CIMI XML Schema for SPECTRUM Version 1.5.0 (August 25th 2002)

Complex type: address


e-mail (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Address - e-mail

The e-mail address used to contact an Organisation or Person .

fax (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Address - fax number

The fax number used to contact an Organisation or Person .

place (cs:place 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Address - place

The elements of an address which are required for retrieval purposes.

postcode (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Address - postcode

The postcode or zip code of an Address .

telephone (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Address - telephone number

The telephone number used to contact an Organisation or Person .

text (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Address - text

The address of an Organisation , Person or Location as expressed for mailing purposes.

type (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Address type

The status or use of the Address recorded

Complex type: date


association (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Date association

How a Date relates to an event in the object's history.

Complex type: earliest (0)


certainty (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Date - earliest/single certainty

A term describing the extent to which the Date - earliest/single recorded is thought to be correct.

date (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Date - earliest/single

The earliest probable or exact date at which an event in the object's history is thought to have occurred.

qualifier (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Date - earliest/single qualifier

A qualification of the earliest probable or exact date at which an event in the object's history is thought to have occurred.

Complex type: latest (0)


certainty (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Date - latest certainty

A term describing the extent to which the Date - latest recorded is thought to be correct.

date (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Date - latest

The latest probable date at which an event in the object's history is thought to have occurred.

qualifier (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Date - latest qualifier

A qualification of the latest probable date at which an event in the object's history is thought to have occurred.

method (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Dating method

The method by which the Date was established.

period (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Date - period

A textual expression of the period when an event in an object's history is thought to have occurred.

text (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Date text

The textual expression of the date or date span when an event in an object's history is thought to have occurred.

Complex type: exact-date


day (xsd:integer)

month (xsd:integer)

year (xsd:integer)

Complex type: object


Complex type: access-category (0)


date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Access category date

The date on which an Access category was recorded.

name (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Access category

A record of the level of access allowed to an object or group of objects based on their needs or significance.

note (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Access category note

Additional information about the Access category of the object which has not been recorded elsewhere using controlled terminology.

Complex type: acquisition (0)


accession-date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Accession date

The date on which an object formally enters the collections and is recorded in the accessions register.

Complex type: authorisation (0-unbounded)


authoriser (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Acquisition authoriser

The name of a member of staff giving final approval for the acquisition to proceed.

date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Acquisition authorisation date

The date on which the Acquisition authoriser gives final approval for an acquisition to proceed.

date (cs:date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Acquisition date

The date on which title to an object or group of objects is transferred to the institution.

Complex type: funding (0-unbounded)


provisos (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Acquisition funding provisos

Restrictions applying to all the objects acquired with the support from an Acquisition funding source .

source (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Acquisition funding source

The Person or Organisation from whom the Acquisition funding was obtained.

value (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Acquisition funding

The funding used to support the transfer or acquisition of an object

group-price (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Group purchase price

The total price paid for a group of objects at acquisition, including taxes for which the purchase is liable. If individual prices are known for specific objects in the group, use Object acquisition price.

method (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Acquisition method

The means by which title to an object is formally transferred to the museum.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Acquisition note

General information about the acquisition.

offered-price (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Object purchaser offer price

The price which the institution offers for the purchase of an object.

offer-price (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Object offer price

The price at which an object is offered for sale to the institution.

Complex type: price (0)


local-value (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Object purchase price

The total price paid for an object at acquisition, including taxes for which the purchase is liable. Associated with the Object number. If no individual prices are known for specific objects in the group (e.g. a lot bought at auction), use Group purchase price.

original-currency (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Original object purchase price denomination

The denomination or currency of the Original object purchase price.

original-value (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Original object purchase price

The price paid for an object in the original currency at the time of purchase.

provisos (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Acquisition provisos

Restrictions applying to all the objects in a single acquisition.

reason (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Acquisition reason

The reason or justification for an acquisition.

reference (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Acquisition reference number

A unique identifying number for information on the acquisition of an object or group of objects. It should serve as the reference to written documentation of a valuation. This will normally be the object number.

Complex type: source (0-unbounded)


Complex type: source (0)

SPECTRUM unit: Acquisition source

The People, Person or Organisation from whom the object was obtained, if different from the Owner. The Acquisition source may be an agent or other intermediary between the acquiring institution and the Owner. For archaeological archives, use Acquisition source to record the excavating body responsible for preparing and depositing the archive with the museum.

type (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Acquisition source type

The type of source from which the object was acquired.

Complex type: title-transfer (0)


number (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Transfer of title number

A unique identifying number for each transfer of title or acquisition event. It should serve as the reference to written documentation of a transfer of title or acquisition process. The number may be assigned to a transfer of title form.

Complex type: associations (0-unbounded)


Complex type: general-associations (0-unbounded)


activity (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Associated activity

An activity associated an object or group of objects.

concept (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Associated concept

A concept associated with an object.

cultural-affinity (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Associated cultural affinity

A wider cultural context to which an object or group of objects relates.

history-note (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Object history note

The history of the object, including its creation, owners, vendors and the circumstances surrounding such events. Record information here which has not been recorded elsewhere using controlled terminology.

Complex type: specific-associations (0-unbounded)


association-type (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Association type

The way in which an Organisation, a People,a Person, a Place, an Event or an Object are associated with a particular object or specimen.

Complex type: association ()


organisation (cs:organisation 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Associated organisation

An Organisation associated with the object's history

people (cs:people 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Associated people

A People associated with the object's history.

person (cs:person 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Associated person

A Person associated with the object's history

date (cs:date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Associated date

A date associated with an object.

place (cs:place 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Associated place

A place associated with an object.

