liteAll: informati0n relating to acccount for "home"/local use; Parent for account number
information relating to unlimited number of other mapped accounts, as in accounting ramification for other GAAPs or reporting interpretations.
Other Relate Account
information relating to account for parent/consolidation purposes
Consolidating Account
LiteAll: Root for XBRL GL. Please note annotation for all entries. We will be working on modularizing the schema based on demand for a smaller schema (Lite) or modular add-ons (what we are calling Saxonic and Latinic - others may be added as needs are known).
Lite: included in "Lite" or minimal schema.
All: For all jurisdictions.
Sa: for US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Singapore and jurisidictions with similar accounting needs.
La: for France, Brussells, Spain and jurisdictions with similar accounting needs
Accounting Entries
liteAll:Main account
Main Account Number
Description of main account
Main Account Description
liteEC:Profit center, division, business unit, fund, program, branch, project, class, su-class - as many as necessary
Description of subaccount
Subaccount Description
Code tying to allocation system.
Allocation Code
liteAll:monetary amount - rely on XBRL currency, formatting. currency from XBRL. If there is an entry in debitCreditCode, this amount should never be signed. There is an ebXML core component for Amount which should be considered.
Monetary Amount
liteRL:ISO 4217 coding
LiteRL:Amount for foreign currency tracking in original currency. Debt is entered as possitive, credit as negative.
Amount in Original Currency
LiteRL:ISO 4217 coding
Original Currency
Description of this batch
Batch Description
ID for a batch for this group of entries
Batch ID for Entry Group
Code associated with the calculation formula: eg (D)ivide by number of periods, (T)otal for period given
Budget Allocation Code
Code for a budget scenario identifier (such as PB for "preliminary budget", or RB for "revised budget", or other identifier for entryType
Scenario Code
Text related to budgetScenario
Scenario Description
Period covered by associated scenarioID
Scenario Period
LiteAll: Date file was created.
Creation Date
Identified of creator of file.
liteAll:Optional identifier of whether the amount is a (D)ebit or (C)redit
Debit/Credit Identifier
Parent for information related to depreciation, mortgages, etc.
Depreciation Mortgage.
liteAll:Description of this line only
LiteAll: Text for entire document.
Document Comment
Date on document (invoice date, voucher date)
Document Date
LiteAll: Parent for information about this accountingEntries files as a whole.
Document Information
Document location as URL, file name or other reference.
Document Location
Code related to the document maturity: a set of enumerated values from EDIFICAS.
Document Maturity Code
Document's due date, maturation date, or financial value date (when the value becomes available). Code related to the document maturity: a set of enumerated values from EDIFICAS.
Document Maturity Code
liteAll:Invoice, check, voucher, or other source document identifier
Document Number
Date document was noted as received (if necessary)
Received Date
liteAll:Internal reference for the document above; number assigned internally to track the document
Document Reference
liteRL:Indicates whether equivalent to EDIFACT (J)ournal or (L)edger - or possibly (C)hart of accounts? Journal normally is self-balancing (Dr=Cr) and does not normally include beginning balances. Ledger is information that has already been validated and included in history and may be only an extract of certain accounts, meaning DR don't have to equal credits.
Document Type
Informs destination ledger this is an intraco. entry which eliminates in consolidation
Elimination Code
For standard or recurring journals, stop date for repetitive entry
End Date of Repeating Entry
Initials/name of operator originally entering
Entry Creator
Last person modifying this entry before posting.
Entry Creator
liteAll:date of entry into computer (automated date of system)
Entry Date
liteAll:Parent for detail entries
Entry Detail
Count of entry headers.
Entry Header Count
liteAll: parent for entry headers/journal entry headers.
Entry Information
liteAll:Identifier within source journal
Entry Identifier
Origin of entry: accrual, manual entry, imported entry, exchange gain or loss
Entry Origin
Identifier of person who created/originated is responsible for the entry
Responsible Person
LiteAll: (A)ctual, (B)udget, (C)omparative, (S)tandard, (R)ecurring, R(E)classifying, (S)imulated, (T)ax, or userdefined
Type Identifier
LiteRL:Exchange rate at time of original transaction (expressed as national currency per foreign currency)
Exchange Rate
LiteRL:Second exchange rate used for Euro rate triangulation (National currency per Euro)
Alternate Exchange Rate
LiteRL:Date of exchange rate for second exchange rate
ALternate Exchange Rate Date
LiteRL:Date of exchange rate
Date of Exchange Rate
Identification of financial institution making or expected to make the payment.
