Call for Articles on Markup - Crossroads Magazine

From Fri Jan  1 20:16:16 1999
Date:     Fri, 1 Jan 1999 20:14:03 -0600 (CST)
From:     Kimberly S Moorman <>
Subject:  Call for Articles - Crossroads Magazine

                           Call For Articles
           Crossroads, the Association for Computing Machinery 
                            Student Magazine

                      Markup Languages (Winter 1999)

                  DUE DATE:           April 15, 1999 
                  SUBMISSION ADDRESS:

SPECIAL NOTE: If you are interested in being a Student Guest Editor for
this issue, please contact us at or fill out the online
application for student guest editors.

The Crossroads editorial staff invites authors to submit articles dealing
with topics drawn from several areas pertaining to Markup Languages.  
The following partial list of topics is provided to give prospective
authors ideas for articles and is by no means exhaustive; other relevant
 topics will be considered.

History, future, and comparisons of markup languages like 
	-Hypertext Markup Language (HTML),
	-Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML),
	-Extensible Markup Language (XML),
	-Java Speech Markup Language (JSML),
	-Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL),
	-Handheld Device Markup Language (HDML),

Articles should include a basic description of the kinds of problems
being worked on, the state of the art of research, the state of the art
of commercial applications, open problems, or future research/commercial
development trends. Interviews with researchers; reviews of related books, 
software, videos, or conferences; and opinion columns on related issues 
are also welcome.  We especially encourage both undergraduate and graduate 
students to submit articles.  However, articles written or coauthored by 
professionals will also be considered.

Crossroads articles should be written for a broad audience.  They should
be easily understandable by someone who has had only the most basic
computer science instruction, and yet still be interesting to the
advanced computer enthusiast.  Articles longer than 6000 words will
generally not be considered for publication.  Feature articles should be
between 1500 and 6000 words; reviews should be between 800 and 2000
words; and opinion columns should be between 800 and 3000 words.
Articles should be written in a magazine style rather than a research
paper style.  In consideration of our diverse readership, authors should
try to use language that is inclusive of people regardless of their
gender, race, religion, nationality, or field of study.  Additional
writing guidelines and submission information are available online at
the Crossroads web site,

Crossroads is published both online and in print.  We have a print
circulation of about 13,000.  All back issues are available for free on
our website.  Authors that have an article printed in Crossroads can
receive complementary copies of the issue they were published in.

All submissions should be formatted in HTML or plain text format and
emailed to  Please include your submission in the
body of your message: DO NOT include it as an attachment.  Submissions are
due April 15, 1999.  They will be reviewed shortly thereafter and authors
of accepted submissions will be notified within two to three weeks of the

Prospective authors are invited to send email to the editors of Crossroads indicating their intention to submit an article.  In
this way we can keep everyone informed of any changes in deadlines or
formats and to make sure we have a good variety of articles.  General
questions should also be sent to the Crossroads editors.

[Note: See now the online version of the call, from the Crossroads Web site:]

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