Complex type: related-event (0)


date (cs:date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Associated event date

The date of an event in an object's history.

name (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Associated event name

An historical event associated with the object, not including production and collections management events. Use the Object history note to describe details about the nature of the association.

organisation (cs:organisation 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Associated event organisation

An Organisation associated with an event in the object's history (other than field collection or ownership).

people (cs:people 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Association event people

A People associated with an event in the object's history (other than field collection or ownership)

person (cs:person 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Association event person

A Person associated with an event in the object's history (other than field collection or ownership)

place (cs:place 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Association event place

A place associated with an event in the object's history.

type (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Associated event name type

A term describing the nature of the Associated event name.

Complex type: related-object (0)


number (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Related object number

The Object number of an object which is related to, or associated with, the object being described.

true (xsd:boolean)

SPECTRUM unit: Part of related object

Indicates whether the object being described is a part of the Related object.

Complex type: audit (0-unbounded)


Complex type: auditor ()

SPECTRUM unit: Auditor

The Person or Organisation carrying out an audit. The Auditor is individually accountable for the Object audit result .

category (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Object audit category

A code indicating the priority of an object for auditing purposes.

date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Object audit date

The date the object was last checked in its location.

method (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Audit method

The method used to audit an object or group of objects.

note (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Object audit note

Additional information about the audit of an object.

reference (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Audit reference number

A unique identifying number for the audit of an object or group of objects. It should serve as the reference to written documentation of an audit.

results (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Object audit result

The result of an audit of an object.

type (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Audit type

The type of audit project being carried out.

object-audit-type (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Object audit type

The type of audit carried out on an object.

Complex type: condition (0)


Complex type: check (0-unbounded)


Complex type: assessor (0)

SPECTRUM unit: Condition checker - technical assessor

The name of the Person or Organisation responsible for producing a condition check or detailed assessment of an object's condition and conservation needs.

date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Condition check - assessment date

The date the condition of an object was checked or a technical assessment was completed.

method (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Condition check - assessment method

The method used when carrying out a condition check or technical assessment.

next-date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Next condition check/assessment date

The date on which the next condition check or technical assessment is due.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Condition check - assessment note

Additional information about the condition checking or technical assessment of the object which has not been recorded elsewhere using controlled terminology.

reference (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Condition check - assessment reference number

A unique identifying number for the condition checking or technical assessment of an object or group of objects. It should serve as the reference to written documentation of a condition check or technical assessment.

technical-assesment (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Technical assessment

Detailed assessment of the condition of an object and the required treatment.

Complex type: completeness (0)


keyword (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Completeness

A single term describing the completeness of an object

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Completeness note

Additional information about the completeness of the object which has not been recorded elsewhere using controlled terminology.

Complex type: damage-loss (0-unbounded)


date (cs:date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Loss/damage date

The date an object was first established as damaged or missing.

method (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Loss/damage method

The method by which an object or group of objects was lost to the collections.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Loss/damage note

Additional information about the loss of an object

reference (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Loss/damage reference number

The unique number assigned to the record of the loss of an object or group of objects. The number should also refer to a file containing all written documentation about the loss of an object.

reporter (cs:person 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Loss/damage reporter

The Person reporting the loss or damage to an object.

keyword (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Condition

A single term describing the condition of an object.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Condition note

A brief description of the condition of an object.

Complex type: conservation (0-unbounded)


material (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Conservation material

The materials used in the conservation of an object.

method (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Conservation method

The method used in the conservation of an object.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Conservation note

Additional information about conservation of the object which has not been recorded elsewhere using controlled terminology.

recall-date (cs:exact-date 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Recall date

The date on which the next stage of a conservation process is due.

reference (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Conservation reference number

A unique identifying number for the conservation of an object or group of objects. It should serve as the reference to written documentation of conservation.

Complex type: treatment (0-unbounded)


conservator (cs:person 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Conservator

The name of the Person or Organisation treating the object.

date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Treatment date

The date on which conservation treatment is completed.

description (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Treatment report

Detailed description of the conservation treatment undergone by an object.

priority (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Conservation treatment priority

A term describing an object's need for Conservation treatment.

Complex type: deaccession (0)


date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Deaccession date

The date when an item was struck off the accession register.

Complex type: disposal (0)


date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Disposal date

The date an object is disposed of.

method (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Disposal method

The way in which an object is disposed of.

new-number (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Disposal new object number

The object number assigned to a deaccessioned object by the recipient.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Disposal note

Additional information about the disposal of the object which has not been recorded elsewhere using controlled terminology.

Complex type: price (0)

SPECTRUM unit: Disposal price

The total price paid for an object at disposal, including taxes for which the transfer is liable. Associated with the Object number. If no individual prices are known for specific objects in the group, use Group disposal price


currency (xsd:string 0)

value (xsd:string 0)

proposed-recipient (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Disposal proposed recipient

The People , Person or Organisation proposed as recipients for an object to be disposed of by way of transfer, gift or sale.

provisos (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Disposal provisos

Restrictions applying to all the objects to be disposed of.

reason (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Disposal reason

The reason or justification for an object or objects being disposed of

Complex type: recipient (0)

SPECTRUM unit: Disposal recipient

The People , Person or Organisation receiving an object to be disposed of by way of transfer, gift or sale.

reference (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Disposal reference number

The unique number assigned to the disposal of an object or group of objects. The number should also refer to a file containing all written documentation about the disposal.

group-price (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Group disposal price

The total price paid for a group of objects at disposal including taxes for which the purchase is liable. If individual prices are known for specific objects in the group, use Disposal price.

