[Cache version from http://www-306.ibm.com/software/pervasive/multimodal/x%2Bv/11/spec.htm; please use the canonical source if possible.]

XHTML+Voice Profile 1.1

28 January 2003

This version:
Latest version:
Previous versions:
Chris Cross, IBM mailto:xcross@us.ibm.com
Jonny Axelsson, Opera Software mailto:jax@opera.no
Gerald McCobb, IBM mailto:mccobb@us.ibm.com
T. V. Raman, IBM mailto:tvraman@us.ibm.com
Les Wilson, IBM mailto:lesw@us.ibm.com


The XHTML+Voice profile brings spoken interaction to standard web content by integrating the mature XHTML and XML-Events technologies with XML vocabularies developed as part of the W3C Speech Interface Framework. The profile includes voice modules that support speech synthesis, speech dialogs, command and control, and speech grammars. Voice handlers can be attached to XHTML elements and respond to specific DOM events, thereby reusing the event model familiar to web developers. Voice interaction features are integrated with XHTML and CSS and can consequently be used directly within XHTML content.

Status of this Document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document.

Note that the language profile described in this specification re-uses W3C working drafts that are likely to change. This integration profile will be updated as needed to use the final stable versions of these specifications. This profile is an update to the XHTML+Voice 1.0 profile. XHTML+Voice 1.1 is current with the VoiceXML 2.0 Candidate Recommendation.


The list of known errors in this specification is available at xhtml-voice11-errata.htm. Please report errors in this document to mccobb@us.ibm.com.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction
    1.1 Motivation And Applications
    1.2 Design Principles
    1.3 XHTML+Voice Processing Model
        1.3.1 Processing within one Document
   Language and Version
   VoiceXML Scope within XHTML+Voice
   Accessing Speech Dialog Results from XHTML
   Accessing XHTML from a Speech Dialog
        1.3.2 Cancel
        1.3.3 Declarative Synchronization of Input Modes
        1.3.4 Events and Event Handling
        1.3.5 Document Linking with Voice
        1.3.6 Aural Style Sheets
2 VoiceXML 2.0 Modules
    2.1 Modularization Of VoiceXML 2.0
    2.2 Speech Dialogs
    2.3 Executable Content
    2.4 Speech Grammars
    2.5 Speech And Non-speech Audio Output
    2.6 Event Handling
3 XHTML Modularization
    3.1 Document Conformance
    3.2 User Agent Conformance
    3.3 XHTML Namespace Integration
    3.4 XHTML+Voice Profile
    3.5 XHTML+Voice Abstract Modules
        3.5.1 Abstract Modules
        3.5.2 Element content shorthands
        3.5.3 Attribute list shorthands
4 XML-Events Module
    4.1 Listener
    4.2 Event Types
5 XHTML+Voice Extension Module
    5.1 Sync
    5.2 Cancel
    5.3 VoiceXML Field ID Attribute
    5.4 VoiceXML Prompt SRC Attribute


A Reusable VoiceXML
B Examples
    B.1 What You See Is What You Can Say
    B.2 Mixed-initiative Conversational Interface
    B.3 Speech-Enabled Mail Interface
    B.4 Reusable VoiceXML Subdialogs
C FIA for XHTML+Voice
    D.1 xhtml+voice11.dtd
E Schema
    E.1 xhtml+voice11.xsd
F References
    F.1 Normative References
    F.2 Informative References

1 Introduction

This section is informative.

This document defines version 1.1 of the XHTML+Voice profile. XHTML+Voice 1.1 is a member of the XHTML family of document types, as specified by XHTML Modularization [XHTML Modularization]. XHTML is extended with a modularized subset of VoiceXML 2.0, the XML-Events module, and a module containing a small number of attribute extensions to both XHTML and VoiceXML. The latter module facilitates the sharing of multimodal input data between the VoiceXML dialog and XHTML input and text elements.

The XML-Events module [XML Events] provides XML host languages the ability to uniformly integrate event listeners and associated event handlers with Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 [DOM2 Events] event interfaces. The result is an event syntax for XHTML-based languages that enables an interoperable way of associating behaviors with document-level markup.

VoiceXML [VoiceXML 2.0] has been designed for creating audio dialogs that feature synthesized speech, digitized audio, recognition of spoken and DTMF key input, recording of spoken input, telephony, and mixed-initiative conversations. In this document, VoiceXML 2.0 is modularized to prepare it for integration into the XHTML family of languages using the XHTML modularization framework. The modules that combine to support speech dialogs for updating XHTML forms and form elements are selected to be added to XHTML. The modules are described as well as the integration issues. The modularization of VoiceXML 2.0 also specifies DOM event types specific to voice interaction for use with the XHTML Events module. Speech dialogs authored in VoiceXML 2.0 can then be treated as event handlers to add voice-interaction specific behaviors to XHTML documents. The language integration supports all of the modules defined in XHTML Modularization, and adds speech interaction functionality to XHTML elements to enable multimodal applications. The document type defined by the XHTML+Voice profile is XHTML Host language document type conformant.

1.1 Motivation And Applications

Two mature technologies, XHTML 1.1 [XHTML 1.1] and VoiceXML 2.0 [VoiceXML 2.0] are integrated using [XHTML Modularization] to bring spoken interaction to the visual web. The design leverages open industry APIs like the W3C DOM to create interoperable web content that can be deployed across a variety of end-user devices. Multiple modes of interaction are synchronized and integrated using the DOM 2 Events model [DOM2 Events] and exposed to the content author via XML Events [XML Events].

Today, web applications are authored in XHTML with user interaction created via XHTML form elements. The W3C is presently working on XForms [XForms], the next generation of web forms that bring the power of XML to web application development. The combination of XHTML and Voice described in this document can leverage the semantic richness of web applications created using XForms, while providing a smooth transition for today's developers wishing to deploy multimodal applications by adding spoken interaction to present-day web content. Integrating the work of the W3C voice browser working group into mainstream XHTML content has the advantage of ensuring that future enhancements to the voice browser component such as natural language understanding will be incorporated. Thus, a smooth transition path for web developers wishing to deliver increasingly smart user interaction for their web applications is provided. Building on XHTML Basic [XHTML Basic] and XHTML modularization, content developers will be able to deploy their content to a wide variety of end-user clients ranging from mobile phones and small PDAs to desktop browsers.

1.2 Design Principles

XHTML+Voice is an XML application [XML 1.0].

  1. XHTML is the host language.
  2. XHTML+Voice extends XHTML Basic with a subset of VoiceXML 2.0, as well as XML-Events and a small extension module.
  3. XHTML+Voice makes authoring easy for common types of multimodal interactions.
  4. VoiceXML is modularized to permit the creation of profiles that match different application deployment environments.
  5. Those parts of VoiceXML that relate to the VoiceXML document being a stand-alone speech application are omitted from the XHTML+Voice profile.
  6. VoiceXML modularization does not alter the VoiceXML execution model. Specifically, a speech dialog is run as specified by the VoiceXML form interpretation algorithm.
  7. VoiceXML modularization does not modify the function of the VoiceXML 2.0 elements and attributes that are part of the profile.

1.3 XHTML+Voice Processing Model

XHTML+Voice is designed for creating multimodal dialogs that combine in a straightforward way the visual input mode represented by XHTML, and speech input and output, as represented by VoiceXML. Here is a "Hello World" example of XHTML+Voice:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <title>XHTML+Voice Example</title>
    <!-- voice handler -->
    <vxml:form id="sayHello">
      <vxml:block><vxml:prompt xv:src="#hello"/>
    <h1>XHTML+Voice Example</h1>

    <p id="hello" ev:event="click" ev:handler="#sayHello">
      Hello World!

The speech dialog identified by "sayHello" is activated when the user clicks anywhere on the paragraph identified by "hello." The speech dialog is a VoiceXML form that synthesizes the text obtained from the same paragraph that activated the form. The speech output is "Hello World!"

