[Mirrored from: http://www.gca.org/conf/asia_pac/program.htm]

SGML Asia-Pacific Final Program

Monday, 23 September: Pre-Conference Activities

OmniMark Tutorial and User's Group Meeting
Early Registrant Cocktail Party
For those arriving the day before who wish to meet fellow attendees and complete registration prior to the start of the Conference.
Tuesday, 24 SeptemberWednesday, 25 September Thursday, 26 September

Tuesday, 24 September

Conference Registration
Pre-Conference Tutorials
Conference Welcome and Opening Keynote Luncheon
Inventor's Keynote
Dr. Charles Goldfarb, President, Information Management Consultants and Inventor of SGML and HyTime, USA
In a talk that has become a tradition at the SGML conferences in Europe and North America, Dr. Goldfarb, the inventor of SGML and HyTime, discusses current challenges and opportunities facing the SGML community. The state of SGML-related standards activities will also be covered.
SGML in a Modern World
John McFadden, President, Exoterica and Chairman of the SGML Open Board of Directors, Canada
The advent of CD-ROM and WWW technology has driven the need to develop new ways to collect, deliver, and browse information. The practice of SGML is rapidly evolving to keep pace with the demands of users. John McFadden will discuss the emerging importance of SGML as a component of a larger information technology framework in a modern client/server environment.
Concurrent Session A: SGML for Multilingual Publishing
Chair: Robin Masson, Uniscope, Japan
Multilingual Document Interchange Using SDATA Entity and Others
Yasuhiro Okui, Nihon Unitec, Japan
Multilingual documents include composite character sets whose coding are standardized or non-standardized. Several schemes for treatment of those non-standardized characters and character sets are discussed from the SGML document interchange's point of view. Some guidelines for use of coded character sets, SDATA entities and glyph identifiers are proposed.
Multi-language Conversion using SGML: A Case-Study
Bernd Nordhausen, Passage Systems, USA
The conversion of documents in different languages into SGML presents additional challenges beyond those encountered in a conversion effort of single language. This is especially true when one enters the realm documents encoded in different characters sets including multi-byte sets. In this paper, we discuss an effort of converting about 200 books totalling 9,000 pages into 15 languages including 11 European, and four Asian (Korean, Japanese, simplified and traditional Chinese). This presentation describes the tools used in this conversion effort and reviews the practical issues involved in multi-language SGML conversion.
Asian Language Character Set Processing Issues
Rick Jelliffe, Allette Systems, Australia
With technology developed for processing roman character sets, there is often predictable lag before counterparts are released to process Asian character sets. This presentation will look at working with SGML to process Asian language character sets using non-SGML applications. This presentation will discuss practical examples of east Asian character language formatting and examine standards issues for the future of Asian language processing.
How to Implement SGML for an Operation and Maintenance Manual - the Ericsson Example
Ulla Berg, Ericsson, Japan
Ericsson Radio Systems AB is delivering a Mobile Telephone System to Japan, the CMS 30 System. This presentation describes how SGML was implemented for the 40 volumes of Operation and Maintenance documentation. The Operation and Maintenance Manual is produced in English and then translated to Japanese. The presentation will also describe how to implement SGML for the documentation in Japanese.
Concurrent Session B: SGML Document Management
Chair: Nick Carr, Allette Systems, Australia
Integrating an SGML Solution into a Workflow Environment
Graham Tritt, Swiss Federal Office of Information Technology and Systems, Switzerland
The administration of legal documentation is ideal for a solution based on the technologies of databases, SGML and workflow management. The topic of this presentation is how these different technologies interact. It will discuss what exactly can be usefully stored and searched with the relevant type of database, what format conversions can be automated, and how the management of the data can be integrated into the bigger framework of a work-flow system.
Management of SGML Data at QANTAS Engineering & Maintenance
Bill Donoghoe, Computervision, Australia
This presentation will look at how Computervision has implemented an advanced data management system for the QANTAS Engineering Training School. The core component of this system is the Optegra Enterprise Data Management software which provides controlled access & updating of all types of data, including SGML. Major topics to be covered in this presentation include:
Building a Document Management System: The issue of Interoperability
Brendan Hills and Anne-Marie Vercoustre, CSIRO Division of Information Technology, Australia
Document standards such as SGML provide a format which allow work on the same document with different programs. Systems such as OLE and OpenDoc or IBM's "BluePrint" are very useful in providing a mechanism for software to interoperate when that software is designed with interoperability in mind. What we have found however, is that many of the tools in which we are interested have not been designed to provide this software level of interoperability. It is this finding which has lead us to develop a system for third party application integration. It will be this development and the issue of interoperability that will be the subject of this presentation.

