1. Ref. Number
2. Acronym
3. Full Title
4. Theme(s)
ICT Standard, related to: Future general models of manufacturing systems, Dynamic Collaborative Value-Creating Networks, Emerging and Converging Technologies for New Manufacturing, Modeling And Simulation, Virtual Engineering, Digital Factories, Manufacturing On Demand (eManufacturing) |
5. Keywords
Musical standards, IEEE, SGML, SMDL, XML, MIDI, NIFF
6. Objective and industrial relevance
1. Introduction: the Standard to realize
The IPC (D. Baggi) and the RPC for Europe (G.Haus) have proposed to the Standard Activity Board (SAB) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE, the largest international association of professionals in Electronics and Computing Technology) Project Authorization Request 1599, “Definition of a Commonly Acceptable Musical Application Using the XML Language”, which was approved by IEEE SAB on September, 2001.
2. What the Standard is about
The Standard proposes the realization of a universally accepted way of encoding sound, music, symbolic representation of sound and music, music notation and the like, thus satisfying acute needs for WEB and network distribution, CD-ROMs, DVDs, etc. Moreover, it will serve to describe and process all different layers of music information. While there exist de-facto Standards for some particular layers only - such as MIDI for performance, NIFF for notation, and some proprietary formats - none of them can be applied to other layers.
The XML language will be used as meta-representation, description and processing tool for music information in a multi-layered environment, to join layers corresponding to structural, symbolic, score, MIDI, digital sounds, and as an integrating tool for already defined and accepted common Standards for music representation.
In practice, within the Standard, several new applications will be developed that will be open, extensible, intelligent and capable of integrating existing technology. This will require a lot of effort and time, since the work on this Standard is not about definitions, but about realizing new software.
3. Relevance of the Standard to the Themes of IMSI.
I. Future general models of manufacturing systems: the Standard addresses new methodologies and technologies for the manufacturing of digital music. This is a growing industry that is second in importance only to that of oil. To realize that, it will introduce Technology innovation in manufacturing processes by implementing new applications for digital music encoding, especially for symbolic music. With such a Standard, manufacturing processes can flexibly respond to changes in labor conditions, changes of products or materials, because the applications are flexible and extensible. Thus the Standard represents an improvement in the flexibility and autonomy of processing modules that compose manufacturing systems for digital music distribution and encoding, as well as an improvement in interaction, or harmony among various components, and functions of manufacturing, because of the properties of XML.
II. Dynamic Collaborative Value-Creating Networks. A realization network is already in place for the definition of the Standard. This will continue after the Standard definition: constant additions will automatically be included due to the extendibility of XML. In other words, the Standard amounts to the realization of an existing, but constantly evolving, virtual enterprise for all manufacturing needs.
III. Emerging and Converging Technologies for New Manufacturing. Existing Standards have several flaws: MIDI addresses only reproduction of sound files; SMDL, a subset of SGML like HTML, has not give rise to application software; NIFF is binary, hence not readable. New applications in XML have emerged like MathML for mathematical formulas and SVD for vectors, as well as for the processing of voice. This Standard will integrate the different layers of digital music and its manufacturing.
IV. Emerging Digital Business Standards. IMS attempts to bundle the efforts by the research and business communities towards the development of worldwide digital business protocols to facilitate the sharing of applications and data in virtual enterprises. In the field of manufacturing of digital music, this is what IEEE Standard PAR1599 proposes to do. It will provide tools, among others, for the following: Analysis, Processing, and Synthesis of music information; Score Editing and Traditional Music Publishing; Extraction of instrument parts from a score; New media music publishing; Music Delivery via internet; Search Engines; Protection formats and tools for music; Watermarking Techniques for protecting score and audio files; Music Features Recognition; Music contents processing; Viewing and listening tools for music; Music databases indexing; Audio and score segmenting Music education techniques; Interactive music contents.
V. Digital Factories, Manufacturing On Demand (eManufacturing). The network, or virtual factory, built both for the realization of the Standard and for its diffusion, allows new applications to be integrated to fulfill specialized needs, for the realization of new products in e-Music. This represents a significant evolution of existing Standards and will open new possibilities to be exploited both in Manufacturing and in eManufacturing, such as: Files with Heterogeneous Material such as text, music and graphics with a single representation; compatibility with the definition of languages that are different, differently defined or of different origin, in the same file; structured definition of the information, by separating the visual aspect from the semantics of data, which can thus be manipulated in any way desired; extensibility, so that users, institutes, music publishers can add information blocks for their own needs; easy search for, say, a musical theme with a WEB search engine; inclusion in a publisher’s catalogue of special criteria for cataloging; special text files, independently of the platform.
4. Conclusions
A Standard defined with XML allows the realization of musical files with an intrinsic value, independent of the application used for their creation, of applications used to view them, and of the platform; extensibility of the language in function of particular needs; good match with the need for structures in musical information.
With the project, IMS will contribute in establishing a world-wide Standard for the manufacture, distribution, and use of e-Music in all its forms: sound, music, symbolic representation of sound and music, music notation, as well as join and integrate layers corresponding to structural, symbolic, score, MIDI, and other representations of sounds and music, processing and manufacturing.
Last but not least, the support of IMS will be made known to the IEEE and its 400,000 members.
7. Approach and overview of planned work
The work will follow all the procedural steps necessary for the definition of a worldwide IEEE Standard. Other Standard organizations such as JTC1, ISO and ANSI will be involved. For details, see:
SCC10, IEEE Dictionary
IEEE Staff Editorial Review
SCC14, Quantities Units and Letter Symbols
all available at www.ieee.org in the Standards section.