1.3.1 Processing within one Document

A speech dialog is defined within XHTML+Voice as a [VoiceXML 2.0] form with a unique ID. The VoiceXML form is activated by an XML-event with an associated handler that references the form's unique ID. The XML-event is generated from a user interaction with an XHTML element, generally a form control, or from a document event such as load or unload. Activating the VoiceXML form sets all form and field item variables to their initial values. This clears the the guard conditions on all form items that don't have an initial value set with the expr attribute. The form is run according to the form interpretation algorithm (FIA) specified by VoiceXML. Language and Version

A VoiceXML form requires language and VoiceXML version information. VoiceXML 2.0 includes language and version attributes with its root <vxml> element. XHTML+Voice obtains language and VoiceXML version from XHTML as follows. Language is obtained from the HTML root element's xml:lang attribute, while the VoiceXML version can be derived from the value of the VoiceXML namespace. The language can be overriden by the xml:lang attribute on the VoiceXML grammar and prompt tags. VoiceXML Scope within XHTML+Voice

A VoiceXML form within an XHTML+Voice document does not have the session and document scopes defined by VoiceXML. It does not have these scopes for two reasons. First, <form> is the top level VoiceXML element in an XHTML+Voice document. Second, XHTML+Voice does not allow transitions from one voice handler to another. VoiceXML 2.0 allows a form to have either dialog or document scope. If the form's scope is document, as set by the scope attribute, the form is active while another form in the document is running. When the speech input matches the grammar of the form with document scope, there is a transition from the currently running form to the form with the document scope. XHTML+Voice does not allow this transition. Consequently, a form's scope is limited to dialog and the scope attribute is omitted. The grammar scope attribute is also omitted for the same reason. The remaining inner VoiceXML scopes, dialog and anonymous, are the same in XHTML+Voice, as required by the VoiceXML FIA.

XHTML+Voice allows a speech dialog to be referenced as a voice handler in an external file. Because the speech dialog has no scope outside of its enclosing form, only the form in the external file is processed when the form is activated. For example, the script elements in the external file will not be processed. This is because the visual browser only executes script in the current document, and the VoiceXML <script> element is not supported. This requires the external reference to contain a fragment identifer specifying the form in addition to an absolute or relative URI. This differs from VoiceXML, which specifies that when the fragment is absent, the form "invoked is the lexically first dialog in the document" [VoiceXML 2.0]. With this restriction, the speech dialog can reside in any external XML document, including VoiceXML. Only the calling document has to be an XHTML+Voice document.

Because XHTML script placed in an external file is not processed, validation of VoiceXML results cannot be performed within an external subdialog by calling out to some ECMAScript contained within a VoiceXML script tag. ECMAScript validation of subdialog results can only be performed from the calling document. Validation methods must be included in the ECMAScript objects passed as parameters to the subdialog.

VoiceXML <field>, <subdialog>, and <var> elements do not have any visibility to the XHTML namespace as ECMAScript variables. Furthermore, there is no requirement to support the VoiceXML elements as nodes in the DOM object available to JavaScript. There are several problems with supporting the DOM object. Unlike XHTML form control elements, VoiceXML form item elements don't have a value attribute and consequently the DOM node value property is missing. A value attribute is necessary because the VoiceXML form item elements are their own ECMAScript variables, and they have defined values only while the enclosing form is active. At all other times their values are undefined. Accessing Speech Dialog Results from XHTML

Speech dialog results may be accessed from XHTML in one of the following ways:

  1. The VoiceXML standard application variables are available to an XHTML+Voice application as global ECMAScript variables. Each variable listed is an array of elements [0..i..n], where each element represents a possible result. See [VoiceXML 2.0] for more details:
    • application.lastresult$[i].confidence
    • application.lastresult$[i].utterance
    • application.lastresult$[i].inputmode
    • application.lastresult$[i].interpretation
  2. The XHTML+Voice <sync> element is described in XHTML+Voice Extension Module. Accessing XHTML from a Speech Dialog

The global JavaScript scope of an XHTML+Voice document is available to a speech dialog. For example, an XHTML form control element, such as input, can be accessed from within VoiceXML using the DOM object traversal notation available to JavaScript. For example, the value of an input field with name "from_city" is set from the VoiceXML assign tag as follows:

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <form id="form_id" xmlns="www.w3.org/2001/vxml">
      <field name="from_field">
          <assign name="document.main.from_city.value"
    <form name="main" action="">
      <input name="from_city" type="text"
		 ev:event="focus" ev:handler="#form_id"/>

The document keyword in XHTML+Voice refers to the JavaScript DOM object. The application.lastresult$ variables are at the same scope as the DOM object, which is effectively the VoiceXML application scope.

1.3.2 Cancel

Multiple speech dialogs running simultaneously are not allowed by XHTML+Voice. A speech dialog runs in its own thread and, for many devices, the audio subsystem can be owned by only one thread at one time. Also, other resources that are guaranteed to be thread-safe may cause a voice handler to indefinitely block. Therefore, only one speech dialog can be running at one time per loaded XHTML+Voice document. If only one speech dialog can be running at one time, the activating speech dialog must cancel the currently running dialog. This is the default behavior. The running dialog should also be canceled when the current XHTML+Voice document is unloaded.

A speech dialog may be canceled for other reasons, which depend on the multimodal browser implementation and user preference. For example, A speech dialog may be canceled whenever the user leaves the current XHTML form control or clicks on another element, i.e., whenever an HTML 4.01 "onblur" event is generated. An input timeout may also cancel the current speech dialog. However, if a cancel button or some other means to cancel is supplied, then only the default behavior will in most cases be preferred. It is preferred in cases where the XHTML+Voice application is running in "voice-only" mode while the user is working in another window or application. An e-mail application, for example, should allow a "voice-only" mode to run after losing application focus. The multimodal browser may also have a user preference for cancel which would override the default behavior. A good strategy would be for the multimodal browser to cancel only upon activation of a new speech dialog by default, and provide a user-preference for cancelling upon an "onblur" event.

The document author can cancel the currently running speech dialog with the <cancel> element that can be specified by an XHTML element as a handler for an XML Event. The XHTML+Voice Extension Module section provides more details.

Cancel is a message from the visual browser that must be handled by the VoiceXML FIA. It is separate from the cancel event supported by VoiceXML that cancels the currently running prompt. The cancel message from the visual browser modifies the FIA in the sense that it must be checked throughout the FIA, and if it is received then the FIA must terminate.

1.3.3 Declarative Synchronization of Input Modes

XHTML+Voice 1.1 supports a declarative synchronization of XHTML form control elements and the VoiceXML <field> element. XHTML+Voice 1.1 introduces sync as a standalone element. Sync specifies the following behaviors. First, sync allows input from one speech or visual modality to set the field in the other modality. Second, setting the focus of an <input> element that is synchronized with a VoiceXML field updates the FIA to visit that VoiceXML field. This is useful when there are multiple fields within a VoiceXML form. Sync is both a message to the VoiceXML FIA from the visual browser, like cancel, and a message from the FIA to the visual browser. The XHTML+Voice Extension Module section provides more details.

1.3.4 Events and Event Handling

The nomatch, noinput, help, and error VoiceXML event types are propagated as XML-events to XHTML. They can be linked to a Javascript handler using the XML-events syntax for specifying target, observer, event, and handler. The events are propagated regardless of whether the event has already been caught and handled properly within the VoiceXML form. Within VoiceXML a chain of events can be created, where one event is caught and another event is thrown, and so on. Because the entire chain of events is propagated to XHTML, the application author should be careful not to chain multiple events of the same type. The VoiceXML error event subtypes error.semantic, error.badfetch, error.unsupport.element, etc., are propagated as the error event type to XHTML. This is in accordance with the VoiceXML specification. This allows for the user to define additional error subtypes that can be handled by the visual browser. More general user-defined event types are also supported. If a user-defined event type is defined within the VoiceXML form, such as "foo.bar", then when that event is thrown within the form, it is propagated to XHTML as an XML-event. For the example below, both the noinput and foo.bar events are handled by the visual browser via the XML-events listener tag. Note that the VoiceXML form exits because the foo.bar event is not handled within the form. Throwing an unhandled foo.bar event is like throwing an unhandled exit event, except that the foo.bar event is propagated to XHTML before the form exits.