Wednesday, 25 September

General session: SGML Databases
Chair: Brian Travis, Information Architects, USA
Legislation in its Natural State
John Cook, Ferntree Computer Corporation, Australia; Tim Arnold-Moore, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia; and Sharyn Paice, Tasmanian Department of Premier and Cabinet, Australia
This presentation will examine the business imperatives of the legislative drafting process, the end-user and technical requirements and the decision making that led to the adoption of SGML and the realization of benefits. It will look at the technical architecture of the solution for drafting, information retrieval, legislative amendments and consolidations and the document database. And it will discuss the technical hurdles involved in integrating the various modules, the limitations of the components and the development of automatic consolidations.
Hybrid Document Databases - Integration Solutions for SGML and Relational Database Technology
Eric Skinner, Exoterica Corporation, Canada
Large-scale SGML implementations require integration with database systems in order to perform information management tasks. A practical RDBMS/SGML hybrid model, Hybrid Distributed Database (HDDB) will be discussed. HDDB enables your publications and RDBMS information to be part of a single information model, reducing redundancy and enhancing reusability. A multi-vendor working application will be demonstrated.
Concurrent Session A: CALS
Chair: Nick Carr, Allette Systems, Australia
Document Management in the Defense Environment
Ken Holman, Microstar, Canada
Microstar has been long recognized as an innovator in DTD design, and have discussed their work with the Canadian Department of Defense at previous conferences. In this presentation, Ken Holman will explain the progress of a leading military SGML implementation with particular reference to document management.
SGML in an Integrated Logistics Environment
Mike Bowden, GEC Marconi Systems, Australia
This presentation will explore a customer-focused perspective on the use of Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETMs) to provide information to engineers "in the field." There are numerous situations related to through life support that demand fast, flexible access to information to solve problems. Data such as parts lists, prices, manufacturer's part specifications, etc. are essential for providing comprehensive integrated logistics support. Discussion will center on the business benefits of efficient information delivery through the use of SGML.
Caterpillar Inc's New Authoring System
PG Bartlett, ArborText, USA
Caterpillar, Inc. has developed a new document information system that emphasizes the reusability of Information Elements (shared objects) in multiple documents, the automatic compilation of objects into a document, and the reusability of documents on multiple media. Based on ISO and military standards, the new information system will improve accuracy, consistency, efficiency, timeliness and costs. This paper describes the issues that led to the system's design, pitfalls in its implementation and operation, and details the anticipated benefits.
CALS as a Foundation for Advanced Information Delivery
Major Dale Bradshaw, Australian Army
For the last three years, the Australian Army has been involved with converting hardcopy training manuals to SGML using a customized version of the CALS DTD. As the library continues to build, the Army sees the main challenge as maximizing the value of the SGML investment. This presentation describes how various tools and services such as multimedia, on-line delivery and object management enables both domestic and international users with varying degrees of expertise to utilize the SGML data in a variety of ways.
Concurrent Session B: SGML Issues for Complex Data Structure
Chair: Julia Yeong, International Publishers Distributors, Singapore
SGML Database Technology
Andrew Ogbourne, Butterworths, Australia
One of the most significant issues facing implementors is how to manage their SGML data. Initially, the most likely solution was to simply store instances as files and this is still the preferred option for many installations. However, it is becoming increasingly attractive and feasible to manage SGML data in some form of database management system. This presentation will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of making the leap to a database for SGML and the issue of relational versus object-oriented database technology. It will also provide advice about evaluating and selecting SGML database solutions.
Legal Publishing
Seet Chern Hway, Information Technology Institute, Singapore
Abstract unavailable
Large-Scale Government Statistical Publishing
Knut Vidar Hoholm, Open Systems Consultants, Norway
This presentation will discuss an SGML implementation at Statistics Norway. The purpose of the project is to automate the process of editing, revising and publishing the 1996 Norwegian Statistical Yearbook. Focus will be on the user requirements DTD modeling and the choice of tools. The benefits of a better quality of published data, more recent information and reduced costs will also be highlighted.
Guidelines for Academic Journals On-line
David Green and Terry Bossomair, Charles Sturt University, Australia
It is ironic that the one of the user communities that has heavily contributed to the creation and popularization of the World Wide Web, academic research, is also one that has the most difficulty effectively publishing on the Web. Research papers containing complex data such as tables, equations and formulas can be very difficult to get into HTML. This presentation will look at the issues associated with academic publishing on the Web.
General Session: SGML Conversion Issues
Chair: Robin Masson, Uniscope, Japan
Legacy Data And Structuring For Future Use
Raymond H. Stachowiak, XyVision, USA
For decision makers considering implementing an SGML-based Document Management solution, one of the most difficult obstacles to overcome is the conversion of existing data into the optimal format for efficient reuse. Citing experiences from various companies in military, government, and other industries, Stachowiak will discuss the issues of preparing existing data for use in a document management system, with emphasis on specific problems facing Asia Pacific companies.
Cost Justifying SGML
Norma Haakonstad, ArborText, USA
When making a business case for SGML, one of the key arguments is justifying the cost for the transition to SGML. Whether your objective is to support multiple outputs or to re-engineer your information production processes, this presentation is designed to help you justify the cost of implementing SGML. This presentation will cover the measurable benefits in detail, the unmeasureable benefits of SGML, and provide suggestions for preparing your argument.
Economics of SGML Conversion
Dale Waldt, Research Institute of America, USA
One of the biggest cost areas in an SGML migration is the conversion of legacy data. In spite of it's importance, it is often underestimated. Proper planning and estimating will pay off in the long run and allow a smooth transition to the new SGML-based system. Some ideas and techniques for SGML conversion will be discussed.
SGML Conversion and Document Management at Texas Instruments Semiconductor Using Pinnacles PCIS 1.1
Jeff Barton Taylor, Texas Instruments, USA
This paper presents a practical, working example of an SGML application which delivers printed paper, CD-ROM, facsimile, and WWW (Internet) copies of product technical information (datasheets) from a centrally managed repository via automated and semi-automated processes driven by a database. Like many database publishing systems, the system at TI Semiconductor is evolutionary. The paper presents the engineering outline of the system, including description of the source formats and the output types. It also presents the timeline and major milestones for the system development and implementation, as well as financial aspects such as equipment acquisition, contract programming and system integration costs, SGML consulting costs, and staffing costs. This paper includes information on the Pinnacles PCIS standard for information interchange.
Round Table Discussions
Adhoc Roundtables for those who wish to have in-depth discussions on specific interest area. Topics will include:

