J. Calles - First beta release of a Java XSL Processor

From      owner-xml-dev@ic.ac.uk Tue Aug 25 03:21:24 1998
Date:     Tue, 25 Aug 1998 10:08:39 +0200
From:     Jeremy CALLES <Jeremy.Calles@sophia.inria.fr>
Subject:  First beta release of a Java XSL Processor (WD 1.0)

This is an XSL processor written in Java that conforms to the WD 1.0 (http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/WD-xsl-19980818), using the Simple API for XML (SAX 1.0) and the Document Object Model (DOM 1.0) API. (FreeDOM implementation of Don Park, donpark@quake.net.)

This package also contains xslSlideMaker, a post-processor that can quickly make slides with XML & XSL.


This Processor won't implement any Flow Objects.

Supported features:

It supports every template rules and xsl:process rules except the Parent Anchor(../), Alternative Pattern , IdAnchor, Matching on Position and priority.

It support xsl:process-children, xsl:value-of.

I have some problems to implement xsl:number : I need some examples to understand what multi and any level should really do.

You can download my XSL processor at:




Jeremy CALLES  --- Jeremy.Calles@sophia.inria.fr
home page      --- http://www.mygale.org/07/jcalles

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