<vxml:form id="ex1">
   <vxml:catch event="noinput">
      <vxml:throw event="foo.bar"/>

   <vxml:field name="f1">
      <vxml:grammar type="boolean"/>
      <vxml:prompt>Say yes or no</vxml:prompt>

<ev:listener ev:target="ex1" ev:event="noinput" ev:handler="#h1"/>
<ev:listener ev:target="ex1" ev:event="foo.bar" ev:handler="#h2"/>

In addition to the VoiceXML event types listed above, XHTML+Voice supports the vxmldone event type. The vxmldone event is generated when the currently running VoiceXML form completes. All the event types that XHTML+Voice supports are listed in the XML-Events Module.

1.3.5 Document Linking with Voice

Document linking with voice is available to the author. Given an XHTML+Voice document with the following link and a tags:

<link rel="glossary" title="Glossary" href="glossary.html"/>
<link rel="contents" title="Contents" href="contents.html"/>
<a href="chapter3.html" title="Next Page" rel="next">Next</a>
<a href="chapter1.html" title="Previous Page" rel="previous">Previous</a>

The following grammar can be produced from parsing the document. For this example the grammar is JSGF. The grammar is collected from each link and a element in the document that has a rel attribute. The document author uses the rel attribute to enable document linking for a select set of link and a elements. For each element with a rel attribute, the rel attribute value is added to the grammar. Alternatively, the title attribute can be used in place of rel for international language support:

#JSGF V1.0 iso-8859-1;
grammar document-links;

public <document-links> = Glossary {this.$value="glossary.html"}
             | Contents {this.$value="contents.html"}
             | Next Page {this.$value="chapter3.html"}
             | Previous Page {this.$value="chapter1.html"};

The grammar scope of the grammar is document so that it is always active. While XHTML+Voice does not support authoring a grammar with document scope within a form, the multimodal browser should support grammars with document scope for document linking and command and control.

1.3.6 Aural Style Sheets

With the addition of a src attribute to the VoiceXML <prompt> element, XHTML+Voice 1.1 is able to support Aural style sheets declared according to [CSS2]. Within XHTML, a paragraph with id set to "warnPara" can be styled with the CSS "warn" class:

<p id="warnPara" class="warn">warning</p>

The CSS has visual and aural rules for class "warn." When the VoiceXML<form> processes a prompt with the src attribute set to that paragraph, the aural style rules for "warn" are invoked. The VoiceXML Prompt SRC Attribute Section provides a complete example.

2 VoiceXML 2.0 Modules

This section first modularizes VoiceXML 2.0 and then specifies the various VoiceXML 2.0 modules used in the creation of the XHTML+VoiceXML profile.

2.1 Modularization Of VoiceXML 2.0

The files making up the modularization of the VoiceXML 2.0 SCHEMA are available as voice-xml-modules.zip and have been created to ease the process of integrating VoiceXML 2.0 and XHTML. These modules do not change the VoiceXML 2.0 language as specified by the voice browser working group of the W3C. This section gives a high-level overview of each module.

Table 1: VoiceXML Modules
Module Purpose Elements XHTML+VoiceXML?
Events Events thrown by Voice XML processor catch help noinput nomatch error throw Y
Executable statements Statements for use in voice handlers assign clear var log reprompt Y
Filled Voice handlers invoked when a slot is filled. filled Y
Flow control Flow control constructs from VoiceXML if else elseif return Y
Forms Encapsulate voice dialogs form field record subdialog block initial option Y
Miscellaneous Non-local transfers in VoiceXML exit goto link script submit N
Menus VoiceXML menus menu choice enumerate N
Object Foreign objects for VoiceXML object N
Resources Specifying resources for VoiceXML param property Y
Root VoiceXML stand-alone documents vxml meta N
Output Speech and audio output prompt value audio emphasis voice break prosody say-as phoneme paragraph p sentence s mark Y
Telephony Telephony control transfer disconnect N
User Input Speech input constructs from VoiceXML grammar count example token import item one-of rule ruleref Y
Attributes Common attributes used in VoiceXML NA Y
Datatypes Common datatypes used in VoiceXML NA Y
Document Model Defines content model for VoiceXML elements NA N

2.2 Speech Dialogs

Modules vxml-exec-1.xsd, vxml-filled-1.xsd, vxml-resource-1.xsd vxml-flow-1.xsd, and vxml-form-1.xsd support authoring handlers that implement speech dialogs.

2.3 Executable Content

Modules vxml-filled-1.xsd, vxml-flow-1.xsd, vxml-exec-1.xsd, and vxml-resource-1.xsd declare constructs for use within voice handlers. The semantics of these constructs are as defined in the VoiceXML 2.0 specification.

2.4 Speech Grammars

The speech grammar modules provide constructs for authoring speech grammars as specified in VoiceXML 2.0. The modules are provided by the normative VoiceXML 2.0 SCHEMA and are unchanged: grammar-core.xsd, grammar.xsd, vxml-grammar-restriction.xsd, and vxml-grammar-extension.xsd. The restriction and extension modules allow the elements and attributes normatively specified by the speech grammar specification [Speech Grammars] to be included within the VoiceXML 2.0 namespace.

2.5 Speech And Non-speech Audio Output

The speech and audio output modules define constructs for producing spoken and non-spoken audio output. The modules are provided by the normative VoiceXML SCHEMA and are unchanged: synthesis-core.xsd, synthesis.xsd, vxml-synthesis-restriction.xsd, and vxml-synthesis-extension.xsd. As with the speech grammar modules, the elements and attributes normatively defined in the SSML specification [SSML 1.0] are included within the VoiceXML 2.0 namespace.

2.6 Event Handling

Module vxml-events-1.xsd declares the event types defined in VoiceXML 2.0

3 XHTML Modularization

This section is normative.

3.1 Document Conformance

A conforming XHTML+Voice document is a document that requires only the facilities described as mandatory in this specification. Such a document must meet all of the following criteria:

  1. It must validate against the XML Schema found in schema provided in this document.

  2. The root element of the document must be html.

  3. The name of the default namespace on the root element must be the XHTML namespace name: http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml.

  4. If a DOCTYPE declaration is present and includes a public identifier, the DOCTYPE declaration must reference the DTD provided in this document using its Formal Public Identifier. The system identifier may be modified appropriately.

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML+Voice 1.1//EN"

3.2 User Agent Conformance

The user agent must conform to the "User Agent Conformance" section of the XHTML specification ([XHTML 1.0], section 3.2) and the conformance requirements detailed in the VoiceXML modules ([VoiceXML 2.0]) supported by the integration profile.

The user agent must conform to the following additional user agent rule:

  1. When the user agent claims to support facilities defined within the VoiceXML 2.0 specifications or facilities required by this specification through normative reference, it must do so in ways consistent with the facilities' definition.

3.3 XHTML Namespace Integration

The default XML namespace of an XHTML+Voice document is XHTML. XHTML+Voice extends XHTML with VoiceXML, XML-events, and XHTML+Voice extensions. The VoiceXML, XML-events, and XHTML+Voice extension elements and attributes are included through additional namespace declarations:

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"

The name of the unique prefix identifier for the namespace within the document, for example, vxml for VoiceXML elements, is left to the document author's discretion.

3.4 XHTML+Voice Profile

The XHTML functionality in the XHTML+Voice document type is based upon the XHTML modules defined in [XHTML Modularization]. The XHTML+Voice profile includes the XHTML modules defined in [XHTML Basic], such as the basic XHTML forms and tables modules. Added to the XHTML Basic modules are the following modules:

  • The XHTML scripting module.
  • XML Events as defined by the XML Events module, [XML Events]. XML-events with VoiceXML event types and handlers allow the XHTML author to associate voice-interaction specific behaviors.
  • A set of VoiceXML modules for speech-enabling XHTML constructs. The top level VoiceXML element for defining a voice handler is <form>.
  • An XHTML+Voice Extension module for facilitating the authoring of the interaction between the visual and speech modules.

The notation, terms and document conventions used here are borrowed from [XHTML 1.1].

