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Registration of CADUI'2002 attendees Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, Site du Mont Houy, Institut des Sciences et Techniques, Bâtiment ISTV 2 (also called Extension ISTV, cf. 21 on site map) |
Opening plenary by P. Level, President of Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis | ||
Introduction to the CADUI’2002 conference and some history Ch. Kolski, Conference Chair |
Invited Talk 1 | Chair: Ch. Kolski, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, France | |
Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces by Example
H. Lieberman, MIT Media Lab, USA |
Coffee & Refreshments | ||
Paper session 1 | Specification of User Interfaces Chair: C. Machgeels, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium |
From Formal Specifications to Secure Implementations
F. Jambon, LISI/ENSMA, France |
Just-UI : A User Interface Specification Model
P.J. Molina, S. Melia, CARE Technologies, Spain, and O. Pastor, Valencia University of Technology, Spain |
DTS-Edit : an Interactive Development Environment for Structured
Dialog Applications F. Depaulis, S. Maiano, and G. Texier, LISI/ENSMA, France |
Lunch | ||
Paper session 2 | Task Scenarios: Elicitation and Derivation Chair: O. Pastor, Valencia University of Technology, Spain |
Automatically Eliciting Task Models from Written Task Narratives M. Brasser, University of Southern California, USA and K. Vander Linden, Calvin College, USA |
From Usage Scenarios to User Interface Elements in a Few
Steps H. Kaindl and R. Jezek, Siemens AG, Austria |
Exploring Design Heuristics for User Interface Derivation
from Task and Domain Models C. Pribeanu, National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics, Romania J. Vanderdonckt, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium |
15:00 pm - 15:30 pm | Coffee & Refreshments | |
Paper session 3 | Model-Based Approaches Chair: G. Szwillus, University of Paderborn, Germany |
15:30 pm - 16:00 pm | A User Modeling Design Tool Based on
a Cognitive Architecture for Comparing Interfaces F.E. Ritter, D. Van Rooy, The Pennsylvania State University, USA and R. St. Amant, North Carolina State University, USA |
16:00 pm - 16:30 pm | A Model-Guided and Task-Based Approach
to User Interface Design Centered in a Unified Interaction and Architectural
Model C.V. Serey Guerrero and B. Lula Jr., Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil |
16:30 pm - 17:00 pm | Using User Interface Models in Design
H. Trætteberg, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway |
18:00 pm | Cocktail organised by the City of Valenciennes in the Museum |
Thursday May 16, 2002 (Bâtiment ISTV 2, Amphithéâtre 175E)
Invited Talk 2 | Chair: J. Vanderdonckt, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium |
Fondations for a theory of
contextors J. Coutaz, CLIPS-IMAG, France |
Coffee & Refreshments | |
Paper session 4 | User Interfaces for Multiple Contexts
of Use Chair: Bertrand David, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France |
One Model, Many Interfaces
F. Paternò and C. Santoro, CNUCE-CNR, Italy |
Combining Handcrafting and
Automatic Generation of User-Interfaces for Pervasive Devices
L.D. Bergman, G. Banavar, D. Soroker, J. Sussman, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA |
Concepts for Generating Multi-User
Interfaces Including Graphical Editors A. Brandl, Technische Universität München, Germany |
Lunch | |
Paper session 5 | Domain-Oriented Model-Based
Approaches Chair: E. Schlungbaum, Consultation and Software Development-Rostock, Germany |
DIGBE : Online Model-Based Design Automation
R. Penner and E. Steinmetz, Iterativity Inc., USA |
Meeting Activity Theory through
Task-Based and User-Oriented Development of User Interfaces Ch. Stary, University of Linz, Austria |
Model-Based Interactive Prototyping