Financial Institution
Where appropriate, corporate year period representation permits non-365 or 366 day years (more appropriate for internal sharing than daa from external sources)
Fiscal Year End
Parent to folio (manual entry) information
Sequence number within the folio.
Folio Line
Page number of manual or automated journal.
Folio Number
LiteAll: ID Number associated with identifierReference
ID Number
Textual description of identifierReference.
Identifier Description
LiteAll: Identification for customer, vendor, employee....
Identifier Reference
LiteAll: Entity type: e.g., customer, vendor, employee.
Identifier Type
LiteEC: Associated job number or code. This could be built into the account, but many systems maintain a separate job coding system.
Job Identifier
Description of job
Job Description
Job code, phase, activity. Allows greater granularity - could extend to cost codes.
Job Phase
Description of Job code, phase, activity
Job Phase Description.
Jurisdiction (federal, state, local, etc.)
Mortgage Jurisdiction
Length of life in periods.
Mortgage Life
Order as entered in original entry system.
Line Number
Percentage for loan, depreciation method
Depreciation Method
Allows pass through of company accounting method ((A)ccrual, (C)ash, (E)ncumbrance, (G)overnmental, (M)odified accrual) so user can make appropriate judgements
Accounting Method
Text for organization identified by above code.
Organization Description
Code representing the company or organization whoe data this file represents: used for situations where one user (eg, a CPA) needs to keep track of multiple organizations' files (eg, multiple lcients). Can be EIN#, internal/external identifier.
Organization Identifier
Method used or to be used to make the payment
Payment Method
liteRL:Percent rate for VAT or other taxes
Tax Percentage Rate
Date range for contents.
Period Covered
liteAll:date affects GL
Date Posted
Code for posting to period, e.g., period 1-13, based on codes in an accounting period file.
Posting Code
liteALL:date posted (validated) - see individial lines for accounting date
Posting Date
liteAll:(P)osted [validated], (U)nposted [not validated], P(R)oposed, (D)eferred, (T)ax, (S)imulated entry
Posting Status
liteRL:(S)tandard - ie normal, (B)alance brought forward (Opening Balance)
Number of units in this transaction; for non-monetary calculations; can be square footage, number of people, etc.
liteRL:Number assigned sequentially by system to entries.
Record Number
liteAll:Sign of amount; provides 4 possible fields only when used in conjunction with debitCreditCode; primarily used for correcting entries so total debits and credits after an entry error are not inflated. D + increase DebitsD - decrease debitsC + decreases creditC - increases credit
Sign Indication for Amount
Product or service that produced this file.
LiteSa: Source Application
Source journal (full description of general journal, payroll journal, accountant entries)
Journal Description
liteAll:Source journal (code for general journal, payroll journal, accountant entries)
Source Journal
Particular use for which file was generated.
Target Application
liteRL:Amount of taxes
Amount of Taxes
liteRL:Basis for tax calculation
Tax Basis
LiteRl: Description of tax authority, etc.
Tax Description
LiteRl: Information pertaining to taxes, especially VAT. Can contain multiple sets of tax information..
Tax Information
liteRL:Amount for foreign currency tracking in original currency
Exchange Rate for Tax
When checking accounts is called for, the tick or letter showing this was done appears in this field. Can also be used for identifying original document against which a payment or DR/CR memo applies
Ticking Field
Parent for information regarding measurable items associated with this entry line.
Code for measurable item such as (I)nventory.
Type Code
Text description of inventory item or other identifier.
Type Description
Internal inventory part or SKU number or other code identifier.
Type Identification
Second identifier (such as vendor's item number)
Secondary Type Identifier
LiteAll: Unique identifier for this file.
Audit Number
Description of unit: each, case, dozen, etc.
Unit of Measure
LiteAll: Associated XBRL element or XML element within an XML taxonomy - mapping to concept.
XBRL Element
(B)eginning balance, (E)nding balance, (P)eriod change or other allocation.
XBRL Allocation
This will roll up to XBRL reporting information - this is a parent - repeatable so that the same item can be reported through many taxonomies.
XBRL Information
LiteAll : URI reference to the XBRL taxonomy.
XBRL Taxonomy