The profile includes the XHTML basic module defined in [XHTML Basic], the XHTML scripting module defined in [XHTML 1.1], the XML Event module defined in [XML Events], the XHTML+Voice extension module defined in the XHTML+Voice Extension Module, and the following VoiceXML 2.0 modules:

3.5 XHTML+Voice Abstract Modules

The namespaces used in these modules are as follows:

XML Events:

3.5.1 Abstract Modules

Table 2: XHTML+Voice Abstract Modules
Element Content Attributes
Base Module (XHTML)
base EMPTY href* (URI)
Basic Forms Module (XHTML)
form Heading | Block - form Common, action* (URI), method ("get"* | "post"), enctype (ContentType)
input EMPTY Common, Access, checked ("checked"), maxlength (Number), name (CDATA), size (Number), src (URI), type ("text"* | "password" | "checkbox" | "radio" | "submit" | "reset" | "hidden" ), value (CDATA)
label (PCDATA | Inline - label)* Common, accesskey (Character), for (IDREF)
select option+ Common, multiple ("multiple"), name (CDATA), size (Number)
option PCDATA Common, , selected ("selected"), value (CDATA)
textarea PCDATA Common, Access, cols* (Number), name (CDATA), rows* (Number)
Basic Tables Module (XHTML)
caption (PCDATA | Inline)* Common
table caption?, tr+ Common, summary (Text), width ( Length )
td (PCDATA | Flow - table)* Common, Cell, Align
th (PCDATA | Flow - table)* Common, Cell, Align
tr td+ Common, Align
Events Module (VoiceXML)
catch Exec VoiceHandler, event (NMTOKENS)
help Exec VoiceHandler
noinput Exec VoiceHandler
nomatch Exec VoiceHandler
error Exec VoiceHandler
throw EMPTY VoiceHandler, event ( NMTOKEN), eventexpr (Script), message (CDATA), messageexpr (Script)
Executable Statements Module (VoiceXML)
assign EMPTY Expr
clear EMPTY namelist (CDATA)
var EMPTY Expr
log (PCDATA | value)* label (CDATA), expr (Script)
reprompt EMPTY -
Filled Module (VoiceXML)
filled (Exec)* mode("any" | "all"*), namelist (CDATA)
Flow Control Module (VoiceXML)
if (Exec | elseif | else)* cond (Script)
else EMPTY -
elseif EMPTY cond (Script)
return EMPTY namelist (CDATA), event (NMTOKEN), eventexpr (Script), message (CDATA), messageexpr (Script)
Forms Module (VoiceXML)
form (Form)* id (ID)
field ( Audio | EventHandler | filled | grammar | link | vxml:option | prompt | property)* Item, type (GrammarType), slot ( NMTOKEN ), modal (Boolean), xv:id ( ID)
record ( Audio | EventHandler | filled | grammar | prompt | property)* Item, type ( ContentType), beep ( Boolean), maxtime ( Duration), modal ( Boolean), dtmfterm ( Boolean), finalsilence ( Duration)
subdialog ( Audio | filled | param | prompt | property)* Item, Cache, Submit, src (URI), srcexpr (Script), fetchaudio (URI)
block Exec Item
initial ( Audio | EventHandler | link | prompt | property)* Item
vxml:option PCDATA dtmf (CDATA), value (CDATA)
Hypertext Module (XHTML)
a (PCDATA | Inline - a)* Common, Access, Linking, hreflang (LanguageCode)
Image Module (XHTML)
img EMPTY Common, Dim, alt* (Text), longdesc (URI), src* (URI)
Link Module (XHTML)
List Module (XHTML)
dl (dd | dt)+ Common
dt (PCDATA | Inline)* Common
dd (PCDATA | Flow)* Common
ol li+ Common
ul li+ Common
li (PCDATA |Flow)* Common
Metainformation Module (XHTML)
meta EMPTY I18N, content* (CDATA), http-equiv (NMTOKEN), name (NMTOKEN), scheme (CDATA)
Object Module (XHTML)
object (PCDATA | Flow | param)* Common, Dim, archive (URI), classid (URI), codebase (URI), codetype (ContentType), data (URI), declare ("declare"), name (CDATA), standby (Text), tabindex (Number), type (ContentType)
param EMPTY id (IDREF), name* (CDATA), type (ContentType), value (CDATA), valuetype ("data"* | "ref" | "object")
Output Module (VoiceXML)
prompt (Audio | TTS)* I18N, VoiceHandler, bargein (Boolean), bargeintype ("speech" | "hotword"), timeout (Duration), xv:src (URI)
value EMPTY expr (Script)
audio ( Audio | TTS)* Cache, src (URI), expr (Script)
emphasis SentenceContent level ("strong" | "moderate"* | "none" | "reduced")
voice (SentenceContent | Structure)* I18N, gender ("male" | "female" | "neutral"), age (Number), variant (Number), name (CDATA)
break EMPTY size ("large" | "medium"* | "small" | "none"), time (Duration)
prosody (SentenceContent | Structure)* pitch (CDATA), contour ( CDATA), range ( CDATA), rate ( CDATA), duration (Duration), volume ( CDATA)
say-as ( PCDATA | value)* type (SayAsType)
phoneme PCDATA ph (CDATA), alphabet (CDATA)
paragraph, p (SentenceContent | Sentence)* I18N
sentence, s SentenceContent I18N
mark (SentenceContent | Sentence)* name (IDREF)
Resources Module (VoiceXML)
param EMPTY Expr, value (CDATA), valuetype ("data"* | "ref"), type (CDATA)
property EMPTY name (NMTOKEN), value (CDATA)
Scripting Module (XHTML)
script PCDATA charset (CharSet), defer ("defer"), src (URI), type* (ContentType), xml:space="preserve"
noscript ( Heading | Block | List)+ Common
Structure Module (XHTML)
body (Heading | Block | List)* Common
html head, body I18N, version ( CDATA), xmlns (URI = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml")
title PCDATA I18N
Text Module (XHTML)
abbr (PCDATA | Inline)* Common
acronym (PCDATA | Inline)* Common
address (PCDATA | Inline)* Common
blockquote (PCDATA | Heading | Block | List)* Common, cite (URI)
br EMPTY Core
cite (PCDATA | Inline)* Common
code (PCDATA | Inline)* Common
dfn (PCDATA | Inline)* Common
div (PCDATA | Flow)* Common
em (PCDATA | Inline)* Common
h1 (PCDATA | Inline)* Common
h2 (PCDATA | Inline)* Common
h3 (PCDATA | Inline )* Common
h4 (PCDATA | Inline )* Common
h5 (PCDATA | Inline )* Common
h6 (PCDATA | Inline )* Common
kbd (PCDATA | Inline )* Common
p (PCDATA | Inline )* Common
pre (PCDATA | Inline )* Common, xml:space="preserve"
q (PCDATA | Inline )* Common, cite (URI)
samp (PCDATA | Inline )* Common
span (PCDATA | Inline )* Common
strong (PCDATA | Inline )* Common
var (PCDATA | Inline )* Common
User Input Module (VoiceXML)
grammar (PCDATA | meta | metadata | lexicon | rule)* Cache, I18N, version (NMTOKEN), root (IDREF), mode ("voice"* | "dtmf"), src (URI), type (ContentType), weight ( CDATA), tag-format (URI)
example PCDATA  
lexicon EMPTY uri (URI), type (ContentType)
tag PCDATA  
token PCDATA I18N
item (RuleExpansion)* I18N, weight (NMTOKEN), repeat (NMTOKEN), repeat-prob (NMTOKEN)
meta EMPTY name (NMTOKEN), content (CDATA), http-equiv (NMTOKEN)
metadata ANY  
one-of (item)+ I18N
rule ( RuleExpansion | example)* id (ID), scope ("private"* | "public")
ruleref EMPTY I18N, uri (URI), type (ContentType), special ("NULL" | "VOID" | "GARBAGE")
XML Events Module (XML Events)
listener EMPTY XEvents
XHTML+Voice Extension Module (XHTML+Voice)
sync EMPTY

input (NMTOKEN), field (URI)

cancel EMPTY

id (ID), handler (URI)

