Document: ISO / TC 37 / SC 2 / WG 1 N 88 |
ISO / TC 37 / SC 2 / WG 1 “Coding systems” |
Subject: Report of the ninth
meeting of ISO / TC 37 / SC 2 / WG 1 |
Prepared by: Håvard Hjulstad (convener of ISO /
TC 37 / SC 2 / WG 1) |
Date: 2001-09-24 |
convener opened the meeting at 0900. The convener chaired the meeting. He
underscored that the meeting would partly be a formal WG meeting and partly a
workshop to discuss user requirements and future directions for the work with
language coding. For the purpose of the workshop a number of experts had been
invited who are not nominated members of the WG.
A roll call
form was circulated. The participants also introduced themselves orally.
following members and invited experts participated.
Marta Alonso, Austria, ISO /
TC 37 secretariat
Gerhard Budin, Austria, ISO /
TC 37 / SC 2 chair
John Clews, UK
Peter Constable, USA
Chris Cox, UK
Jennifer DeCamp, USA
Christian Galinski, Austria,
ISO / TC 37 secretary
John L. (Monte) George, USA
Rebecca Guenther, USA
Håvard Hjulstad, Norway, ISO
/ TC 37 / SC 2 / WG 1 convener
Helen Hutcheson, Canada, ISO
/ TC 37 / SC 2 secretary
Jake Knoppers, Canada
Marie-Claire Morin, France
Glenn Patton, USA
Janice Pereira, Canada
Peter Port, ISO/TC46/SC3
Yuka Sasaki, Japan
Jean Schwob, France
Gary Simons, USA
The agenda
was adopted as presented in document ISO/TC37/SC2 N 235 with the addition of a new item between items 4 and 5:
“Report of the convener”. In this report the agenda items are renumbered from
item 5.
Mr John
Clews, Ms Helen Hutcheson, and Ms Marie-Claire Morin were appointed to serve on
the drafting committee, together with the convener.
convener’s report is available as document ISO/TC37/SC2/WG1 N 73. The convener highlighted a
few points from the report. He also reported briefly from the meeting between
the Registration Authorities for ISO 639 (parts 1 and 2), which took place on
Monday, 13 August 2001.
This agenda
item took most of the day (from 0930 to 1600). Based on five presentations the
discussion gave very much input for future work.
Jennifer DeCamp presented user requirements for
language coding. Her PowerPoint presentation (which she did not display due to
lack of equipment) is available as document ISO/TC37/SC2/WG1 N 78.
Jake Knoppers presented input from ISO/IEC JTC 1
/ SC 32 and submitted a number of documents (available as documents
ISO/TC37/SC2/WG1 N 79 through 87). He also had a formal liaison
request, which will be addressed at the SC 2 plenary.
Gary Simons gave a brief presentation of SIL,
and Peter
Constable presented a “Mapping between ISO 639 and the SIL Ethnologue”, which is available as
document ISO/TC37/SC2/WG1 N 76.
Håvard Hjulstad (convener) presented two outlines
for possible work items: document ISO/TC37/SC2/WG1 N 72 (“Additional language coding”) and document
ISO/TC37/SC2/WG1 N 71
(“Language group coding”).
Chris Cox presented a draft for a work item,
“Development and application of ISO 639 in the identification, classification
and alphanumeric coding of the world’s languages”. The document is available as
ISO/TC37/SC2/WG1 N 77.
Three ideas
for formal NWIPs were presented at the meeting. An informal “study group” was
established to look at possible standardization projects on the basis of these
presentations and the discussion at the meeting. Gerhard Budin was asked to
convene the “study group” and to report to the SC 2 plenary (Friday, 17 August
This will
follow from the report of the “study group” and the discussion and possible
resolutions at the SC 2 plenary. The plenary needs to assess whether the “study
group” should continue its work as a more formal Task Force.
The next
formal meeting of the Working Group will be during the ISO / TC 37 meeting week
in Austria in August 2002. It is expected that a one-day meeting will be
convener informed the group once again that document circulation will be in
electronic form only. To be kept informed about developments concerning
language coding WG members should subscribe to relevant email lists, in
particular and relevant Unicode lists.
subscribe to send email to with the text “subscribe iso639”
resolutions were discussed.
convenor closed the meeting at 1640.