SGML: SGML and DSSSL Syntax Summaries in HTML

SGML: SGML and DSSSL Syntax Summaries in HTML

From @UTARLVM1.UTA.EDU:owner-tei-l@UICVM.CC.UIC.EDU Sun May 19 10:21:37 1996
Approved-By:  tei-l <U59467@UICVM.BITNET>
Message-Id:  <>
Date:         Sun, 19 May 1996 08:25:19 CDT
Reply-To: Harvey Bingham <>
Sender: "TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) public discussion list"
From: Harvey Bingham <>
Subject:      SGML and DSSSL Syntax Summaries in HTML
To: Multiple recipients of list TEI-L <TEI-L@UICVM.UIC.EDU>


I release these two suites of documents for public use. I believe they
are important contributions to understanding these text processing

    ISO 8879-1986 Standard Generalized Markup Language SGML
    ISO/IEC 10179:1996 Document Style Semantics and Specification Language

and to furthering their applications. They provide all the syntactic
productions, differentiation among token types, and hyperlinks for both
"where defined" and "where used" information.

The SGML Syntax Summary has significant enhancements over the paper I
prepared originally in 1988 and made available through the Graphics
Communications Association.  I have now converted it to HTML. In
addition to the many hyperlinks, it has more supporting documents that
provide different views of the syntax. It also includes manual locators
to clauses in ISO 8879-1986 and "The SGML Handbook", by Charles
Goldfarb, and page:line references in the latter.

The DSSSL Syntax Summary is a major recasting of my work on the DSSSL
committee where I prepared analysis programs for cross-checking tag
content consistency in the committee drafts. A particularly useful
feature is the visual distinction between same-named productions of core
DSSSL and full DSSSL.

You may get these from my homepage:

Let me know if you have no internet access and would like me to send
them by email in uuencode pkzip form.

How may I help you with your applications?


Harvey Bingham                Associate Member, SGML Open, Tables Committee
SGML and DSSSL Consultant     email
Zero Essex Street             www
Lexington, MA 02173-4242      voice +1 617 862 6908
U.S.A.                        fax   +1 617 862 6153