[Cache from http://europa.nvc.cs.vt.edu/ride04/RIDE04_Accepted_Papers.htm; use this canonical source if possible.]

RIDE'04: Accepted Papers

Enriching ebXML Registries with OWL Ontologies for Efficient Service Discovery Asuman Dogac, Yildiray Kabak, and Gokce Laleci
An Access Control System for a Web Map Management Service Elisa Bertino, Maria Luisa Damiani, and David Momini
Supporting Branched Versions on XML documents Zografoula Vagena, Mirella M. Moro, and Vassilis J. Tsotras
A Security-Enhanced One-Time Payment Scheme for Credit Card Yingjiu Li and Xinwen Zhang
Resolution and Constraint Propagation for Semantic Web Services Discovery Salima Benbernou, Etienne Canaud, Mohand-Said Hacid, and Farouk Toumani
A Novel Watermarking Algorithm for the MPEG-4 XMT Scene Structure Ziad Sakr and Nicolas D. Georganas
Exploring a Multi-Faceted Framework for SOC: How to develop secure web-service interactions? Kees Leune, Willem-Jan van den Heuvel, and Michael Papazoglou
A layered IT infrastructure for secure interoperability in Personal Data Registry digital government services Franco Arcieri, Fabio Fioravanti, Enrico Nardelli, and Maurizio Talamo
Smart Mirrors: Peer-to-Peer Web Services for Publishing Electronic Documents Omar G. Rodríguez-Martínez, Maritere Martínez-Montes, Elfred Pagan, Manuel Rodríguez-Martínez, and Pedro I. Rivera-Vega
PYRAMID-S: A Scalable Infrastructure for Semantic Web Service Publication and Discovery Thomi Pilioura, Georgios-Dimitrios Kapos, and Aphrodite Tsalgatidou
DeW: A Dependable Web Services Framework Esam Alwagait and Shahram Ghandeharizadeh
From DAML-S Processes to BPEL4WS Sisi Liu, Rania Khalaf, and Francisco Curbera
A Constraint Language Approach to Matchmaking Chuang Liu and Ian Foster
THROWS: An Architecture for Highly Available Distributed Execution of Web Services Compositions Neila Benlakhal, Takashi Kobayashi, and Haruo YOKOTA
Policy-based Web Service Composition Soon Ae Chun, Vijay Atluri, and Nabil R. Adam
Caching Dynamic Data in Portal Applications Mehregan Mahdavi and John Shepherd