Elements Attributes  
vxml:field& id (ID)  
vxml:prompt& src (URI)  

3.5.2 Element content shorthands

Table 3: Element Entities and Content
Element Entities Content
Audio (VoiceXML) PCDATA | audio | value
Block (XHTML) address | blockquote | div | p | pre
EventHandler (VoiceXML) catch | help | noinput | nomatch | error
Exec (VoiceXML) Audio | assign | clear | disconnect | exit | goto | if | log | prompt | reprompt | return | script | submit | throw | var
Flow (XHTML) Heading | List | Block | Inline
Form (VoiceXML) EventHandler | grammar | filled | initial | object | link | property | record | subdialog | Variable
Heading (XHTML) h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6
Inline (XHTML) a | abbr | acronym | button | br | cite | code | dfn | em | img | input | kbd | label | object | q | samp | select | span | strong | textarea
RuleExpansion (VoiceXML) PCDATA | token | ruleref | item | one-of
SentenceContent (VoiceXML) Audio | SentenceElements
SentenceElements (VoiceXML) break | emphasis | phoneme | mark | prosody | say-as | voice
Structure (VoiceXML) sentence | s | paragraph | p
TTS (VoiceXML) SentenceElements | Structure
Variable (VoiceXML) block | field | var

3.5.3 Attribute list shorthands

Table 4: Attribute Entities and Content
Attribute Entities Content
Access (XHTML) accesskey (Character), tabindex (Number)
Align (XHTML) align ("left" | "center" | "right"), valign ("top" | "middle" | "bottom")
Cache (VoiceXML) fetchhint ("prefetch" | "safe"), fetchtimeout ( Duration, maxage (Number), maxstale (Number)
Cell (XHTML) abbr (Text), axis ( CDATA), colspan (Number), headers (IDREFS), rowspan (Number), scope ("row" | "col")
Common (XHTML) Core, Events, XEvents
Core (XHTML) class (NMTOKENS), id (ID), title ( CDATA )
Dim (XHTML) height ( Length ), width (Length)
Events (XHTML) MouseEvents , KeyEvents
Expr (VoiceXML) name (VarName), expr (Script )
I18N (XML) xml:lang (NMTOKEN)
Item (VoiceXML) name (VarName), cond (Script), expr (Script)
KeyEvents (XHTML) onkeypress (Script), onkeydown (Script), onkeyup (Script)
Linking (XHTML) charset (CharSet), href (URI), hreflang (LanguageCode), rel (LinkTypes), rev (LinkTypes), type (ContentType)
MouseEvents (XHTML) onclick (Script), ondblclick (Script), onmousedown (Script), onmouseover (Script), onmousemove (Script), onmouseout (Script)
Next (VoiceXML) next (URI), expr (Script)
Style (XHTML) style ( CDATA )
Submit (VoiceXML) method ("get"* | "post"), enctype (ContentType), namelist (CDATA)
VoiceHandler (VoiceXML) count (Number), cond (Script)
XEvents (XML Events) event, observer (IDREF), handler (URI), target (IDREF), phase ("capture" | "default"*), propagate ("stop" | "continue"*), defaultAction("cancel" | "perform"*), id

Attribute types

Table 5: Attribute Types
Attribute Type Description
Boolean "true" | "false"
Duration A positive real number followed by either 's' (seconds) or 'ms' (milliseconds)
GrammarType CDATA
SayAsType "acronym" | "spell-out" |"currency" | "measure" | "name" | "telephone" | "address" | "number" | "number:ordinal" | "number:digits" | "number:cardinal" | "date" | "date:dmy" | "date:mdy" | "date:ymd" | "date:ym" | "date:my" | "date:md" | "date:y" | "date:m" | "date:d" | "time" | "time:hms" | "time:hm" | "time:h" | "duration" | "duration:hms" | "duration:hm" | "duration:ms" | "duration:h" | "duration:m" | "duration:s" | "net" | "net:email" | "net:uri" | "vxml:date" | "vxml:boolean" | "vxml:currency" | "vxml:time" | "vxml:digits" | "vxml:number" | "vxml:phone"
VarName NMTOKEN or NMTOKEN with "$" appended

4 XML-Events Module

This section is normative.

4.1 Listener

XHTML+Voice extends XHTML with the XML-Events <listener> element and its attributes. The <listener> attributes are added to XHTML elements primarily for activating voice handlers. The <listener> element and attributes belong to the XML-Events namespace:


4.2 Event Types

For a given XML language extended with XML Events, a set of event types must be specified independently of the [XML Events] module. The XML Event types supported by the XHTML+Voice profile include all event types defined for [HTML 4.01] intrinsic events. VoiceXML handler activation is specified by including with an XHTML element one of these event types as an XML event and an ID reference to the VoiceXML form as an XML event handler.

The XHTML+Voice profile supports the following VoiceXML 2.0 event types: nomatch, noinput, error, and help. The VoiceXML exit and cancel event types are supported within the VoiceXML form but are not propagated to the visual browser. Event types defined by the author within VoiceXML, also known as user-defined event types, are also propagated to the visual browser. However, the VoiceXML <form> element does not support adding <listener> attributes.

An additional XHTML+Voice event type, "vxmldone", is supported. The vxmldone event is generated when the voice handler completes.

The XHTML+Voice profile extends the XHTML <script> element with XML Events. The <script> element doesn't generate any events of its own, so the target attribute is required to specify capturing an XML event. The <script> element can target any XHTML or VoiceXML element and can specify any HTML 4.01 intrinsic event or VoiceXML event. Here is an example of how a <script> element can be a handler for a "vxmldone" event. The value of XHTML input "drink" is updated when the voice handler "fid" completes:

<script type="text/javascript" ev:event="vxmldone" ev:target="fid">
   document.xform.drink.value = application.lastresult$[0].utterance;
<vxml:form id="fid">
   <vxml:field name="f1">
      <vxml:grammar src="drink.gram"/>
      <vxml:prompt>Coffee, tea, or milk?</vxml:prompt>

<form id="xform" action="cgi/submit">
<input type="text" id="drink" ev:event="focus" ev:handler="#fid"/>

The following table matches the XHTML+VoiceXML event types with the XHTML or VoiceXML elements that support them. When the <listener> event attribute is added to an XHTML element, it must specify a event type supported by the element in the right-hand column. Because the HTML 4.01 event types have been translated into XML-event types, the "on" prefix for these event types have been removed.

Table 6: XHTML+VoiceXML Event Types
Elements Event Type
XHTML body load, unload
Most XHTML elements click, dblclick, mousedown, mouseup, mouseover, mouseout, keypress, keydown, keyup
XHTML elements: a, label, input, select, textarea, button focus, blur
XHTML form submit, reset
XHTML elements: input, textarea select
XHTML elements: input, select, textarea change
VoiceXML form nomatch, noinput, error, help, vxmldone, "user defined"

5 XHTML+Voice Extension Module

This section is normative.

The XHTML+Voice Extension module extends XHTML+Voice 1.0 with the <sync> element, <cancel> element, the src attribute of the VoiceXML <prompt> element, and the id attribute of the VoiceXML field element. The element and attributes in this module belong to their own namespace:


The value of the namespace is temporary until the XHTML+Voice specification is taken over by the W3C Voice Browser Working Group. At that time the Voice Browser Working Group will obtain from the W3C an official XHTML+Voice namespace and location for the XHTML+Voice schema.

5.1 Sync

The XHTML+Voice <sync> element adds support for synchronization of data entered via either speech or visual input. It binds the value property of the input field, or JavaScript variable, to the VoiceXML field with the given id attribute value. This means several things:

  1. Speech dialog results are returned to both the VoiceXML field and the XHTML <input> element, or JavaScript variable.
  2. Keyboard data entered into the <input> element update both the VoiceXML field and the XHTML <input> element.
  3. Keyboard data entered into the <input> element satisfies the guard condition on the VoiceXML field.
  4. For an active VoiceXML form with multiple fields, if the user gives focus to the input field, the FIA is instructed to visit the referenced VoiceXML field as the next item. This includes the mixed initiative case.