of Highly Interactive Applications D. Navarre, Ph. Palanque, and R. Bastide, Université Toulouse I, France |
Coffee & Refreshments | |
Paper session 6 | Innovative Model-Based Approaches Chair: M.D. Lozano Pérez, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain |
15:30 pm - 16:00 pm | Modeling Style of Work as an Aid to
the Design and Evaluation of Interactive Systems J. Wu, T.C.N. Graham, K. Everitt, D. Blostein, and E. Lank, Queen's University, Canada |
16:00 pm - 16:30 pm | An Online Multimedia System for Learning to Design User
Interfaces E. Furtado, V. Furtado, K. Sousa, and A. Belchior, University of Fortaleza, Brazil |
16:30 pm - 17:00 pm | UML and Interactive Systems, Another
Step Forward J.-R. Ruault, Consultant, France |
17:00 pm - 17:30 pm | Coffee & Refreshments |
Paper session 7 | UIML- and XML-Based User Interfaces Chair: Angel Puerta, RedWhale Software Corp., USA |
17:30 pm - 18:00 pm | Building Multi-Platform User Interfaces with UIML M.F. Ali, M.A. Pérez-Quiñones, Virginia Tech, USA, M. Abrams, Harmonia, USA, and E. Shell, Virginia Tech, USA |
18:00 pm - 18:30 pm | Development of an UIML Renderer for Different
Target Languages C. Binnig and A. Schmidt, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany |
18:30 pm - 19:00 pm | Generic Interface Descriptions using XML K. Richter, ZGDV, Germany |
20:00 pm | Gala dinner |
Invited Talk 3 | Chair: P. Forbrig, University of Rostock, Germany |
WSXL: A Web Services Language
for Integrating End-User Experience Ch. Wiecha, IBM Thomas Watson Research Center, USA |
Coffee & Refreshments | |
Paper session 8 | User Interface Migration: Forward and
Backward Chair: P. Palanque, Université Toulouse I, France |
Specifying User Interfaces
for Runtime Modal Independent Migration K. Luyten, T. Van Laerhoven, K. Coninx, and F. Van Reeth, Limburgs University, Belgium |
Reverse Engineering Interaction
Plans for Legacy Interface Migration E. Stroulia and R.V. Kapoor, University of Alberta, Canada |
Recovering Alternative Presentation
Models of a Web Page with VAQUITA L. Bouillon, J. Vanderdonckt, and N. Souchon, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium |
Lunch | |
Paper session 9 | Usability Engineering and
the Web Chair: D. Scapin, INRIA Rocquencourt, France |
Evidence-Based Usability Engineering
E. Metzker, Daimler-Chrysler-Benz, H. Reiterer, University of Konstanz, Germany |
A Framework and a Language
for Usability Automatic Evaluation of Web Sites by Static Analysis
of HTML Source Code A. Beirekdar, Fac. Univ. Notre-Dame de la Paix & Université catholique de Louvain, J. Vanderdonckt, Université catholique de Louvain, M. Noirhomme-Fraiture, Fac. Univ. Notre-Dame de la Paix, Belgium |
First Steps Towards Task-Related
Web User Interfaces B. Bomsdorf, University of Hagen, Germany |
The XIML Forum Chair: Angel Puerta, RedWhale Software Corp., USA |
15:00 pm - 15:20 pm | Coffe and Refreshments |
15:20 pm - 15:40 pm | Presentation: Introduction to the XIML Forum |
15:40 pm - 16:00 pm | Social: Meet the Forum Representatives |
Paper session 10 | Agent-Based User Interfaces
Chair: R. St. Amant, North Carolina State University, USA |
16:00 pm - 16:30 pm | Cooperative Agents Design in a Technological
Watch Context L. Jonnequin, E. Adam, Ch. Kolski, and R. Mandiau, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, France |
16:30 pm - 17:00 pm | A Multi-Agent Approach to Cooperative
Work J.C. Routier and P. Mathieu, Université des Sciences & Technologies de Lille I, France |
17:00 pm - 17:30 pm | Agent Oriented Specification of Interactive
Systems: Basic Principles and Industrial Case Study F. Cartegnie, H. Ezzedine, and Ch. Kolski, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, France |
17:30 pm | Closing Plenary and announcement of the
CADUI future edition: Ch. Kolski, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, France & J. Vanderdonckt, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium |