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When: February 4 - 8, 2001
Where: Seattle, Washington, USA
Objective: UN/EDIFACT Working Group (EWG) and the Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12 will join forces to prepare a common language through the development of a single set of Electronic Business XML (ebXML) compliant core components. This single set of core components will be the foundation for future developments with new and emerging technologies. In the spirit of the United Nations, this initiative will allow developing and transition economies to afford global, cross-industry, e-commerce standards.
Background: Two standards are now being used for the electronic transmission of commercial data. UN/EDIFACT - the international standard elaborated under the aegis of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE) and applied worldwide - and X12 - a North American standard used primarily within the United States. Both standards are used by more than 500,000 companies around the world. At EWG’s September 2000 meeting in Taipei and ASC X12’s October meeting in Cincinnati, both organizations formally committed to unite and prepare a common language for the 21st century.
By joining the resources of these two premier accredited e-business standards bodies, the resultant single set of core components will be easier to implement and affordable to all. As such, this initiative will contribute to the reduction of technical barriers to trade.
Discussion: This joint effort will create the building blocks for a single set of accredited, international, cross-industry XML business standards. These business standards will be compliant with the developing ebXML technical framework, will be based on joint design rules and naming conventions, and will for the first time ensure that the standards used to trade nationally and internationally are the same.
Meeting Schedule: The joint EWG/X12 Core Component effort will commence at the next ASC X12 trimester meeting in Seattle, February 4-9, 2001. Core Component Development work will continue at all scheduled EWG, X12, and ebXML meetings. The current schedule for 2001 follows.
Meeting | Date | Location |
ASC X12 | 2/4/2001 - 2/9/2001 | Seattle, Washington, USA |
ebXML | 2/12/2001 - 2/16/2001 | Vancouver, BC, Canada |
UN/CEFACT EWG | 3/19/2001 - 3/23/2001 | Washington, D.C., USA |
ebXML | 3/26/2001 - 3/30/2001 | Geneva, Switzerland |
ebXML | 5/07/2001 - 5/11/2001 | Vienna, Austria |
ASC X12 | 6/3/2001 - 6/8/2001 | St. Louis, Missouri, USA |
UN/CEFACT EWG | September 2001 | To Be Determined |
ASC X12 | 9/29/2001 - 10/5/2001 | Miami, Florida, USA |
Participation: Participation in the joint core components development work is open to all members of ASC X12, EWG, and ebXML. ASC X12 members will be required to pay the normal EWG meeting fee for all EWG meetings. EWG members will be allowed to participate at ASC X12 meetings at no cost. ebXML members who are not members of either of these two groups are invited to participate but will be required to pay the nominal nonmember fee for ASC X12 and EWG meetings. ($225.00 USD for the ASC X12 Seattle meeting).
Seattle Info: http://www.x12.org/x12org/meetings/mtgsumry.pdf
Seattle Registration: http://www.x12.org/x12org/meetings/
For Questions about ASC X12:
David R. Barkley,
ASC X12 Chair
Freddie Mac
Phone - 01+ (703) 918-5330
For Questions about UN/CEFACT EWG:
Pierre Georget
EDIFACT Working Group Chair
EAN France pgeorget@gencod-ean.fr
Sunday, 4 February
13:00 - 17:00 - X12 XML Task Group - EWG/ebXML Members
Monday, 5 February
09:00 - 12:00- X12 Orientation
13:00 - 16:00- EWG Orientation and Discussion of Issues
16:00 - 17:00- X12 Plenary - EWG/ebXML
17:30 - 18:30- X12 Opening Reception EWG/ebXML
18:30 - 22:00- Core Components Orientation
Tuesday, 6 February
09:00 - 12:00 - EWG Core Component Meeting - review and validated alignment with X12 subcommittees and applicability to existing EWG Messages
13:00 - 16:00 - Joint Core Component Development Work within Functional Groups (Functional Groups will consist of participants from EWG, X12, and interested ebXML observers)
16:00 - 17:00 - Joint Core Component Wrap-up Session
Wednesday - Thursday, 7 - 8 February
08:00 - 16:00 - Core Component Development Work within Functional Groups
16:00 - 17:00 - Joint Core Component Wrap-up Session