Electronic Court Filing Query and Response Standard [Draft]
XML DTD Required for Court Filing Query and Response
From: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/legalxml-courtfiling-cms-api/200210/doc00002.doc See: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/legalxml-courtfiling-cms-api/200210/msg00006.html
<!-- This portion of the DTD defines the basic LegalXMl query/response syntax --> <!ELEMENT query (authentication?, queryName, queryDescription?, inputParameters, queryIdentification?)> <!ELEMENT queryName (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT queryDescription (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT queryIdentification (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT inputParameters (parameter*)> <!ELEMENT parameter (parameterName, parameterDescription?, parameterValue)> <!ELEMENT parameterName (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT parameterDescription (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT parameterValue (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT response (respondsTo, (responseRow* | errorMessage))> <!ELEMENT respondsTo (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT responseRow ANY> <!ELEMENT errorMessage (#PCDATA)> <!-- This portion of the DTD define new compound CMS structures that do not yet exist in a prior dictionary (ie CourtFiling). They are specifically related to CMS data and the LegalXML 'standard' query set. --> <!ELEMENT caseActorStatus (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT docketEntry (dateTime, actor*, docketType?, docketText, docketDocument?)> <!ELEMENT docketDocument ( (courtDocumentReference | documentContent), docketDocument* )> <!ELEMENT docketType (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT docketText (#PCDATA)>