[This local archive copy is from the official and canonical URL, http://www.sis.port.ac.uk/bcs-oops/xmlevent99/, 1999-06-10, draft; please refer to the canonical source document if possible.]

  BCS OOPS Specialist Group

(Draft Document) XML Event

BCS OOPS is planning a one-day event on Saturday 23rd October 1999, at IBM Southbank, London.

The event is intended to be of value to any person who has a background in the computer industry. Sessions will be available to those who are both beginner and experienced with XML technology.

The following table is an outline plan of the event. At this stage we are looking for presenters / workshop who can offer sessions. This table is a framework and not necessarily the final format of the event, and suggestions for improving this will be most welcome. The intention is not to be prescriptive, but to avoid the danger of all presenters all doing their own mini introduction to XML code, etc.

In the region of 120 attendees will be expected to attend this event.

The plan is to use the large auditorium, plus several other rooms, each of which may accommodate in region of 20 - 40 people, dependent upon the layout.

Event organiser is Steve Edwards. Steve may becontacted on steve_edwards@csi.com for matters relating to this event.
Please note this email address is only to be used for matters relating to this XML event.

At this stage, we need presenters who can provide sessions and determine their own title. If you wish to submit, please email to Steve a file that describes the nature of your proposed presentation, including title, target audience, your name / company / email / telephone details. Proposals should take up no more than one side of A4 paper.
 Time Activity - Track 1  Activity - Track 2
 08:30 - 09:30  Registration & Coffee  <<
 09:30 - 10:15  Keynote:
- XML where is it from where is it going to
- high level view of XML, DTD, XSL
- background & history of W3C activities 
 10:15 - 11:15  XML workshop for beginners:
- introduce XML structure & code
- introduce DTD type code
- possibly attendees could use own laptops with IE5 already installed ?
 Update of W3C activities:
- data type definition approaches
- style sheet approaches XSL v CSS
- adherence to standards by various products, e.g. IE5
 11:15 - 11:45  Coffee  <<
 11:45 - 12:30  XML workshop for beginners (cont):
- introduce XSL
- outputting various styles XML, HTML, txt,
- possibly attendees could use own laptops with IE5 already installed ?
 Open discussion group:
- relationship between object & XML representations
- techniques for conversion between the two
- can XML objects have attached function
 12:30 - 13:30  Lunch  <<
 13:30 - 15:00  Adoption and Integration of XML technologies:
- IBM ??
- Sun ??
- Oracle ??
- Microsoft ??
- 20 minutes each
 15:00 - 15:30  Tea  <<
 15:30 - 17:00  Experience Reports:
- financial
- 20 minutes each
  Experience Reports:
- scientific
- 20 minutes each
 17:00 - 17:30  Closing Session & Goldfish Bowl  <<

To make a booking >> click here

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