[This local archive copy mirrored from the canonical site: http://www.ornl.gov/sgml/wg8/document/n1966/FinalCD.html; links may not have complete integrity, so use the canonical document at this URL if possible.]
First edition 1998-00-00
Technologie de l'information -- Langages de description et traitement de documents -- Langage de balisage d'hypertexte (HTML)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are member of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work.
In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75% of the national bodies casting a vote.
International Standard ISO/IEC 15445 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology. The work was undertaken by JTC1/SC18/WG8 which became JTC1/WG4 "Document Description Languages" at the JTC1 Plenary meeting September 9-12th, 1997. JTC1/WG4 has worked on this project in close cooperation with the World Wide Web Consortium. This International Standard makes normative reference to the W3C Recommendation for HTML 4.0
The two annexes A and B to this standard are normative.
This specification replaces all previous working documents.
The HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is an application of the International Standard ISO/IEC 8879 -- Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). It provides a simple way of structuring hypertext documents and of placing references in one document which point to another. This specification is a refinement of the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C's) Recommendation for HTML 4.0; it provides further rules to condition and refine the use of the W3C Recommendation in a way which emphasizes the use of stable and mature features, and represents accepted SGML practice. Documents which conform to this specification also conform to the strict DTD provided by the W3C Recommendation for HTML 4.0.
This specification makes a clear and important distinction between conforming systems and validating systems. A conforming system operates correctly when handling documents which conform to this specification, but is not required to operate correctly when the documents do not conform. A validating system is more powerful; it detects all SGML and HTML errors in a document. Frequently browsers are conforming systems whereas authoring tools check for validity.
This specification does not define error handling procedures.
The scope of this International Standard is a conforming application of ISO/IEC 8879:1986, SGML. This International Standard describes the way in which the HTML language specified by the following clauses in the W3C Recommendation for HTML 4.0 shall be used, and does so by identifying all the differences between the HTML language specified by the W3C Recommendation for HTML 4.0 and the HTML language defined by this specification.
[W3C 15.2.1],
[W3C 15.2.1], <STRIKE>
[W3C 15.2.1], <S>
[W3C 15.2.1] and <U>
[W3C 15.2.1] elements. The scope excludes any material in the W3C Recommendation for HTML 4.0 not listed in this subclause.
This International Standard distinguishes between conforming documents, validating systems, conforming systems and character set conformance.
A document which conforms to this International Standard shall
[W3C 7.3] document element. The document type declaration may be surrounded by
white space. The document instance may be followed by white space.
White space consists of RS, RE, SPACE, TAB and HTML
An HTML system is a validating HTML system if
Validating systems conforming to this International Standard shall display the following identification text prominently and in the national language of the documentation:
The HTML validating system identification text is:
An HTML validating system conforming to International Standard ISO/IEC 15445:1998--HyperText Markup Language, and International Standard ISO/IEC 8879:1986--Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML).
NOTE: The validating system identification text is copyrighted by the ISO/IEC, but may be used without further permission or further reference to the ISO/IEC.
A conforming HTML system is an HTML system which is able to process all documents conforming to this standard.
Conforming systems shall display the following identification text prominently and in the national language of the documentation:
The HTML conforming system identification text is:
An HTML system conforming to International Standard ISO/IEC 15445:1998--HyperText Markup Language.
The documentation shall not claim or imply that the system may be used to validate HTML documents.
The SGML declaration provided with this International Standard calls for the use of ISO/IEC 10646 Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS). ISO/IEC 10646 specifies a large number of facilities from which different selections may be made to suit individual applications. As a result it is only practicable to envisage limited conformance to ISO/IEC 10646 as defined in this subclause.
Under limited conformance, the following is required:
The UTF-1 transformation format of ISO/IEC 10646, registered by IANA as ISO-10646-UTF-1, has been removed from the ISO/IEC 10646 and should not be used. by th
This specification refers normatively to those clauses and subclauses of the W3C Recommendation for HTML 4.0 which are listed in the scope clause of this specification.
NOTE: The W3C Recommendation contains futher normative references and defines their application.
The definitions of ISO/IEC 8879:1986 shall apply in addition to the following definitions:
attribute value
following the `#
' character.
The following symbols and abbreviations are used in this International Standard.
This International Standard has been designed to satisfy the following requirements:
The set of elements provided by this specification is a subset of the set of elements defined by the W3C Recommendation for HTML 4.0. The set of attributes provided for each element included in this specification is a subset of the corresponding set defined by the W3C Recommendation for HTML 4.0. The set of elements and the sets of attributes are defined by the DTD provided with this specification.
Where refinements are defined for elements and attributes, the semantics are a subset of the semantics defined by the W3C Recommendation for HTML 4.0 in the sense that the set of documents conforming to this specification is a subset of those conforming to the W3C Recommendation for HTML 4.0.
The set of elements and the corresponding sets of attributes are defined by the DTD.
When an HTML text is transmitted as UCS-2 or UCS-4, this International Standard recommends:
It is often convenient for an author to use named character references to specify characters that are not available on the author's keyboard. Wherever named references are used for characters specified by ISO 10646, the name used shall be that specified in ISO/IEC TR 9573 if applicable.
The DTD provided by this International Standard has the following formal public identifiers:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "ISO 15445:1998//DTD HyperText Markup Language//EN"> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "ISO 15445:1998//DTD HTML//EN">
The document type declaration shall not include a document type declaration subset.
The comments in the DTD which use the expressions "shall" or "shall not" are normative requirements of this International Standard. Comments which use the expression "should" or "should not" are recommendations of this International Standard. Comments which use the verbs "recommend" or "deprecate" are recommendations and deprecations of this International Standard.
The formal SGML definitions are part of the text of this International Standard and are protected by copyrights held by the IETF, the W3C and the ISO/IEC. Permission to copy is granted provided the following copyright notice is included with all copies.
Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with validating and conforming systems and applications as defined in ISO/IEC 15445:1998, provided this copyright notice is included with all copies.
This International Standard requires a complete separation of style and content.
[W3C 14.2.3] element may be used in the head of a document as a
container for a style sheet. The style sheet language is not defined
by this International Standard.
Wherever this International Standard describes a possible presentation, eg. as a button, the styling information is intended to provide assistance to the reader in understanding the semantics of the element or attribute. It is not intended as a normative style requirement.
All comments in HTML document instances shall appear in comment declarations. There shall be exactly one comment per comment declaration.
<!SGML "ISO 8879:1986" -- ISO/IEC 15445 Hypertext Markup Language (ISO-HTML) SGML Declaration Copyright (C) 1998 IETF, W3C (MIT, Inria, Keio), ISO/IEC. Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with validating and conforming systems and applications as defined in ISO/IEC 15445, provided this copyright notice is included with all copies. -- CHARSET -- The character set description is limited to the characters with numbers 0-255 during development of this specification. First 17 planes of ISO 10646. BASESET "ISO Registration Number 177//CHARSET ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993 UCS-4 with implementation level 3//ESC 2/5 2/15 4/6" DESCSET 0 9 UNUSED 9 2 9 11 2 UNUSED 13 1 13 14 18 UNUSED 32 95 32 127 1 UNUSED 128 32 UNUSED 160 55136 160 55296 2048 UNUSED SURROGATES 57344 1056768 57344 -- BASESET "ISO 646:1983//CHARSET International Reference Version (IRV)//ESC 2/5 4/0" DESCSET 0 9 UNUSED 9 2 9 11 2 UNUSED 13 1 13 14 18 UNUSED 32 95 32 127 1 UNUSED BASESET "ISO Registration Number 100//CHARSET ECMA-94 Right Part of Latin Alphabet Nr. 1//ESC 2/13 4/1" DESCSET 128 32 UNUSED 160 96 160 -- In ISO 10646, the positions with hexadecimal values 0000D800 - 0000DFFF, used in the UTF-16 encoding of UCS-4, are reserved, as well as the last two code values in each plane of UCS-4, ie. all values of the hexadecimal form xxxxFFFE and xxxxFFFF. These code values or the corresponding numeric character references shall not be included when generating an HTML document, and they should be ignored if encountered when processing an HTML document. -- CAPACITY SGMLREF TOTALCAP 150000 GRPCAP 150000 ENTCAP 150000 SCOPE DOCUMENT SYNTAX SHUNCHAR CONTROLS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 127 BASESET "ISO 646IRV:1991//CHARSET International Reference Version (IRV)//ESC 2/8 4/2" DESCSET 0 128 0 FUNCTION RE 13 RS 10 SPACE 32 TAB SEPCHAR 9 -- Deprecated -- NAMING LCNMSTRT "" UCNMSTRT "" LCNMCHAR ".-_:" UCNMCHAR ".-_:" NAMECASE GENERAL YES ENTITY NO DELIM GENERAL SGMLREF SHORTREF SGMLREF NAMES SGMLREF QUANTITY SGMLREF ATTCNT 60 ATTSPLEN 65536 -- These are the largest values -- LITLEN 65536 -- permitted in the declaration. -- NAMELEN 65536 -- Avoid fixed limits in actual -- PILEN 65536 -- implementations of user agents. -- TAGLVL 100 TAGLEN 65536 GRPGTCNT 150 GRPCNT 64 FEATURES MINIMIZE DATATAG NO OMITTAG YES RANK NO SHORTTAG YES LINK SIMPLE NO IMPLICIT NO EXPLICIT NO OTHER CONCUR NO SUBDOC NO FORMAL YES APPINFO NONE >
<!-- 15445.dtd ISO/IEC 15445:1998 Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Document Type Definition. Copyright (C) 1998, IETF, W3C (MIT, Inria, Keio), ISO/IEC. Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with validating and conforming systems and applications as defined in ISO/IEC 15445:1998, provided this copyright notice is included with all copies. Maintenance: 1998-03-23 Removed <P> from <ADDRESS> content model and %core; attributes from <TITLE> following advice from W3C. --> <!-- Part 1. Entity set. --> <!-- The Preparation parameter entity shall be set to IGNORE for HTML, and to INCLUDE for a document to be submitted to the preparation process. --> <!ENTITY % Preparation "IGNORE" > <!-- This definition generates the inverse entity NoPreparation which is internal to the DTD. --> <![ %Preparation; [ <!ENTITY % NoPreparation "IGNORE" -- Inverse of Preparation = INCLUDE --> ]]> <!ENTITY % NoPreparation "INCLUDE" -- Inverse of Preparation = IGNORE --> <!-- End of definition --> <!-- Tokens defined by other standards --> <!ENTITY % Content-Type "CDATA" -- MIME content type, RFC1521 --> <!ENTITY % HTTP-Method "(get | post)" -- as per HTTP/1.1 RFC2068 --> <!ENTITY % URI "CDATA" -- Universal Resource Identifier, RFC1630 --> <!-- Element tokens --> <!ENTITY % special "A | BDO | BR | IMG | OBJECT | MAP | Q | SPAN" > <!-- Logical character styles --> <!ENTITY % logical.styles "ABBR | ACRONYM | CITE | CODE | DFN | EM | KBD | SAMP | STRONG | VAR" > <!-- Physical character styles --> <!ENTITY % physical.styles "B | I | SUB | SUP | TT" > <!-- Model groups --> <!-- Block-like elements eg. paragraphs and lists --> <!ENTITY % block "BLOCKQUOTE | DIV | DL | FIELDSET | FORM | HR | OL | P | PRE | TABLE | UL" > <!-- Form fields - input elements that may appear only within forms --> <!ENTITY % form.fields "BUTTON | INPUT | LABEL | SELECT | TEXTAREA" > <!-- Character level elements and text strings --> <!ENTITY % text "#PCDATA | %physical.styles; | %logical.styles; | %special;" > <!-- Elements that may appear in a form, section or table --> <!ENTITY % form.content "(%block; | %text; | %form.fields; | ADDRESS)+" > <!ENTITY % section.content "(%block; | %text; | ADDRESS)+" > <!ENTITY % table.content "(%block; | %text;)*" > <!