ISO / TC 37 / SC 2 / WG 1 N 82

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32/WG1  N184




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TITLE           :    SC32/WG1 meeting resolutions from the Piscataway meeting



SOURCE          :         SC32/WG1



STATUS      :             



ACTION       :    For information and action





JTC 1/SC 32 WG 1 Resolutions,


Piscataway, NJ, USA



Resolution WG 1/1:   Editing and ballot of 15944-1


SC32/WG1 thanks Mr. Paul Levine for his work in editing the base document of according to the instructions given at the FCD 15944-1 editing meeting. All comments were successfully resolved.   


SC32/WG1 instructs its secretariat to forward the edited 15944-1 to the SC32 Secretariat for the FDIS ballot immediately after the Piscataway meeting.



Resolution WG 1/2:   Public availability of ISO/IEC 15944


SC32/WG1 instructs its secretariat to send a request to JTC1 to make the standard 15944 publicly available.



Resolution WG 1/3: Progression of work on Annex I of 15944-1


SC32/WG1 requests that the authors of Annex I, Mr. Jim Clark and Mr. Paul Levine continue the development work on the contents of Annex I both in support of development of 15944-2 and a possible new Type 3 Technical Report.



Resolution WG 1/4: Activation of work on 15944-2 (Information technology - Business Agreement Semantic Descriptive Techniques Part 2: Registration of Scenarios and their Components)


Following the progression of FCD 15944-1 to FDIS stage, SC32/WG1 resolves to continue its approved work program by activating the work on 15944-2. SC32/WG1 instructs its secretariat to send out the document N172 as the first working draft document of the standard together with a formal request to national bodies and liaison organizations for contributions and comments in time for the SC32 meeting in Victoria. The request will include the URL for FDIS 15944-1.



Resolution WG 1/5: Subdivision of project (15944)


SC32/WG1 resolves to subdivide project (15944). A new part of the standard will be 15944-4: Business Transactions and Scenarios – Accounting and Economic Ontology. SC32/WG1 nominates Mr. William McCarthy as the project editor.


Therefore, SC32/WG1 instructs its secretariat to send this resolution to SC32 for endorsement, and to update Project Target Dates accordingly.



Resolution WG 1/6:  Periodic review of Open-edi Reference Model (ISO 14662)


SC32/WG1 notes that ISO 14662 is now due for periodic review.  Following the development of FCD 15944-1 to FDIS, SC32/WG1 recommends that ISO 14662 should be revised to ensure alignment between the two. SC32/WG1 therefore instructs its secretariat to forward this resolution to SC32.



Resolution WG 1/7: Project on Identification, Mapping and IT-enablement of Existing Standards for Widely Used Encodeable Value Domains (ISO/IEC 18022)


WG1 thanks Mr. Jake Knoppers for his presentation on the progress of ISO/IEC 18022. WG1 notes that several new contributions have been received which may form the basis for informative annexes. WG1 also notes that progress of the work requires resolution of the choice of language codes (see Resolution WG1/8 below) and encourages the Project Editor to find a practical solution as quickly as possible.


Furthermore, WG1 asks Mr. Knoppers to inform WG1 on the future progress of the project.



Resolution WG 1/8 Liaison with ISO TC37/SC2 on which ISO 639-2 3-alpa code set should be used as the common default in Open-edi, e-commerce, e-business, etc.


SC32/WG1 instructs its secretariat to send WG1N178 to TC37/SC2 for review and advice/decision. The lack of resolution of this issue impacts the progress of work on 18038 (and possibly 18022). SC32/WG1 requests the Project Editor for 18038 to liaise with TC37/SC2 on this issue and report back to WG1 at its October 2001 meeting in Victoria.



Resolution WG 1/9: Inclusion of a Normative Annex on Jurisdictions and Official Languages Matrix in the document on Identification and Mapping of Various Categories of Jurisdictional Domains, ISO/IEC 18038


SC32/WG1 requests and authorizes the Project Editor for ISO/IEC 18038 to undertake the work and consultations required to develop a Normative Annex (in matrix form if possible) of “official languages in use in countries”.



Resolution WG1/10: Possibility of reserved codes for “ISO English” and “ISO French” in ISO 639-2


SC32/WG1 authorizes the Project Editor for 18038 to make a request for reserved codes (WG1N179) for “ISO English” and “ISO French” in ISO 639-2.



Resolution WG 1/11: Comments to SC32/WG2 on ISO 11179


SC32/WG1 requests its secretariat to refuse the resolution of SC32/WG2 to introduce the title of the committee into the name of the standard. Such an approach will result in unnecessarily long names, require all SC32 standards to be changed, and reduce the ability to search standards by name.



Resolution WG 1/12: Nomination of a candidate as representative of JTC1 in the MoU Committee


SC32/WG1 notes, with regret, the resignation of Al Haberman and Sandra K. Paul as JTC1 representatives to the MoU Committee and expresses its appreciation for their work. As the focus of the MoU is "e-business" and standardization nominates Mr. Steve Mathews as a candidate for JTC1 representative to the MoU Committee. In addition to being a very active participant in SC32 work, Steve Mathews also participates in SC27 standards work through BSI.



Resolution WG 1/13:  Future Meetings of SC 32/WG 1


SC 32/WG 1 approves the following Meeting Calendar:








SC32/WG 1 Meeting

Victoria, Canada

Spring 2002


SC32/WG 1 Meeting

Proposed date:


(Date dependent on meeting dates in Korea)










Resolution WG 1/A1: Hosting of Meetings


JTC 1/SC 32/WG 1 expresses its appreciation to the National Body of USA and especially to Telcordia and Mr. Paul Levine for the excellent organization and arrangements.



Resolution WG 1/A2: Appreciation to the editor of 15944-1


SC32/WG1 thanks Mr. Paul Levine for his diligent effort as project editor of 15944-1. 



Resolution WG 1/A3: Appreciation to SC 32/WG 1 Convener


JTC1/SC 32 WG 1 thanks Mr. Hannu Pelkonen, the SC 32/WG 1 Convener, for the management of the schedule and successful conclusion of the SC 32/WG 1 meeting.



Resolution WG 1/A4: Drafting Committee Appreciation


JTC1/SC 32/WG 1 thanks its drafting committee, consisting of Mr. Jake Knoppers, Mr. Steve Mathews and Mr. Hannu Pelkonen for their diligent effort in developing the SC 32/WG 1 resolutions. 

Final Attendance

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32/WG 1 Meeting




JTC 1/SC 32/WG 1 Personnel



Hannu Pelkonen

Convener, JTC 1/SC 32/WG 1, Finland Post Corp, Finland



National Body






Austria (O)













Jake Knoppers


Canaglobe International





Czech Republic




Denmark (O)





















Katsuhiro Morita



Korea, Republic of












Russian Federation (O)




Sweden (O)




United Kingdom

Steve Mathews


Conclusive Logic

United States

Paul Levine

William McCarthy

David Welsh



Michigan State University
