2002-02-14T09:30:47-05:00 0501500210 Mr William James Goldfish Ms Sarah Jane Haddock 242166 5 Sludge Alley Beach Road Berrow Burnham on Sea Somerset BN7 2BE B 2000-01-01 yes Summons Issued 25-01-2002 1st Reminder 2001-05-22 416.06 1st Reminder 2001-07-14 416.06 2001/2002 2001-04-01 2002-03-31 365 2001-04-01 B For a Band B property in the Parish of Ashcott 975.29 2001-09-05 2002-03-31 207 Ashcott Parish Annual Charge 587.42 4.00 Sedgemoor District Council Annual Charge 62.27 5.00 Somerset County Council Annual Charge 325.60 5.00 552.98 136.69 Single Person Discount 25% 2001-09-05 2002-03-31 207 -51.05 Council Tax Benefit 2000-05-01 -85.64 -340.85 2000-04-06 Direct Debit -20.85 Transfers between Accounts 2000-04-06 Transfer -320.00 416.06 Direct Debit 2435 Harvey 2002-04-10 39.21 2002-05-10 40.00 2002-06-10 40.00 2002-07-10 40.00 2002-04-10 154.43 3.00