-- Generic attributes --> <!ENTITY % core "CLASS CDATA #IMPLIED -- Comma separated list of class values -- --The name space of the ID attribute is shared with the name space of the NAME attributes of <A> elements. ID and NAME values shall be distinct. It is an error for an ID or NAME value to be duplicated within a document. It is recommended that authors of documents intended for further processing specify the ID attribute in preference to the NAME attribute. -- ID ID #IMPLIED -- Document-wide unique id -- TITLE CDATA #IMPLIED -- Advisory title or amplification --" > <!-- Internationalization attributes --> <!ENTITY % i18n "DIR (ltr|rtl) #IMPLIED -- Direction for weak/neutral text -- LANG NAME #IMPLIED -- RFC1766 language value --" > <!-- Presentation styles --> <!ENTITY % shape "(circle | default | poly | rect)" > <!ENTITY % InputType "(checkbox | file | hidden | password | radio | reset | submit | text)" > <!-- SHORTREF mapping for the tab character --> <!-- Use of the tab character is deprecated. However, to facilitate the preparation of conforming documents by authors who use it, the tab character is tolerated and is mapped into a single space. --> <!ENTITY nontab " " > <!SHORTREF tabmap " " nontab > <!USEMAP tabmap HTML > <!-- Specify character entity sets defined by W3C --> <!ENTITY % HTMLlat1 PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Full Latin 1//EN//HTML" > <!ENTITY % HTMLsymbol PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Symbolic//EN//HTML" > <!ENTITY % HTMLspecial PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES Special//EN//HTML" > <!-- Reference character entities. --> %HTMLlat1;%HTMLsymbol;%HTMLspecial; <!-- Part 2. Document structure --> <!-- Further normative requirements on the elements defined in this part of the DTD are provided in Part 3.--> <!-- ELEMENTS MIN CONTENT (EXCEPTIONS) --> <!ELEMENT HTML - - (HEAD, BODY) > <!ELEMENT HEAD - O (TITLE) +(LINK | META | STYLE) > <!ELEMENT TITLE - - (#PCDATA) -(LINK | META | STYLE) > <!ELEMENT LINK - O EMPTY > <!ELEMENT META - O EMPTY > <!ELEMENT STYLE - - CDATA > <!-- The following marked section is informative only. --> <![ %Preparation; [ <!ELEMENT Pre-HTML - - (HEAD, BODY) > <!ELEMENT BODY - O ((%block;)*,(H1,DIV1)* ) +(DEL|INS) > <!ELEMENT H1 - - (%text;)+ > <!ELEMENT DIV1 O O ((%block;)*, (H2,DIV2)* ) > <!ELEMENT H2 - - (%text;)+ > <!ELEMENT DIV2 O O ((%block;)*, (H3,DIV3)* ) > <!ELEMENT H3 - - (%text;)+ > <!ELEMENT DIV3 O O ((%block;)*, (H4,DIV4)* ) > <!ELEMENT H4 - - (%text;)+ > <!ELEMENT DIV4 O O ((%block;)*, (H5,DIV5)* ) > <!ELEMENT H5 - - (%text;)+ > <!ELEMENT DIV5 O O ((%block;)*, (H6,DIV6)* ) > <!ELEMENT H6 - - (%text;)+ > <!ELEMENT DIV6 O O ((%block;)*) > ]]> <!-- The following marked section is normative. --> <![ %NoPreparation; [ <!ELEMENT BODY - O (%block;|H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6)+ +(DEL|INS) > <!ELEMENT (H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6) - - (%text;)+ > ]]> <!ELEMENT DIV - - %section.content; > <!ELEMENT ADDRESS - - (%text;)+ -(IMG|OBJECT|MAP) > <!ELEMENT P - O (%text;)+ > <!ELEMENT (OL|UL) - - (LI)+ > <!ELEMENT LI - O (%text; | %block;)+ > <!ELEMENT DL - - (DT|DD)+ > <!ELEMENT DT - O (%text;)+ > <!ELEMENT DD - O %section.content; -(ADDRESS) > <!ELEMENT PRE - - (%text;)+ -(IMG|MAP|OBJECT|SUB|SUP) > <!ELEMENT BLOCKQUOTE - - (%block;)+ > <!ELEMENT Q - - (%text;)+ > <!ELEMENT FORM - - %form.content; -(FORM) > <!