[Cache from http://www.y12.doe.gov/sgml/sc34/document/0257.htm; please use this canonical URL/source if possible.]
Summary of Voting on SC 34 N 223 - Document Schema
Definition Language (DSDL) |
SC 34
Secretariat |
SC 34 / WG
1 |
Based on the voting results, this project is approved.
This document is forwarded to WG 1, which is instructed to begin
development of this new work item.
The JTC 1 NP number for this project is ISO/IEC 19757. |
SC34 and Liaisons |
Dr. James David Mason |
JTC 1 / SC 34 N
JTC 1 / SC 34 Voting Summary
N 223 - Proposed Document
Schema Definition Language (DSDL)
Q.1 |
Do you accept the proposal in document JTC 1 N 183 as a sufficient definition of the new work item? (If you have responded "NO" to the above question, you are required to comment.) 7 of 13 – Yes , 1 of
13 – No , 1 of 13 – Abstain
, 4 of 13 - No
Response |
Q.2 |
Do you support the addition of the new work item to the programme of work of the joint technical committee? 7 of 13 – Yes , 0 of
13 – No , 1 of 13 Abstain , 5 of 13 – No
Response |
Q.3 |
Do you commit yourself to participate in the development of this new work item? 5 of 13 – Yes , 3 of
13 – No , 0 of 13 Abstain , 5 of 13 – No Response |
Q.4 |
Are you able to offer a project editor who will dedicate his/her efforts to the advancement and maintenance of this project? (If "YES," please identify .............................................................) 1 of 13 – Yes , 7 of
13 – No , 0 of 13 Abstain , 5 of 13 – No Response |
Q.5 |
Do you have a major contribution or a reference document ready for submittal? 1 of 13 – Yes , 7 of
13 – No , 0 of 13 Abstain , 5 of 13 – No Response |
Q.6 |
Will you have such a contribution in ninety days? 1 of 13 – Yes , 6 of
13 – No , 0 of 13 Abstain , 6 of 13 – No Response |
P-Member |
Q.1 |
Q.2 |
Q.3 |
Q.4 |
Q.5 |
Q.6 |
Comments |
Brazil |
Canada |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
N |
N |
China |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
N |
N |
Denmark |
Y |
Y |
N |
N |
N |
N |
France |
abstain |
abstain |
N |
N |
N |
N |
Ireland |
Italy |
Japan |
N |
See attachment |
Republic of Korea |
Netherlands |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
N |
Y |
Norway |
Y |
Y |
N |
N |
N |
N |
Kingdom |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
States |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
N |
N |
In order to be approved, the NP shall be supported by
a majority of all P‑members of JTC 1*
with at least five P‑members of the SC to which the project will be
assigned committed to active participation.
*Per JTC 1 N 6148, the 60 Day Letter Ballot Concerning Subcommittee Level Approval of NPs was approved
Based on the results of this letter ballot, this NP is APPROVED, and will
be added to the SC 34 Program of Work
The specifications to be
developed in this project are hardly clear enough for answering Q.2 through Q.6.
Some attachment, e.g., a working draft, is requested to show the preliminary
features of this DSDL in comparison with the existing schema
SGML Document Type Definitions (DTDs) allow document structures to be formally modelled but do not allow details of data types or data relationships to be recorded in an XML-compatible way. While the W3C XML Schema Definition language (XSD) does allow data types to be used to validate the contents of SGML elements and values of attributes, it does not allow the relationships between the values of different attributes and contents of elements to be validated. A new, compact, efficient and XML-based document type definition for the integrated description of document structures, data types and data relationships will make it possible to automate the processing of structured information resources to the level required by business users, which has a higher level of requirements than those identified from the publishing community for which SGML was originally developed. The standard will also define the scope and notation for converting and interworking a core subset of document structure, data type, and data relationship constraint models among the three notations: DSDL, DTD declarations and XSD.
This International Standard, known as the Document Schema Definition Language (DSDL), allows the definition of document structures, data types and data relationship constraints that can be applied to data represented using the ISO/IEC 8879 Standard Generalized Markup Language and its derivatives, such as ISO/IEC 10744, Hypermedia/Time-based Structuring Language (HyTime), and the W3C Extensible Markup Language (XML).
To be defined
ISO 8879:1986, Information processing -- Text and office systems -- Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)
W3C Extensible Markup
Language (XML) (http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml)
W3C XML Schema Part 2:
Document Schema Definition Language
Standard Generalized Markup Language (ISO/IEC 8879)
W3C Extensible Markup Language
Any references in this document to industry and proprietary standards, products, user groups, and publications are not normative, and do not imply endorsement by ISO, IEC, or their national member bodies or affiliates. Any brand names or trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.
The formal definitions are
expressed as using the W3C XML subset of SGML.
The formal definitions are
part of the text of this International Standard and are protected by copyright.
In order to facilitate conformance to DSDL, the formal definitions may be copied
as specified in the following copyright notice: Copyright (C) 200?
International Organization for Standardization. Permission to copy in any form
is granted for use with conforming DSDL systems and applications as defined in
ISO/IEC ????, provided this notice is included in all copies. The permission
to copy does not apply to any other material in this International Standard.
Note 5. This document uses
editorial conventions mandated by the ISO with which the reader should be
familiar in order to understand the implications of certain
The text describing each
construct emphasizes semantics, while the formal XML definition provides the
rigorous syntactic definitions underlying the text descriptions.