Complex type: description (0-unbounded)


Complex type: age (0-unbounded)


phase (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Phase

A textual expression of the age or developmental phase of a natural science specimen.

qualifier (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Age qualifier

A qualification of the statement of the Age of a natural science specimen.

unit (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Age unit

The unit of measurement used to describe the Age of a natural science specimen.

value (xsd:integer 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Age

The numeric age of a natural science specimen when it died. Use Age unit to describe the unit of measurement used and Age qualifier to qualify the information. Use Phase for a textual description of Age .

colour (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Colour

The colour of the object.

Complex type: component (0-unbounded)


description (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Object component description

The description of an Object component within the scope of the Unit of information identified in Object component information

information (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Object component information

The unit of information describing an Object component name.

name (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Object component name

The non-separable part or component of an object which is being described.

Complex type: content (0-unbounded)


activity (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Content - activity

An activity depicted in or described by an object.

concept (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Content - concept

A concept depicted in or described by an object.

date (cs:date 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Content - date

A date depicted in or described by an object

description (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Content - description

A general description of a depiction in an object, or description of an object without making interpretation. (Use Brief description and Physical description to describe the object's other features.)

Complex type: event (0-unbounded)


name (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Content - event name

An event depicted in or described by an object.

type (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Content - event name type

A term describing the nature of the Content - event name.

keyword (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Content - note

Additional information about the object's content which has not been recorded elsewhere using controlled terminology.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Content note

A description of the representational or information content of an object. This may include descriptions of the content of all audio and visual works.

Complex type: object (0-unbounded)


name (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Content - object

An object depicted in or described by another object.

type (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Content - object type

A term describing the nature of the Content - object.

organisation (cs:organisation 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Content - organisation

The Organisation depicted in or described in an object.

people (cs:people 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Content - people

A People depicted in or described by an object.

person (cs:person 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Content - person

A Person depicted in or described by an object.

place (cs:place 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Content - place

A Place depicted in or described by an object.

position (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Content - position

The position on the object of a depiction or description.

Complex type: dimension (0-unbounded)


date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Dimension value date

The date on which the Dimension value was recorded.

dimension (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Dimension

The aspect of a part or component of an object being measured.

part (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Dimension measured part

The part of the object measured.

qualifier (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Dimension value qualifier

The measurement of statistical deviation given for a dimension. If left blank, the assumption is that the Dimension accuracy recorded is thought to be correct. Do not use capitalisation or punctuation.

unit (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Dimension measurement unit

The unit of measurement used when measuring a Dimension.

value (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Dimension value

The numeric value of the measurement of a Dimension.

form (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Form

The method used to mount or preserve a specimen.

gender (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Sex

The gender of an animal specimen.

Complex type: inscription (0-unbounded)


content (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Inscription content

The text inscribed as part of the decoration or construction of an object recorded in the original language.

date (cs:date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Inscription date

The date on which an inscription was made.

description (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Inscription description

A description of non-textual marks inscribed on an object.

Complex type: inscriber (0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Inscriber

The People , Person or Organisation responsible for inscribing an object.

interpretation (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Inscription interpretation

The interpretation of an inscription or mark on an object.

language (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Inscription language

The language used in a textual inscription on an object.

method (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Inscription method

The method used to inscribe a mark or text on an object.

position (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Inscription position

A term describing the position of an inscription on an object.

script (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Inscription script

The script used in a textual inscription on an object.

translation (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Inscription translation

A translation into the institution's first language of a textual inscription on an object.

transliteration (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Inscription transliteration

The transliteration of a textual inscription on an object.

type (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Inscription type

The form or function of the inscription.

Complex type: material (0-unbounded)


keyword (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Material

The basic materials and media from which the object is constructed.

Complex type: material-component (0)


keyword (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Material component

The name of a significant component, inclusion or trace in the material of which an object or specimen is made. This could also include a patina or corrosion product which has developed on the object and is of sufficient significance to require documenting

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Material component note

To record further information about a material component

name (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Material name

The name commonly used to designate a particular or characteristic material, and additional to or further defining the basic material itself. This may be the vernacular or generally used name for a certain type of material or a brand name.

source (cs:place 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Material source

The geographical origin of naturally occurring vegetable, animal or geological materials which either have been used to form an object or form specimens or deposits in their own right e.g. a quarry source for stone, country of origin of timber, geological outcrop for imported stone or fossil. (Note that this is separate from Object Production Place which is where the original materials are modified by human intervention to form an object)

physical-description (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Physical description

General visual appearance of the object.

Complex type: technical-attributes (0-unbounded)


attribute (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Technical attribute

The name of a technical attribute possessed by the object which can be described and quantified.

unit (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Technical attribute measurement unit

The unit of measurement used when measuring a Technical attribute.

value (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Technical attribute measurement

The measurement of a named Technical attribute.

Complex type: technique (0-unbounded)


keyword (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Technique

Processes, methods, techniques and tools used to fabricate or decorate the object.

type (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Technique type

A term describing the nature of the Technique.

Complex type: despatch (0-unbounded)


courier (cs:person 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Museum courier

The name of the person assigned the responsibility to accompany the object on an external move.

date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Despatch date

The date on which an object or objects leaves the museum.

delivery date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Delivery date

The precise date on which an object or objects leaving the museum is due to be delivered at its destination.

Complex type: destination (0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Despatch destination

The Person or Organisation to whom an object is being despatched.

method (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Despatch method

The method by which an object or group of objects leaves the museum.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Despatch note

Additional information relating to the despatch of an object which cannot be recorded elsewhere.

reference (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Despatch reference number

A unique identifying number for each despatch. It should serve as the reference to written documentation of a despatch. The number may be assigned to a despatch note or receipt.