-- #PCDATA required to absorb leading white space. --> <!ELEMENT FIELDSET - - (#PCDATA,LEGEND,%form.content;) -(FIELDSET) > <!ELEMENT INPUT - O EMPTY > <!ELEMENT BUTTON - - (%text;)+ -(A|FIELDSET|FORM|%form.fields;) > <!ELEMENT LABEL - - (%text;|%form.fields;)+ -(LABEL) > <!ELEMENT LEGEND - - (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT SELECT - - (OPTGROUP|OPTION)+ > <!ELEMENT OPTGROUP - - (OPTION)+ > <!ELEMENT OPTION - O (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT TEXTAREA - - (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT HR - O EMPTY > <!ELEMENT TABLE - - (CAPTION?, (COL*|COLGROUP*), THEAD?, TFOOT?, TBODY+) > <!ELEMENT CAPTION - - (%text;)+ > <!ELEMENT (THEAD,TFOOT,TBODY) - O (TR)+ > <!ELEMENT COL - O EMPTY > <!ELEMENT COLGROUP - O (COL)* > <!ELEMENT TR - O (TH|TD)+ > <!ELEMENT (TH|TD) - O %table.content; > <!ELEMENT (%logical.styles;|%physical.styles;) - - (%text;)+ > <!ELEMENT A - - (%text;)* -(A) > <!ELEMENT IMG - O EMPTY > <!ELEMENT OBJECT - - (PARAM | %section.content;)* > <!ELEMENT PARAM - O EMPTY > <!ELEMENT BR - O EMPTY > <!ELEMENT MAP - - (AREA)+ > <!ELEMENT AREA - O EMPTY > <!ELEMENT SPAN - - (%text;)+ > <!ELEMENT (DEL|INS) - - (%text;)+ > <!ELEMENT BDO - - (%text;)+ > <!-- Part 3. Attribute definition lists --> <!-- ELEMENTS NAME VALUE DEFAULT --> <!ATTLIST A --Case shall not be taken into account when determining a match between an ID value and a NAME value, between an ID value and an HREF value or between a NAME value and an HREF value. Comparisons should be made with the values folded to upper case. The NAME attribute value specification shall be processed as if the declared value were NAME. It is recommended that authors of HTML documents give preference to the ID attribute over the NAME attribute. -- %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- ACCESSKEY CDATA #IMPLIED -- Accessibility key character -- HREF %URI; #IMPLIED -- Source anchor is URI of target -- HREFLANG NAME #IMPLIED -- Language code of resource -- NAME CDATA #IMPLIED -- Target anchor -- REL CDATA #IMPLIED -- Forward link types -- REV CDATA #IMPLIED -- Reverse link types -- TABINDEX NUMBER #IMPLIED -- Position in tabbing order -- TYPE CDATA #IMPLIED -- Advisory content type --> <!ATTLIST ADDRESS %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --> <!ATTLIST AREA --One of HREF or NOREF shall be specified. COORDS shall not be specified if SHAPE has the value `default'. Authors are very strongly recommended to provide meaningful ALT attributes to support interoperability with speech-based or text-only agents. The language and direction of the text provided by the ALT attribute are defined by the containing elements. -- %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- ACCESSKEY CDATA #IMPLIED -- Accessibility key character -- ALT CDATA #REQUIRED -- Description for text-only UAs -- COORDS CDATA #IMPLIED -- Comma separated list of values -- HREF %URI; #IMPLIED -- This region acts as hypertext link -- NOHREF (nohref) #IMPLIED -- This region has no action -- SHAPE %shape; rect -- Control interpretation of coords -- TABINDEX NUMBER #IMPLIED -- Position in tabbing order --> <!ATTLIST BDO %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- DIR (ltr|rtl) #REQUIRED -- Direction of writing -- LANG NAME #IMPLIED -- RFC1766 language value --> <!ATTLIST BLOCKQUOTE --The contents of the BLOCKQUOTE element shall not be surrounded with quotation marks. These may be added by the user agent through the use of a style sheet. -- %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- CITE %URI; #IMPLIED -- URI for source document or message --> <!ATTLIST BODY %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --> <!ATTLIST BR %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --> <!ATTLIST BUTTON --The BUTTON element shall not contain the A, BUTTON, FIELDSET, FORM, INPUT, LABEL, SELECT or TEXTAREA elements. If the BUTTON element contains an IMG element, the IMG shall not have an ISMAP or USEMAP attribute. The TYPE attribute shall be provided, and when the TYPE is specified as `submit', the NAME and VALUE attributes shall be provided. The NAME attribute is required if the TYPE attribute has the value `submit'. If the TYPE attribute has value `reset', and the BUTTON is contained in a FIELDSET, the reset action is limited to the contents of the FIELDSET. The VALUE attribute is required if the TYPE attribute has the value `submit' and specifies the value to be returned if the button is selected. -- %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- ACCESSKEY CDATA #IMPLIED -- Accessibility key character -- DISABLED (disabled) #IMPLIED -- Control unavailable in this context -- NAME CDATA #IMPLIED -- Required for all except submit, reset -- TABINDEX NUMBER #IMPLIED -- Position in tabbing order -- TYPE (submit|reset) submit -- For use as form submit/reset button -- VALUE CDATA #IMPLIED -- Passed to server when submitted --> <!ATTLIST CAPTION %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --> <!ATTLIST COL %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- SPAN NUMBER 1 -- Number of cols spanned --> <!ATTLIST COLGROUP --The SPAN attribute should only be used if the COLGROUP element has no content. -- %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- SPAN NUMBER 1 -- Number of cols spanned by group --> <!ATTLIST DD %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --> <!ATTLIST DEL %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- CITE %URI; #IMPLIED -- Information on reason for change -- DATETIME CDATA #IMPLIED -- When changed, subset of ISO/IEC 8601 --> <!ATTLIST DIV %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --> <!ATTLIST DL %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --> <!ATTLIST DT %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --> <!ATTLIST FIELDSET %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --> <!ATTLIST FORM %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- ACCEPT-CHARSET CDATA #IMPLIED -- List of supported char sets -- ACTION %URI; #REQUIRED -- Server-side form handler -- ENCTYPE %Content-Type; "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" METHOD %HTTP-Method; get -- See HTTP specification --> <!ATTLIST HEAD %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- PROFILE %URI; #IMPLIED -- Named dictionary of meta info --> <!ATTLIST HR %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE --> <!ATTLIST HTML %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --> <!ATTLIST (H1 | H2 | H3 | H4 | H5 | H6) --The H1 element shall not be followed by an H3, H4, H5 or H6 element without an intervening H2 element. The H2 element shall not be followed by an H4, H5 or H6 element without an intervening H3 element. The H3 element shall not be followed by an H5 or H6 element without an intervening H4 element. The H4 element shall not be followed by an H6 element without an intervening H5 element. An H2 element shall be preceded by an H1 element. An H3 element shall be preceded by an H2 element. An H4 element shall be preceded by an H3 element. An H5 element shall be preceded by an H4 element. An H6 element shall be preceded by an H5 element. -- %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --> <!ATTLIST IMG --If the IMG element is contained in a BUTTON element, the IMG shall not have an ISMAP or USEMAP attribute. If the ISMAP attribute is present in an IMG element, that IMG element shall be contained in an A element with an HREF attribute present. At most one of the attributes ISMAP and USEMAP may be provided. -- %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- ALT CDATA #REQUIRED -- Text for text-only user agent -- ISMAP (ismap) #IMPLIED -- Use server image map -- LONGDESC %URI; #IMPLIED -- Extended description for text UA -- SRC %URI; #REQUIRED -- URI of image to embed -- USEMAP %URI; #IMPLIED -- Use client-side image map --> <!ATTLIST INPUT --If the attribute TYPE has the value `checkbox', values shall be provided for the the NAME and VALUE attributes. If the attribute TYPE has the value `file', a value shall be provided for the NAME attribute; HTML interpreting agents should request user confirmation of any default file names that might be suggested, and fields specifying files shall not be hidden. If the attribute TYPE has the value `hidden', values shall be provided for the NAME and VALUE attributes. If the attribute TYPE has the value `password', a value shall be provided for the NAME attribute. If the attribute TYPE has the value `radio', values shall be provided for the the NAME and VALUE attributes. At all