Workpackages will be defined in function of the Standards schedule defined by the IEEE and of the results of the planned IEEE Conferences.
The various phases of the project are illustrated in the diagram below and explained as follows:
Phase 1. Basic Research and Development: preliminary musical attribute identification. IEEE Conference MAX2002 scheduled for September 19 & 20, 2002 – see IEEE COMPUTER, February and March issues, 2002.
Phase 2. Development and discussion of the formats with partners. IEEE Workshop of invited papers in the Spring of 2003.
Phase 3. Standardization process in collaboration with the IEEE-SA STANDARD BOARD.
Phase 4. Definition of first XML draft of the proposal.
Phase 5. Implementation of tools, test and validation of the Standard (still to be defined). Final voting.
8. Cost Estimate
78 PY
100 %
Total estimated cost in person-years (PY).No details
6 8 16 16 8 t.b.a.
12 16 32 32 8
9. Duration (years)
Expected Date of Submission for Initial Sponsor Ballot: 9/30/2004
Fill in Projected Completion Date for Submittal to RevCom: 9/30/2005
10. Value-added of the international cooperation
The world areas that are interested in such a Standard are: Australia, Europe, Japan, Switzerland, USA. In such an international project, dealing with an international IEEE Standard, the need for international cooperation is obvious. Some of the partners are leaders in the field, with a considerable interest in a worldwide Standard for music delivery and applications, to enhance existing media players, sequences, Web browsers and music programs for score editing and playing.
11. Partners
Note: This list of partners is tentative, and is expected to grow considerably after the first IEEE Conference MAX2002 of September 2002 and the second IEEE Workshop in the Spring of 2003, and once the activities within the Standard Activity Board of the IEEE have started.
In particular, participation by Korean firms is expected, also more Japanese and American companies.Partners 1, 3, 4, 12 and 16 have already performed preliminary work, or contributed to the project. In particular, we thank partner 14 for visiting us in Milan, Italy, to define the project.
JapanRegional Project Coordinator:16. TDK Corporation1-13-1 Nihonbashi, Chuo-KuTokyo 103-8272JapanSeiji Osaka Phone +81 352017113sosaka@mb1.tdk.co.jp
Inter-regional Project Coordinator:
Galleria 2 - CH-6928 Manno (Ticino), Switzerland
Phone: +41 91 610 89 60,
Fax: +41 91 610 89 70
Dr. Denis Baggi, Head, Communication and Multimedia
dbaggi@cimsi.cim.ch, www.cimsi.cim.ch
2. CSCS, Swiss Center For Parallel Computing (RES)
Galleria 2 - CH-6928 Manno (Ticino), Switzerland
Phone +41 91 610 82 11,
Fax +41 91 610 82 82
Dr. George Maric (Managing Director)
dmaric@cscs.ch, www.cscs.ch
3. Integrated Systems Center - DE/c3i – EPFL (EDU)
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Phone: + 41 21 693 69 81,
Fax: +41 21 693 46 63
Dr. Giorgio Zoia, Prof. Daniel J. Mlynek
European Union
Regional Project Coordinator:
4. Laboratorio di Informatica Musicale,Università degli Studi di Milano (EDU)
Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Informazione
via Comelico 39, I-20135 Milan, Italy
Prof. Goffredo Haus
Phone & Fax +39 02 503 16 222
5. Hewlett-Packard Italiana S.p.A. (IND)
Via G. di Vittorio, 9
I- 20063 Cernusco sul Naviglio, Italy
Dr. Renato Sommacal
Phone ++39 02-9212.1
Fax ++39 02-9210.4473
6. MPEG R & D Group, STMicroelectronics (IND/ROR)
Advanced System Technology / Digital Video Technology Labs.
STMicroelectronics, Agrate Brianza, ITALY
Daniele BAGNI
Phone: +39 039 603 6541,
Fax +39 039 603 6154
Regional Project Coordinator:
7. Recordare LLC (IND)
P.O. Box 3459, Los Altos, CA 94024, USA
Phone +1 (650) 965-7267,
Fax +1 (650) 965-3297
Micheal Good
mgood@recordare.com, www.recordare.com
8. Microsoft Corporation (IND)
One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399
Ted C. Tanner jr
9. IBM Almaden Research Center (RES)
650 Harry Road
San Jose, CA 95120
Florian Pestoni
10. Oracle Corporation (IND)
500 Oracle Parkway
Redwood Shores, CA 94065
Jim Trezzo
11. Digital Library Research & Development Group (EDU)
University of Virginia Library
Phone.: (434) 982-2702
Perry Roland, Information Technologist
pdr4h@virginia.edu, www.people.virginia.edu/~pdr4h/
12. Peakdesign (IND)
5825-A Chelton Dr.
Oakland CA 94611
Tony Milosz
Tel. (510) 531 5331,
Fax (510) 531 5332
13. Leo Montgomery (IND)
Berkeley CA, USA.
leo@4ml.org, http://www.4ml.org
Regional Project Coordinator:
14. W3C - World Wide WEB Consortium
110 Victoria Street
Carlton Vic 3053
Charles McCathieNevile
15. Pacific Engineering Systems International
Unit 22, 8 Campbell St
NSW 2064
Damian McGuckin, Director
Ph:+61-2-99063377 ..
Regional Project Coordinator:
16. TDK Corporation
Technical Center-1 Chikumagawa
462-1 Otai, Saku-shi
Nagano 385-0009
Toshiki Aoi