Complex type: entry (0)


date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Entry date

The date on which an object or group of objects enters the museum.

Complex type: depositor (0)

SPECTRUM unit: Depositor

The Person or Organisation from whom a loaned or temporarily deposited object was obtained, if different from the Current owner or Lender.

depositor-requirements (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Depositor's requirements

Requirements made by a depositor or owner concerning the deposit of an object or group of objects.

entry-number (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Entry number

A unique number assigned to the entry of an object or group of objects and used to track objects prior to their return or acquisition. It should serve as the reference to written documentation of objects entering the institution for the first time. The number should be the one assigned to an entry form or receipt.

Complex type: environmental-condition (0-unbounded)


date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Environmental condition date

The date to which the environmental condition note applies.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Environmental condition note

A record of the environmental conditions in which an object is kept

Complex type: field-collection (0)


Complex type: collector (0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Field collector

The Person or Organisation responsible for collecting a specimen or object in the field.

Complex type: context (0-unbounded)


code (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Place - context

A number or code identifying physical evidence of an archaeological event, such as a wall, pit or ditch.

date (cs:date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Place - context date

The date of a context.

level (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Place - context level

A level within a context.

date (cs:date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Field collection date

The date an object is collected in the field.

Complex type: event (0)


name (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Field collection event name

The name of an event at which the object was collected.

reference (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Field collection event reference number

The unique number assigned to a field collection event. The number should also refer to a file containing written documentation about the loan.

geological-complex (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Geological complex name

The name of a geological complex from which a geological specimen was collected.

Complex type: keyword (0-unbounded)


keyword (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Habitat

A term describing the surroundings and environment of the area where a specimen was collected in the field.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Habitat note

Additional information about the habitat of the object which has not been recorded elsewhere using controlled terminology.

method (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Field collection method

The method used to excavate or collect an object in the field

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Field collection note

Additional information about the place or method of field collection or excavation.

number (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Field collection number

A number or code assigned to an object collected in the field before an Entry number or Object number is assigned.

place (cs:place 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Field collection place

The place where an object was excavated or collected in the field.

position (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Place position

A precise position in a Place , usually to record the finding of a specimen in field collection.

Complex type: source (0)

SPECTRUM unit: Field collection source

The social, socio-professional, ethnic, etc., groups from which the object was collected our bought. May be different from the group of production and/or the group use.

Complex type: stratigraphic-unit (0)


name (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Stratigraphic unit name

The stratigraphic unit from which a field collection was made.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Stratigraphic unit note

Additional information about a Stratigraphic unit name.

type (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Stratigraphic unit type

The nature of the Stratigraphic unit name from which a field collection was made.

method (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Entry method

The method by which an object or group of objects is deposited.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Entry note

Additional information about the deposit of the object which has not been recorded elsewhere using controlled terminology.

object-requirements (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Special requirements

Requirements that may be unique or special to a particular object.

packing-note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Packing note

Information about the packing of an object or group of object's at the time of deposit at the museum.

reason (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Entry reason

The reason for an object or group of objects physically entering the museum.

Complex type: exhibition (0-unbounded)


begindate (cs:date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Exhibition begin date

The opening date of an exhibition at a particular Venue.

catalogue-number (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Catalogue number

The number assigned to an object in an exhibition catalogue

enddate (cs:date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Exhibition end date

The closing date of an exhibition at a particular Venue.

Complex type: organiser (0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Exhibition organiser

The name of the Person or Organisation organising an exhibition.

reference (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Exhibition reference number

A unique identifying number for the exhibition of an object or group of objects under the auspices of the institution. It should serve as the reference to written documentation of an exhibition.

title (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Exhibition title

The name of an exhibition or display.

Complex type: identification ()


administration-name (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Administration name

The name of a section of the institution charged with the responsibility for the object and maintaining its documentation.

comments (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Comments

Additional comments made about the object by visitors, curators or researchers.

copy-number (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Copy number

A number assigned to an object by the maker within a limited edition or special run.

brief-description (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Brief description

A text description of the object in approximately one sentence; normally used for administrative and identification purposes. It records the most important information from a number of separate descriptive units of information.

distinguishing-features (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Distinguishing features

A description of features which could uniquely identify an object, bringing together details from other groups of units of information such as Identification, Inscription, Condition which could in a sentence uniquely identify an object.

edition-number (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Edition number

A number assigned to an group of objects produced at the same time by the maker.

number-of-objects (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Number of objects

A record of the number of objects at the next level down in the object record.

Complex type: object-name (0-unbounded)


author (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Object name author

The name of the Person or Organisation responsible for identifying the Object name.

currency (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Object name currency

A statement of the status of an Object name.

Complex type: identification (0-unbounded)


date (cs:date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Object name identification date

The date when the name assigned to the object or specimen was first identified.

method (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Object name identification method

The method used to identify an object name.

language (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Object name/title language

The language used for the Object name, Other name or Title given to an object.

level (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Object name level

A statement of the position of the Object name in a classification scheme.

name (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Object name

A description of the form, function or type of object.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Object name note

Additional information about the Object name.

system (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Object name system

The classification system from which the Object name is taken.

type (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Object name type

The type of Object name recorded.

object-number (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Object number

A unique number identifying the object or specimens, including any separated parts.

Complex type: object-title (0-unbounded)


title (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Title

The name assigned to an object or group of objects by the artist/creator or collector at the time of origin or subsequent titles either specifically assigned or generally understood to refer to the object(s).

translation (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Title translation

A translation into the institution's first language of a title as recorded.

type (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Title type

The nature of the Title recorded.