Sync does not activate a voice handler. This means that if the <sync> element has specified an XHTML input field but no VoiceXML form is currently active, nothing will happen when a user clicks on the input field unless an XML-event and event handler are also specified for the input field. If an event and event handler are specified, then when the user clicks on the input field the VoiceXML form is activated and the guard conditions of the VoiceXML form items are cleared. The XHTML input field is not cleared if data is already there.

The <sync> element attributes are:

Table 7: <sync> attributes
input The name of an XHTML input field or Javascript variable.
field A URI reference to a field ID within a VoiceXML form.

The type of the input attribute is NMTOKEN. The type of the field attribute is URI. The URI must include a fragment identifier that references a VoiceXML <field> ID. If the <field> element is in an external file, then the fragment identifier is appended to the URI.

The What You See Is What You Can Say and Mixed-initiative Conversational Interface examples both use the <sync> element to synchronize XHTML inputs and VoiceXML fields.

5.2 Cancel

The XHTML+Voice <cancel> element allows a document author to cancel a running speech dialog. It is a stand-alone element with no content that can be referenced as an XML event handler. The <cancel> element has two attributes, id and handler. The id attribute is required. The optional handler attribute references the id attribute of a voice handler form. If the handler attribute is omitted, then the currently running speech dialog is canceled. If handler is specified, then only the specified voice handler is canceled.

The <cancel> element attributes are:

Table 8: <cancel> attributes
id Unique document identifier.
handler A URI reference to a VoiceXML form ID.

The type of the id attribute is ID. The type of the handler attribute is URI. The URI must include a fragment identifier that references a VoiceXML <form> ID. If the <form> element is in an external file, then the fragment identifier is appended to the URI.

<head><title>Cancel Example</title>
<xv:cancel id="cid1" handler="#fid1"/>
<xv:cancel id="cid2"/>
<input type="reset" ev:event="click" ev:handler="#cid1"/>
<button ev:event="click" ev:handler="#cid2">Cancel Voice</button>

The example above shows how <cancel> can be used to cancel either a specific speech dialog or the currently running speech dialog. The reset button in the example cancels the speech dialog identified by "fid1." The "Cancel Voice" button cancels the currently running dialog because the handler attribute is omitted from the <cancel> element that is activated when the button is clicked.

5.3 VoiceXML Field ID Attribute

The VoiceXML field does not have an id attribute and it is required to support the XHTML+Voice <sync> element extension.

5.4 VoiceXML Prompt SRC Attribute

XHTML+Voice 1.1 extends the VoiceXML <prompt> element with a src attribute. The SRC attribute allows for the specification of a text source for speech output anywhere in the document or in an external document. In addition, the text source can be styled according to the aural styling rules defined in [CSS2]. For example, a style sheet may have the following styling rules for the XHTML <p> element:

P.romeo { voice-family: male; volume: loud; pause-before: 20ms; }
P.juliet { voice-family: female; volume: soft; }

A voice handler can play two prompts from two different text sources in the document, as follows:

<vxml:form id="sayHello">
  <vxml:block><prompt xv:src="#hello_romeo"/>
              <prompt xv:src="#hello_juliet"/>
<body ev:event="load" ev:handler="#sayHello">
<p id="hello_romeo" class="juliet">
    Romeo, Romeo, where art thou?
<p id="hello_juliet" class="romeo">
    I am here.

The first prompt plays a soft female voice. The second prompt plays a loud male voice after a 20 ms pause.

A Reusable VoiceXML

This section is informative.

A VoiceXML form, defined here as an event handler, is more practical if it can be placed in a linked document separate from the XHTML as a reusable component. A reusable component allows for easier maintenance, and provides a default behavior that can be used as an application building-block. VoiceXML includes a subdialog construct and its calling convention is close to what is required for a reusable component. The problem is that the caller must know both the subdialog's parameters and the fields included in the ECMAScript object returned to the caller.

It is not within the scope of this profile to attempt to solve the problem of creating authentic reusable components within VoiceXML; this is the domain of the W3C Voice Working Group. Authoring conventions can, however, be suggested which should work in most cases. A VoiceXML handler can be placed in a separate file and linked from within an XHTML+VoiceXML profile document if:

The appendix includes an example of how a subdialog can be reused by following the above authoring conventions.

B Examples

This section is informative.

B.1 What You See Is What You Can Say

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <title>What You See Is What You Can Say</title>

      <!-- first declare the voice handlers. -->
      <!-- use vxml:form to declare a voice handler -->
      <vxml:form id="voice_city">
	  <vxml:field xv:id="field_city" name="field_city">
          <vxml:grammar src="city.jsgf" type="application/x-jsgf"/>
          <vxml:prompt xv:src="#city_label"/>
          <vxml:catch event="help nomatch noinput">
            For example, say Chicago.

      <vxml:form id="voice_hotel">
	  <vxml:field xv:id="field_hotel" name="field_hotel">
          <vxml:grammar src="hotel.jsgf" type="application/x-jsgf"/>
          <vxml:prompt xv:src="#hotel_label"/>
          <vxml:catch event="help nomatch noinput">
            For example, say Hilton.
		     You selected <vxml:value expr="field_hotel"/>.
      <! -- done voice handlers -->

      <!-- declare inputs synchronized with VoiceXML fields -->
	<xv:sync input="city" field="#field_city"/>
      <xv:sync input="hotel" field="#field_hotel"/>
	<xv:cancel id="voice_cancel"/>
    <h1>What You See Is What You Can Say</h1>

    <p>This example demonstrates a simple application
      that permits the user to provide input using either
      keyboard or stylus, or speak the same information.
    <h2>Hotel Picker</h2>
      This voice-enabled application lets you pick a hotel.
    <form id="hotel_query" method="post" action="cgi/hotel.pl">
      <label id="city_label">Please enter city

      <! -- input name attrib required for type "text" -->
      <input name="city" type="text"
             ev:event="focus" ev:handler="#voice_city"/>

      <label id="hotel_label">Please enter hotel

      <input name="hotel" type="text"
             ev:event="focus" ev:handler="#voice_hotel"/>

      <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>
      <input type="reset" value="Reset"
		 ev:event="click" xv:handler="#voice_cancel"/>

B.2 Mixed-initiative Conversational Interface

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <title>Mixed Initiative Conversational Interface</title>
      <!-- first declare the voice handlers. -->
      <!-- VXML form supporting a mixed-initiative grammar -->
      <vxml:form id="voice_city_hotel">
        <vxml:grammar src="city_hotel.jsgf" type="application/x-jsgf"/>

        <!-- Mixed initiative form begins with initial prompt -->
        <vxml:initial name="start">
	    <vxml:prompt xv:src="#please_choose"/>
            Please say the name of a city and a hotel to make
            a reservation.
          <!-- If user is silent, reprompt once, then try
               directed prompts. -->
          <vxml:noinput count="1"><vxml:reprompt/>
          <vxml:noinput count="2">
             <vxml:assign name="start" expr="true"/>

        <vxml:field xv:id="field_city" name="field_city">
          <vxml:grammar src="city.jsgf" type="application/x-jsgf"/>
          <vxml:prompt>Please choose a city.</vxml:prompt>
          <vxml:catch event="help nomatch noinput">
            For example, say Chicago.

        <vxml:field xv:id="field_hotel" name="field_hotel">
          <vxml:grammar src="hotel.jsgf" type="application/x-jsgf"/>
          <vxml:prompt>Select your hotel.</vxml:prompt>
          <vxml:catch event="help nomatch noinput">
            For example say Hilton.
                You selected <vxml:value expr="field_hotel"/>.
      <!-- done voice handlers -->

      <!-- declare inputs synchronized with VoiceXML fields -->
	<xv:sync input="city" field="#field_city"/>
      <xv:sync input="hotel" field="#field_hotel"/>
      <xv:cancel id="voice_cancel" handler="#voice_city_hotel"/>
    <h1>Mixed-Initiative Conversational Interface</h1>

    <p>In this example, we demonstrate a mixed-initiative dialog.  By
       activating a grammar capable of recognizing both cities and
       hotel names, for the entire application, the user can specify
       both hotel and city in a single utterance.  Alternatively,
       the user can fill one field at a time.