Thursday, 26 September

General Session: Standards Issues
Chair: Robin Masson, Uniscope
Baseset and Charset
Tony Graham, ATLIS Consulting, USA
What do you do when you want to use a character set other than the SGML default? How can you use different characters for tags? When fed to the parser, what comes out? Using a simple example of an exotic character set with only six characters, this presentation explains BASESET and CHARSET and their relationship to the parser and processing applications. This presentation will also discuss real life applications of this example.
Graduating from File-based Document Assembly to Info-Based Document "Construction"
David Sklar, Electronic Book Technologies, USA
SGML's entity features support the assembly of a document from a collection of modules that must be precisely enumerated and absorbed in toto. Breaking out of these limitations enables publishers to graduate from mere assembly to highly sophisticated "construction," in which novel SGML documents are auto-generated via combinations of queries (in SGML infobases and/or relational databases) and SGML transformations. This presentation discusses the limitations of assembly via entities and an introduction to the concept of document construction (DC). A description of current proprietary implementations of DC engines is given as well as a proposal for the role of standards like HyTime and DSSSL in the continuing evolution of DC technology.
General Session: SGML and HTML
Chair: Nick Carr, Allette Systems, Australia
How to Use SGML to Enrich HTML
Chris Ziener, Graphic Communications Association
HTML should not be seen as the be all and end all to communication over the Web. SGML can provide a higher level of sophistication to your Web site, but it also adds a great deal of complexity. It is not always necessary for companies to use SGML, but how does a company know when the benefits outweigh the costs? The pros and cons of both HTML and SGML will be covered and a hybrid solution will be proposed.
How to get your documents on the WWW
Lani Hajagos, Adobe, USA
This paper describes a project to convert a set of documents which use a derivative of the DocBook DTD into HTML. The specific conversions issues are discussed, and the implementation strategy described.
Industrial Strength Web Publishing
Bruno Pisano, Allette Systems, Australia
While there are a myriad of applications that enable the fast and friendly creation of small Web sites. Creating and managing large, complex, frequently updated Web sites demands more robust, automated solutions. This presentation will outline the technical challenges of programming, processing and managing a 50,000 page Web site. It will discuss the automation of the links, advanced navigation techniques, and the issue of working with mixed types of data, from fielded information to narrative text.
Lunch, Final Keynote and Conference Close
Web Publishing, SGML's Role in Practice
Eric van Herwijnen, Author of Practical SGML and President of Nice Technologies, Switzerland
The World Wide Web has taken the world by storm. Although it has increased awareness about SGML, it also raises some fundamental questions, such as "Does the Web make SGML obsolete?", "How to deliver SGML over the Web," and "How to get more flexible formatting on the Web." This presentation will address these questions in the order of their general importance.
Facility Tour and Reception
Hosted by the Australian Army Training Corp

Friday, 27 September: Post-Conference Activities

Post-Conference Tutorials

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