SGML BeLux '95

Second annual conference on the practical use of SGML
October 25, 1995 - Antwerp, Belgium

Call for contributions

SGML BeLux vzw/asbl, the Belgian-Luxembourgian Chapter of the International SGML Users' Group, is organising its second annual conference on the practical use of SGML. As the very successful SGML BeLux '94 conference has shown, these conferences serve as an active forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences with the use of SGML for electronic document engineering and information delivery. SGML BeLux is again seeking presenters to talk about all aspects of the practical use of SGML. If you or your company have used SGML in innovative ways in a document application, learned about some SGML problems the hard way, have a clear opinion on how SGML should be used or have valuable advice for beginners, we invite you to share your knowledge and experience with us.

Major topics of interest

Contributions to the conference can consist of a full-length paper or a collection of overhead slides dealing with a topic of interest to the conference participants. These topics include (but are not limited to):

Instructions to presenters

Presenters are invited to submit an abstract in English of approximately 250 words. The abstract should include the title of the proposed contribution with presenter names, affiliations and complete addresses. After acceptance of the abstract, the final version of the contribution must be submitted in camera-ready form according to detailed specifications available upon acceptance. Both the abstract and final version of the contribution should be submitted (in either hard copy or preferably electronic form) to:

Paul Hermans, Conference chairman
<pro<teXt>, BC, Interleuvenlaan 62, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
Tel: +32 16 40 66 81, Fax: +32 16 40 66 91, E-mail:

Important dates

Deadline for submission of abstract: July 1, 1995
Notification of acceptance of abstract: August 1, 1995
Deadline for camera-ready copy of contribution: September 1, 1995
SGML BeLux '95 conference: October 25, 1995

Copyright ©1995 SGML BeLux Users' group. All rights reserved.
Authored by: Hans C. Arents
First created: Apr 11, 1995
Last modified: Apr 12, 1995