Complex type: other-number (0-unbounded)


type (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Other number type

A description of an Other number assigned to an object.

value (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Other number

An alternative number for the object other than the Object number.

standing (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Object status

A statement of the standing of a natural science specimen or other object in relation to others in existence.

Complex type: indemnity (0)


confirmation (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Indemnity confirmation date

The date confirmation of indemnity cover is received from the indemnifying body.

minimum-liability-sum (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Object minimum liability sum

The sum determined by the national Government Indemnity Scheme which the indemnified organisation is responsible.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Indemnity note

Additional information about the indemnity, including any special conditions which apply.

reference (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Indemnity reference number

A unique identifying number of the indemnity as assigned by the institution. The number should be a reference to written documentation about the indemnity, which should include a copy of the indemnity.

renewal (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Indemnity renewal date

The date when a Government Indemnity arrangement is due for renewal.

Complex type: insurance (0-unbounded)


Complex type: insurer (0)

SPECTRUM unit: Insurer

The name of the Person or Organisation responsible for insuring an object or group of objects.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Insurance note

Additional information about the insurance, including any special conditions which apply.

policy-number (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Insurance policy number

The number of the insurance policy as assigned by the Insurer.

reference (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Insurance reference number

A unique identifying number of the insurance as assigned by the institution. The number should be a reference to written documentation about the indemnity, which should include a copy of the indemnity.

renewal-date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Insurance renewal date

The date when an insurance policy is due for renewal.

Complex type: loan (0)


Complex type: in (0-unbounded)


Complex type: authorisation (0)


date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Lender's authorisation date

The date on which the lender's authoriser gives approval for a loan in to proceed.

name (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Lender's authoriser

The name of a member of staff giving final approval for the loan in to proceed.

conditions (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Loan in conditions

Conditions applying to objects as part of the loan in agreement.

contact (cs:person 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Loan in contact

The name of the Person assigned responsibility for managing a loan in on behalf of your own institution.

Complex type: lender ()

SPECTRUM unit: Lender

The details of a People , Person or Organisation lending an object to the institution.

lender-contact (cs:person 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Lender's contact

The details of a Person designated by the lender of an object to be responsible for dealing with the loan on their behalf.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Loan in note

General information about a loan in.

reference (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Loan in reference number

The unique number assigned to the loan of objects from outside the institution. The number should also refer to a file containing written documentation about the loan.

Complex type: out (0-unbounded)


Complex type: authorisation (0)


date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Venue authorisation date

The date on which the Venue authoriser gives final approval for a Venue to take a loan out.

name (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Venue authoriser

The name of a member of staff at a lending institution giving final approval for a Venue to take a loan out.

Complex type: borrower ()

SPECTRUM unit: Borrower

The details of a Person or Organisation borrowing an object from the institution.

conditions (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Special conditions of loan

A statement of conditions on the loan of an object from an institution in addition to those normally laid down.

contact (cs:person 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Borrower's contact

The details of a Person or Organisation designated by the Borrower to be responsible for dealing with the loan on their behalf.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Loan out note

General information about a loan out.

reference (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Loan out reference number

The unique number assigned to the loan of objects to other institutions. The number should also refer to a file containing all written documentation about the loan out.

Complex type: status (0)


date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Loaned object status date

The date on which an Loaned object status was recorded.

keyword (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Loaned object status

The stage in the Loans out procedure which an individual object to be loaned out has reached.

venue (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Venue

The Organisation responsible for the venue where an exhibition is to be held.

Complex type: object-location (0)


access-note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Location access note

Information about the access to a specific Location.

address (cs:address 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Location address

The Address of a Location where it is not to be found on the main site of an institution.

Complex type: condition (0)


date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Location condition note date

The date on which Location condition note was recorded.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Location condition note

Information about the condition of the location, including such as the environmental conditions or state of cleanliness. To record the suitability of an object to a location, use Current location fitness.

Complex type: current (0)


fitness (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Current location fitness

A term describing the extent to which an object's current location is fitted to the object's requirements.

name (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Current location

The place within the institution where an object is currently located.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Current location note

Information about the reason for an object's being at its Current location.

date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Location date

The date an object was place at the Current location.

location-type (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Location type

The nature or category of a Location.

Complex type: movement (0-unbounded)


contact (cs:person 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Movement contact

The name of the member of staff responsible for the object during the move.

method (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Movement method

The method used in the movement of an object.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Movement note

Additional information about the movement of an object or group of objects which has not been recorded elsewhere using controlled terminology.

planned-removal-date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Planned removal date

The date an object is due to be returned from a Current location which is not its Normal location.

reference (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Movement reference number

A unique identifying number for the movement of an object or group of objects. It should serve as the reference to written documentation of a movement.

removal-date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Removal date

The date an object is actually removed from a Current location.

return-date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Return date

The date an object is due to be returned to or collected by the Current owner or Depositor.

Complex type: shipment (0-unbounded)


contact (cs:person 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Shipper's contact

The name of the Person assigned responsibility for a despatch by an approved Shipper.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Shipping note

Additional information about shipping an object.

packing-recommendations (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Packing recommendations

Specific recommendations for packing an object in addition to the measures which would normally be taken for that type of object.

Complex type: shipper (0)

SPECTRUM unit: Shipper

The name of the Person or Organisation assigned responsibility for removing object(s) from the institution's premises.

normal (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Normal location

The place within the institution where an object is normally located.

security-note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Location security note

Information about the security of a specific Location.

Complex type: ownership (0)


access (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Ownership access

Information about the access to an object before title was transferred to the institution.

category (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Ownership category

A term defining the type of ownership existing for an object before title was transferred to the institution.

