Simple Rule Markup Language (SRML) Date: 2001-05-17 From: Margaret Thorpe (ILOG, S.A.) Extract from: Simple Rule Markup Language (SRML): A General XML Rule Representation for Forward-chaining Rules ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is an example of a rule expressed using this syntax [see XML DTD]: Rule: Discount Description: If the total purchase amount of a shopping cart is > 100$ Then Set the discount for the shopping cart to 0.1% Traditional Syntax: rule Discount { when { ?s:ShoppingCart(purchaseAmount > 100); } then { update ?s { discount = 0.1; } } } Rule Markup: Here is an example of a slightly more complex rule marked up using this syntax: Rule: CrossSelling Description: If Purchase includes a Videotape in the Shopping Cart AND The Videotape has a Soundtrack CD AND The Soundtrack CD is not already in the Shopping Cart Then Suggest the addition of the Soundtrack CD to the Shopping Cart Traditional Syntax: rule CrossSelling { when { ?s: ShoppingCart(); ?cd: CD(); ?vt: VideoTape(soundtrackCD == ?cd); Purchase(shoppingCart == ?s; item == ?vt); not Purchase(shoppingCart == ?s; item == ?cd); } then { assert Suggestion { shoppingCart = ?s; item = ?cd; } } } Rule Markup: