520 505 All characters, including space, up to the first sort character. if this attribute is omitted, then 245$a $b $n and $p 210 242 246 240, 130 Value is from the list at http:/www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/authorityfile link to a uniform title authority record. 245$c 100, 700 $u 100, 110, 700, 710 711 $e 100, 700 110, 710. 111, 711 Value is from the list at http:/www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/authorityfile link to a name authority record. LDR/6 008/26, 008/33, 008/29, 008/30, 008/24+, 008/21+, 008/25, 655 Value is from the list at http://www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/genre 008/15-17, 044 260 $a 260 $b 250 LDR/7 310 008/35-37 008/23 or 29, 256 856 $q 300 008/22, 521 255 650, 6xx $x 651, 6xx $z 6xx $y 630 600, 610, 611 752 Value is from the list at http:/www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/subject 050, 082, 080, 060, 086, 084 Value is from the list at http:/www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/classification edition qualifies authority, for authorities that have editions, e.g. DDC. if type is omitted: 787, 700, 710, 711, 730 with $t and ind2 = blank 780 785 776 534, 786 772, 773 770, 774, 700, 710, 711 with $t and ind2 = 2 490, 440, 760, 800, 810, 811, 830 link to record for item. 010, 020, 022, 024, 028, 856 852 $a $b$j value is from list at http:/www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/organizations for local extensions 040 $a, $d 008/00-05 005 001 Who supplied the identifier. From 003 If the link is supplied it is in lieu of or in addition to the content. when this datatype is used for the accessCondition element, two possible values for this type attribute are: "restrictionOnAccess": 506; "useAndReproduction": 540 260 $c, 008/07-14, 033 if omitted, free text is assumed