Complex type: current-ownership (0-unbounded)


acquisition-method (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Ownership exchange method

The means by which title to an object was transferred to the Current owner.

acquisition-note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Ownership exchange note

Additional information about the Ownership exchange which has not been recorded elsewhere using controlled terminology.

acquisition-price (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Ownership exchange price

The total price paid for an object at when the title passed to the Current owner, including taxes for which the transfer is liable.

Complex type: current-owner (0)

SPECTRUM unit: Current owner

Details of the owner of a loaned or temporarily deposited object, or other object in the museums custody which does not belong to the institution.

dates (cs:date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Ownership dates

The dates when a Person or Organisation acquired the title to an object.

place (cs:place 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Ownership place

The place where an object was owned before title was transferred to the Current owner.

Complex type: previous-ownership (0-unbounded)


acquisition-method (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Ownership exchange method

The means by which title to an object was transferred to a Previous owner.

acquisition-note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Ownership exchange note

Additional information about acquisition of an object by a Previous owner, which has not been recorded elsewhere using controlled terminology.

acquisition-price (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Ownership exchange price

The total price paid for an object when the title passed to a Previous owner, including taxes for which the transfer was liable.

begin-date (cs:date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Ownership begin date

The date when a Previous owner acquired the title to an object.

end-date (cs:date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Ownership enddate

The date when a Previous owner ceased to own the title to an object.

Complex type: previous-owner (0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Owner

Details of a People , Person or Organisation who previously owned the object.

place (cs:place 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Ownership place

The place where an object was owned before title was transferred to the Current owner.

Complex type: procedure (0-unbounded)


Complex type: authorisation (0)


authoriser (cs:person)

SPECTRUM unit: Authoriser

The name of the person giving final approval for a procedure to take place

date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Authorisation date

The date on which an authoriser gives final approval for a procedure to take place.

Complex type: cost (0-unbounded)


note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Cost note

Additional information about the cost of a procedure.

value (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Cost

The amount paid in the course of a procedure

date-begun (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Procedure date begun

The date on which a procedure is begun.

date-ended (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Procedure date ended

The date on which a procedure ended.

Complex type: manager (0)

SPECTRUM unit: Procedure manager

The Person or Organisation responsible for carrying out a procedure.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Procedure note

Additional information about procedure which has not been recorded elsewhere using controlled terminology.

Complex type: process (-unbounded)


date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Process date

The date on which a process is completed.

method (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Process method

The method used to carry out the process on an object.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Process note

Additional information about the process of the object which has not been recorded elsewhere using controlled terminology.

Complex type: processor (0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Process person/organisation

The Person or Organisation responsible for carrying out a process on an object.

reference (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Process reference number

A unique identifying number for the process carried out on an object or group of objects. It should serve as the reference to written documentation of a process.

reason (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Reason

The reason for the procedure taking place.

Complex type: request (0-unbounded)


date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Request date

The date on which a requester makes a request for a procedure to occur.

deadline (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Requested action date

The date on which a requester wishes for a procedure to occur.

details (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Request

Details provided by the Person or Organisation making a request for a procedure or process to occur.

Complex type: requester (0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Requester

The name of the Person or Organisation making a request for a procedure to occur.

Complex type: scheduling (0)


begin (cs:exact-date)

SPECTRUM unit: Scheduled begin date

The date on which a procedure is scheduled to begin.

end (cs:exact-date)

SPECTRUM unit: Scheduled end date

The date on which a procedure is scheduled to end.

Complex type: status (0-unbounded)


date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Status date

The date on which the status of a procedure was recorded.

keyword (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Status

The stage in the procedure which an individual object has reached.

review-date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Status review date

The date on which the status of a procedure will next be reviewed.

title (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Procedure title

The name assigned to a procedure or project carried.

Complex type: production (0-unbounded)


date (cs:date 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Object production date

The date when a stage in the design, creation or manufacture of the object took place.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Object production note

Additional information about the object's production

organisation (cs:organisation 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Object production organisation

An Organisation involved in the design, creation or manufacture of the object.

people (cs:people 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Object production people

A People involved in the design, creation or manufacture of an object.

person (cs:person 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Object production person

A Person involved in the design, creation or manufacture of an object.

place (cs:place 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Object production place

A Place where a stage in the design, creation or manufacture of the object took place.

reason (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Object production reason

The reason why an object was produced.

type (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Object production type

The type of production or the stage in the production process which is being described.

style (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Style

Styles or schools relating to the object.

Complex type: reference (0-unbounded)


association (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Reference association

A single term describing the nature of the relationship between the Reference and the object.

details (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Reference

Details of a bibliographic or other reference to the object. The reference can be in any media e.g. published, unpublished, audio, video, computer record

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Reference note

Details of the specific nature of the relevance of the Reference to the object, including an abstract if required.

number (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Reference number

A number uniquely identifying a Reference.

type (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Reference type

A term describing the nature of the Reference.

Complex type: reproduction (0-unbounded)


date (cs:date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Reproduction date

The date on which reproduction is completed.

description (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Reproduction description

A description of the appearance of the object in the reproduction.

dimensions (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Reproduction dimensions

The dimensions of the reproduction.

location (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Reproduction location

The location of reproductions (such as photos, replicas) of an object.

material (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Reproduction material

The basic materials and media from which the Reproduction is constructed.

method (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Reproduction method

The method used to reproduce an object.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Reproduction note

Additional information about the reproduction of the object which has not been recorded elsewhere using controlled terminology.

number (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Reproduction number

A unique number to identify the reproduction of an object.

reference (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Reproduction reference number

A unique identifying number for the reproduction of an object or group of objects. It should serve as the reference to written documentation of a reproduction.

