[From http://www.interactivemusicnetwork.org/events/notation_workshop_2003.html; please use this official/canonical document if possible.]

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        Music Notation Workshop:
XML based Music Notation solutions
University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
16-17 September, 2003

Preliminary Working Agenda

The workshop is co-located with the 3rd WEDELMUSIC Conference, 2003.
The workshop is co-located with the MUSICNETWORK Second Open Workshop.

Definitive final programme
Open only to invited Proponent Experts

This call has been sent only to a limited number of people, the list has been identified by the MUSICNETWORK. If you have not been directly contacted and you have interest in participating at the work of the MUSICNETWORK on music notation please send an email to musicnetwork@dsi.unifi.it with your request.

The modelling of music notation is an extremely complex problem. Music notation is a complex piece of information, which may be used for several different purposes: audio coding, music sheet production, music teaching, entertainment, music analysis, content query, etc. In the started Internet Multimedia age many other applications are strongly getting the market and most of them will become more diffuse of the present applications in short time. In order to identify a unique format to satisfy all these application fields and to place the basis for the new forthcoming applications, several aspects have to be considered, ranging from problems of information modelling to integration problems of the information related to the music notation itself. The evolution of information technology has recently produced changes in the usage of music notation, transforming the visual language of music from a simple coding model for music sheet to a tool for modelling music in computer programs, cooperative work on music and other information integration tasks. More recently, users have discovered the multimedia experience, and thus, the traditional music notation model is likely to be replaced with something much more suitable for multimedia representation of music. The improved capabilities of computer programs are going to solve also early music notation formatting problems with powerful tools based on artificial intelligence technologies.

The problems to be addressed are the integration of music and musical knowledge in its graphical form - particularly scores - in multimedia applications. This integration can lead to a number of interesting new solutions in the domain of musical activities, such as:

Specific new functionalities are foreseen and need to be supported by a suitable Music notation model. This will be a XML model including support for:

  1. Structuring music notation for modelling exceptions: main score and parts, music analysis, transposing, etc.
    1. Structuring music notation and modelling: score and parts, staves, instruments, transposing, etc.
    2. Music notation elements low level: identification of glyphs and single symbols (notehead, stem, flag, beam, barline, clefs, accidentals, slurs)
    3. Music notation elements high level: elements groups (note, bars, beamed group, motives, phrases, sections)
    4. Music notation elements relationship: expression of relations between elements
  2. Music notation editing: inputting music notation, versioning, undo (linear and selective, mono and multi-user) music notation, etc.
  3. Music education: music notation scoring, comparing music notation pieces, animating music notation, etc.
  4. Music symbols: naming, tables, graphical representation, custom symbols production, description of their semantics, etc.
  5. Formatting music notation keeping separate visual and logical aspects, definition of music formatting styles: automatic placement of symbols on the staff and around the figures, justification, line breaking, page breaking, definition of formatting rules for custom symbols, etc.
  6. Cooperative work for editing and working on the same music piece in orchestras and classes: music production, music education, music rehearsals, etc.
  7. Music accessibility aspects: what is specifically needed to work with Braille and spoken music with respect to music notation, needs of music applications for print impaired people, etc.
  8. Browsing: navigation in the music structure, links and actions associated with music structure elements, navigation towards multimedia entities, etc. (see HyTime and MPEG7)
  9. Personalisation & Information retrieval: identification of descriptors of music scores to make query by similarity, style modelling and identification, query by matching, query by humming, etc. (see MPEG7)
  10. Synchronised information: audio with lyric text, video with lyric text, music score and audio, video and music score, music score and lyric, etc. (see HyTime and SMIL)
  11. Protection: digital right management aspects, rules, renting period, usage context dependent, user profile dependent, pricing policy, etc. (see MPEG21)
  12. Cataloguing and identification aspects: identification, metadata aspects for main score and parts, for excerpts, etc. (see ISO, MARC, Z39.50, etc.)
  13. Executing music notation: midi aspects, animations, activation, etc. (see Csound, MIDI)

The above numbered list of points has been given in order of priority in this phase, from the most relevant to the less.

Some of the above aspects are covered by already available standards (they have been partially mentioned). In that cases, useful contributions will have to be focussed on describing how these standards can be used to cover that aspects in relationships at the music notation and multimedia aspects depicted in the other points.

The format construction will follow rules similar to those of MPEG. The format itself could include both proprietary and open solutions. A committee will be created including the proponent experts. It will decide about the future accepted contributions.

