[Mirrored from: http://www.gca.org/conf/xml/index.htm, November 30, 1996]


Selling SGML Using XML on the Web

San Diego, California
March 10-12, 1997
The Mission Valley Marriott

The business case for SGML has been radically changed over the past year by the advent of the Web and now the arrival of XML, the eXtensible Markup Language. This conference will be the place for people who need to sell SGML; this includes not only the marketing and sales staff of SGML and document management vendors and service providers but also those who must make a business case for SGML within their own organization. There will be technical briefings on how to use the Web with SGML and on the XML standard but the conference will focus on Business Issues and Case Studies.

This will be a two day conference with a day of tutorials. Topics to be pursued:

For more information watch this Web site or email Julie Morrison Desmond jmorrison@gca.org

If you are interested in participating as a presenter, please send abstracts to Marion Elledge at melledge@gca.org

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