    <h2>Hotel Picker</h2>
    <p>This voice-enabled application lets you pick a
       city and a hotel.
    <form id="visual_city_hotel" method="post" action="cgi/hotel.pl"
		ev:event="focus" ev:handler="#voice_city_hotel" >
      <p id="please_choose">
      Please choose a city and hotel where you wish to stay.

      <!-- input name attrib required except for type "text" -->
      <input name="city" type="text"/>
      <input name="hotel" type="text"/>

      <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
      <input type="reset" value="Reset"
		 ev:event="click" ev:handler="#voice_cancel"/>

B.3 Speech-Enabled Mail Interface

This email message from the W3C voice browser working group archives has been speech-enabled to allow easy browsing of email on hand-held devices.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <title>w3c-voice-wg@w3.org from October 2001: preliminary
           draft for Multimodal Activity
    <meta name="Author" content="Dave Raggett (dsr@w3.org)" />
    <meta name="Subject"
      content="preliminary draft for W3C multimodal activity" />
    <link rel="Stylesheet"

    <script language="javascript">
    // define array holding command words -> activate-id map.
    var commands = new Array();

    //activate takes a command word, looks it up in the commands
    // map, and activates the link.
    function activate (command) {
            var length = commands.length;
            for (var i=0;i<length;i=i++) {
                if (command == commands[i]) {

    <script ev:target="#command-and-control" ev:event="vxmldone">

    <vxml:form id="command-and-control">
        <!-- your word is my command. -->
        <vxml:field name="word">
            <vxml:grammar jsgf="mail.jsgf"/>
            <vxml:catch event="help nomatch">
            This mail reader is speech-enabled. You can
            perform available actions via speech input.

    <body ev:event="load" ev:handler="#command-and-control">
    <h1>preliminary draft for W3C multimodal activity</h1>

    <strong>From:</strong> Dave Raggett (
<a id="__reply_to"
</a>)<br />
    <strong>Date:</strong> Tue, Oct 30 2001

    <p><!-- next="start" --></p>
    <ul class="noindent">
      <li><strong>Next message:</strong>
          <a id="__next_message" href="0093.html">
 mxd@cisco.com: "Re: [dialog] &lt;record&gt;'s dest attribute"
      <li><strong>Previous message:</strong>
          <a id="__previous_message" href="0091.html">
 Harish Varanasi: "RE: [ dialog ] &lt;record&gt;'s dest attribute"
        <!-- nextthread="start" -->
        <!-- reply="end" -->
      <li><strong>Messages sorted by:</strong>
          <a id="__sort_by_date" href="index.html#92">
              [ date ]</a>
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              [ thread ]</a>
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      <li><strong>Other mail archives:</strong>
        <a id="__more_from_this_list"  href="../">
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      <li><strong>Mail actions:</strong>
 <a id="__respond_to_this_message"
          [ respond to this message ]</a>
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    <hr noshade="noshade" />
    <p><!-- body="start" --></p>
    Message body was here.
    <p><!-- body="end" --></p>

    <hr noshade="noshade" />
    <ul><!-- next="start" -->
    <!-- trailer="footer" -->

B.4 Reusable VoiceXML Subdialogs

A flight query is processed with two reusable VoiceXML subdialogs. One subdialog processes the departure city or airport, the other the departure date.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <title>Flight Query</title>
    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
    <script src="cityorairport.es">
      var objCityOrAirport = new CityOrAirport();

    <script src="dateinfo.es">
      <var objDateInfo = new DateInfo();

    <vxml:form id="voice_city_from">
      <vxml:subdialog name="cityorairport"
        <vxml:param name="paramSubdialogObj" expr="objCityOrAirport"/>
        <vxml:param name="paramPromptQuestion"
              expr="'What city or airport are you departing from?'"/>
          You are departing from
			<value expr="cityorairport.returnCityOrAirport"/>.
	    <vxml:assign name="document.from"

    <vxml:form id="voice_date_from">
      <vxml:subdialog name="dateinfo" src="dateinfo.vxml#dateform">
        <vxml:param name="paramSubdialogObj" expr="objDateInfo"/>
        <vxml:param name="paramPromptQuestion"
              expr="'What day, month, and year are you leaving?'"/>
            You are departing on
                    <value expr="dateinfo.returnDateInfo"/>.
	       <vxml:assign name="document.fromDate"
    <xv:cancel id="voice_cancel"/>

    <h1>Multimodal Flight Query</h1>

    <form method="post" action="/servlet/flightServlet">

      <table border="0"
		 summary="Departure airport, date, and time">
          <td width="15%">
          <label for="from">Leaving From:</label>
          <td colspan="2">
            <input type="text" id="from" size="20"
                   ev:handler="#voice_city_from" />

          <td width="15%">
            <label for="fromDate">Travel Date:</label>
          <td width="35%">
            <input type="text" id="fromDate" size="20"
          <td width="50%">
            <div class="c1"><label>Time of Day:</label>
            <br />

              <table width="100%" border="0"
                               summary="leave am or pm">
                  <td align="left">
                    <input type="checkbox" id="departam"
                    <label for="departam">am</label> </td>
                  <td align="left">
                    <input type="checkbox" id="departpm"
                    <label for="departpm">pm</label></td>
      <br />
      <table align="center">
          <td align="center" width="80%">
            <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>
            <input type="reset" value="Reset"
		    ev:event="click" ev:handler="#voice_cancel"/>

C FIA for XHTML+Voice

This section is informative.

An XHTML+Voice voice handler is processed according to the VoiceXML 2.0 form interpretation algorithm (FIA). Because many of the VoiceXML tags, as well as forms with document grammar scope, are not supported, XHTML+Voice simplifies the FIA. Below is the FIA pseudo-code taken from Appendix C of [VoiceXML 2.0]. Comments are placed above the sections that are not supported and the sections are crossed-out. For example, the comment "no script tag" is above the crossed-out section that processes the VoiceXML 2.0 <script> element.

At any time during the running of the FIA a cancel message from the visual browser may have to be processed. This will terminate the FIA. The other external message is sync for declarative synchronization of visual and speech inputs. Sync modifies the selection phase of the FIA as follows. The guard condition of the field associated with the sync is cleared and the field is selected. If the sync carries with it data entered from XHTML during processing of the FIA, then sync will update the field with the data and set its guard condition. Finally, sync returns the utterance collected in the field to the visual browser.

// Initialization Phase

foreach ( <var>, <script> and form item, in document order )
   if ( the element is a <var> )
     Declare the variable, initializing it to the value of
     the "expr" attribute, if any, or else to undefined.

   // No script tag
   else if ( the element is a <script> ) No script tag
     Evaluate the contents of the script if inlined or else
     from the location specified by the "src" attribute.
   else if ( the element is a form item )
     Create a variable from the "name" attribute, if any, or
     else generate an internal name.  Assign to this variable
     the value of the "expr" attribute, if any, or else

   foreach ( input item and <initial> element )
     Declare a prompt counter and set it to 1.

// No document-level grammars
if ( user entered this form by speaking to its
      grammar while in a different form)
    Enter the main loop below, but start in
    the process phase, not the select phase:
    we already have a collection to process.
// Main Loop: select next form item and execute it.

while ( true )
    // Select Phase: choose a form item to visit.

    // No goto
    if ( the last main loop iteration ended
              with a <goto nextitem> )
        Select that next form item.
    // if there is a sync event, the form item associated with the
    // sync is selected after clearing its guard condition
    // else

    if (there is a form item with an
              unsatisfied guard condition )
        Select the first such form item in document order.

        Do an <exit>
        return -- the form is full and specified no transition.

    // Collect Phase: execute the selected form item.
    // Queue up prompts for the form item.

    unless ( the last loop iteration ended with
            a catch that had no <reprompt>,
	    // cannot change active dialogs 
            and the active dialog was not changed

        Select the appropriate prompts for an input item or <initial>.
        Queue the selected prompts for play prior to
        the next collect operation.

        Increment an input item's or <initial>'s prompt counter.