The whole Music Notation format that we are going to define will be created on the basis of the integration of the best solutions proposed for the above aspects and their interoperability. The MUSICNETWORK, and thus the committee, will keep trace of the contribution of all the proponents.

The proponent experts have to submit their work/algorithms specifying for which of the above points their solution is suitable by supporting the explanation with some examples. The best way to do that is to support the solution by a specific tool and/or demonstrator.

The submissions will be discussed at the Open workshop of the MUSICNETWORK in separate sections and via email in a second phase with a dedicated forum. The content of the proposals will be considered as public for the members of the committee and this first round the invited experts that have presented their proposal. The proponents have to accept since the beginning that their proposal could be partially or completely accepted or rejected for covering the above aspects.

The basic document and integration proposal with MPEG: #13.doc

The workshop is co-located with the 3rd WEDELMUSIC Conference, 2003.
The workshop is co-located with the MUSICNETWORK Second Open Workshop.

Definitive final programme

List of preliminary contributions and confirmed presences:

Most of the registered people have not authorized the presentation of their names.

The Workshops on Music Notation of the MUSICNETWORK is approaching.
The workshops is related to the activity of MPEG in the AHG on Music Notation, please let me know if you can join that mailing list, it is free and open to all. to be incldued in that list you have to send an email to: mailto:nesi@dsi.unifi.it and you will be automatically included.

The present status of that work can be obtserved by monitoring the www site: http://www.dsi.unifi.it/~nesi/mpeg/ahg-mn-65-66.html

In that AHG the work is now concentrated on what can be done with Music Notation and which are the applications new and innovative that we can expect from the integration with MPEG. I hope that you can join the group in MPEG also.

The schedule of our meeting in Leeds has to be mainly focussed on going ahead with respect to the work performed in MPEG, to prepare the work, to have dicussions and to take some relevant decisions about what is needed at level of Music Notation.

For these reasons, in order to better prepare the meeting i suggest you to:

  1. read the intention of the workshop http://www.interactivemusicnetwork.org/events/notation_workshop_2003.html
  2. read the contribution that you have received in attach
  3. read the content on the above mentioned www page of the MPEG AHG http://www.dsi.unifi.it/~nesi/mpeg/ahg-mn-65-66.html
  4. prepare your contribution with a short paper, a talk of about 12 minutes and and be ready to interact to take decisions on the topics listed in the agenda.
  5. revise the agenda and let me know if you agree on it of some changes are needed, or you would like to have more details, if we can...

16th morning
-- Objectives of the MusicNetwork
-- Division of Music Notation Domains
-- general requirements of Music Notation
-- definition of the work of the days
-- Scheduling Document presentations according to the work of the days on the basis of the contributions received
-- Music Notation Structure: requirements and identification
-- collection of examples for the most relevant aspects of music notation in this regard, Jerome and Bellini are preparing a set of examples. Also the work performed by Byrd and available on the www has to be used.
-- identification of the major structures
-- review of formats
-- identification of the best solution for adaptation and definition

16th afternoon
-- Continue the work of the morning.

17th morning
-- Joint meeting with all the MUSICNETWORK on Music Notation and MPEG.
-- innovative applications and Why MPEG
-- relationships with MPEG
-- MPEG requirements (presentation of the work performed by the MPEG AHG on MusicNotation)
-- MPEG evolution and timeline
-- integration of the work of the Working group on that of MusicNetwork and MPEG

17th afternoon
-- 20 minutes of presentation of Don Byrd ()
-- continue the work of the 16th afternoon
-- From 16:00 consolidation and fixing decisions
-- From 17:00 assignement of the next months work

PLEASE NOTE THAT: You can revise your contribution at any time, send me the new version asap. If you don't have yet delivered a contribution but you intend to submitt a contribute now, do it ASAP, no problem.

Please send relevant examples of music notation for modeling music structure: main score, parts, measures, layers/voices, beams, slurs, change of octave, multistaff, ossia, beam covering more measures, slurs acrossing staves, etc.

Most of those that have sent the contribution in advanced have been selected an economically supported by the MUSICNETWORK and thus by the European Commission.

If you have interest in attending the workshop in a constructive manner please send a contribution in line with the proposal and time line.

If you would like to GIVE POSE at the ATTENTION of the workshop experts you proposal for music notation format, XML or not, please send us the related manual or post it on the Notation WG and send and email to Nesi or post a message to the WG forum.


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