Complex type: reproducer (0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Reproducer

The Person or Organisation responsible for the reproduction of an object for collections management purposes.

type (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Reproduction type

The medium of the reproduction.

Complex type: rights (0-unbounded)


confidentiality (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Confidentiality note

Restrictions agreed on the publication of details of an object, personnel, site location or other details associated with the object or archive.

credit-line (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Credit line

Text acknowledging a donation or loan, normally used on an display label.

Complex type: licence (0-unbounded)


Complex type: held (0)


begin (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Legal/licence requirements held begin date

The first date on which a licence or certificate held by the museum is current.

details (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Legal/licence requirements held

Details of any licences or certificates held (other than copyright or other rights of use or performance) which applies to the object while in the institution's custody, whether acquired or not.

end (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Legal/licence requirements held end date

The last date on which a licence or certificate held by the museum is current.

number (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Legal/licence requirements held number

The unique number stated on the licence or certificate held by the museum

renewal (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Legal/licence requirements held renewal date

The date when a licence or certificate held by the museum is due for renewal. Use this unit where the renewal is to be applied for in advance of the Legal/licence requirements held end date).

requirements (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Legal/licence requirements

Details of any legislation (other than copyright or other rights of use or performance) which applies to the object while in the institution's custody, whether acquired or not.

Complex type: reproduction-rights (0-unbounded)


Complex type: authorisation (0-unbounded)


authoriser (cs:person)

SPECTRUM unit: Reproduction/performance rights authoriser

The name of a member of staff giving final approval for a reproduction or performance to proceed.

date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Reproduction/performance rights authorisation date

The date on which the Reproduction/performance rights authoriser gives final approval for a reproduction or performance to proceed.

begindate (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Reproduction/performance rights begin date

The first date on which a copyright or performance right is current.

Complex type: consent (0-unbounded)


date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Reproduction/performance rights consent status date

The date on which an Reproduction/performance rights consent status was recorded.

status (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Reproduction/performance rights consent status

The status of the process of applying for permission to reproduce an item or perform a work. The reproduction or performance rights may be held by another Person or Organisation .

enddate (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Reproduction/performance rights end date

The last date on which a copyright or performance right is current.

Complex type: holder (0)

SPECTRUM unit: Reproduction/performance rights holder

The owner of copyright or other rights relating to the use or reproduction of the object.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Reproduction/performance rights note

Details of the copyright or performance rights of an object and any restrictions on the use of an object or of an image or of the reproduction or public playing of the object.

reference (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Reproduction/performance rights reference number

A unique number identifying a request for the reproduction or performance rights of an object. The number should also identify written documentation relating to the photography event.

Complex type: request (0-unbounded)


date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Reproduction/performance rights request date

The date on which the Reproduction/performance rights requester makes a request for reproduction or performance rights of an object.

details (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Reproduction/performance rights request

Details provided by the Person or Organisation making a request for reproduction or performance rights of an object.

Complex type: requester (0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Reproduction/performance rights requester

The name of the Person or Organisation requesting the reproduction or performance rights of an object.

type (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Reproduction/performance rights type

The specific type of right being recorded in relation to an object, document, photograph or work of art.

Complex type: risk-management (0)


Complex type: hazard (0-unbounded)


date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Hazard date

The date on which a Hazard was identified.

keyword (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Hazard

Details of potential hazards to people or other objects that the handling and storing of the object can present.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Hazards note

Details of potential hazards to people or other objects that the handling and storing of the object can present which are not recorded using controlled terminology in Hazard.

Complex type: salvage-priority (0)


code (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Salvage priority code

A record of the salvage priority assigned to an object or group of objects.

date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Salvage priority code date

The date on which a Salvage priority code was recorded.

Complex type: usage (0-unbounded)


Complex type: display-status (0)


date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Object display status date

The date on which an Object display status was recorded.

keyword (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Object display status

The stage in the USE OF COLLECTIONS procedure which an individual object to be displayed, has reached.

keyword (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Usage

A single term describing the use of a particular kind of object.

Complex type: label (0-unbounded)


date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Label text date

The date that a Label text used for an exhibition or display label or a handlist or catalogue was produced.

text (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Label / raisonné text

The text used for an exhibition or display label or a handlist or catalogue.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Usage note

The use of a kind of object by the original or subsequent owners. For the use of specific objects, use Object history note.

Complex type: recommendations (0)


display (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Display recommendations

Specific recommendations for the display of an object in addition to the measures which would normally be taken for that type of object.

environmental (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Environmental recommendations

Specific recommendations for the environment in which an object is to be displayed or stored in addition to the measures which would normally be taken for that type of object.

handling (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Handling recommendations

Specific recommendations for handling an object in addition to the measures which would normally be taken for that type of object.

security (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Security recommendations

Specific recommendations for the security of an object in addition to the measures which would normally be taken for that type of object.

storage-requirements (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Storage requirements

Specific recommendations for the storage of an object in addition to the measures which would normally be taken for that type of object.

Complex type: research (0-unbounded)


date (cs:exact-date 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Research/use of object date

The date an object is researched or used.

method (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Research/use of object method

The way in which an object is researched or used.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Research/use of object note

Additional information about the research or use of the object which has not been recorded elsewhere using controlled terminology. This could include an object's operations log.

provisos (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Research/use of object provisos

Restrictions applying to the research or use of an object.

reference (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Research/use of object reference number

The unique number assigned to the research or use of an object or group of objects. The number should also refer to a file containing all written documentation about the disposal.