    // Activate grammars for the form item.

    if ( the form item is modal )
        Set the active grammar set to the form item grammars,
        if any. (Note that some form items, e.g. <block>,
        cannot have any grammars).
        Set the active grammar set to the form item
        grammars and any grammars scoped to the form,
        the current document, and the application root

    // Execute the form item.

    if ( a <field> was selected )
        Collect an utterance or an event from the user.
        // If the sync event is received set the guard condition

    else if ( a <record> was chosen )
        Collect an utterance (with a name/value pair
        for the recorded bytes) or event from the user.

    // no <object>
    else if ( an <object> was chosen )
        Execute the object, setting the <object>'s
        form item variable to the returned ECMAScript value.
    else if ( a <subdialog> was chosen )
        Execute the subdialog, setting the <subdialog>'s
        form item variable to the returned ECMAScript value.

    // no <transfer>
    else if ( a <transfer> was chosen )
        Do the transfer, and (if wait is true) set the
        <transfer> form item variable to the returned
        result status indicator.
    else if ( an <initial> was chosen )
        Collect an utterance or an event from the user.
    else if ( a <block> was chosen )
        Set the block's form item variable to a defined value.
        Execute the block's executable context.

    // Process Phase: process the resulting utterance or event.

    Assign the utterance and other information about the last
    recognition to application.lastresult$. // Must have an utterance

    // no link
    if ( the utterance matched a grammar belonging to a <link> )
      If the link specifies an "next" or "expr" attribute,
      transition to that location.  Else if the link specifies an
      "event" or "eventexpr" attribute, generate that event.
    // no choice
    else if ( the utterance matched a grammar belonging to a <choice> )
      If the choice specifies an "next" or "expr" attribute,
      transition to that location.  Else if the choice specifies
      an "event" or "eventexpr" attribute, generate that event.
    // no grammar outside the current <form> except command & control
    if ( the utterance matched a grammar from outside the current <form> )
      Transition to the command & control handler for the utterance.
    else if ( the utterance matched a grammar from outside the current
              <form> or <menu> )
      Transition to that <form> or <menu>, carrying the utterance
      to the new FIA.
    // Process an utterance spoken to a grammar from this form.
    // First copy utterance result property values into corresponding
    // form item variables.

    Clear all "just_filled" flags.

    if ( the grammar is scoped to the field-level ) {
       // This grammar must be enclosed in an input item.  The input item
       // has an associated ECMAScript variable (referred to here as the input
       // item variable) and slot name.

       if ( the result is not a structure )
         Copy the result into the input item variable.
       elseif ( a top-level property in the result matches the slot name
                or the slot name is a dot-separated path matching a
                subproperty in the result )
         Copy the value of that property into the input item variable.
         Copy the entire result into the input item variable

       Set this input item's "just_filled" flag.
    else {
       foreach ( property in the user's utterance )
          if ( the property matches an input item's slot name )
             Copy the value of that property into the input item's form
             item variable.

             Set the input item's "just_filled" flag.

    // Set all <initial> form item variables if any input items are filled.

    if ( any input item variable is set as a result of the user utterance )
        Set all <initial> form item variables to true.

    // Next execute any <filled> actions triggered by this utterance.

    foreach ( <filled> action in document order )
        // Determine the input item variables the <filled> applies to.

        N = the <filled>'s "namelist" attribute.

        if ( N equals "" )
           if ( the <filled> is a child of an input item )
             N = the input item's form item variable name.
           else if ( the <filled> is a child of a form )
             N = the form item variable names of all the input
                 items in that form.

        // Is the <filled> triggered?

        if ( any input item variable in the set N was "just_filled"
               AND  (  the <filled> mode is "all"
                           AND all variables in N are filled
                       OR the <filled> mode is "any"
                           AND any variables in N are filled) )
             Execute the <filled> action.

         If an event is thrown during the execution of a <filledgt;,
             event handler selection starts in the scope of the <filled>,
         which could be an input item or the form itself.
    // If no input item is filled, just continue.


This section defines the DTD used to formally define the XHTML+Voice 1.1 integration profile. This section is normative.

D.1 xhtml+voice11.dtd

The individual modules making up the DTD for profile xhtml+voice11 along with the top-level driver file are packaged together and available at xhtml-voice11-dtd.zip. Note that use of the DTD in place of the SCHEMA requires the elements and attributes specified by both [Speech Grammars] and [SSML 1.0] to be placed within their respective namespaces. The speech grammar namespace is "http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" and the SSML namespace is "http://www.w3.org/2001/10/synthesis."

E Schema

This section defines the formal XML Schema used to define the XHTML+Voice 1.1 profile. This section is normative.

E.1 xhtml+voice11.xsd

The individual modules making up the SCHEMA for the XHTML+Voice 1.1 profile along with the top-level driver file are packaged together and available at xhtml-voice11-schema.zip.

F References

F.1 Normative References

XHTML Basic , 19 December 2000, Mark Baker, Masayasu Ishikawa, Shinichi Matsui, Peter Stark, Ted Wugofski, Toshihiko Yamakami
Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 (CSS2) Specification, Bert Bos, Håkon Wium Lie, Chris Lilley, Ian Jacobs, 1998. W3C Recommendation available at: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/.
DOM2 Events
Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Events Specification, Tom Pixley, 2000. W3C Recommendation available at: http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Events/.
HTML 4.01
HTML 4.01 Specification, Dave Raggett, Arnaud le Hors, Ian Jacobs, 1999. W3C Recommendation available at: http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/.
RFC 2396
RFC 2396: Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax., Tim Berners-Lee, et. al, 1998. Available at: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt.
XML Events
xml Events - An events syntax for XML, Steven Pemberton, T. V. Raman and Shane P McCarron, 2002. W3C Candidate Recommendation available at: http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-events/.
Speech Grammars
Speech Recognition Grammar Specification Version 1.0, Andrew Hunt and Scott McGlashan. W3C Candidate Recommendation, June, 2002 available at: http://www.w3.org/TR/speech-grammar/.
SSML 1.0
Speech Synthesis Markup Language Specification, Mark Walker, Dan Burnett, and Andrew Hunt. W3C Working Draft, December, 2002 available at: http://www.w3.org/TR/speech-synthesis/.
VoiceXML 2.0
Voice Extensible Markup Language (VoiceXML) , Scott McGlashan et al, W3C Candidate Recommendation available at: http://www.w3.org/tr/voicexml20/.
XHTML Modularization
Modularization of XHTML Murray Altheim, Frank Boumphrey, Sam Dooley, Shane McCarron, Sebastian Schnitzenbaumer, Ted Wugofski available at: http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-modularization/.
XHTML 1.1 - Module-based XHTML Murray Altheim, Shane McCarron available at: http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/.
XML 1.0
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition), Tim Bray, Jean Paoli, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, Eve Maler, 2000. W3C Recommendation: available at: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml.
XML Names
Namespaces in XML, Tim Bray, Dave Hollander, Andrew Layman, 1999. W3C Recommendation available at: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/.
XML Schema Part 1: Structures, Henry S. Thompson, David Beech, Murray Maloney, Noah Mendelsohn, 2001. W3C Recommendation available at: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/.
XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes, Paul V. Biron, Ashok Malhotra, 2001. W3C Recommendation available at: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/.
XHTML 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language - A Reformulation of HTML 4 in XML 1.0, Steven Pemberton, et. al, 2000. W3C Recommendation available at: http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/.

F.2 Informative References

ECMA 262
ECMA-262: ECMAScript Language Specification, European Computer Manufacturers' Association (ECMA), 1999. Available at ftp://ftp.ecma.ch/ecma-st/Ecma-262.pdf.
RFC 2141
RFC 2141: URN Syntax, R. Moats, 1997. Available at: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2141.txt.
XForms 1.0 , Micah Dubinko, Josef Dietl, Roland Merrick,Dave Raggett, T. V. Raman, Linda Bucsay Welsh 2001. W3C Candidate Recommendation available at: http://www.w3.org/TR/xforms/.
XML Schema Part 0: Primer, David C. Fallside, 2001. W3C Recommendation available at: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-0/.
XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0, James Clark, 1999. W3C Recommendation available at: http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt.