffer.  FALSE leaves the contents of the digits buffer alone.


Maximum time period to wait for digits, 30 seconds in this example.  Time value can be in ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), or m (minutes).


Maximum time to wait between digits, 5 seconds in this example.  Time value can be in ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), or m (minutes).



<inputDigits> is an element that combines the functionality and attributes of a <block> element, <playAudio> element, and a <getDigits> element. 

The intent of this element is to foster easy creation of scripts which prompt the user to enter variable DTMF digits such as pin codes, pager messages, and numeric values.

In the example above, the user has 15 seconds to enter up to 4 digits (possibly for a PIN code), with a pause of no more than 5 seconds between keystrokes.  Either the # or * key will end the input process, and the audio message/prompt will loop 3 times before dropping out of the element (i.e., timing out), and proceeding on to the rest of the CallXML actions.

Possible events

<onTermDigit value=“n”>        







<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”>

<!-- use inputDigits to ask the user to enter their 4 digit pin code, then get the pin code and store it in a variable named user_pin .. wait up to 30 seconds for them to enter the pin.  -->

<!-- then tell them what pin code they entered using text to speech-->



            <inputDigits value=”enterpin.wav”



                         maxTime=”30s” />


                  <text> you entered $user_pin; </text>





<inputAudio label=“leave_message”      Default: ""
      repeat=“3”                       Default: "1"
      var=“myaudio”                    Default: ""
      playValue=“http://w.v.n/msg.wavDefault: ""
      playFormat=“audio/vox”           Default: "audio/vox"   Default: “”  
recordFormat=”audio/vox”         Default: “audio/vox”
      termDigits=“*#”                  Default: ""
      clearDigits=“TRUE|FALSE”         Default: "FALSE"
      maxTime=“15s”                    Default: "30s"
      maxSilence=“5s”                  Default: "5s"
beep="TRUE|FALSE" >              Default: "TRUE"

           event elements …







Label of the block , used for URI references in the <goto> element (q.v.)


Number of times to repeat the <block>


TRUE for clearing the session.Digits buffer upon entering the <block>, FALSE to leave the session.Digits buffer as is


Formatting string to use for the play (mime type)


Formatting string to use for the record (mime type).


What prompt to play (URL reference)


Where to put the audio (variable or URL reference).


Digits that can terminate the play.


Boolean variable indicating whether the session.Digits buffer should be cleared on entry.  TRUE clears the digits buffer.  FALSE leaves the contents of the digits buffer alone.


Maximum time period to record audio (time value can be in ms, s, or m).


Maximum time period allowed for silence during recording (time value can be in ms, s, or m).



The <inputAudio> element combines the attributes and functionality of a <block> element, <playAudio> element, and a <recordAudio> element. 

The intent of this element is to foster easy creation of CallXML code which will prompt the user to record audio, such as when leaving a voicemail message or changing a voicemail greeting.


Possible events

<onTermDigit value=“#”>





<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”>

<!-- answering machine – play a prompt, record a voicemail message, and email it to -->



            <answer />

            <inputAudio value=”nothome.wav”



                        maxTime=”3m” />






CallXML Event Elements

The CallXML events are not always complete event handlers as such, although event handlers can be constructed using these elements.  They are, in many cases, primarily logical control structures that combine certain features of both event handling and program flow control.  Where a value or type is specified, the structure acts as an if… then… control structure, selecting a particular sequence of instructions to follow based on the value of the event that triggered the handler.  In use then, a complete event handler for a particular event will require as many "on" elements as there are possible values to be tested.  "On" elements without attributes require only one entry.

<onAnswer type="possibleAnswerType" />





The CallXML server will attempt to determine what has answered the call and report this to your application.  This may be useful in determining how to proceed.  The type given in an <onAnswer> element will be compared against the actual answer type and, if identical, any CallXML contained in the <onAnswer> element will be executed. 

Valid values are “person”, “machine” and “unknown”. 



This event occurs when a session determines that a call has been answered.  This used in a CallXML script after executing a <call> action.

Can result from



<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”>



            <call value=”pstn://14075551212”/>


                  <playAudio value=”hello.wav”/>








<onCallFailure type="possibleFailureType" />





The CallXML browser will attempt to determine the cause of any call failure and report this to your application.  This can be useful in determining how to proceed.  The type given in an <onCallFailure> element will be compared against the actual failure type and, if identical, any CallXML contained within the <onCallFailure> element will be executed.



This event occurs when the session determines that the attempted call cannot be completed because the dialed number is busy, a circuit is unavailable, a SIT tone was detected or other detectable call failure mode.  The call is not automatically disconnected.

Can occur during



<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”>



            <call value=”pstn://14075551212”/>


                  <playAudio value=”hello.wav”/>








<onError type="possibleErrorType" />





The CallXML browser will attempt to determine the cause of any error and report this to your application.

The type given in an <onError> element will be compared against the actual error type and, if identical, any CallXML contained within the <onError> element will be executed.



When certain errors occur an <onError> event is generated.  This gives the CallXML developer a way to handle error conditions that may occur while CallXML actions are executing.

Can occur during

Any action


<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”>



            <recordAudio value=””/>

            <onError type=”ftp_login_failure”>









This event occurs when a session determines that one side of the call has hung up.  A typical use for this handler is to execute any necessary clean-up code.

Can occur during

Any call or media action


<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”>

<!-- play audio.  If the caller hangs up, run some cleanup code on the web server -->



            <playAudio value=”info.wav”/>


                  <goto value=”cleanup.asp”/>





<onMaxDigits />




This event occurs during user input if the length of the string of digits entered by the user exceeds the number indicated by a maxDigits attribute and a terminating digit has not yet been pressed. 

Can occur during



<onMaxTime />




This event occurs during user input if the user takes more time than is allowed by a maxTime attribute to input their entire response.

Can occur during




<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”>

<!-- record a message for up to one minute.  If the caller speaks for over a minute, let them know we only record one minute of the message -->



            <recordAudio value=””



                  <playAudio value=”only1min.wav”/>





<onMaxPages />




This event occurs during fax reception if the number of pages being received exceeds the maxPages attribute.

Can occur during


<onMaxSilence />




This event occurs when the application has waited too long between digit entries or detects too much silence at the end of a recording session.

Can occur during





<onTermDigit value="possibleTerminatingDigit" />





The value to compare to the digit the user pressed to trigger an <onTermDigit> event

The type given in an <onTermDigit> element will be compared against the digit pressed, and if identical, any CallXML contained in the <onTermDigit> element will be executed.
Valid values are any one of “012356789*#", the ordinary DTMF (Touch-Tone) keypad possibilities, plus the special keypad tones found on some telephones "ABCD”. 



Can occur during







<?xml version="1.0" encoding=”UTF-8”>

<! – play greeting for an answering machine.  If the user presses *, goto the admin menu.  If they press pound, or do nothing,
record a message. -- >



            <playAudio value=”leavemsg.wav”


            <onTermDigit value=”#”>

                  <goto value=”adminmenu.jsp”/>


            <onTermDigit value=”*”>

                  <recordAudio value=”” />





<onExternalEvent value="possibleExternalEventName" />





The value to compare to the external event name that was sent to trigger an <onExternalEvent> event.

 The type given in an <onExternalEvent> element will be compared against the actual external event name and, if identical, any CallXML contained in the <onExternalEvent> element will be executed.



This event occurs when another session sends an external event to the current session.

Can occur during

Any action


Test and Debugging Elements

<simline value="Any text for the system log" />





String value to print to the log


This element allows the developer to write to the system log.  It can be useful to trace the flow of an application or as a stub during development to indicate that a process executed properly even though the code doesn't do anything yet.

Possible events



CallXML™ Experimental Elements


Return is an experimental element which could be used if we wish to implement <goto> calls as a call stack. <Return> would return from a <goto> call. (meaning <goto> could behave more like the basic GOSUB).  This element is not, at present, implemented. 

<vcommand name=“id” value=“url|vocab-grammar-string”>


  <onvcommand name=“nnn”>


This is an experimental element that will be used to support voice recognition.  It has not yet been implemented.