times, one and only one of the radio buttons shall be checked. Initially, if none of the INPUT elements in a set of radio buttons specifies CHECKED, then the user agent shall mark the first radio button of the set as checked. If the attribute TYPE has the value `submit', and a value is specified for the VALUE attribute, then a value shall be provided for the NAME attribute. If the attribute TYPE has the value `text', values shall be provided for the NAME and VALUE attributes. The MAXLENGTH and TABINDEX values shall be considered as integers with any leading zeroes ignored. -- %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- ACCEPT CDATA #IMPLIED -- List of MIME types for file upload -- ACCESSKEY CDATA #IMPLIED -- Accessibility key character -- CHECKED (checked) #IMPLIED -- For radio buttons, checkboxes -- DISABLED (disabled) #IMPLIED -- Control unavailable in this context -- MAXLENGTH NUMBER #IMPLIED -- Max chars for text fields -- NAME CDATA #IMPLIED -- Required for all except submit, reset -- READONLY (READONLY) #IMPLIED -- For text -- SIZE CDATA #IMPLIED -- Specific to each type of field -- TABINDEX NUMBER #IMPLIED -- Position in tabbing order -- TYPE %InputType; text -- Widget -- VALUE CDATA #IMPLIED -- Required for radio, checkboxes --> <!ATTLIST INS %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- CITE %URI; #IMPLIED -- Information on reason for change -- DATETIME CDATA #IMPLIED -- When changed, subset of ISO/IEC 8601 --> <!ATTLIST LABEL --The LABEL element shall refer to a form field in the content of the FORM element which contains the LABEL. -- %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- ACCESSKEY CDATA #IMPLIED -- Accessibility key character -- FOR IDREF #IMPLIED -- Points to associated field --> <!ATTLIST LEGEND %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- ACCESSKEY CDATA #IMPLIED -- Accessibility key character --> <!ATTLIST LI %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --> <!ATTLIST LINK %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- HREF %URI; #IMPLIED -- URI for link resource -- HREFLANG NAME #IMPLIED -- Language code of resource -- MEDIA CDATA #IMPLIED -- Destination media of referenced doc -- REL CDATA #IMPLIED -- Forward link types -- REV CDATA #IMPLIED -- Reverse link types -- TYPE CDATA #IMPLIED -- Advisory Internet content type --> <!ATTLIST MAP --The value of the NAME attribute is case sensitive, and the attribute value specification shall be processed as if the declared value were NAME. -- %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- NAME CDATA #REQUIRED -- Referenced by USEMAP in <IMG> --> <!ATTLIST META %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- CONTENT CDATA #REQUIRED -- Associated information -- HTTP-EQUIV NAME #IMPLIED -- HTTP response header name -- NAME NAME #IMPLIED -- Meta-information name -- SCHEME CDATA #IMPLIED -- Nature of content --> <!ATTLIST OBJECT %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- CLASSID %URI; #IMPLIED -- Identifies implementation -- CODEBASE %URI; #IMPLIED -- Needed by some systems -- CODETYPE CDATA #IMPLIED -- Internet content type for code -- DATA %URI; #IMPLIED -- Reference to objects data -- DECLARE (declare) #IMPLIED -- Flag: declare but dont instantiate -- NAME CDATA #IMPLIED -- Submit as part of form -- STANDBY CDATA #IMPLIED -- Show this msg while loading -- TABINDEX NUMBER #IMPLIED -- Position in tabbing order -- TYPE CDATA #IMPLIED -- Internet content type for data -- USEMAP %URI; #IMPLIED -- Reference to image map --> <!ATTLIST OL %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --> <!ATTLIST OPTGROUP %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- DISABLED (disabled) #IMPLIED -- Control unavailable in this context -- LABEL CDATA #REQUIRED -- For use in hierarchical menus --> <!ATTLIST OPTION %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- DISABLED (disabled) #IMPLIED -- Control unavailable in this context -- LABEL CDATA #IMPLIED -- For use in hierarchical menus -- SELECTED (selected) #IMPLIED -- Pre-selected option -- VALUE CDATA #IMPLIED -- Defaults to content --> <!ATTLIST P %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --> <!ATTLIST PARAM ID ID #IMPLIED -- Document-wide unique id -- NAME CDATA #REQUIRED -- Name of parameter -- TYPE CDATA #IMPLIED -- Internet Media Type -- VALUE CDATA #IMPLIED -- Value of parameter -- VALUETYPE (data|ref|object) data -- Interpret value as --> <!ATTLIST PRE %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --> <!ATTLIST Q --The textual contents of the Q element shall not be surrounded with quotation marks. These may be added by the user agent through the use of a style sheet. -- %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- CITE %URI; #IMPLIED -- URI for source document or message --> <!ATTLIST SELECT %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- DISABLED (disabled) #IMPLIED -- Control unavailable in this context -- MULTIPLE (multiple) #IMPLIED -- Default is single selection -- NAME CDATA #REQUIRED -- Field name -- SIZE NUMBER #IMPLIED -- Rows visible -- TABINDEX NUMBER #IMPLIED -- Position in tabbing order --> <!ATTLIST SPAN %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --> <!ATTLIST STYLE --The STYLE element contains style sheet information which shall be passed to the user agent's style manager. Any style sheet language may be used. It is a user agent error to render the style sheet information as if it were part of a document's text. -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- MEDIA CDATA #IMPLIED -- Designed for use with these media -- TITLE CDATA #IMPLIED -- Advisory title -- TYPE CDATA #REQUIRED -- Internet content type for style lang. --> <!ATTLIST TABLE %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- SUMMARY CDATA #REQUIRED -- Purpose/structure for speech output --> <!ATTLIST TBODY %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --> <!ATTLIST TD %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- AXIS CDATA #IMPLIED -- Abbreviated name for header cell -- COLSPAN NUMBER 1 -- Number of columns spanned by cell -- HEADERS IDREFS #IMPLIED -- List of ID's for header cells -- ROWSPAN NUMBER 1 -- Number of rows spanned by cell -- SCOPE (col|colgroup|row|rowgroup) #IMPLIED -- Scope covered by header cells --> <!ATTLIST TEXTAREA %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- ACCESSKEY CDATA #IMPLIED -- Accessibility key character -- COLS NUMBER #REQUIRED -- Number required in av char widths -- DISABLED (disabled) #IMPLIED -- Control unavailable in this context -- NAME CDATA #REQUIRED -- Name of form field -- READONLY (readonly) #IMPLIED -- For text -- ROWS NUMBER #REQUIRED -- Number of rows required -- TABINDEX NUMBER #IMPLIED -- Position in tabbing order --> <!ATTLIST TFOOT %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --> <!ATTLIST TH %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG -- AXIS CDATA #IMPLIED -- Abbreviated name for header cell -- COLSPAN NUMBER 1 -- Number of columns spanned by cell -- HEADERS IDREFS #IMPLIED -- List of ID's for header cells -- ROWSPAN NUMBER 1 -- Number of rows spanned by cell -- SCOPE (col|colgroup|row|rowgroup) #IMPLIED -- Scope covered by header cells --> <!ATTLIST THEAD %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --> <!ATTLIST TITLE %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --> <!ATTLIST TR %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --> <!ATTLIST UL %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --> <!-- Attribute group definition lists --> <!ATTLIST (%physical.styles;) %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --> <!ATTLIST (%logical.styles;) %core; -- Element CLASS, ID and TITLE -- %i18n; -- Internationalization DIR and LANG --> <!-- End of file -->
UDC xxx
Descriptors: data processing, text processing, information interchange, artificial languages.
Last change was on
Mon Mar 23 18:55:42 GMT 1998
Copyright © 1998 IETF, W3C (MIT, Inria, Keio), ISO/IEC, Roger Price, David
All Rights Reserved.