Complex type: researcher (0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Researcher/user

The Person or Organisation researching or using an object or group of objects.

result (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Research/use of object result

Information about the outcome of the research or use of object(s).

Complex type: valuation (0-unbounded)


date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Object valuation date

The date the valuation of an object is assigned.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Object valuation note

Additional information about the valuation of an object or group of objects.

reference (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Valuation reference number

A unique identifying number for the valuation of an object or group of objects. It should serve as the reference to written documentation of a valuation.

renewal-date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Object valuation renewal date

The date the valuation should be re-assessed.

type (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Object valuation type

The type of valuation carried out on an object or group of objects.

value (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Object valuation

The current worth of an object as assigned by a Valuer.

Complex type: valuer (0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Valuer

The Person or Organisation responsible for valuing an object on behalf of the institution.

Complex type: organisation


address (cs:address 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Organisation's address

The Address where an Organisation can be contacted.

contact (cs:person 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Organisation's contact name

The representative of an Organisation who is normally liaised with.

group (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Organisation's group

The social, socio professional, ethnic, or culture group to which the Organisation belongs.

history (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Organisation's history

Information about the history of the Organisation .

mda-code (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Organisation's MDA code

The MDA-assigned code uniquely identifying an Organisation .

name (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Organisation's main body

The name of an Organisation .

name-additions (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Organisation's additions to name

Additional information about the identity of an Organisation .

reference (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Organisation's reference number

A code identifying an Organisation associated with an object.

sub-body (cs:organisation 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Organisation's sub-body

The name of the sub-body of an Organisation .

Complex type: people


culture (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: People's culture

An identifiable type of civilisation.

group (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: People's group

An identifiable community or division of a nation of People .

linguistic-group (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: People's linguistic group

A broad grouping of People identifiable by common linguistic roots.

Complex type: person


address (cs:address 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Person's address

The Address where a Person can be contacted.

biographical-note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Person's biographical note

Information about the personal history of a Person .

Complex type: birth (0)


date (cs:date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Person's birth date

The date on which a Person was born.

place (cs:place 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Person's place of birth

The Place where a Person was born.

Complex type: death (0)


date (cs:date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Person's death date

The date on which a Person died.

place (cs:place 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Person's place of death

The Place where a Person died.

gender (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Person's gender

The sex of a Person .

group (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Person's group

The group (social, ethnic, cultural) to which a Person belongs or which he/she identifies him/herself.

Complex type: name ()


additions (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Person's additions to name

Terms of honour used when the Person is referred to in relation to their position or work.

forename (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Person's forenames

A Person 's given name.

initials (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Person's initials

The initial letters of the Person's forenames.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Person's name notes

A note primarily for documentation purposes to explain why the particular form of name was chosen; notes to distinguish this Person from others with the same name.

surname (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Person's surname

A Person 's family name.

nationality (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Person's nationality

A Person 's official current nationality.

occupation (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Person's occupation

The occupation or employment of a Person .

person-title (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Person's title

The form of address used by a Person .

reference (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Person's reference number

A code identifying a Person associated with an object.

salutation (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Person's salutation

The form of greeting used in correspondence.

school-style (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Person's school/style

The primary styles in which the Person worked.

Complex type: place


Complex type: coordinates (0-unbounded)


qualifier (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Place coordinate qualifier

The measurement of statistical deviation given for a place coordinate.

type (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Place coordinate type

The locating system used to describe the coordinates of a Place .

value (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Place coordinates

The precise location of a place expressed according to a chosen system.

environmental-details (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Place environmental details

Environmental information relevant to the object, such as details about preservation conditions of the surrounding matrix.

Complex type: feature (0-unbounded)


date (cs:date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Place - feature date

The date of the Place feature.

keyword (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Place - feature

The name by which a feature associated with the object is normally known.

system (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Place - feature type system

The classification system from which the Place feature type is taken.

type (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Place - feature type

The nature or category of Place - feature recorded.

name (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Place name

The name or title by which the Place is normally known.

name-type (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Place name type

The nature or category of Place recorded.

note (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Place note

Additional information about Place which has not been recorded elsewhere using controlled terminology.

Complex type: owner (0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Place owner

The name of the owner of a Place associated with an object.


organisation (cs:organisation)

people (cs:people)

person (cs:person)

Complex type: reference (0)


number (xsd:string)

SPECTRUM unit: Place reference number

A code describing a Place associated with an object, excavation or specimen.

type (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Place reference number type

The nature of category of Place reference number recorded.

status (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Place status

A formal administrative or scientific status assigned to a place.

Complex type: metadata


Complex type: amendment-history (0)


Complex type: change (-unbounded)


authoriser (cs:person 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Amendment history authoriser

The name of the Person giving final approval for a piece of information being added to a record.

scheme-used (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Unit of information scheme

Information recording the classification system, thesaurus or termlist from which a recorded term is taken

Complex type: source (0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Information source

The People , Person or Organisation providing information recorded.

source-date (cs:date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Information source date

The date information is supplied to be added to the record.

unit-added (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Unit of information added

The name of the unit of information added to the record or updated.

date (cs:exact-date 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Recording date

The date information is added to the record.

progress (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Recording progress

A description of the state of development of information about an object.

recorder (cs:person 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Recorder

The Person recording the information.

type (xsd:string 0)

SPECTRUM unit: Record type

Describes the level of description which the record contains.

usage (xsd:string 0-unbounded)

SPECTRUM unit: Information usage

Information on the use made of the record and associated resources

Complex type: interchange ()


Complex type: record (0-unbounded)


Complex type: data (0)

metadata (cs:metadata)