Note 6. For this reason, it
is recommended that the reader refer to the XML definitions while reading the
textual descriptions. Although the XML definition always follows the related
text, the user may find it helpful to read the XML first in some
When a construct is first
introduced, it is described in the text. If the construct occurs in the formal
XML specification, both the formal XML name and a full name in English are
presented, as follows:
This standard is designed to provide the following functionality:
The following DSDL components can be used to describe
documents conforming to the WebSGML subset of ISO/IEC 8879:
DSDL element/attribute |
Defined in
clause |
ISO 8879 Construct |
XML DTD construct |
XML Schema element |
<attribute |
[143] attribute definition |
AttlistDecl |
<attribute |
[144] attribute name |
Name |
[35] declared value |
AttType |
[147] default value |
DefaultDecl |
[147] default value ["FIXED"] |
DefaultDecl |
[147] default value ["IMPLIED"|"REQUIRED"] |
DefaultDecl |
[173] character set description |
EncodingDecl |
encoding |
<comment |
Should this be <annotation? |
[91] comment declaration |
Comment |
N/A |
<data |
From Relax-NG |
N/A |
<element |
[116] element declaration |
elementdecl |
<element |
[30] generic identifier |
Name |
Do we need this? Does it need to conflate with
type? |
[125] declared content |
contentspec |
<any |
From Relax-NG |
N/A |
Extension based on W3C XML Schema that
generalizes the specifically named options provided in Relax-NG |
N/A |
From W3C XML Schema (Relax-NG uses a separate ref element) |
N/A |
<externalEntity |
[108] external entity specification |
GEDecl |
N/A |
[102] entity name |
Name |
N/A |
[73] external identifier |
ExternalID |
N/A |
[41] notation name |
NDataDecl |
N/A |
[127] model group (with modifications based on W3C XML
Schema that generalize the specifically named options provided in
Relax-NG) |
children (as modified by W3C XML Schema) |
name |
[104] parameter entity name |
PEDecl |
N/A |
Do we still need to separate out the definition of
external parameter entities from their call, or should we move these two
properties to the <include
element? |
PEDef |
N/A (moved to the import request) |
[60] parameter entity reference |
PEReference |
<import (but
unnamed, with direct reference to the source, see above) |
[101] entity declaration |
GEDecl |
N/A |
Do we need this? |
[44] processing instruction |
PI |
N/A |
[93] marked section declaration |
CDSect |
N/A |
<notation |
[148] notation declaration |
NotationDecl |
<notation |
[41] notation name |
Name |
[149] notation identifier |
ExternalID |
Based on W3C XML Schema enumeration and Relax-NG
value elements. Extends [145] declared value [name token group] to
constrain contents of text fields as well as attribute values |
Enumeration (as extended to element content by W3C XML
Schema and Relax-NG) |
Do we need a public identifier? |
[110] document type declaration [external
identifier] |
doctypedecl External ID |
<schema + <import
<include |
[111] document type name |
doctypedecl Name |
N/A |
<text |
[47] character data |
The following extensions could be made if it is decided that
DSDL should be able to express all constructs in SGML document instances as well
as the WebSGML subset.
DSDL element/attribute |
Defined in
clause |
ISO 8879 Construct |
<applicationInfo |
Do we need this? |
[199] application-specific information |
source |
[147] default value ["IMPLIED"|"REQUIRED"|
publicIdentifier |
Do we need this? |
[180] capacity set |
<characterDescription |
Do we need this? |
[176] character description |
startingFrom |
Do we need this? |
[177] described character set number |
for |
Do we need this? |
[179] number of characters |
becomes |
Do we need this? |
[178] base character set number, "UNUSED" or
literal |
Do we need this? |
[109] entity type |
Do we need this? should the data attributes be defined
as the contents of the entity defintion? |
[149.2] data attribute specification |
elementName |
Do we need this? Could the data tag details somehow be
added directly to the element declaration? |
[133] data tag group |
paddingTemplate |
[137] data tag padding template |
<dataTagTemplate |
[136] data tag template |
<delimiterAssignment name
literal |
Do we need this? |
[191] general delimiters |
<delimiters |
Do we need this? |
[190] delimiter set |
documentTypes |
[28 document type specification |
end-character |
Do we need this? |
[17] NET-enabling start-tag |
<element mixed |
Do we need this? |
[25] mixed content |
omitStart |
[123] start-tag minimization |
omitEnd |
[124] end-tag minimization |
rankStem |
Do we need this? |
[120] rank stem |
rankSuffix |
Do we need this? |
[121] rank suffix |
unclosed |
Do we need this? |
[17] unclosed start-tag |
elementNames |
[140] exclusions |
<explicitLink sourceDocType
resultDocType |
[158] explicit link specification |
<features |
Do we need this? |
[195] feature use |
<functionChars |
Do we need this? |
[186] function character identification |
<idLinkSet |
[168.1] ID link set declaration |
sourceDocType |
[157] implicit link source |
elementNames |
[139] inclusions |
sourceElementNames |
[163.1] link rule {source element specification] |
resultElementNames |
[166.1] explicit link rule {result element
specification] |
<linkSet name |
[164] link set name |
<linktype |
[154] link type declaration |
<linktype name |
[155] link type name |
<linktype href
publicIdentifier |
[73] external identifier |
status |
[93] marked section declaration |
<namingRules |
Do we need this |
[189] naming rules |
<quantities |
Do we need this? |
[194] quantity set |
<reservedName changeFrom
changeTo |
Do we need this? |
[193] reserved name use |
sgmlDeclaration |
Do we need this? |
[171] SGML declaration |
name |
Do we need this? |
[171] SGML declaration |
<shortRefDelimiters |
Do we need this? |
[191] short reference delimiters |
name |
[150] short reference mapping declaration |
useControls |
Do we need this? |
[184] shunned character number |
<simpleLink |
[156] simple link specification |
publicIdentifier |
Do we need this? |
[183] public concrete syntax |
<useLink linkSetName
postLinkSetName |
[165] source element specification [USELINK] |
<useMap name
elementNames |
[152] short reference use declaration |