PyCES is a project to develop a standard set of objects and classes for scientific
computing using the Python object-oriented scripting language. Initially, PyCES is concentrating
on basic physical entities and properties (such as abstract particles, quantities,
and vectors). It will expand to deal with more complex entities, such as macroscopic bodies,
fluids, molecules, atoms, and nuclei in the future. The eventual goal is to have a set
of useful foundation classes describing all entities encountered in scientific computing.
Python, rather than a system programming language like C++ or
Java, is used for several reasons:
PyCES version 0.10 has the following classes and modules available (see the PyCES Programmer's
Guide for more details):
particle | Particle class: abstract physical particles with mass, position, and velocity |
physconst | Defines useful physical constants such as the speed of light, Planck's constant,etc., with units |
pyces | Imports all PyCES modules |
pycesutl | Utility functions used by other PyCES modules |
quantity | Quantity class: base class for all quantities -- numerical value + units |
scalar | Defines specific scalar quantities, such as Time, Mass, Length, Energy, etc. |
spstate | SpatialState class: encapsulates time, position, and velocity |
units | Units class: base class for all units of measure |
uomutil | Unit of measure conversion utilities for output formatting, etc. |
vector | Defines specific vector quantities, such as Position, Velocity, Momentum, Force, etc. |
PyCES is an open source project, and thus will have frequent revisions.
You can download the current version of PyCES from the MICPC software download page.
The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is quickly emerging as the lingua franca of the Internet and computing. Going beyond HTML to provideways of marking content and meaning, XML is simpler to use than its parent, SGML (Standard General Markup Language). Major efforts are underway, mostly in the electronic commerce and publishing arenas, to develop XML standards capturing both the syntax and semantics of documents and data. The capabilities of XML point to several possible applications for physics:
Links to related XML sites
The MICPC has a strong interest in developing a unified framework for the modeling and simulation of the few and many body problem, both classical and quantum. Future extensions to PyCES are intended to provide a modeling framework for such investigations